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Search results

  1. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What's on your mind right now?

    When to call this guy I met online....I haven't dated in 2.5 years and I just met him two days ago and already he wants me to call... I am not usually interested in "talking" with people until a few WEEKS into getting to know them (via other means like text, IM, email, etc), but I'm trying...
  2. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    Thanks for visiting the thread!
  3. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    Melllvar I think that would greatly depend on your hair texture whether dreads are a simple hair style to manage or a lot of work. For me, it didn't take much once they "locked" (became irreversibly knotted), I don't have natural hair that can be manageable with no form of processing--mine just...
  4. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    1. I started my locks at a beauty salon in my neighborhood which I initially thought were started too small (or thin) but they sort of gained some girth over time. By the 3rd or 4th grooming appointment, I had the technique down pat and saved the $90 every month I had to spend there. I took care...
  5. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    I also should mention my mother was born in 1950, in Jamaica which, in terms of progressiveness, had to have been 2 decades behind America to a degree, only being made independent in that same time. PLUS she's ISFJ! Tradition is in her backbone...So she really had to adjust to my choices.
  6. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Facial Hair

    I go through phases of curiosity in different areas. Sometimes it's musically, sometimes in fashion. I am more than willing to date "within my cultural congruency", but I feel like I'm limiting myself. It's not a challenge to date someone who looks or was raised just like you. I like attracting...
  7. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    The simple answer is I'm lazy and defiant. I don't enjoy getting my hair done or relaxing my hair (straightening). It is nice once in a while but in the between time, it was hard to deal with and time-consuming. I always liked dreads and their low maintenance. Once I figured out how to maintain...
  8. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    Yes, they did seem to signify a negative quality in earlier years of their inception (dreads, not my dreads in particular). This is where my own mother's disdain with dreads comes from. When I graduated High School, I did not have any inclination to continue straightening my hair the way my...
  9. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    Oh! No not at all. Just feels like hair... but I've had these for about 12 years now so I don't remember what "regular" hair feels like against my head, I suppose... I don't even notice they're there unless I have them pony-tailed high atop my head or if they're soaking wet, which makes them...
  10. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    Well because the emphasis was not about my dreads in particular--even though I can only answer questions regarding how I treat my own--it was just about dreads in general. ....also I can't figure out how to attach pics to my posts... why do I need a URL??
  11. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Facial Hair

    Well since living in Florida, I don't think running into an aboriginal Australian is very likely, I will simplify by stating I tend to date outside of my cultural congruency. Is that better?
  12. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    1. My dreads, I wash every other week. In terms of African American hair, this is consistent with normal washing (some wash more often). Any more frequent and the "natural oils" will strip my hair and make it dry and brittle. Once it's washed I wrap it in a towel to suck any excess moisture out...
  13. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    Even more interesting.... I have only seen them in passing...you'd think I had at least one friend with dreads... smh
  14. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    How would you describe your ultimate dream house?

    You guys are funny-- My dream house would be one for which the mortgage has already been paid and the lawn and landscape is maintained by George Lopez and Carlos Mencia. :twisteddevil:I know I'm going to hell:twisteddevil:
  15. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What books have influenced your world view?

    Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics!
  16. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    Thanks to a previous thread regarding Facial Hair, I decided to 1-up that thread and start this one! lol I have dreads--a rather mysterious and misunderstood trademark hairstyle of the Carribbean region--that I thought, amongst what I would consider my random semi-like-minded peers, maybe I...
  17. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Facial Hair

    Well it's not facial hair, but I have dreads....and for a girl, it's considered rather "radical" still.... I'm black, so having dreads isn't that odd, but the fact that I'm of Jamaican descent and my mother HATES them is rather ironic. :D I get very mixed reactions about my hair, but I really...
  18. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably


    Psychology and its variables are barely science, LBH. It too is sort of a foundation built from what others interpret as the current truth (long ago wild kids were just thought of as kids--now they are diagnose-able). These studies do, as you say, seem to change more than you change your...
  19. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    It's Useless

    Peace talks with Israel and other countries are not useless because it gives the republicans something to argue about Obama not doing right. :aufsmaul: braille on drive up ATMs is useless
  20. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Types you attract romantically/sexually?

    I haven't taken the time to study any other Types other than myself and my friend (whom I would never date if she was a dude--she's an ISFP), but I SEEM to attract IS- or INFP's even though I would prefer to be with someone like me even though that may only work in theory. I am currently also...
  21. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    It's Useless

    The ticking of clocks is not useless because it adds to the many ways to drive me crazy! :eek: The Food Pyramid is useless
  22. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    It's Useless

    Painful and trivial memories are not useless because they help you better form your own personality and how you react to things thereafter. If you don't burn your hand at least once, you won't know what it feels like to be burned and what to do when it happens.... Reality TV is useless
  23. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    IDK, my perceiving score appears to be 67% while the Thinking score is 88%, so are they saying that my perceiving is "distinct" because that is highly above average (even at 67%?) compared to others' scores in that area or they are saying "distinct" is a step below "very"? Anyhoo, that's just...
  24. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    Thanks AureliaSeverina.... I see now. The first letter combination is the lead process followed by the supporting process. Nice! ...so I guess I'm the Brain Stormer! :cool:
  25. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    you're always there to catch me when i'm falling, tepellian lol Yes, that's what I meant (Like Ne).... I figured that, but I couldn't figure out where my "archetype" fit in... My breakdown is normally moderately expressed introvert, moderately expressed iNtuition, Very Expressed Thinking and...
  26. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    Maybe I need to hang around you guys more, but can someone FURTHER explain (for me) the Big Letter/Small letter combos? Or maybe just refer me t a site... I'm always ready to learn more about myself!
  27. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Calling Classical Musicians/Classical Music Lovers?

    I can't tell you all the names, but certain classical music (or music of that era) really calms me and/or riles me up inside. A few of my favorites are all well known pieces and then there are a few pieces (recently produced) that I love as well... I'll just make a short list: Toccata and Fugue...
  28. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP and Parenting

    I tend to bypass those things as well (the obvious). My son tends to even punish himself in lieu of me having the capacity to follow through with such things. I hate making people feel bad for things that are clearly mistaken or obvious--I bet you INTP's don't say things like "did you gain some...
  29. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    It's Useless

    Trying to abstain from sex is not useless as it helps prevent unwanted pregnancies (aka "miracles") and nasty people's diseases... Keeping marijuana illegal is useless
  30. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Your thoughts on google

    Yeah, I too have become victim to Googlism and worship almost exclusively at its feet, but I have not, however, joined the Google+ Community solely because they ask that you use your real name which I refuse to do. I don't even know why it's necessary to give that kind of information to begin...
  31. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Thanks speiss, I got tired of surfing the net from my iPod this weekend. lol
  32. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Anyhoo still give it a 6/10. Both songs sounded like heavy metal cross between the music they play on the rides @ Kennedy Space Center and Foo Fighters. And you really replaced a 7 minute video with another damn near 7 minute video "for the ADD challenged"? lol...
  33. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Really, Solitaire U. !? after I just sat there and listened to that WHOLE song!!!
  34. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    I don't really like racists' posts... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMw-2mwRT2o hope this works...
  35. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Visual Representation of your Mind

    An ever-changing blueprint that's more like carbon fiber grey and black with 3 dimensional moving patterns and outlines of vaguely created thought processes, ideas, strategies and beliefs. Sometimes they're in color... like the Alphabet... since I was young, the alphabet has always been a...
  36. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Office Space (Movie)

    Yea, we are Jedi!
  37. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Photography Thread

    I guess I don't understand how attaching a picture works...
  38. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Are you creepy/weird?

    IDK if women can be creepy... at least not of my age group. lol But I have ALWAYS been thought of as weird, since I was 5, maybe. (i think I told that story before). I have also been called a jerk. And why not? I don't mind. If it's because, instead of telling you how awesome your hair looks...
  39. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    IQ, intelligence an such

    IQ is like Dress Size.... I have size 12 dresses in my closet that I fit into rather well. I also have some 14's and 16's that I wear without a problem. It just depends on the maker of that dress and where I am in my monthly cycle that determines what size will suit me best that day... I've...
  40. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Thixophobia and the Like...

    EyeSeeCold It could be from the lack of personal space thing...Not that I grew up in a house of 15 people and 3 bedrooms or anything... But even as a child my mother complained I was not affectionate and I wouldn't give her hugs after school like other moms' kids do. I love her, though. No true...
  41. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Thixophobia and the Like...

    No, I have never. During the period of my life when I couldn't determine why I felt so unhappy and "alone" (knew no one like me), I thought, I must repressing some form of homosexual curiosity, but no, I am in no way interested. Not because I tried, but because I couldn't even try....LOL Well...
  42. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTPs' friends types

    I've only gotten 1 friend to do the test and my mom... I imagine my other two friends are E's of some sort... but by good friend is like the introverted opposite of me...kinda :confused: ISFP
  43. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Thixophobia and the Like...

    See! Aren't you glad you joined?! lol
  44. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Do you have intense interests that you can't escape from?

    It's called Geek-dom ;)
  45. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP's and Schizo-ness

    You aren't alone. I sometimes feel like my son loves me WAYYYY too much. But I guess that is what pure and real love is supposed to feel like. I reflect at times when he just comes up to me, just to say, "Mommy I just wanted to tell you that I love you more than anything in the world", And he's...
  46. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Thixophobia and the Like...

    So I hate being touched. IDK why. I was never molested (to my recollection) and I have a son (so clearly touching appealed to me at some point) But why is it that I literally loathe being touched?? I find this to be even truer when it's touching that serves no purpose (I guess that's why sex...
  47. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Share your thoughts

    I have this problem practically every month... Right now I'm hoping my landlord doesn't call me about the rent I haven't paid for this month yet. I think sometimes, I've seen the people who used to live here... I'm WAYYYY better of a tenant than they were... and I ALWAYS pay up what I owe...
  48. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP's and Schizo-ness

    I actually believed I had schizoid personality Disorder initially (probably still do), but I found that the explanation of having INTP typing makes even more sense. I belong to a Psych Forum and found that, even though I shared a lot of similarities to being schizoid, I don't quite understand...
  49. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Hello... My name is Don and I "think" I might be an INTP..

    lol, purposely ignorant...
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