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Search results

  1. Depression: an INT thing?

  2. The Difference: T and F Types and Reacting To Emotions

  3. INTPs in management?

    I haven't had the good fortune of being led by many INTPs, and, the one I have been led by was himself the chair of a department in academia and his department was basically a bunch of aloof, over-autonomous PhDs who, thanks to tenure, wouldn't have listened to anyone anyway. But I digress. I...
  4. Home Repairs (get me down)

    I don't know if this is a Dave thing or an INTP thing. I'm aiming at the older folks (I'm pushing 50) on this forum, and, in particular, those who find coping with "things going wrong," specifically, mechanical things (or electronic things) to be very emotionally off-putting. Here's the...
  5. An 'ought' from an 'is', existential pragmatism ethics

    Whoa. Slow down. "The nature of the universe"? That's a really provocative claim. Who knows the nature of the universe? (I mean, there's a LOT of universe....) I'm not sure about the "thus" in there. Why can't a value-based system of ethics be objective? If you're restricting the domain of...
  6. An 'ought' from an 'is', existential pragmatism ethics

    No. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-moral/
  7. Are you human?

    1. Science doesn't prove things in the way you're suggesting. 2. "very unique" 3. What "pathways" are you talking about? 4. Where are you getting your "seems" from? I'm not comfortable lumping "maths" and "philosophy" and "etc." into one big pile like this. I'm not at all willing to accept your...
  8. "everything is connected"?

    How does one agree (or disagree) with a statement?
  9. The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis

    Sarah Hrdy does a reasonably good job dismissing the hypothesis in her book Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species: Sarah Hrdy: 9780345408938: Amazon.com: Books@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51fzd0aTcnL.@@AMEPARAM@@51fzd0aTcnL.
  10. My most accurate Enneagram test I have taken.

    I'm sure this means something to someone. Many of the questions, like virtually every online test, posed impossibilities for me. "There is nothing more important than fully living in the moment." Really? NOTHING? EVER? "I don't get worked up about most things, even things I should get...
  11. What is genius?

    I included him on the list on purpose. I don't know how many people are in the NBA at any given time, but... Let's say there are a few million people who play basketball, and tens of thousands who play at the college level. In the history of the game, there have been tens of thousands of very...
  12. Happiness, a goal or adjacent feeling

    Roughly three billion human beings live in desperate conditions including no access to drinking water, very unreliable access (at best) to electricity, less than $2 per day in income, and, if they have a home, it has a dirt floor and is unsafe. Given that, I'm thinking there's a relativism here...
  13. What is genius?

    We could try to collectively arrive at a definition by providing examples of genius, and evidence for those examples, and then trying to ascertain the key essences of those examples. Michael Jordan was a basketball genius. Isaac Newton was a math/physics genius. Bach was a musical genius...
  14. Not listing professors' names when signing up for classes.

    It is indeed a problem. Consider what it means that so many instructors are these extremely low-paid workers, and at the same time, a university education is prohibitively expensive and the rate of growth of costs (textbooks, tuition, rooms, etc.) grows faster than inflation. Where is the money...
  15. Not listing professors' names when signing up for classes.

    Roughly 70% of all courses taught at colleges and universities in the United States are taught by what are called "contingent faculty." About half of these are graduate students. The other half are part-time instructors (often called adjunct instructors). Most adjuncts work for schools where...
  16. No idea what I want to do.

    Take advantage of the fact that there are loads of well-educated, reasonably intelligent, reasonably well-to-do folks in your work environment. Get to know some of the folks in the higher tiers (this could be a challenge, given your age and default social skills, but, it's nothing more than a...
  17. Would you be satisfied with a purely menial job?

    If the pay was good or there were decent benefits, then yes. I have quite a few financial obligations, so, the pay/benefits matter more to me than the job itself.
  18. Spirit animal.

    Owl, butterfly, coyote
  19. Face memory test

    You got 56 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 5.5% of other people who take this test. Interesting test.
  20. How to help IxTP friend

    Self-analysis. There are reasons he's 27, a virgin, working at a pizza place, depressed, and doing acid instead of something else. Probably there are survival tools he learned at some point in his life which are no longer the right tools to get on with his circumstances. But, not knowing what...
  21. Between Hope & Acceptance

    Being Present in The Darkness has been published also as The Depression Book The author is Cheri Huber. Page 12:
  22. Solipsism

    I've never met a solipsist I didn't like.
  23. Holden Caulfield in the Catcher in the Rye.

    My own appreciation for the book is similar to Architect's. I worked at a private boarding school for about 15 years, so, I ended up meeting quite a few people who reminded me of some of the folks described in the book. I can't say that I understood Holden perfectly, though I met enough...
  24. Alternative to Natural Selection

    Artificial selection, like what humans have done with dogs. It's certainly within the scope of "what's possible" that some intelligent species somewhere has specifically seeded and then monitored the progress of life elsewhere. Given that possibility, it's also possible that some species...
  25. Am I an INTP?

    So you're fond of both Spock and Darth Vader?
  26. Attempting to understand the criminal mind.

    I assume the causes (and that's a loaded word) are neurological, given the relationship between brain states and physical behavior in humans. Given that, and given that such behaviors tend to be exceptionally outside the normal range of behavior, I would assume that some type of brain injury or...
  27. Quantum Entanglement

    No answers from me, but, here's a good article on the topic. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qt-entangle/
  28. Gifts for an INTP

    I may not be typical of other INTPs in this regard. But, generally, when people give me books or music, they give me books or music that they think I'll like, and they're almost always wrong. For people who really want to give me a book or music, an Amazon gift card is a much better gift. I get...
  29. How do you define "Truth"?

    Back in the early 90s, I had a student in one of my classes (Foundation of the Modern Worldview, I think), raise his hand. He sat in the back, only occasionally spoke (and it was usually insightful), and had been listening to others argue for a couple of minutes. I called on him. He asked, in...
  30. How are you holding up during finals week?

    Each school has its own policies. Generally, about 75% of all courses at universities in the United States are taught by what are called "contingent faculty" (of which I am one). Contingent faculty earn maybe 15% of what professors earn. Since the 1970s, the number of tenured positions has...
  31. Timed writing tests

    First: the enemy of completion is perfection. Second: if it's so damned easy to get a disability pass, then get one and stop complaining that others have an unfair advantage.
  32. How are you holding up during finals week?

    This semester, at the public university: Race & Gender Issues Biomedical Ethics Professional Ethics At the private university: College Algebra Applications in Mathematics Macroeconomics Managerial Finance
  33. How are you holding up during finals week?

    I have printed all the finals for two of my classes at one university, and I have created the finals for the two classes at the other university. My stress comes after the exams, when I have to grade them (and rely on my graduate student teaching assistants to get their grading done before...
  34. Turning off the Ti to get things done?

    I have had this problem in the past. About 25 years ago, it went away for me because I had kids and my motivation to feed them trumped my lack of motivation to do stuff I didn't like to do. But, yeah, I had to turn off portions of my brain (as it were) to do that. Overall, it's been a...
  35. University is just too fucking hard

    Yes. This.
  36. Do you act like a steryotypical INTP?

    No. I don't. Generally, people who don't really know me have no idea that I'm not an extrovert. The INTP is remarkably adaptable, but, true adaptability requires immersion. So, at my day jobs, I've developed the ability to engage in hours of pointless small talk. I can be touchy-feely. I'm fine...
  37. I simply do not believe

    I don't either. I believe in free will. This does remind me of lyrics from one of Dar Williams' songs.
  38. Tips and tricks for absorbing concepts in math?

    My advice is to fix these problems first. "Complete turmoil" isn't going to permit you to get other things done.
  39. What do think is your greatest flaw?

    Naïveté. I tend to be overly charitable in my assumptions about others' motivations. It's burned me rather terribly in the past. Despite this, I haven't turned into a hateful despiser of others and continue to just be vulnerable.
  40. Define "human"

    Featherless bipeds with an S-shaped spine that happened to have domesticated fire and discovered radio waves.
  41. Massive Online Open Course (MOOC)

    Whenever I teach rudimentary-level college math courses (which is just about all the time these days), I send my students to the Khan Academy website and encourage them to spend as much time there as they can. There is some good stuff there; I've learned a few things myself from some of the...
  42. Why can't I stop crying?

    I'm just going to step out on the limb here and point out that, if someone is going to join a forum and post just one thing, that's a pretty strange thing to post. I mean, either it's a cry for help (if so, go get help), or it's a cry for attention (if so, go away), or it's just plain screwed...
  43. Ebola outbreak

    Summary This week’s MMWR, Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic—Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014–2015, estimates the future number of cases if current trends continue. The MMWR also adjusts the number of cases based on estimated underreported cases. By September 30, 2014...
  44. Ebola outbreak

    Very current update: Case Counts* *Case counts updated in conjunction with the World Health Organization updates and are based on information reported by the Ministries of Health. Total Cases As of September 21, 2014 (Updated September 25, 2014) Total Case Count: 6263 Total...
  45. Deception

    Deception is necessary while playing poker.
  46. No REAL friends in High School

    Sometimes. Yes. Yes. It all takes time.
  47. BA, Biochemistry and beyond

    I'm not entirely sure what, specifically, you want to hear. Here are some pretty boring and predictable responses to what you communicated. Stay in school. Finish your degree. Go to graduate school unless you get a job offer immediately.
  48. Mathematics

    Graduate school course in mathematical logic. I found poor teachers to be the greatest obstacle. As far as the math itself, I found several topics challenging. I do keep at it, when I find the time. Though I've been self-taught for 20+ years now. Compassion and kindness are better than quite a...
  49. Philosophy Major

    I have a graduate degree in philosophy and I teach courses in the philosophy department at a large university. I don't know quite how to answer the "what as your experience in college" kind of question other than with, "it was my experience."
  50. Astral Projection

    My first reaction is skepticism that the experience matches with external events. My second reaction is that I'd want to test the experience so that I could determine the degree to which the experience is an internal one. Without extraordinary evidence, I put astral projection and speaking to...
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