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Search results

  1. eagor

    Hi, my name is Ben and I am a fairly recently self discovered INTP

    shit we need John Conner...anyone named John Conner?
  2. eagor

    secret world

    sorry to go off topic but snafu why aren't you black and white beard majesty? i thought your avatar was perfect, now your a cry baby? i don't get it
  3. eagor

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    8/10 i liked it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Duz4H8_LWw4
  4. eagor

    Creative Outlet

    i can empathize (strangely enough) but i learned long ago being creative isn't always tangible so if ever need an outlet i do something like examine my life and change one aspect, and simulate my life in my head . or you could think of a landscape you really like and change it in little subtle...
  5. eagor

    Mind Control-- Illuminati style, is anyone here familiar?

    yeah but it's still an interesting read so far, just as long as you keep it in the context of "probably fiction"
  6. eagor

    Characterizing introversion

    i actually can't handle large crowds normally so i put on a facade to keep people away from me (stereotypical angry guy) though that may just be a mental disorder instead of just being an introvert.
  7. eagor

    What is your IQ?

    did the given test, i suspect it's wrong but whatever i scored in the 120-129 range...
  8. eagor

    Legend of Korra

    is it just me or did the season finale leave you feeling uneasy?
  9. eagor

    Thief rant.

    here you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6huKjJG2V_o&feature=related
  10. eagor

    You know how attractive you are?

    interestingly enough the universal attractive feature is symmetry
  11. eagor

    Favourite pokemon?

    i agree crobat does kick ass but wild zubats suck all sorts of balls
  12. eagor

    Favourite pokemon?

    its so true
  13. eagor

    Favourite pokemon?

    #1 kabutops #2 mewtwo #3 tyranitar (i name mine reptar) #4 charizard #5 omastar (looks like cthulu) at the bottom of the list is zubat and here is why
  14. eagor

    Am I Too Old for this??

    im a senile old man in training if that helps your search?:confused:
  15. eagor

    kotor 2 on the pc

    the content that was cut out is the whole reason im doing this actually, i have both games on the x box so i can still play them but i would really like t be able to see the stuff that was cut out and do a little light modding, thanks for the input though i'll keep trying.
  16. eagor

    kotor 2 on the pc

    recently i wanted to play some of my old video games and i figured what better way to start than with kotor 2? thing is i have it on the pc and it is such a pain in the ass to get it to work. long story short i tried everything and im bringing my problem here in the hopes that someone will take...
  17. eagor

    The most hideous examples of foofy nonsense

    as soon as the music turned on i thought "well that's enough of that" and closed the tab, and the article? yeah i agree fully...it's sad. makes me thank full i have a father who when i turned 16 looked me in the eye and said "son i need a new hobby how does child abuse sound to you?" i...
  18. eagor

    Other people posting your info online

    i agree it's like panting a target on your chest and yelling out for the world to hear "alright people take your best shot" except it isn't voluntary....so, rape?
  19. eagor

    Tyra Banks

    the entire time i watched that i couldn't help but think of my childhood i would sit in front of the play station playing twisted metal two, and when i got to the paris map i always blew up the eiffel tower...ahhh fond memories.
  20. eagor

    Answering questions indirectly?

    i am a bit round about...
  21. eagor

    have balisong need tricks

    neat trick, easy to learn and now i gotta memorize it also very good choice in balisong though im partial to rubberized handles.
  22. eagor

    have balisong need tricks

    pretty self explanatory, i have a balisong (butterfly knife) and i need new tricks to learn, any suggestions? also out of curiosity what sort of balisong do you have? (make, model, company, steel types, etc) this is what i have...
  23. eagor

    If you click on this thread, leave a post!

  24. eagor

    also your picture made me laugh so much

    also your picture made me laugh so much
  25. eagor

    too true but i don't go anymore since i know those people IRL :D

    too true but i don't go anymore since i know those people IRL :D
  26. eagor

    It's an Introduction

    tits or...wait wrong site hi welcome to the forum disregard former statement and put all attention on the letter
  27. eagor

    I'm turning 20 in a week

    too true, and happy birthday to you
  28. eagor

    I'm turning 20 in a week

    mines in a few days too...and im turning twenty...small world
  29. eagor

    Legend of Korra

    i gotta say i like the fact that toph's (toff?) daughter is such an icy bitch thus far, it really shows the writers are putting in some effort.
  30. eagor

    Have you ever been wrong?

    yes i have been wrong before, namely when i thought i could trust a friend with my car...guess how that ends.
  31. eagor


    not while im around
  32. eagor

    Game of Thrones

    i watched the first episode today, the dwarf is my favorite and will continue to be for the rest of the show.
  33. eagor


    hi welcome to the forum, have a cookie and take a seat on the bottomless chair of initiation :D
  34. eagor

    Staying Up Late

    i stay up late because im an insomniac...but yes i see your point the night time is indeed the right time, that's why i work the graveyard shift.
  35. eagor

    You know how attractive you are?

    by human standards of course, although in shark standards id probably be the equivalent to a mcdonalds cheese burger. fatty, badly put together, generally unappealing and not very tasty
  36. eagor

    A ate introduction

    wish i got here before you made that correction so i could make a joke...
  37. eagor

    You know how attractive you are?

    i chose b...
  38. eagor


    leaving so soon?
  39. eagor

    What are you all reading?

    i am currently very interested in star wars books specifically the ones that shed light on the sith. so i am started with the darth bane trilogy and then start on the lost tribe of the sith series, any suggestions would be welcome from my fellow nerds.
  40. eagor


    exorcise is for people who care
  41. eagor


    i've actually made quite a bit of money IRL through breeding, people will do anything for a shiny pokemon and i had a shiny ditto :).
  42. eagor

    Legend of Korra

    agreed lets hope they keep this up instead of turning it into some generic crap
  43. eagor

    Well, Hi there

    hi, welcome, have a cookie
  44. eagor

    twilight why was it so successful?

    first off im glad i wasn't torn to pieces by the community second i couldn't agree more, which raises the question was all this done on purpose? is the author an in the closet literary genius? or was this slop made by pigs to feed other pigs?
  45. eagor

    twilight why was it so successful?

    i have read the twilight series the reason being i was bored and a bit curious as to why it's so popular, and i think i know why. lets take a look at the basic story . very straightforward and trashy plot . no real twists . and a bogus "they liver happily ever after ending" with a story like...
  46. eagor


    ^ im a pipe smoking shark, if that isn't inviting i don't know what is...
  47. eagor

    Last movie you watched

    the lion in winter, if you think your family is dysfunctional i suggest you watch this movie.
  48. eagor

    what does the poster above look like

    like l...IN HFUCKINGD!!!
  49. eagor


    hi newcomer...a word of advice don't take the cookies, bad things happen when you take the cookies.
  50. eagor

    I love when people think I'm "lying" about being mute.

    i would hope bunnies didn't know how to talk
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