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Search results

  1. eagor

    Isn't it awesome to be a guy?

    one of the most intelligent things I've heard all day
  2. eagor


    i have a very bad habit of pulling out my balisong (bad because i live in ny and they are very illegal there) and playing with it,doesn't matter where i am as long as i have a free hand i do it. also the words lotions, ointments and creams make me very nervous, im not bothered when reading them...
  3. eagor


    hi, have a complimentary rice crispy treat.
  4. eagor

    What's on your mind right now?

    im glad my avatar is giving you food for thhought
  5. eagor

    rice crispy treats

    that actually sounds pretty good now i know why you're the duke
  6. eagor

    You know you're an Intp when...

    when a well spent day includes getting up in the morning just to lay down near a tree and spend the rest of the day daydreaming.
  7. eagor

    rice crispy treats

    that is actually pretty funny
  8. eagor

    rice crispy treats

    tonight it occurred to me that you could use cereal other than plain old rice crispies to make the treat they are named after, such as cocoa pebbles or fruity pebbles, then i thought what about cheerios, or you could even melt peanut butter into the marsh mellows. anyway this thread was created...
  9. eagor


    hi; im eagor what exactly is this land of hearts you speak of?
  10. eagor

    Isn't it awesome to be a guy?

    HAHA I AM 100% MAN (according to a test i took on the internet)
  11. eagor

    Is your brain male or female?

    i am 100% man
  12. eagor


    really? what the hell we never learned anything about washington, everything i know about him i learned on my own next person ignore me and answer the above question
  13. eagor

    Letter to a young INTP

    very interesting on a side note i loved the opening joke
  14. eagor

    The Mythical INTJs...

    strangely enough i know 6 intj 4 are some of my closest freinds one is my brother and the last is my father.
  15. eagor


    it's wicker propelled by fire why do we learn so much about Sacajawea but not George Washington?
  16. eagor

    Isn't it awesome to be a guy?

    never thought of it like that, if i had to guess i'd say yeah, it certainly makes the most sense.
  17. eagor

    Does it bother you when people don't like you?

    not really but sometimes it does get to me,
  18. eagor

    What's on your mind right now?

    it is a little ridiculous, i mean it makes the scroll wheel basically useless, which causes us to click on the slide bar like some sort of caveman.
  19. eagor

    D&D talk

    i'm sorry, not for the cancel though for the version, in my opinion 4e was terrible, but like you said you're new so i won't hold it against you' i would suggest however that you try 3e, 3.5 or even AD&D when your done with this campaign, just to see what you prefer.
  20. eagor

    ENTP Intro (video)

    you don't look like iron man... good he's a prick, welcome to the forum
  21. eagor

    what does the poster above look like

    probably a very mousy brunette
  22. eagor

    D&D talk

    true punishment if there is any is usually dealt by other pc's also i would suggest that you be flexible with the rules as the saying goes "these aren't rules more like guidelines" also if you don't mind my asking what version are you all playing?
  23. eagor

    What's on your mind right now?

    wondering which pet project i should do over the weekend 1. start on my flamberge 2. start making my folding dragonav style stock for my sks 3. or finally upgrade my desktop hardware
  24. eagor

    Your thoughts on google

    well never mind then i was gonna suggest the same thing
  25. eagor

    im sorry but i honestly don't know what you're referring to

    im sorry but i honestly don't know what you're referring to
  26. eagor

    What are you all reading?

    at the moment im reading the descent, next im thinking about inheritance by Christopher Paolini, or maybe i can try to read beezelbub's tales to his grandson, the last time i tried my head nearly exploded.
  27. eagor

    The Horror Movie Thread

    me and my friends have been watching the same three movies on Halloween for years house of a thousand corpses the devils rejects and to top it all off the haunted world of el superbeasto
  28. eagor


    probably has something to do with the fact that to succeed in life you don't really need to do much brain work, whether it's problem solving or thinking for yourself since there's an app fort that. explain the possibility of life on other planets, is the chance good? certain? uncertain? or is...
  29. eagor

    The word *nigger*

    don't forget about the crows from dumbo
  30. eagor

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    9 that was simply beautiful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZItvCgsMMgI
  31. eagor

    what does the poster above look like

    i think you look like this
  32. eagor

    What does snafupants have in his pants?

    that's almost tempting enough to fight off Jack Nicholson
  33. eagor

    What does snafupants have in his pants?

    Jimmy Hoffa's finger, or maybe a hotpocket? but what flavor?
  34. eagor

    About you?

    well im hard
  35. eagor

    The word *nigger*

    1. sorry for the spelling/grammar, i wasn't paying attention 2. punched a different kid in the nose 3. the point about the nose breaking was to point out even white people can over react,just not by shooting people:D
  36. eagor

    an avatar sequel?

    sweet tap dancing christ why would anyone make a sequel of that abortion of a movie? seriously it's fucking Pocahontas the action movie why would anyone think that would be good? and thanks for clarifying that for me net i figured people would assume the show if they watched the clip
  37. eagor

    Hello All!

    only if she doesn't have remote viewing or is currently having an out of body experience.
  38. eagor

    Hello Forum!

    wow la...at least ist not dc
  39. eagor

    ...Hi, I guess...

    i know i was just testing your funny bone...also you learn about the nazis in social studies soOOOoooo....i'll leave you to that and welcome to the forum
  40. eagor

    left overs

    same here...wait are we talking about the same thing? and to everyone else...i tried the cupcakes...they were surprisingly good
  41. eagor


    satan: rebeliouse angel who was cast down from heaven and now spends his days corrupting mortals animals: eat, sleep, poop and mate explain why twilight was so successful and why it shouldn't be so EDIT: sorry i meant boink
  42. eagor

    The word *nigger*

    i remember one time i said i didn't agree with some of obama's policies and a black "13-16 grader" (what i call idiot collage students) said i was racist, so i asked him if he liked george bush, he said no and got a very confused/angry look on his face when i laughed at him. point is yeah your...
  43. eagor

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    8 the drums were good but that guys no keith moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6jCJZEFIto
  44. eagor

    what does the poster above look like

    im 20 and only have moderate chest arm and leg hair and im already thining out on top, but other than that spot on well done oh and whiskey is preferable
  45. eagor

    About you?

    What is your name? justin Where are you from? patuxent river maryland How old are you? 20 What's your gender? male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? a friend of mine (an intj) showed me the test and i took it How did you find out about this forum? i was...
  46. eagor

    ...Hi, I guess...

    ss test? are you a nazi? cause if your lookin' to join the schuts staffen i'll have to put my boot up your ass...
  47. eagor


    they are a bunch of ass's explain nibblonians
  48. eagor

    The word *nigger*

  49. eagor

    what does the poster above look like

    probably a hare krishna also every one is wrong so far, im not that old and about as far from "metro" as you can get.
  50. eagor

    what does the poster above look like

    mexican, wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with a mustard stain.
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