(without even watching the movie.)
These people are seriously brain-washed.
Their reality is a life in service of the dear leader, and his dead father, and his son.
It's no mystery here.
Also, note that these people live in a different world than we.
If you understand Danish and/or spastic, this movie might help:
The Red Chapel - trailer - YouTube
Try to find it, very worth-while
Basic summary; Danish film-maker, with his two companions (originally Korean) one of which is retarded (spastic, he calls himself) which makes his speech very difficult to translate (therefore also difficult to censure away. Which was done every night. All film collected and controlled for anti-regime material.)
Under the guise of being a theater troupe, and a communistic one at that, they gain entrance to the state of North Korea, and get to travel around, experience it.
It's chilling, and some of the commentaries made by Jacob (the Spastic) during the documentary, allow you some clue to the mood/tension that is all around in that state.