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Search results

  1. Jordan~


    It is. So is taking your skills for granted. I take that skill for granted. :P Sure, I've got intellectual competence pouring out my ears, but 0 practical competence. I think that 5w4 sx/sp description covers some of the same ground as the MBTI INTP description, but goes into a bit more detail...
  2. Jordan~


    I do? :eek: How? I wouldn't even say it was mostly BS. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but the more I look into it the more it seems to account for little problems. 9 isn't a terribly good fit for an INFP, but 9w1 gets a little closer, 9w1 sx a little closer again, etc. I think my...
  3. Jordan~

    Color Test

    Well, yeah, it's all kinda contextual, as well. Black around or behind something colourful looks great. And I like black clothes and black electronics. But like, I wouldn't paint a wall black unless it had something colourful in front of it. Same with blue. Some blues I'm pretty fond of - the...
  4. Jordan~

    Color Test

    I don't really like blue, grey or black, but I didn't when I was depressed, either. They are 'depressive' colours, but I just didn't like them aesthetically nonetheless. I'm not at all keen on green for some reason, except like a neutral, teal-y green. That brown was a little eye-hurting but I...
  5. Jordan~

    What makes you feel nostalgic?

    Pokemon theme tunes.
  6. Jordan~

    Color Test

    Existing Situation: Readily participates in things affording excitement or stimulation. (Nope.) Wants to feel exhilarated. (Yup.) Stress Sources: Physiological Interpretation: Frustration at unacceptable restrictions on his freedom of action is producing stress. (Kinda?) Psychological...
  7. Jordan~


    What if I am fucking awesome in every description?! :D (I'm totally not D: ) I accumulate knowledge because I'm interested in stuff. I'm constantly sarcastic to counteract my lack of self-confidence, but that wasnt an option. And maybe I'm nice to people because of the crippling, self-loathing...
  8. Jordan~


    In like half of these questions I'm a few of the adjectives listed in each option or entirely both or none. Outgoing and sociable or earnest and self-disciplined? I guess I'm sociable, but I'm definitely not outgoing, maybe I'm a little earnest and I have absolutely no self-discipline. So that...
  9. Jordan~

    Functional Development Test

    All the MBTI folks in labcoats emphasise that the order of functions isn't related to how good you are at using them, just how you use them. So I guess it's ordering by development and trying to guess what you would have been using as your dominant function to end up developing those particular...
  10. Jordan~

    Do you like your type?

    Some of what Jung wrote on the subject suggested that he believed it could be changed as a response to the cessation of the normal functioning of the psyche.
  11. Jordan~

    Time is precious

    The "I'm thinking of joining a church" one.
  12. Jordan~


    When women do this, they're probably checking that their nails look good with their hands, so they need the full visual as other people see it.
  13. Jordan~


    But for one thing, the boundaries of psychological illness are defined according to social definitions of normal and deviant behaviour and aren't beyond question (there's an is/ought distinction). For another, a psychopath kills for personal convenience including humans, the difference here is...
  14. Jordan~


    Appeal to authority followed by an appeal to nature; not worthy of a response. I care for cockroaches, eels and spiders, too, the extent at least that I wouldn't kill them, even though I'm afraid of spiders. If I accepted this, I'd be accepting that it's never right to act due to a moral...
  15. Jordan~


    I don't recall expressing approval of farming practices. The cat population is not unsustainable, the system that produces the cat population is morally unsustainable. Other animals may have no sense of charity (for me this is duty, not charity), but they don't know any better. We're supposed...
  16. Jordan~


    A dog looks to you for protection. Murdering it in cold blood just because you can't be arsed to pick up dog shit while you train it is a betrayal of the worst sort. I would say that it was evil if it weren't for the fact that the OP was probably motivated in part by psychological trauma...
  17. Jordan~


    You still win the prize for Worst Thing I've Ever Read. "Yes, I have shot children for not potty training." It's taking great restraint on my part not to suggest poetic justice of the sort that would have nauseated the Romans for the crime of the cold-hearted murder for convenience of dependent...
  18. Jordan~

    The "Charge bar" of pure hatred

    I was thinking about this. I don't really have a charge bar of hatred. I have anger, which is overstated and quite dramatic when it's expressed. Then I have hatred, which occurs instantaneously. It doesn't need time to charge, I see/read/hear something and the hate is immediate. You know that...
  19. Jordan~

    Transhuman you

    Space anthropology! And running simulations to live in during instellar flights.
  20. Jordan~

    Class Participation

    I learn far better by discussion than by another means. If I can talk to a teacher one-on-one, especially, or in a small group, the fact that I have to think on my feet and engage with the information results in far better understanding than if I just have to sit through a dry lecture on the...
  21. Jordan~

    I think I might join a church

    Oh, it's the stupidest word. I hate portmanteaus and chimeric hybrids like that, especially in a language with such versatility for word creation as Greek. Why not 'theocataphrontism', contempt for god, or 'theoskubalism', the contemptuous rejection of god? The latter one is nice, because...
  22. Jordan~

    Are you creepy/weird?

    :P Though she prefers the company of males and so do I. All our other (mutual) friends are male. Our little group is two gay guys, three straight guys and a girl.
  23. Jordan~

    Functional Development Test

    I noticed when grandpa2390 started posting that there were results from a test I remembered, but couldn't find, in his signature. I'd been keen to find that test again, since it tries to measure the development of functions as opposed to on which side of each dichotomy you fall, and...
  24. Jordan~

    Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    I'm convinced that the British Empire was maintained mostly by the ability of British diplomats to extract an agreement from someone after an hour of speaking with so many modifiers and so much polite fluff that the listeners weren't even aware that there had been any content with which to...
  25. Jordan~

    Transhuman you

    Cool. I'll help if there's any way I can. Also, most humans can hold seven 'objects' in their working memory? As in, they can remember that they have to do seven different things at once, or they can be doing one thing while remembering to do six other things? I'm pretty sure I can hold about...
  26. Jordan~

    Sorting Emotions.

    The fact that those little grey figures are really cute makes me want to believe this theory. If I don't believe it I'll feel like I've betrayed those little grey figures and hurt their feelings. :(
  27. Jordan~

    What really burns your biscuits!

    It really burns my biscuits when people like Facebook pages criticising a particular aspect of misused grammar the titles of which themselves misuse grammar. I'd make a page called, "Misusing grammar in the title of your Facebook page about the misuse of grammar because you have an...
  28. Jordan~

    Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    I'm terribly sorry to report that the outside world seems to be eroding rather quickly, and I'm afraid I suspect that you haven't quite the stiff upper lip required to get by in a British world. Again, bit of a shame, terribly sorry, but I really must let you know that you'll probably succumb.
  29. Jordan~

    Are you creepy/weird?

    People sometimes think I have a weird sense of humour. Like: "Is Siberia [a nightclub] open tonight?" "Yeah, it's cheap tonight, too. We'll all get into Siberia no problem." Me: "It's a bit far to walk, though, isn't it?" At least on that occasion they laughed rather than saying, "No, it's...
  30. Jordan~

    Transhuman you

    That's brilliant, actually. If all this becomes possible, but expensive, and I'm too broke to afford it, I can just apply for an arts grant. "I'll make myself really beautiful and stand motionless in the corner of a park. It's cheaper than getting someone to make a statue, seriously. I'll even...
  31. Jordan~

    Transhuman you

    Could you develop this further? e.g. something to do with leftover points, general 'whole body' improvements (like skin enhancements), elaboration on some things (does the ability to lift a certain weight imply sufficient grip to hold that weight?), aesthetics, additional functionalities for...
  32. Jordan~

    Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows

    How well they kept their hair would depend a lot on who you asked. It was probably not exactly better kempt than a dog's hair for either H. sapiens or H. s. neanderthalensis, but neanderthalensis had more of it. It's not as if either of them were totally unhygienic, though; they probably spent...
  33. Jordan~

    Time is precious

    It looks like someone who couldn't write a textbook has friends in high places...
  34. Jordan~

    Quotes domino

    "You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival." - Winston Churchill -----------------------------------------------------...
  35. Jordan~

    Music representing you current mood

    Joanna Newsom - Good Intentions Paving Company I have a very variable mood.
  36. Jordan~

    Music representing you current mood

    I think that's Herborg Kråkevik singing. Kråkeviks Songbok is really good. Very poignant. My cheeks are moist. :(
  37. Jordan~

    I think I might join a church

    What do you think about apatheism, then - the belief that if there was a god, it wouldn't change anything? If God knocked on my front door tomorrow and gave me indisputable proof that he was God, he'd still have to give me a good reason to worship him for me to care. Otherwise I'd just say, "No...
  38. Jordan~

    Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows

    See, if I'd been in some sort of weird navy where it's just me and a lot of women for ten years and he was all that was on offer when I got back, I'd hit it. And I have modern standards of attractiveness!
  39. Jordan~

    Music representing you current mood

    ‪Streetlight Manifesto-A moment of violence‬‏ - YouTube
  40. Jordan~

    Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows

    I don't think anyone argues that they were intellectually superior. It's far from certain that they could speak. The only estimations of their intelligence I've heard and read range from 'glorified gorillas' to 'a tiny bet less than sapiens'. The language question is important if language...
  41. Jordan~

    Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows

    Both hypotheses are probably oversimplifications of what actually happened. Just pick any ancient civilisation and look at population movements, expansions and contractions of its borders, who's in charge and who isn't etc., and consider how relatively short the length of time you're looking at...
  42. Jordan~

    INTP family reunion stress

    When I leave home for good, I'm telling only five people who are related to me where I'm going.
  43. Jordan~

    INTP family reunion stress

    I get that a lot when there are people around. Every tiny little thing people do becomes a hanging offense. Like, "WHY ARE YOUR FOOTSTEPS SO LOUD YOU HITLER!?" I think it's just an introvert thing, we get pissed off when people are imposed on us and we can't escape. I get especially pissed off...
  44. Jordan~

    user avatars.

    That's a photograph. I'm a private eye from the '30s.
  45. Jordan~

    Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    It's true what the OP says, the outside world is eroding quickly. There was a hill at the back of my house this morning. Now? Nothing but sand dunes. And I went into the city centre last week, but to my horror, it wasn't there; the coastline had retreated far enough in land that the upper floors...
  46. Jordan~

    user avatars.

    Did someone just say something...?
  47. Jordan~


    But an amorphous one. It's not a formal group, either; it's a group identity claimed by numerous individuals, many of whom are unconnected to many of the others.
  48. Jordan~

    Is objectivity subjective?

    Can one objectively experience that which is called a chair? I would make a distinction between sensation - the experience of the thing called the chair - and perception - the interpretation of that experience that leads us to call its origin a chair. I don't know, however, that the former is...
  49. Jordan~

    Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows

    In all of my lectures they were H. neanderthalensis; but I suppose it would have depended on who you asked. If there's clear evidence that they're a subspecies of H. sapiens then I suppose they have to be called H. s. neanderthalensis now (or H. s. neandertalensis, but that's just to do with...
  50. Jordan~

    Challenge: name an absolute moral (a moral that is true for every human culture)

    If the children starve, there's no agency behind the killing and it's morally neutral. If they're killed for food, though, there is agency and it becomes a moral issue. Is there agency involved in the inaction of not killing them that may lead to more deaths, though? In that case, is the society...
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