this picture represents fertility, because fat=surplus.
it does not represent attractiveness!!!! dude, i dont know what your taste is, but that chick is fat and ugly! And even 50,000 years ago I would still agree on the fact that she's fat and ugly!
I'm gay. :P
Fatness is attractive during lean times, don't you know? We'll never see another lean time again here in the west, so our stick-thin standard of beauty is likely to stay around, but a glance through changes in artistic styles over the millennia will quickly reveal that the waistlines of beauties expand and contract over time.
Aramea makes a good point: She would survive pretty well in the freezing north, wouldn't she? I'm certain it's an exaggerated representation, as I doubt anyone would have been
allowed to get that fat where food was presumably fairly scarce (though I seem to remember reading an article that presented evidence that H. sapiens populations migrating into Europe actually ate surprisingly well).
The hypothesis that I'm putting forward isn't that this statuette as it appears was an ideal of beauty, it's that the exaggerated features on this statuette (and its many counterparts from elsewhere in Europe over the next 20,000 years or so) were integral to the ideal of beauty at the time. That is, if it's big on the statuette, it's 'big' in their minds.
@Aramea: It may be a representation of her hair, or just a pattern in place of the 'unimportant' head, which the artist obviously didn't care to spend much time on. It's highly unlikely that they had any form of nobility; at this point it's unlikely that they had rigid hierarchy at all, though tenuously possible that they may have been developing stratified social organisation in very resource-rich areas. There is some debate surrounding it, but I think even those who most staunchly propose that their societies were hierarchically organised would say they only had a chief. Differential status (or differential prestige) is indicated by burial practices, though.
This segues neatly into an interesting point: it's thought (by analogy to modern hunter-gatherers) that the division of labour between the sexes in the Palaeolithic was fairly flexible - women may have assisted in the hunt and men may have assisted with gathering. There don't appear to be more men in high-prestige graves than women, and indeed, the first identified shaman figure discovered (from 30,000 years ago) was female. It's quite possible that Venus figurines were made by women.
Anyway, with that in mind; obviously, as I say, she's exaggerated out of proportion. Some Venus figurines are less so. This is probably best interpreted as exaggeration for
emphasis, which I touched on briefly in my last post.
The maker of the figurine has no way of letting the viewer know which parts of the woman are important without making them huge - hence the enlarged vulvas, labia, clitoris etc. on certain figurines (on which note, how can this not be 'work safe'? I sat through a lecture that was basically slide after slide of these things for an hour, that's someone's work) to emphasise, "Look, these are the important bits of a woman, this is where reproduction happens". That is understandable. But they're not just depicted with emphasised lady bits (as in the case of this one: sometimes the lady bits aren't marked except as a pubic triangle - I posted this one because it's the oldest). In those that are, why should other parts of the body be enlarged in the same way? What is the artist thinking when they decide to emphasise the buttocks, the thighs and the breasts in the same way as the reproductive organs?
That it's a visual metaphor for fertility is an obvious answer, yes, and supported by the fact that many figurines appear to be otherwise fat, too. Many are not, however - quite a few are slender, but with certain exaggerated attributes (again, buttocks, thighs, breasts, and sometimes reproductive organs). It's surely a visual metaphor, but what for? These are the only depictions of females (and some of the very few depictions of humans) that exist from the time, and consequently, whether they were considered attractive or not (I don't think they were either, I'm suggesting that they may have been a guide to attractiveness, a sort of blueprint - "If she's got
these bits good, she's a keeper") they are the only evidence we have of the perception of women during the time of H. neanderthalensis/H. sapiens mingling of any form at all, thus their interpretation will be important to understanding the nature of the interbreeding in some way. I'm putting forward a tentative hypothesis that:
- The exaggerated attributes on Venus figurines - whether they were carved as idealised female goddesses, pornography (it's been suggested) or self-portraits by women (again, it's been suggested) - correspond to the attributes of a woman considered important to the ideal of feminine beauty among H. sapeins 30,000 years ago.
- H. neanderthalensis females possessed, or were capable of possessing, such attributes.
- Consequently, H. neanderthalensis females could be considered beautiful by H. sapiens.
I'll put this in a spoiler tag for potential NSFW-ness, but
Jesus, grow up, it's science!:
This is a reconstruction of a Neanderthal woman. Rather Venus-y, no?
A final point: Death in childbirth was an impediment to the evolution of increased cranial capacity in the genus Homo. We have giant, giant heads, and that puts a certain strain on mothers in childbirth. To compensate, we have to be born slightly underdeveloped and consequently we're dependent on our parents for a proportionally longer time than many other animals. Neanderthal anatomy is better suited to dealing with difficult births due to the shape of the pubis, and they were generally only around 13cm shorter than modern humans on average. Additionally, Neanderthal children appear to have reached adulthood slightly faster than H. sapiens children. This creates an obvious biological advantage to mating with a Neanderthal female: she's more likely to survive the childbirth, and the child may be less of a drain on resources. However, note that the first advantage is only an advantage if the male is pair-bonded to the female, indicating a consensual relationship and thereby implying peaceful interaction. Just another idea I thought I'd throw out there.
A really final point: Sould we be calling them H. s. neanderthalensis now?