I saw the "Chair" example and had to respond.
Can one objectively see a chair?
I can not.
First ask:
What is a chair?
Are there not infinitely many possible chairs?
Are there not infinitely many possible ways to use a chair?
Is not, then, chair a simplification of concepts into a word.
One person can see chair, and another can see an object made of wood, fashioned together in the way it is, in that moment, adorned with a cushion of a certain fabric.
Would not, then, the second person be more objective about the chair.
And then that person who sees the chair as a living blueprint, when standing next to someone more knowledgeable who says "The chair is made of of these elements in this general struture" would not this be more objectively viewing the chair -
as if mentally generating an interactive blueprint which can zoom into an even more objective view of the existence of the chair?
Could this not go on forever? A philosopher of metaphysics could probably interfere now, to discuss the energy of the chair,
as matter is energy,
and the effects of the energy of the universe into bringing this chair into existence at this point
in relation to the energy of the owner of the chair,
in relation to the energy of the city, to the energy of the world,
to the energy of the star that governs this solar system's existence.
And would he not struggle with this infinitely complicated problem objectivity as presented him?
Could one, who has so scrutinized the chair, give an objective view of the chair?
If objectivity, the highest form of truth, proclaims that it is the "more real" answer, what does this mean?
What is less real?
Is this all simply a derivative of the concept of "realness"?
Realness, being a gradient of things "real" opposed to "unreal".
If everybody has their own perceptions, that are infinitely complicated, and the sum of all perceptions experienced by a person (qualia) generate the reality of their existence,
is it possible to have real and unreal as a category when dealing with truth?
Would it not be more akin to categories of "perceived" and "unknown"?
Can we ever know the unknown? Experience both sides of a coin? Be both light and dark?
To me, the matter becomes theological at this point.
No human can be objective or claim to know truth
since no human can ever claim to have an infinite understanding of our so-called reality.
In my opinion, the idea of a "true knowledge" does not fall into a realm of existence. The real is infinite, and the unreal is infinite, so objectivity is the same as subjectivity.