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Search results

  1. INTPs bodies and subtypes

    Re: INTPs bodys and subtypes Do you mean how many people I know of every subtype?
  2. INTPs bodies and subtypes

    Hi. Some time ago I read about INTPs subtypes on socionics. Despite prons or cons of socionics, let's talk about INTPs and their body types. I observed two options from my INTPs friends: more ectomorph or more endomorph. Simplier: some INTPs are fat, some not. I'm skinny medium...
  3. I need career advice(is physics my true calling) ?

    I was on CS and moved to physics. My friend intp is also on physics. I see many intps here. It's more interesting than CS. Choose physics and be programmer.
  4. self identity

    Thanks everyone for answers. it was 20years journey, but I know in this moment who I am. just to inspire you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wise_old_man mage elegant aesthete recluse wisdom seeker nonconformist half-artist, full intellectualist free-spirited independent rebellious strategist...
  5. Dreams of INTPs

    Fears or girls
  6. Writing style preferences based on functions

    Te dominants like reading about history and all stories which step by step follow pattern: Cause, event, effect My Ti likes intellectual dialogues. Ne likes oddity, strange things and crazy theories Ni reads everything between the lines
  7. Taking over the world

    Neuroscience. Develop disease or device to manipulate people.
  8. What I've learned the past 2.5 months

    Ahh theese reflections that look cool in the moment, but later it's stiupidity. Move on before you realize it.
  9. Hey, What is your career? Does programming really suit intp?

    Programming can be good for you as anything else.
  10. INTP Meme's

    didn't find any for me unfortunetely it's better to watch anime: steins;gate
  11. self identity

    so, I'm still young person, 20, and for some weird reason, as every human being I need something called self identity; still not certain what this mean, I'm searching for answer, mbti, enneagram, socionics, neuroscience were tools for me to help, but; they didn't help; any suggestions how to...
  12. INFP using Ti better than 80% of INTPs...is this possible?

    stiupid question, stiupid discusion without reason
  13. Confessions

  14. What is your theory of type anyway?

    You should read about socionics. There INTPs have Ni-Te-Si-Fe there is not good website in english about socionics, but maybe you find something; it's polish-ukrainian theory, so there is a lot of materials in my language, if you want I can translate some.
  15. INTP & ENTP focus enhancers

    I would add: -physical activity -creatine

    ENTJ if she has same interests as me.
  17. to live with a girl or not to live?

    It's Ti-stiupidity: overthinking. Try it and learn new experience (Ne).
  18. INTPs’ & ISTPs’ “One Thing”

    he's ENTJ actually
  19. INTPs’ & ISTPs’ “One Thing”

    I'm with him. This is really stiupid and refers more to ITJ, they master things and think more narrow. All great chess players are INTJ. Why? Ask yourself. INTP are good at doing many things and link them.
  20. What are the ideal ENTP careers?

  21. My evolution - don't read it, it's waste of time

    It passed 2 years since I first time met MBTI and was typed by my friend. What is good, I feel more special, because INTPs are so clever, rare and funny companions. In the other hand, MBTI limited me to strict model who I am, who I will be, who I can't be - I made many topics about changing my...
  22. change yourself?

    that's because they are opposites (read definition of acceptance above)
  23. change yourself?

    exactly what I wanted to say "Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceptance You have very...
  24. change yourself?

    I have read your answers, poll answers and all your profiles. I noticed, that people who accept themselves as they are have less drive to change themselves and that's the reason why I created this topic. Change becomes from unacceptance. While acceptance gives you some kind of happiness, it's...
  25. change yourself?

    What do you think is better option?
  26. Gay INTP

    men are ugly gays are abberant
  27. The Best/Worst Beer

    I prefer wine for taste and vodka for being drunk (much healthier to by drunk by vodka than by beer)
  28. give me tasks

    hello, I'm bored and don't have anything to do; give me tasks like quests in games; they must be executable ;D
  29. Smoking and drinking

    cigarettes don't change your behaviour as alcohol
  30. Your life goals? Dreams?

    my goals and dreams change faster than I am able to achive them;
  31. Did you work in mcdonalds?

    I earn about $2/hour xD but well, it's Poland average meal value is about 3-4 $
  32. Did you work in mcdonalds?

    I actually work for a month and I think it's a hell for INTP. No thinking, stiupid orders and frustrating S people who make things perfectly and think you are stiupid because you make everything slower (intp's are phlegmathics generally). The worst one month in my life ;x I used my all...
  33. Structured INTP? Or something else?

    Read more desriptions, and if after a few months you still won't be sure about your type, you can be sure you're INTP.
  34. Wanting to Pioneer and Perfect just for the Sake of It

    I don't know what you have in mind, but I have urges for discovering or creating something new, it's pioneering I think. I already has left programming, because it's boring - nothing creative here, only using existing ideas (math is same unless you discover something new like theese famous...
  35. Recent IQ Drop

    find girlfriend
  36. Are INFPs useless?

    lol, look at this forum or intjforum and watch how people disagree with each other, and most of them are same types personally, I have the least problems with ExxP and IxFJ types INFPs are good in supporting people and making them smile or another way - good artistic individualists
  37. If you could choose your MBTI which would one would you choose?

    I'm INTP and would choose ESTP or ENTP
  38. Why don't many INTPs want to lead exactly?

    Because of lazyness. A leader do more stuff and have more responsibilities. However I like leading and think I do it good. If in group there is no ESTJ or ENTJ I usually lead.
  39. What's the coolest sounding language?

    I like the most diffucult language - polish. The most difficult and the most beautiful. The most ugliest imo are english and german.
  40. INTP's shouldn't try to help people

    Because I'm INTP and I think I can help people. I was in some way "offended" ;D Maybe I'm not as proffesional as INFJs, but as your wife said about your extraordinary empathy among T types - I have huge empathy too (comparing to T types, and sometimes even to F types) and I don't think INTP suck...
  41. INTP's shouldn't try to help people

    ask your wife ;) Helping is not when you support someone in something what you think is good. In definition it means to support other thoughts, not yours. If you think someone do something wrong and try to make someone to do something, what you think is good is not helping, but...
  42. Need some advice from other INTPs

    Live in this hell for next 4 years. You're INTP, you're smart, and you'll survive.
  43. INTP's shouldn't try to help people

    as I said, most people, and you don't know what helping means. in your definition of helping, I don't want to help people
  44. INTP's shouldn't try to help people

    Maybe the first time I understand something a little better than you. First, noone can advice noone, because everyone is so different. You can't know what is the best for someone, because he has other needs, other values, other feelings. Only he can know what he want. I already noticed, that...
  45. Would you rather be an INTJ?

    They're more effective. Yes.
  46. Where are all INTP's

    INTPs stay in home. You can't meet them.
  47. Motivation Issues

    start programming
  48. Can an INTP be religious?

    Can shit be tasty?
  49. If you could only study one more thing for the rest of your life...

    human brain or physics
  50. The ideal INTP career

    It's surly topic worthy expansion. INTPs are creators(or wizards, architects), and writing means to create something and because we are intuitive (abstract) we want to create something in our minds rather than creating something materialistic. I would add drawing, it's similar to writing, and...
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