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Search results

  1. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    that's because I told about succesful and true intp - not a lazy, failure ones, that are very common. INTPs have high rate of non usings their talents and wasting potentials, and I despise such people. I'm talking what INTP should be. If you go against your natural instincts and preferences...
  2. how to solve own problems

    it is always more difficult to solve and advice yourself, than other people - being at some distance bring more perspectives, detachment provide lack of emotions (no fear). I had always difficults with solving my problems. maybe it's nothing revealing but here's my final algorythm: -name the...
  3. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    not interested in pseudo-sciences also intp preference is to not analyze social every fucking shit; waste of time to meet other people expectations, fit their rules, and be like others. instead I like psychiatry, neurology, all neurosciences - there is hidden pure knowledge about people
  4. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    =explanation of behaviour I never found good explanations of functions in MBTI. I needed to read descriptions of types and then conclude which functions causes what behaviour. It was socionics which opened my head, and there is still a lot to discover, I maybe read 1-3% of socionics stuff. And...
  5. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    they are weird like any N person, but they are very open people. they don't talk much though, so that's why you think what you think. and they won't talk more, because they don't like. but they like gestures, helping without any word. I have some story to share. I was in mountains and I was...
  6. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    MBTI really sucks at explainig relations, because it lacks theoretical fundamentals, it has only behavioral observations (good though). Socionics is just an opposite. http://wikisocion.org/en/index.php?title=Benefit from here you will learn, that yes, you are somehow right, this relationship...
  7. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    maybe... in theory... I say what I see in life. INFPs I know have such an easy with dealing with people. They aproach somebody and just talk with them, make them smile, laugh, or gain information they need. It doesnt stress them at all. It is very different with INTP, and what you described...
  8. Road to Mastery

    do a lot of mistakes, but don't repeat them. mastery is when you don't make mistakes, because you know all of them.
  9. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    but we get more than infjs. we get secondary Fe from them, that we lack the most, but they don't get what they need the most - Se. So I really think there is imbalance in this relationship. ESFJs are better for us ;>
  10. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    INFP - good with people INTP - sucks with people I asked my INFP cousin if we are similar (because we are in some way). He responsed very nervously NO, you are not good along people, you don't really like them, and I'm the opposite.
  11. What's your opinion of ESFJ's?

    The problem with ppl on this forum is most have major difficulties with typing. They just have Ne idea and instantly agree it as a truth. What a lack of self criticism. But I was same when I was Beginner 4 years ago. First learn how to type ppl then tell stories, because you are ignorants. Esfj...
  12. INTPs, what's your socionics type?

    You remind me myself. For 3 years I wanted to be Intj (mbti) simply because I thought they are better (more successful). But after I learned a lot about intj, they seem less intelligent, because they lack logic. Thats why on debute we can easly destroy every their thought even if they are right...
  13. MBTI: Donald J. Trump

    Lol thread. ESTP only
  14. How do you chart an ever changing path?

    learn how to use your very strong, but unconcious function - Te it's a matter for very long discussion, but it's possible, I use that to achive what I want; it requires anger - strong will to bring your order or destruction to external reality, gives you extremely confidence, makes you badass...
  15. multitasking

    You're really good, I can't do any single activity more than 2 hours/day - even playing games! If I study to test I need about week to learn required minimum. I also found that in environment without any distractions (empty room with just desk and book and nothing more) I can't focus at all -...
  16. multitasking

    I did this test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHQv1KdpI-8 which tries to say that multitasking is wrong and dangerous; my conclusion is a bit different and refer to my type, as also to other Ne types; first test (single task)took me 30 sec + 15 to write a quote (notice manipulation first in...
  17. Would an XXXX type be possible?

    Cut off most of your brain and you will be xxxx
  18. nootropics

    I have bought adrafinil, NALT, DMAE and choline. As you may know these are soft nootropics, but I can't buy anything else legally in Poland. Do you have any experiences with theese? What nootropics have you used and which do you recommend? I will write my experiences in some time.
  19. TiNe (INTP) - new profile

    Does it mean we can be better testers than programmers?
  20. DGH's matchmaking advice for INTPs

    Re: Ideal MBTI female companion for a male INTP INTP need someone who take Care of him. Fi people will criticise you and never help in your awkward Social situations. FJ people wont critisize you for your awkwardness and for nothing more as Long as you are good person, and most intps are. They...
  21. influence of parents on personalities

    thank you, that was an answer I have expected.
  22. influence of parents on personalities

    then don't post
  23. influence of parents on personalities

    there is me, INTP parented by ISFP and ISFJ. ISFP dad like to drive fast, and is the best driver I ever met. on the other hand there is ISTP, my cousin, parented by ESFJ and ESTJ, none of them drive good. I drive very well, I can do incredible things sometimes, like 100km/h driving and...
  24. Ask an ESFP

    Are you good at judging new people?
  25. The INTX - Dilemma

    INTJs are masters at strategy, planning and foreseeing things, while INTPs are decent at it. On the other hand INTPs are Masters of understanding and creating ideas. My INTJ friend told me once that I can improvise and he admire it, when truly it isn't true. I just know things with minimal...
  26. why people want to be someone else?

    Did you ever observed very confident ESTP, successful ENTJ, foreseeing INTJ, or another person of different personality type and had this feeling of wanting be the same? Why we envy some abilities, that are not really important to us, that we don't really care?
  27. Concentration

    I have made topic "How to be more decisive" but some people notices that maybe I lack concentration. At the beginning I discard this, because I thought I have good concentration if I only want to. but... hmm... I want to and I really have problems with it. So, do you have some tips how to...
  28. How to be more decisive

    and was it good for you?
  29. How to be more decisive

    Maybe I poorly expressed my thought. I give you some more examples: 1) I played World of Warcraft for many years and choosing a class was unsolvable problem - I was playing every class (there was 10 of them) and I never achivied anything in this game, because with most characters I didn't even...
  30. How to be more decisive

    Some time ago a INFJ told me: always choose the choice with the most choices. Perhaps it can be good for Ni people, but it's too much confusing for Ne, especially strong Ne people . So there is an option: do the opposite, limit the choices. (yeah, it's simple thought, I leave you...
  31. Science is dominated by facts.(?)

    I'm amazed how you people are lack of trust. How you want do anything without this ability? And intuition gives the best trust. If you want proof, you will come where someone else had came before. If you want go where no one's been, you must fuck facts, follow your instinct and gather new...
  32. Science is dominated by facts.(?)

    I hate, when people ask me why do I think so. They want facts, arguments, but all I have is my instinct. They they tell me I'm stupid, wait for facts, and then remember what I had told them and I was right. Now I study physics and in laboratories I make experiments. I hate calculations, I know...
  33. House of Cards

    Frank is ENT, an actor seems to be entp, so it's difficult to say whether Frank is P or J. Both Ne and Te can make same effects in his position, like INTPs and INTJs are equally good at math.
  34. INTPs - what are the types of your 5 best friends?

  35. Which type would you switch to?

    Intj, they are more dramatic, good type for stories and films. Especially in anime
  36. What would happen in a house full of sensors?

    I lived with esfj and esfp for a few .months and I was very happy with them.
  37. INTP or ISTP?

    You described Ti here and you said nothing about N/S When you talk do you gesticulate? Do you Care about comfort? Do you like strange, unusual things, people... You trust more your intuition or facts? What is your age? Secondary fucntions develop after 20 Are you impulsive?
  38. What gives you the incentive/willpower/strength to keep going and stay "alive"?

    I just don't think about it. I learned it from sensors
  39. How do I become an extrovert

    Do more. Think lesd
  40. My confusion on speaking metaphorically.

    I speak literally when it comes to emotions, feelings, but I talk figuratively when I want to describe my thoughts, theories.
  41. Warcraft 4, Starcraft 3

    When sc2 die, then they will make sth similar to wc3, but I think they will make another storyline, another world
  42. Function most appreciated by you

    Always when I meet Ni-dominant or subdominant I feel strange attractivness. It's also the only function, which I still don't understand. Is it opposite of Ti? If not, how compares Ni to Ti? What is your main function (type) and people with which functions you appreciate the most? I try...
  43. How the fuck do I get out of existential crisis? I want to start living MY LIFE.

    meet a member of the opposite sex
  44. How common is it for INTPs to be shy?

    I am not shy. I just feel unconfortable around people.
  45. Superiority of Te v Ti

    I think red color is better than blue.
  46. What is your purpose in life?

    None is logical, so I dont have any. Just enjoy the life.
  47. Well Known ENTPs

    Robert Downey jr Lots of actors
  48. INTP ESFJ Relationship Guide

    I would never even try it. My advice: keep together with NTs, noone more
  49. Am I Pushing Myself Too Far?

    There is no reason to be too ambitious. Except if you want to be famous, but unhappy scientist or corpo workaholic. Relax and enjoy the life
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