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Search results

  1. Melkor

    Not big on personal intros, but here goes.

    Ah, it's been about five months since I covered the topic of the panopticon. I thought it was a rather lovely idea, but much better suited to futuristic dystopian horror stories than real life application. The problem with such a concept is, while the man in the middle can see the prisoners...
  2. Melkor

    The INTP voice.

    We've done that... A long time ago... But for future reference, and nostalgic 'lawlz': http://www.esnips.com/doc/1ca0dbaa-febe-4231-9ff5-0487a6938a82/INTPforum_s_Voice_Comments_Snapvine-24
  3. Melkor

    It wasn't the same without you! *sob* (Seriously, where *have* you been?)

    It wasn't the same without you! *sob* (Seriously, where *have* you been?)
  4. Melkor

    Oh please kick me.^_^ I'd like it ever so much. (You'd be amazed how many people this puts...

    Oh please kick me.^_^ I'd like it ever so much. (You'd be amazed how many people this puts off!) Nu-uh, you can't drink with that nasty fellow on your shoulder, so it's Ribena for you all the way!
  5. Melkor


    Well if I said 'Well thats nice, but I've seen better, my own to be exact'. It'd be similar to stating I'm superior to you in the forum necromancy scene, which would be rude, don't you think?
  6. Melkor

    Your dream

    TO BE A KEYBLADE MASTER!!!11111!!!1
  7. Melkor


    Yes, but only by me, and you know I just hate being egotistical, don't you?
  8. Melkor

    Oooh, long story short, I happened to post an anti-romance rant shortly after you made a...

    Oooh, long story short, I happened to post an anti-romance rant shortly after you made a pro-romance one. Bad luck on your part I s'pose, but you took it rather personally at the time. I recall saying that such people rarely ever stick around once they get their advice, but I guess you've...
  9. Melkor


    Well that was necromancy at it's best...
  10. Melkor

    Foot Thread

    What a boring thread. I already spend lengthy peroids of time staring at peoples feet. ¬,¬
  11. Melkor

    *Notices a glow from the bag* Hey! *Snatch* Cool! A tiny phone catered to those lacking...

    *Notices a glow from the bag* Hey! *Snatch* Cool! A tiny phone catered to those lacking opposing thumbs. :D
  12. Melkor

    D'awww, it likes me. ^w^ I'm taking you home kitty. *Puts you in a plastic bag and ties a...

    D'awww, it likes me. ^w^ I'm taking you home kitty. *Puts you in a plastic bag and ties a knot at the top* First we'll stop off at the supermarket and get you some tins.
  13. Melkor

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

  14. Melkor


  15. Melkor

    Your input in this thread is required. :)

    Your input in this thread is required. :)
  16. Melkor

    Lor Bait.

  17. Melkor

    Lor Bait.

  18. Melkor

    *Pets the kitty* Whats that? Can't hear youoooo kitty... You're purring too loudly.

    *Pets the kitty* Whats that? Can't hear youoooo kitty... You're purring too loudly.
  19. Melkor

    Er, of course! I wish every girl could take her teeth out on the spot like that! Just wrap...

    Er, of course! I wish every girl could take her teeth out on the spot like that! Just wrap them in your shawl and place them on that coffee table over there.;P I even brought you a prune smoothie! But you can have it later...obviously...
  20. Melkor

    Hello beautiful. Would you like a glass of whisky?

    Hello beautiful. Would you like a glass of whisky?
  21. Melkor

    You type well for a kitty:3

    You type well for a kitty:3
  22. Melkor

    I am so lonely

    Then I think within the context of this forum you have just lost gravely. *Shrug* I'm outta here!
  23. Melkor

    I am so lonely

    Alright-alright, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I hadn't done this before so... er... Hug? (Seriously though, if you're looking sympathy on INTPf you'll only get it from those you know incredibly well, or the non-INTP's. Mostly you'll just get sarcasm, comic commentary and idle banter.:P)
  24. Melkor

    I am so lonely

    Ahahahahahahahahahaha. You're on the wrong forum m'colleague.
  25. Melkor

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    Let me give you the more accurate versions. Alisa- Strapping and fit bloke who can carry her up stairs and save on chair lifts. Must have an ear for long, maddeningly boring stories of the 'good old days', give daily sponge baths and be able to make a whopping fruit smoothie. Has a car...
  26. Melkor

    Oh lovely, I like when your torrents wash over me. Hey! Stop yer staring! *Punch*...

    Oh lovely, I like when your torrents wash over me. Hey! Stop yer staring! *Punch* *Starts Drinking Harp instead*
  27. Melkor

    Excellent, I think that's a landslide victory. So it's just a rather redundant pun?

    Excellent, I think that's a landslide victory. So it's just a rather redundant pun?
  28. Melkor

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    Why do I get stuck with the ENFP!? Minnie, darling, lets find you a hobby.
  29. Melkor

    Partly infatuated? :D

    Partly infatuated? :D
  30. Melkor


    I can only see one.^_^ Perhaps you'd be so scrupulous as to point them out?
  31. Melkor


    Ah, well thats quite alright, so long as you mean grammar, if however, you mean to edit it as such: Come now you, act like that pretty looking man in your avatar. When one sees a thread on the forum index it merely has the title and the latest poster, who was not, I stress, Little miss Pretty...
  32. Melkor

    Indeed, and none for you. Did you say this worked to my disadvantage? Unless you count the...

    Indeed, and none for you. Did you say this worked to my disadvantage? Unless you count the fomay upper lip... *Sip* Ah, well you know how much I enjoy a good shower of fire, I wouldn't have such a lovely Morgul complexion otherwise!
  33. Melkor


  34. Melkor

    Snowy? Shit, we had what my mother so politely described as a 'fuckton' of snow. Roads...

    Snowy? Shit, we had what my mother so politely described as a 'fuckton' of snow. Roads seized up, postage became impossible and flights where cancelled! Ni Ne? I'm rather oblivious when it comes to functions actually.0-0
  35. Melkor

    Why must all your vm's be moderated? Are you so horrible and sweary that censors follow you...

    Why must all your vm's be moderated? Are you so horrible and sweary that censors follow you wherever you tread by way of normality? Ham shanker is a rhyming slang term for a masturbator miss.
  36. Melkor

    Don't you go forgetting sinewy, chewy, sandy and crispy! How are you Alice? I don't catch you on...

    Don't you go forgetting sinewy, chewy, sandy and crispy! How are you Alice? I don't catch you on msn so often, how is life? Have you stumbled upon any ground level openings or associated yourself with further beareded weirdos?
  37. Melkor


    Edit the truth? By God, do you work for the Daily Mail?
  38. Melkor

    Bravo sir! Now to entice other oldies to contribute...

    Bravo sir! Now to entice other oldies to contribute...
  39. Melkor

    Oh Darling, didn't you know? Masochists have a tasty tradition of being quite partial to...

    Oh Darling, didn't you know? Masochists have a tasty tradition of being quite partial to dismemberment. In fact, I daresay they entice beasts to chop them up. Only... you won't catch a Chimera actually trying it on a masochist, I hear they're awful sinewy, and a bit tough on the old gums...
  40. Melkor

    You have an emergency stop button? *Gives you a good kick to dislodge the knife and then puts...

    You have an emergency stop button? *Gives you a good kick to dislodge the knife and then puts you in the revolver, which then procedes to...er... revolve you, obviously* Feel any better my dear?
  41. Melkor

    Do You Believe You're Different?

    I think I've been subject to frequent and varied reminders of my differences from I was old enough to walk, and would probably be conscious of earlier instances if I had understood them.
  42. Melkor

    Properly Ignoring Females

    Let me just say that if you pursue women on the premise that you are most desirable to them when you 'appear' to want them least, then you will either have a very short of a very disatisfactory relatrionship riddled with inequality. Not that I have much experience on this subject, but I do pay...
  43. Melkor

    Well, I think 'Cold' doesn't just imply apathy these days, it's almost as if it implies some...

    Well, I think 'Cold' doesn't just imply apathy these days, it's almost as if it implies some sort of malice. Wholly apathetic people are thought of as being strange or inhuman, though it takes someone who at least seems to be forcefully uncaring or spiteful to deserve the title of cold. You...
  44. Melkor


    Come now you, act like that clever looking man in your avatar. When one sees a thread on the forum index it merely has the title and the latest poster, who was not, I stress, Bird or anyone who might frequently post in her threads. The only clue was the title. Meaning? I don't think...
  45. Melkor

    I mean the picture you made! With T rex Lor and her fairy wings chasing Sephiroth in a vaseline...

    I mean the picture you made! With T rex Lor and her fairy wings chasing Sephiroth in a vaseline advert! It would make her nostalgic!
  46. Melkor

    NODDY! I can't find the Dinosaur Lor in any thread? Where is it?:{

    NODDY! I can't find the Dinosaur Lor in any thread? Where is it?:{
  47. Melkor

    I wasn't being tricksy sir, I was just neglecting to the mention the name of the horrible demon...

    I wasn't being tricksy sir, I was just neglecting to the mention the name of the horrible demon on your shoulder. It is known to pounce on those who would dar utter it's name! *Crawls to a further distance* Er... It isn't exactly a violent demon, though it does have the... curious habit of...
  48. Melkor

    Evil Christmas Sora! Ten points!

    Evil Christmas Sora! Ten points!
  49. Melkor


  50. Melkor


    How did I know this would be Bird's thread before I even entered? I must be psychic.:rolleyes: I think my most sincere kind of intimacy would be the indirect kind. Like reading a poem by someone I've never met, or listening to the radio with my eyes closed at three in the morning...
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