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Search results

  1. Melkor

    Clones? Wooohooo! Twincest threesome!:D *Puts hat on the door and abandons clothes*

    Clones? Wooohooo! Twincest threesome!:D *Puts hat on the door and abandons clothes*
  2. Melkor

    *Sighs heavily* Honest to god! Everytime I try to make someone breakfast in bed, they run from...

    *Sighs heavily* Honest to god! Everytime I try to make someone breakfast in bed, they run from me like I have two heads! *Eats a crumpet tearfully* Lucid dreaming indeed!
  3. Melkor

    AHA! As was your bubble a metaphor, so is my pin! You are in fact safely tucked in bed, I am...

    AHA! As was your bubble a metaphor, so is my pin! You are in fact safely tucked in bed, I am at your side bearing tea and crumpets on a tray, and the rain is hitting against the window...
  4. Melkor

    H-hey wait! *Goes to run after you, only to trip on his own feet. The pin sails through the...

    H-hey wait! *Goes to run after you, only to trip on his own feet. The pin sails through the air, straight towards your precious bubble*
  5. Melkor

    :) *Produces a rather sharp pin* Hrm? What's that? Speak up! Think I'll slowly walk...

    :) *Produces a rather sharp pin* Hrm? What's that? Speak up! Think I'll slowly walk towards you in order to hear you better.
  6. Melkor

    Yes, that was a nice picture. Sadly it was missing Ex-Death,Golbez,Cloud of darkness, The...

    Yes, that was a nice picture. Sadly it was missing Ex-Death,Golbez,Cloud of darkness, The Emperawr and Garland.;,; Whats wrong with being whale huh? I HAVE RELATIVES THAT ARE WHALES! Oh, well I decided against making a response to said thread. I think it was adequate punishment for you...
  7. Melkor

    Gorgeous eye. :>

    Gorgeous eye. :>
  8. Melkor

    5000 posts...

    You people are bizarre. *Claps hands* Do continue!
  9. Melkor

    Just kidding darling. Come give us' a cuddle. ^^

    Just kidding darling. Come give us' a cuddle. ^^
  10. Melkor

    Sexual novelty

  11. Melkor


  12. Melkor

    5000 posts...

    I thought you of all people would be able to read between the words.
  13. Melkor

    Cyber stalking?

    I just came across a nice article (don't worry, I'm not a Guardian reader, it's just free online, and thus lovely for coursework) on the subject and it made me stop and think... So lets take a typical quick-fix survey approach. -Ever been effected by the strange phenomenon? -No? Have you tried...
  14. Melkor


  15. Melkor

    The Funeral of Clubs, Club

    Well there's certainly some measure of blood involved...
  16. Melkor

    5000 posts...

    I should hope not. That love thing is awfully hard to wash out of denim.
  17. Melkor

    Opening yourself up!

    I try not to open myself up because then I'd be very prone to disease and infection from airborne sources. If I'm going to cut myself I at least do it in an inconspicious place and bandage it up afterwards. It's all science gentlemen.
  18. Melkor

    I'm back, slutes.

    How amusingly redundant.
  19. Melkor

    The Funeral of Clubs, Club

    I wonder why you did this... Jealousy? Anger? Sexual deception? The plot thickens...among other things. o,o
  20. Melkor

    5000 posts...

    ... I have reached a point of no return... Mourn for me.
  21. Melkor

    Sexual novelty

    Nuppp... I'm afraid we don't have the climate for that, nor do I have the physique. I'm the sort to wear as much clothes as possible whenever possible. I feel naked even without my watch and wrist bands...
  22. Melkor

    Oh there are loads! To plant a mine, set up a tripwire, clean floors, search for lost coins...

    Oh there are loads! To plant a mine, set up a tripwire, clean floors, search for lost coins, pet kittens, catch boomerangs with your teeth, beg me for forgiveness, etc-etc. ^_^
  23. Melkor

    Am I? I didn't even think I was active anymore... I have a few serious discussion topics...

    Am I? I didn't even think I was active anymore... I have a few serious discussion topics in mind,but God knows when it'll happen.
  24. Melkor

    Appreciated? Oh, I'm just trying to lull you into a false sense of security. :3

    Appreciated? Oh, I'm just trying to lull you into a false sense of security. :3
  25. Melkor

    From the shadows emerges ..

    You are not welcome in my hall, wormtongue!
  26. Melkor

    I'm back, slutes.

    *Slaps Cheese* Oh hi Cory... What's the craic?
  27. Melkor

    How to get an insecure INTP to shut the fuck up????

    Kill them. INTP's have a natural state of 'impending failure'. Regardless of how well you do, you'll always fail. One can only be so secure when taken to logic and the application of analytical thought. I find secure people often overlook details...
  28. Melkor

    I'd kinda prefer it if the sign was somehow spelt incorrectly or in broken English. 'Has bad...

    I'd kinda prefer it if the sign was somehow spelt incorrectly or in broken English. 'Has bad English. But have good orential foods!' :D
  29. Melkor

    Are you still alive Fairy?

    *Tut* Amateurs...Morons...Indefensible gobshites. I can't work with these people!! Where did I put my highly toxic powder dust? Ahh, here it is. *Puts on a gas-mask and douses the thread in poisonous fumes*
  30. Melkor

    ADHD Really?

    I was diagnosed when I was nine, after a rough few years in school, medicated for about seven years. Then I reached a state where I denied needing them anymore and embraced my less controllable side. Ha. I went back to them about a year ago, though solely for their capacity to make me feel...
  31. Melkor

    Well done Jezebell!:D I'm so very proud of you. Maybe you could comment on current...

    Well done Jezebell!:D I'm so very proud of you. Maybe you could comment on current affairs? The turmoil in the east, the tragedy in Japan , the global recession?
  32. Melkor


  33. Melkor

    Your choice of avatar and words are beautiful.

    Your choice of avatar and words are beautiful.
  34. Melkor

    Zodiac of an INTP

    I'm a person. I think. :)
  35. Melkor

    I just found out I'm basically an idiot

    Re: I just found out I'm bascically an idiot Alternatively; Rejoice in your newfound place in the world order! Without idiots there can be intellects, and even you can be useful!:D
  36. Melkor

    Lá Fhéile Pádraig

    Yay! Hope you're all wearing green. :3
  37. Melkor

    Alas, I am a poor Irishman, made poorer by the global recession. Wine is beyond me, and the...

    Alas, I am a poor Irishman, made poorer by the global recession. Wine is beyond me, and the cola is cheap and half empty... But I filled the rest with love. ;,; Fifty miles? And me? *Stands in the way*
  38. Melkor

    If it makes you feel any better, I gave up on you before we even met. :3

    If it makes you feel any better, I gave up on you before we even met. :3
  39. Melkor

    Dinosaurs are sexier than aliens. ;,;

    Dinosaurs are sexier than aliens. ;,;
  40. Melkor

    Bad book?

    Anything that looks like it was written by a teenage girl/boy. :rolleyes: Looking at you miss Myers.
  41. Melkor

    WINE!? Where the hell am I suppossed to get wine from!? If I fill wine bottles with cola...

    WINE!? Where the hell am I suppossed to get wine from!? If I fill wine bottles with cola will you love me then? ;,;
  42. Melkor

    Are you still alive Fairy?

    Yer Ma.
  43. Melkor

    Are you still alive Fairy?

  44. Melkor

    Are you still alive Fairy?

    HOLD ON JUST A MINUTE. I was the meglomanic, psychopathic, out of control wicked hipster during and right after the fall of Face! I was his left hand man, occassional unwilling puppet and victim! THUS I AM THE RIGHTFUL HEIR TO THE THRONE! Mine-mine-mine-ME-ME-ME!:evil:
  45. Melkor

    You're an alien...

    You're an alien...
  46. Melkor

    Powerful imagination

    I don't think there is anything especially incorrect about such a pursuit... I often give much more credibility and time to my fictions than I do to my facts. After all, reality is just another form of perception, just like imagination, and why should a world we have influence over be any less...
  47. Melkor

    You did it again Jesse. *Slap* Jeez, learn how to visitor message, will ya!? You must read...

    You did it again Jesse. *Slap* Jeez, learn how to visitor message, will ya!? You must read it, it'll change your life, or at the very least your late afternoons. Don't mock me ser'!:( Psh, well I'll out-do your killbot with an ENFP bot! Robot voice: "HI! HELLO, DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM...
  48. Melkor

    buenos dias!

    Hello-hello. The refreshements are over there... *Points* The firs aid kit is just beneath your feet, and the exit is that way. I think thats about all you need to know...
  49. Melkor

    I do have a habit of only figuring out parts of things before moving on to the next great...

    I do have a habit of only figuring out parts of things before moving on to the next great adventure. o-o
  50. Melkor

    Music For Sleeping

    BBC radio four is all I need...
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