it depends on what you mean by intelligence. When I read up on the Trail Blazers they call it basketball IQ, so I guess in these terms its life IQ (unassociated with the tripe called the intelligence quotient). Its the ability to realistically anticipate what life is going to throw at you and prepare for it. To see into the future, maintain focus on the present and not get trapped in the patterns of the past.
If that's what you mean when you're talking about intelligence, then yes, as much security as you can ever hope to have as long as its coupled with discipline. Everyone comes to table finding at least one of those requirements fairly simple. Compared to some I think INTPs can be downright clairevoyant, but absent-minded and lacking discipline. I don't want to take either of those two traits out of the definition of intelligence because (1) they're necessary for success and (2) they are all accomplished with the reasoning centers of the brain.