need to be able to mind read! Not just want...
Present means of communication are way inadequate...
It wouldn't be a matter of abusing it - surface skimming thoughts could be just as deceptive as language... that kind of reading offers little advantage that I can see - I don't want just random mind-noise from anyone.....
To the contrary, I need the capacity to mind-meld selectively, voluntarily... to the exclusion of external stimuli, so that another's mind can become - temporarily - the entire universe and complete understanding/empathy can be achieved.
This is not a forever-type invasion but something needed when confusion/misunderstanding/isolation must be overcome, and of course it is mutual - one must permit one's own mind to be openly 'read'.*
* I think in this case that 'experienced' would be the better term... I don't know what % of brain activity is represented by conscious language processing, but I'm guessing compared to the totality it is very little...
so what we may experience is likely to be more composed of all those feeling shades; of chemical states, of pre-verbal visualisations... mostly I imagine the experience would be visual/emotional...
even more than that it could introduce us to the different ways some people deal with data. The different processes...
being co-submerged with a mind concerned with dominant Se would be so totally different to meeting another Ti, for instance.
Maybe we don't really know what it means to be all 'senses alive', or awash with constant compassion, or alert to every ripple of the body's chemical (emotional) tide, or swimming in a world of invisible data...
maybe others have no idea what it is like to have the conceptual world arrayed around them like solid geography....
...just imagine the possibilities...