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Search results

  1. JoeJoe

    Didyouknow's 101st post!

    *wonders why nobody celebrated his 100th post* *g*
  2. JoeJoe

    Why are the lurkers lurking?

    Has anyone noticed that the biggest part of lurkers are viewing the index? PS: 10 pangolins dead.
  3. JoeJoe

    Flee for the hills fools!

    Personally, I prefer them on their backs.
  4. JoeJoe


    Well they started quite a while ago already.
  5. JoeJoe


    @Perseus: Can you please stop talking about the different types as animals?
  6. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    *nods sagely*
  7. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    Well I'm a vegetarian. I don't even eat fruitflesh because it gives me nightmares.
  8. JoeJoe

    Alignment Test

    Hey Ogion. Both Corvus Corruptus and I have a tie between true neutral and chaotic neutral.
  9. JoeJoe

    Silence is Golden

    *averts his gaze from that disgusting scene*
  10. JoeJoe

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yesterday I found myself lying in my backyard, wearing nothing but a T-shirt with the words:"I've been kidnapped by aliens and this T-shirt is all they've left me."
  11. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    Grapefruit juice and water. I almost believe you.
  12. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    Not the secret stash. It's the blood everyone knows about, because it's flowing through your body.
  13. JoeJoe

    Alignment Test

    Here's my result: They said true neutral but chaotic neutral has just as many points. Alignment: Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17) Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19) Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19) Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19) True Neutral ----...
  14. JoeJoe


    Ah, we already have a J, that's good. You can finish the whole thing when the creative phase is over. :P
  15. JoeJoe

    About you?

    Welcome to INTPforum Legionnaire! May you find interesting-- Oh, wait that's not my part.
  16. JoeJoe


    Has anyone ever contemplated a personalitywiki? A wiki where all information about MBTI types is collected. Then you wouldn't have to search hours on thousands of different websites for a specific article. It might also be nice to try and type as many fictional and famous people as possible.
  17. JoeJoe

    "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    Nor did he mention Obama as ENTP. Probably not bright enough to find out. :D
  18. JoeJoe


    I'm 16 but people often think I'm older, like 18 or something. When I was 13 one guy thought I was 16. :)
  19. JoeJoe

    Silence is Golden

    *snickers silently*
  20. JoeJoe

    Silence is Golden

    *googles pangolin gun*
  21. JoeJoe

    Silence is Golden

    *quickly writes message to lor* "That was because of the cheese factory smell."
  22. JoeJoe

    Silence is Golden

    *washes lor's feet*
  23. JoeJoe

    Silence is Golden

    *brings another swiss cheese and eats only the holes in it*
  24. JoeJoe


    What Anling describes I know as tandem chess. Some 7th- to 9th-graders play it all the time in our school library. What really sucks about it is that you can just wait for your partner to capture a figure because you desperately need one.
  25. JoeJoe

    Eye issues

    When you become far-sighted in your 50s it's because the lens hardens and cannot adjust properly.
  26. JoeJoe


    Here are some funny German comics, but without story, just single pictures.
  27. JoeJoe

    Good book?

    Have I mentioned A Song of Ice and Fire yet? The first book is A Game of Thrones.
  28. JoeJoe


    And who will be the blood-playing teacher. I only do Cello and Piano.
  29. JoeJoe

    Silence is Golden

    *silently fills them up again so that no one will fall in and cause a commotion*
  30. JoeJoe


    Are the instruments free as well? I'd like a Stradivari Cello.
  31. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    I'm putting them away for :evil:rainy:evil: days, as I have pointed out in another thread. It's sort of like leaving a dildo where it belongs, so you always have it when necessary.
  32. JoeJoe

    MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    One of my favorite jokes: MJ to Spidey: Oh, Peter, you gave me an Octogasm! :D:D:D With Pentagons it depends on guns. :confused:
  33. JoeJoe

    What evokes feeling in you?

    Speaking of music: I usually just listen to radio music. But I play the cello and my teacher pays great attention on that I play emotionally. And the onyl way to do that is by really feeling the emotion and pouring the emotion into your playing, trying to express what you feel by the way you...
  34. JoeJoe

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    So, my story is: I wanted to participate in the "Rate the last person's Avatar"-thread, and I remembered this picture from a funny comic site.
  35. JoeJoe


    I feel like I'm Alice in Wonderland.
  36. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    I'm dyslexic because one of my eyes is missing. (remember the storage place problem?)
  37. JoeJoe

    MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    Trinity is triangular.
  38. JoeJoe

    MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    square is as square does.
  39. JoeJoe

    MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    Can't you accept a joke on a paradoxon?
  40. JoeJoe

    Dealing With Stress From Work

    I'll have to show this to my mom!! My mother is an ENFJ teacher and she got high blood pressure when she was stressed in hospital.
  41. JoeJoe

    MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    When you said "innuendo" I had to read the sentence 6 times before I got it. :p
  42. JoeJoe

    Instinct to Impulse

    I once met a guy who said humans have 52 senses, instead of five and we usually use 6 to 8. What wadlez experienced with his colleage would have been one of those senses and my father once sensed that a colleage of his had heart problems, just by walking by him.
  43. JoeJoe

    Eye issues

    Astigmatism is actually when the corneal curvature is "wrong" and everything looks slightly fatter or thinner.
  44. JoeJoe

    Im new, Hello!

    A roaring piggy and a wingdamagephobic angel. What a pair!!
  45. JoeJoe

    Explain maths to NFs and other non-NT-types

    To make it interesting might help, but I'm not sure. I'm waiting for more ideas.
  46. JoeJoe

    Terabyte Hard Drives

    Well with nanotechnology TB iPods won't be impossible.
  47. JoeJoe

    "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    I think I actually also do that from time to time. In arguments I also often put something in which does not support my point of view, just because I think it is important to consider.
  48. JoeJoe

    MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    Did you know that the average age for Germans to lose their virginity is 15.9? They are only topped by Icelanders.
  49. JoeJoe


    What you say sounds more like Level 4 Defense Mechanisms to me. I suspect that it doesn't really count as a Level 1 Mechanism if you are aware of what you are doing and actually "know the truth".
  50. JoeJoe


    I'd say I'm an average player, compared to the rest of the population. The problem is that I often make a mistake because I overlook something or because I don't bother with thinking ahead enough. I think I'm strongest when there are only a few pieces left on the board. But I really like the...
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