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Search results

  1. JoeJoe

    Help us with a forum logo

    Well, I hadn't seen this thread before. But I could make a (somewhat noobish) 3D model if you ask me nicely.
  2. JoeJoe

    The "Come Back!" Club

    I'm honored. You have my deepest gratitude. :) *hugs saffy* ^ || Might lead to burning angels, don't you think?
  3. JoeJoe


    Except for the third step, this is exactly how Landmark Education works. Thanks a lot for reminding me, I had forgotten the details. :D The difference with Landmark is, that in the end, you create an empowering possibility. You don't change but rather transform, because if you change something...
  4. JoeJoe


    Hell yeah. In school, even if I have a specific opinion on something, I often say something that speaks against this opinion because I find it important to consider. Sometimes there is something, which I find very interesting, but I don't have a real opinion. And when someone asks me what I...
  5. JoeJoe

    Human Intelligence

    The tests are made in a way to measure intelligence defined as capability of logical thinking, spatial intelligence, blablabla... Humans tend to think that intelligence (as difined in the tests) is all they need to be successful in life and subsequently think it's unfair that not all humans...
  6. JoeJoe

    Empty words

    I'm not so sure if it's common in Germany or if it's just me, but I always say the truth about how I feel. If I'm sick I say something along the lines of "stuffed", if I feel great I say "very good", if I'm in a bad mood I say something along the lines of "not so well". The good thing is: Only...
  7. JoeJoe

    NoID10ts 1,024th post!

    and are your sperms so big as to not fit through the holes?
  8. JoeJoe

    Nice new search engine

    http://www40.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=are+you+cool%3F lol
  9. JoeJoe

    NoID10ts 1,024th post!

    I didn't know that your "thing" is so short and fat. :p
  10. JoeJoe

    Personality and the brain.

    wtf? Apparantly the F/T function is influenced by our hormones. I read an article, that if a baby gets a lot of testosterone while in the womb the ring finger will grow longer, if it gets a lot of oestrogene the index finger will grow longer. Subsequently, studies have shown, that people with...
  11. JoeJoe

    NoID10ts 1,024th post!

    How 'bout a nice immersion heater. I'm sure you have some openings to heat.
  12. JoeJoe

    The "Come Back!" Club

    The duck is back!! And it's in 3D!! Homemade!! Let's celebrate!! *shakes bottle of champagne and shoots saffy with the cork*
  13. JoeJoe

    Absence from the forum

    Re: Absence of the forum Don't worry guys, a new duck is coming up. In 3D!! Edit: There it is! Homemade! :)
  14. JoeJoe

    The Game

    I hate the Game.
  15. JoeJoe


    Up until now, I tried to remember when was the first time I did "too well", what were the consequences, what did I feel, that made me decide I'll have normal results. But I couldn't remember. Now to the first quarter. :o During the end of 2008 and the very beginning of 2009 I was in a course...
  16. JoeJoe

    What music does to you

    "Singing is the breathing of the soul."
  17. JoeJoe

    Nobody quotes

    sorry, didn't read the whole thread. nobody did. :P
  18. JoeJoe


    I don't think it's that much about talking. I think (almost) every person wants to be asked their opinion (if it's about a topic they're interested in), because it means, that the person asking values your opinion and you could help him.
  19. JoeJoe


    I have 2 very cute and very social cats. YouTube- Carlin talks about cats
  20. JoeJoe

    Nobody quotes

    nobody understands me!
  21. JoeJoe


    Personally, I'd prefer a catfur doormat. :evil:
  22. JoeJoe


    Well, I talked to wadlez about this topic on the chat, and we have come to the conclusion, that the source actually does come from how others perceive me. Another thought just occurred to me: If I get good grades, I would rise in the "hierarchy". However, being in a higher position also means...
  23. JoeJoe


    umm... Walfin, you don't seem to have read the post correctly. I'll just repeat what I've said before: I'm not afraid of being seen as a nerd (but I used to think that was the cause), I'm somehow afraid of being too far up in the "hierarchy", as if I had no right to be so good, maybe that...
  24. JoeJoe

    The "Come Back!" Club

    Boohoo, no one missed me?! Fine, I'm leaving!!
  25. JoeJoe


    Maybe this should go in the INTP section but I think it's also a more general psychological question. Here's my situation: I am a very intelligent person, but I am also quite lazy. In fact I think I only did normal homework at home (I sometimes still work in the bus or during breaks) three...
  26. JoeJoe

    Landmark Education

    Has anyone here heard of Landmark Education or been in a course? What do you think about it?
  27. JoeJoe


    As I've said in other threads before, my Fe is also pretty strong.
  28. JoeJoe

    What songs are you listening to?

    Denny Schneidemesser - Morning Adventure
  29. JoeJoe

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    My absolute favorite is Denny Schneidemesser, a young German composer.
  30. JoeJoe

    Absence from the forum

    Re: Absence of the forum well, if you look closely, you will find a face in the "cheap" color mesh. Edit: remade the picture, to make the face more recognizable.
  31. JoeJoe

    Absence from the forum

    Re: Absence of the forum Hi everyone. I was absent for quite some time, mainly because instead of hanging around on intp-forum I played video games. However, coming back, I actually notice how much more fun this forum is and barely understand why i "left". Hope you didn't miss me too much. JJ
  32. JoeJoe


    Hmm... That's an interesting person to type. Definitely Introverted.
  33. JoeJoe


    Ummm.... I'm not entirely sure if that describes me very well. :7
  34. JoeJoe

    Jungian type prayers?

    Does that mean, ISFJs are superficial and want to do it the right way, or that both INFJ and ISFJ are perfectionists. I'm unsure about one girl in my class if she's INFJ or ISFJ. Maybe even E.
  35. JoeJoe


    Speaking of being worth something. Here's a fun litttle test.
  36. JoeJoe

    Bad book?

    I love all of the books by Jonathan Stroud but "The Leap" is... kinda weird. Maybe I wasn't mature enough to grasp the whole meaning of the story but nevertheless, you never find out what was real and what imagined, the whole book long you are held in suspense, and in the end nothing really happens.
  37. JoeJoe


    I've imagined what Legionnaire described a few times as well. I would like to sacrifice myself if I know that I can save more lives that way than by continuing to live. I really loved the way Nathaniel died at the end of the Bartimaeus Trilogy. You know, something like: "Yeah, I'll be fine, go...
  38. JoeJoe

    The Game

    I lose.
  39. JoeJoe


    On second thoughts, I guess INTPs would be the rogue wizard, wandering from place to place, searching for knowledge. :) Dwarfs are also too much occupied with their craftmanship.
  40. JoeJoe


    I believe INTPs would be dwarfs. (?)
  41. JoeJoe


    I thought you would have to show how well you could play the piece of the orchestra and thought it would be fun to just give it a go but then I saw you actually had to play something completely different and I gave up.
  42. JoeJoe

    About you?

    Absolutely. Feel at home here, be friendly to everybody (except for Melkor, NoID10ts and loveofreason) and try not to get yourself killed too easily. :D ;)
  43. JoeJoe

    INTP vs INTJ

    That's exactly what my INTJ father does as a job. He does a thing called FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) for a car seat and car interiors company (Johnson Controls). That means, they try to find out every single thing that could possibly go wrong from design to production, so that the...
  44. JoeJoe

    Existential Crisis

    Why the heck do you use a German word in the middle of an english sentence?
  45. JoeJoe


    The described development of the functions is only the most probable development. I for instance think that my Fe is pretty strong for my age (16) and that it is stronger than my Si. Also, I'm not sure how you notice that you're using Ti. Maybe you're using it more than you think you are.
  46. JoeJoe

    Alignment Test

    Ah, but two halves make a whole. :D
  47. JoeJoe

    Existential Crisis

    I think our age will be known as the environment-destroying age. The time when all we did was blow CO2 into the environment and pollute as many ecosystems as we could find.
  48. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    Are those suggestions for User titles?
  49. JoeJoe

    Alignment Test

    Put us in both. Or half of us each.
  50. JoeJoe

    Flee for the hills fools!

    Use your sick imagination.
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