Kidege was being psychic, when he presented US with a Gift-Link to an article about INTJ-INTP interactions, which contained the following passage.
"Find a non-threatening way to tell them that they have skipped ahead and missed telling you a step or context. My husband and I use the phrase "You've gone off to visit the cows." Sometimes the goal and endpoint aren't the most important thing to an INTP. While the INTJ is focused and determined to march to the end of the road with only minimal concern for what is "out there", the INTP has discovered a herd of rare bovines and has merrily run off to examine them. The INTJs ultimate goal may be "just something" (and not even an interesting something) to the INTP. Get used to this. You can't turn them into an INTJ, don't try. Let them have their time then gently tell them that they have run off to visit the cows. Look at what they bring back. Sometimes it IS more important and interesting than the stated goal".
I actually found this forum, while on such a 'Quest for the Elusive Rare Bovine', and the Quest itself was a result of a distraction from another goal (something practical, but boring if I remember... oh yeah trying to find employment)
However, I find found the most interesting stuff when I am not looking for it. I bet, if I set out to find something interesting in a certain subject, I simply could not do it. However, on the journey there and back something shiny would catch my eye and I would be 'forced' to investigate...
That being said I am quite sure than Other INtpians have a collection of bright and shiny interesting things that they have accumulated on various and sundry quests in cyberspace. Since INTPians are renown for their good taste, I would be interested in seeing what you have found, but Kidege has set a tough standard to follow...
Of course, any donation of Gift-Links will be housed in the soon to built Rare Bovine wing of the LINKS library (see kianara)
"Find a non-threatening way to tell them that they have skipped ahead and missed telling you a step or context. My husband and I use the phrase "You've gone off to visit the cows." Sometimes the goal and endpoint aren't the most important thing to an INTP. While the INTJ is focused and determined to march to the end of the road with only minimal concern for what is "out there", the INTP has discovered a herd of rare bovines and has merrily run off to examine them. The INTJs ultimate goal may be "just something" (and not even an interesting something) to the INTP. Get used to this. You can't turn them into an INTJ, don't try. Let them have their time then gently tell them that they have run off to visit the cows. Look at what they bring back. Sometimes it IS more important and interesting than the stated goal".
I actually found this forum, while on such a 'Quest for the Elusive Rare Bovine', and the Quest itself was a result of a distraction from another goal (something practical, but boring if I remember... oh yeah trying to find employment)
However, I find found the most interesting stuff when I am not looking for it. I bet, if I set out to find something interesting in a certain subject, I simply could not do it. However, on the journey there and back something shiny would catch my eye and I would be 'forced' to investigate...
That being said I am quite sure than Other INtpians have a collection of bright and shiny interesting things that they have accumulated on various and sundry quests in cyberspace. Since INTPians are renown for their good taste, I would be interested in seeing what you have found, but Kidege has set a tough standard to follow...
Of course, any donation of Gift-Links will be housed in the soon to built Rare Bovine wing of the LINKS library (see kianara)