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Search results

  1. Teffnology

    Welcome back, self.

    Hello. What area of focus was your formal education to reach your current position? It sounds quite intriguing as I have often reflected on the effectiveness of such beuracracies eespecially here in California. Love your avatar as well.
  2. Teffnology

    Orange is the New Black

    If you follow the trajectory of Weeds, Jenji Kohan's first success on pay TV, she goes through lulls in trying to keep so many character arcs going at once that as a whole it suffers. Over time when you look at how she plans a series out these ebbs and flows even out til they hit a climax and...
  3. Teffnology

    Whats good on your side of the existential plane?

    Good day sir. I said GOOD DAY!
  4. Teffnology

    Thread Derail: "I'm no different from a can of pineapple"

    Re: I'm no different from a can of pineapple Is Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure part of cinema? There is some pretty complex articulation of thoughts and feelings Intellectually stimulating and possibly obnoxious to the masses? Totally Dude!
  5. Teffnology

    I'm no different from a can of pineapple

    http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=15432 It is quite large but Im sure you can find some useful info using the search function. He fully supports Dr AJ Drenth over at Personality Junkie. For MBTI specifics and such. http://personalityjunkie.com/ He would likely advise you to...
  6. Teffnology

    I'm no different from a can of pineapple

    After reading 75% of the infamous Ask Architect thread on this forum. I think I can speak for Architect, in that what you just described is exactly what he would prescribe as a career for an INTP. Finding that balance in development seems to be however, of self discovery/improvement and...
  7. Teffnology

    Is there a job which requires you to summarize a great amount of information?

    Big Data. More like computer files than paper files but same idea. Huge growing demand for data analysts who can help a company find/utilize their client base more effectively.
  8. Teffnology

    Started Writing Scripts for my Videos, Considering Your Requests

    Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec, please? While you're at it, Rust Cohle from True Detective?
  9. Teffnology

    The Wire, remastered in HD. Learn to type!

    I am thanking you now. I like that you aim to limit the subjectiveness of typing. It makes more sense to me as evolution of typology, as opposed to pure anecdotal conclusions. I personally don't see the value of using my time to type others but do like to listen in on others opinions of...
  10. Teffnology

    Modeled the Cognitive Functions in Code (feedback welcome)

    I am fascinated by your approach to typology and programming. FP seems out of my league and I have yet to find a concrete example of specific uses where it is far and away better. This could be the answer to a lot of the issues I see in a particular internet industry, but then Ill read a...
  11. Teffnology

    How do you know you are not an ISTP

    Your typing methods seem to have a considerable amount of thought and research put into them. I am curious on the sources you have used to build your typing knowledge foundation.
  12. Teffnology

    HBO's The Wire, discussion

    Quite fitting that a David Simon thread has but 2, now 3 people, on it. The man is a mystery, but really good at writing television. @Jennywocky- Im curious about your observations of how Simon captured the city. He got some criticism for this but mostly by rich white dudes. Didn't know...
  13. Teffnology

    Silicon Valley

    O shit its back! Come on HBO, the Amazon additions were nice, but when are you gonna let people without cable get your service? I get that financially it is quite risky, with TV providers offering incentives for exclusivity, but long term could make it worth it. Not sure what to do yet about...
  14. Teffnology

    I'm no different from a can of pineapple

    Welcome. Being on a track in college is one of the more frustrating things Ive encountered. My interests would constantly vascilate between what I should be doing (societal and external pressures) and what I felt like doing (dropping out making bank playing poker and becoming a philanthropist)...
  15. Teffnology

    Last movie you watched

    I just sat there speechless in awe. I have no idea what was going through his head at the end. A definite moral compass benchmark test.
  16. Teffnology

    Last movie you watched

    The Congress with Robin Wright and Harvey Keitel. On Amazon Prime instant stream. Super trippy concept about actors and Hollywood as we approach the Singularity. Tusk directed by Kevin Smith with Justin Long. Not big into horror or whatever you call The Human Centipede genre but this one...
  17. Teffnology

    Last movie you watched

  18. Teffnology

    Last movie you watched

    Is she AARP eligible yet?
  19. Teffnology

    Transitioning into a new profession... I'm ready!

    Most definitely on both fronts!
  20. Teffnology

    Transitioning into a new profession... I'm ready!

    If you can find a consistent home game, Ive found the guys who "love poker" and the WSOP on ESPN think they are the shit are such donks! That basically is free money, they usually have ridiculous trust fund deep pockets tho so the stakes can get CRAZY! I played with one of my former supervisors...
  21. Teffnology

    Transitioning into a new profession... I'm ready!

    So true. Ya I don't even look at my cards when in position, until its my action. I just look at how they interpret their hand. If someone gets a big pocket pair they usually snap the cards really quick after seeing them and they tighten up physically. Using the is info I have better idea of if...
  22. Teffnology

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    That has to change. ASAP! Currently streaming on netflix.
  23. Teffnology

    Ask Redbaron

    Hey seeing as how your down with the JWilly style, do you recommend living down under? Does it bother you when people call it that or is that just commonplace? As a potential expat what services/skills are in demand?
  24. Teffnology

    Ya i was gonna try to provide a more objective snapshot of why I think im an INTP as opposed to...

    Ya i was gonna try to provide a more objective snapshot of why I think im an INTP as opposed to an E or a F, which I am internally lacking and attempt to make up for externally. Its more of a social defense mechanism to overcompensate in those areas upon inital introduction to an established...
  25. Teffnology

    Im pretty sure I know the church you talking about and probably served them pancakes at our ihop...

    Im pretty sure I know the church you talking about and probably served them pancakes at our ihop at some point. THC makes the world tolerable and nihilism silly, that is my medical need haha. Sorry for delayed reply I thought this was sent to you and not me a while back.
  26. Teffnology

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    How many times have you seen Rounders? -In the game of life women are the rake.
  27. Teffnology

    Yes, yes it is. JWill is my homeboi. Elbow pass= life changer for me

    Yes, yes it is. JWill is my homeboi. Elbow pass= life changer for me
  28. Teffnology

    Holla attcha boi. White Chocolate. Biggest JWill fan, next to Randy Moss, that exists. The elbow...

    Holla attcha boi. White Chocolate. Biggest JWill fan, next to Randy Moss, that exists. The elbow pass literally changed my life when I saw it happen.
  29. Teffnology

    Me, myself and INTP

    Greetings. To THC or not, that is the question?
  30. Teffnology

    Wearing watches

    I go left because of right hand dom. Anyone ever seen someone wear it on the palm side of their forearm? I had a boss that did it and it bugged the crap out of me. It is basically a fashion accessory instead of a utility at this point with auto updating cell phones.
  31. Teffnology

    I was being stupid with my a hot streaks worth of winnings. Bought a car I didn't need for cash...

    I was being stupid with my a hot streaks worth of winnings. Bought a car I didn't need for cash, a ton of shoes and jerseys, rounds of McClellan 18 for the table, 125% tips, etc. Living in the margins and leaking profits on frivolous shit. Hit a 3 week cold streak and thinned my roll...
  32. Teffnology

    I'm still new around here.

    I have done this type of thing before. I kind of saw it as a way to engineer self importance into the situation. Appeasing my ego and giving me a sense of control in an awkward situation. In the specific example, I would most certainly be a backseat coordinator and be heckling play calls and...
  33. Teffnology

    Introductory Ramblings

    Hola senor. Welcome. I was curious if you felt that you gained something through your previous experience of typology exploration, something that you took away from the self discovery process as meaningful. Your view of the destination may have changed but what if anything did the journey teach...
  34. Teffnology

    INTP Difficulty Socializing

    Cherrio good sirs! I think we are all more or less on the same page now. My story parts 1 and 2 http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=21661 http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=21669 I did take a rather literal interpretation of dr froyd's example but have experienced both...
  35. Teffnology

    INTP Difficulty Socializing

    I know that my main problem to this point has been an over reliance on an undeveloped Fe. I understand what you are saying in that action is better than analysis but to counter, pure action without analysis has gotten me to the dire straits I am in currently. The night club theory has a few...
  36. Teffnology

    Taking a Joke Too Far

    I can second that motion. I am the one in the group that will add layers to the joke to the point of touching and possibly stepping over the line. Either I think something is funnier than the group or they just end up thinking Im weird, dark, and twisted. Im pretty sure THC enhances this effect.
  37. Teffnology

    INTP Difficulty Socializing

    I can relate on virtually everything you hit on. I also worked in food service for the better part of a decade. I definetly interacted with my customers in a similar manner. Quick to make an assessment and utilize "the wall" if I deemed them unworthy of my genuine care and service. In regards...
  38. Teffnology

    List of Intellectually Stimulating Videos (scenefinale recommendations)

    Netflix and Amazon Prime have all of them except Interstellar but some decent torrents are available now.
  39. Teffnology

    List of Intellectually Stimulating Videos (scenefinale recommendations)

    Where would you direct a code noob to start building a proper foundation?
  40. Teffnology

    The hungover club

    Sailor Jerry is a more efficient poison. You don't need as much of it to reach the same level that 80 proofs and below offer. 92 proof is the way to be. Yo ho yo ho it's a pirate's life for me.
  41. Teffnology

    List of Intellectually Stimulating Videos (scenefinale recommendations)

    WOW-wa-WE-WOW! Nice list. Carl Sagan's Cosmos was awesome and I've been meaning to get around to NDT's version. StarTalk radio is one of my staples in my routine. NDT is the man! The Wire is was one of the most criminally underrated TV shows of all time. Uber real and gritty, exactly...
  42. Teffnology

    Existential Crisis

    I've sold a chunk of my sports trading card collection on ebay and am hitting up craigslist to find a room to rent. I think I've got a pretty nice waiter job lined up that should give me enough money to start over and enough time to better myself. I think I'm gonna investigate some online...
  43. Teffnology

    Transitioning into a new profession... I'm ready!

    Tourneys are kind of a crap shoot but the big money ones (starting at $225 entry) with a decent turnout can be a lot of fun and pay WAY more than a cash game ever would. Cash games are the way to go as far as efficiency is concerned in regards to ROI. I think you can make any strategy work if...
  44. Teffnology

    Transitioning into a new profession... I'm ready!

    Phil Ivey for sure. Hellmuth would probably be more fun to play with, as well as more entertaining. Ivey is just simply the man! (I would probably bet he is an INTP based on his personal life maybe a J) I've been playing online since 2007 and live in casinos for the past 2.5 years or so, over...
  45. Teffnology

    If you want to become a web developer

    WOW is this cool! I kind of want to jumbo print this and hang it in my loft. Diagram of the Internet that my mom can kind of comprehend, very neat.
  46. Teffnology

    Fe inferior

    http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/rsz_mr_burns_evil_7487.gif My evil plan is working! Muuuhahaaaaha!
  47. Teffnology

    Existential Crisis

    Im pretty sure that if a couple of life events hadn't happened lately I would be you are in 10 years. Set-up sounds identical (didn't qualify for military due to sports injury) with decision-making process and sacrificing of individuality for practicallity. If you want to read my story its on...
  48. Teffnology

    Fe inferior

    I just watched it and have been struggling with the concepts he discussed, for some time now. I really appreciated his candor and ability to cut to the heart of the self in relation to the world. Great speech with a very powerful message. Much obliged on turning me on to it. Definite descriptor...
  49. Teffnology

    Fe inferior

    I am guilty of the condition you describe that my Fe inferiority causes behavior that I myself don't care for in others. Seeking admiration and attention to appease my ego and feel that the products of my Ti-Ne are being recognized. Like I am doing with this post haha. I guess it is a form of...
  50. Teffnology

    Highly Sensitive Person Test

    OptiMist_Prime, that book I sent you and referenced in my posts, has a section on phases/stages. The concept intrigued me and was curious about the origins related to typology. Nanook, I definitely relate with the concept you described previously of Ti-Ne dom and inferior Fe. I look forward to...
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