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Search results

  1. Teffnology

    Hey. I have returned. The INFJ just broke up with me via telephone :( but there is a possibility...

    Hey. I have returned. The INFJ just broke up with me via telephone :( but there is a possibility of reuniting in the future. Hope all is well with you. It is still a very good day despite that event. I am employed now and life is on the upswing. Cheers!
  2. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    I am alive and well. Now employed and have a residence that will remain undisclosed but am no longer a Californian. Life is grand. Still interested in the idea for this thread but understand that it is tricky to implement. Apologies to anyone who has tried to contact me lately, I have been...
  3. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    I have also seen movies as a way for people to bond. References are a part of the vernacular a point of shared interest amongst family members and such. I can attest, as movies have held my brother's and my volatile relationship together via talking about them and suggesting ones to each...
  4. Teffnology

    The ideal INTP career

    Screenwriting. IMO anyone can write a book but to write a screenplay worthy of being made is an accomplishment.
  5. Teffnology

    Some notes on marijuana & dreaming

    I remember exactly 0.0047% of my dreams. I have never been able to remember nearly any of my dreams except for a select few reoccurring ones in spurts. When I was a kid I would have scary dreams (not nightmares persay just creepy suspenseful ones) involving 2 characters, Chuckie the possessed...
  6. Teffnology

    Last movie you watched

    I watched "The Bridge" back in November when I rationalized that that was the only way I could off myself successfully, had a loaded gun twice sitting next to the respective suicide letters I wrote. I went so far as to even pick out the lightpole I would do it by and was researching how to get...
  7. Teffnology

    The Hip-hop Thread.

    Vanilla Ice anybody?
  8. Teffnology

    I want to travel.

    Have you read/seen Into The Wild? Learning a few card games makes traveling a fun bonding experience. Gin Rummy is a good one. I vote for Alaska.
  9. Teffnology

    INTP's, things you hate

    What is your classification of winter? Cold Cold and wet Cold, wet, and freezing Cold and snow Cold, snow, and icy roads Cold, foggy, and cold moist air Tampa winter of random flash thunder storms and hurricanes Just rainy and not really cold I say winter over summer...
  10. Teffnology


    One thing my ex pointed out as a quirk that has to be INTP. Now I see it all over the place but back in '07 it blew my mind. It was a metal trash can bolted into the ground, to prevent being stolen, it had an opening for trash, a recycyling container on top for cans and bottles, and an ashtray...
  11. Teffnology

    INTP's, things you hate

    Your reply lies at the heart of my issue with healthcare. Preventative vs Corrective. Part of my reply is being an arrogant, ignorant, in general genetically inferior yet superior personal oral hygenist. I did have braces for jaw correction, so that I did not need jaw surgery that a few of my...
  12. Teffnology

    Book Club Proposal

    Well my door is always open, and a bowl is always packed so if you are ever out my way holla attcha boi!
  13. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    My genealogy is totally whack I know. Both of my Grandpa's were young adults when the Depression was in full force. My parents were born just at the beginning of the baby boom, if not even a little before it officially began. My half-brother would always get asked if he was my dad, when...
  14. Teffnology

    Book Club Proposal

    I could send you the numbers, so you can find a comparable strain at a legal dispensary (they even deliver now, if you have an online supported/verified prescription). It is higher in CBD than THC. Growing your own from a clone (a cutting of an established FEMALE plant) is ridiculously...
  15. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    Just found a news article of all 3 of them getting arrested together. http://fultonhistory.com/Newspaper%205/Brooklyn%20NY%20Daily%20Eagle/Brooklyn%20NY%20Daily%20Eagle%201942%20Grayscale/Brooklyn%20NY%20Daily%20Eagle%201942%20Grayscale%20-%207948.pdf ""Who's drunk!" Says Abbott, Insists...
  16. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    That is a really neat story! Believe it or not I have a half-brother in your generation and he has a lot of similar type stories only on the Left Coast. Watching those shows as reruns on TV in the 70s. I found a mentioning of the interview my dad did but have yet to track down a digital copy...
  17. Teffnology


    I have always had the constant shaky leg thing going on and always am fidgeting with something in my hands (ie my beard or a remote's battery cover, or picking petals off a flower, playing with a zipper pull tab, etc). So hyperactive yes. I also get really racy thoughts and have 4-5 parallel...
  18. Teffnology

    Learning poker

    Thinking on my posts now, sorry if my poker nerdism spam is too much to handle. Just very passionate about the subject. Like I said I would be more than happy to pass along any material you are interested in. If there is a poker book worth reading, I likely have an ebook version that I can...
  19. Teffnology

    Book Club Proposal

    I like this plan. I have my copy of Moby Dick. I will jump into it after my evening THC. Reading on the herb is WAY TOO MUCH FUN. It makes reading sober a chore for me, as with many things in life haha. Definitely not for everybody and the right strain is essential, but it has the capacity to...
  20. Teffnology

    INTP's, things you hate

    I have this same frustration any time I visit the dentist, which is totally overrated btw*. They try to start a conversation with you while they have 3 metal devices and two sets of hands inside your oral cavity. What kind of a response do they expect? Besides some incoherent mumbling that you...
  21. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    I find it kind of funny that when you were living in an apartment and thinking about how to design your house, you WEREN'T going to have a home theater and then flip-flopped. Curious as to what sparked this. (Info obtained from AA thread btw). In your case, or most INTPs, for that matter, I...
  22. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    I agree, movies truly are the best way for me to unwind at the end of the day and get lost in them. Funny thing you mention Abbott and Costello. My dad was on set for a majority of the filming of those movies, as a little boy. His father, my Grandpa who died before i was born, Murray Teff was...
  23. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    This thread was inspired by listening to Brian Koppelman's* podcast "The Moment" interviewing Tony Gilroy (Bourne series, Michael Clayton, Duplicity). They geeked out about screenwriting and the production process. Gilroy's brother, Danny, wrote and directed Nightcrawler as his debut. The way he...
  24. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    Richard Ayoade (The Double, Submarine) would be a fun and relatively short one but I think at least 3 movies is a neccessary sample size for this kind of thing, sorry Shane Carruth.
  25. Teffnology

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you plan your day with a 5 minute buffer to leave the house because of habitual walking out the door without everything you need (i.e. phone, money, food, water, keys, etc) and reentering after having said goodbyes and then frantically searching for these items as the 5 minute buffer is...
  26. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    Yellow and Zerkalo I will add your suggestions and Aronofsky (I should at least attempt Pi once) to my list. I welcome other omissions whether large or small as my viewing scope is only so deep. I tend to focus on building off of my own movie snowball and can get pigeonholed into what I think I...
  27. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    I've been on the Carruth bandwagon for some time now. I first saw Primer back in '09 and immediately rewatched it 3 times. SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD! I still get thrown for a loop when I watch it. Literally have seen it over 20 times. That movie inspired me to want to become a...
  28. Teffnology

    Any other oddball INTPs?

    Wasn't trying to ignite discussion on the topic but more trying to clarify that Architect seems unwavering in his LD typing and scenefinale, and now Bronto, think ISTP, for some fairly valid reasons but fall on deaf ears in Architect, so as I have read over his posts over the years. He...
  29. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    @zerkalo I am completely unfamiliar of those that you mentioned above. I would be interested in wading in new waters. I am not sure if I have the patience for the style that you seem to gravitate to but I am willing to give anything the benefit of the doubt, if I can put up with 7 solid years of...
  30. Teffnology

    INTP's, things you hate

    I hate it when: Two employees continue their personal conversation in front of me while all I want to do is check out and leave but now I have "inconvenienced" them by forcing ONE! of them to do their job. When I see employees doing this I almost want to walk out and say "You just lost my...
  31. Teffnology

    Interesting websites?

    Zerohedge.com The Zeitgiest docs on youtube Kid Cannabis movie on Netflix (Canadian, eh?) Grantland.com The Venus Project twoplustwo.com porker forums have interesting essays on psychology and poker
  32. Teffnology

    Hello fellow INTPs

    I just recently transitioned out of Christianity myself and Tolle really helped me a lot during that time. My athiest friend let me borrow it, he uses it for poker and life in general, and I have had been hiding it from him for about a year now. I will go back and reread ccertain parts and take...
  33. Teffnology

    Movie and Filmmaker Fan Club

    I think this is a long overdue addition for those cinephile INTPs on here. Like the book club for film freaks. How about we as a group commit to studying a filmmaker and his/her progression of work. Starting from the beginning of their careers and working towards the present. EDIT: If you...
  34. Teffnology

    Book Club Proposal

    I voted for Prince. I have read it several times but rereading it with a group would be interesting. I would like to nominate for the future The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Don Quixote. I will read Moby Dick if that is the consensus or Leviathan, for that...
  35. Teffnology

    hey babes

    Thank you for those insights and a validation of my current perception of Reed College. It sounds like an amazing place to be but not without its challenges. The changing you, part you mentioned struck me the most because that was the central theme of Blue Like Jazz. If it wasn't for the...
  36. Teffnology

    What to study?

    Economics is something that you should consider, in the context you have presented of studying people. It is a buzz word that gets bandied about by talking heads on TV that don't fundamentally grasp the concept of it being the study of decision making. That is all economics truly is at its...
  37. Teffnology

    Last movie you watched

    I have been meaning to get into the hand coding thing because I like some of the things that Architect does with his posts and you guys all have been doing interesting things that me wonder how you did that. Dually noted. Friday Night Lights has an insanely high level of acting in it for its...
  38. Teffnology

    Any other oddball INTPs?

    Ahh, I see what you are saying now. I had that happen to me as I was growing up playing baseball and cheering for Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa thinking they were the greatest athletes ever. I read both of their biographies and even said Sosa was my favorite player on various questionnaires...
  39. Teffnology

    Any other oddball INTPs?

    I happen to love sports and being at my age, 25.54 years old, I have had the luxury of playing them taken from me by way of injury, time, peer availability, and increased responsibility to society. I played basketball and baseball mostly growing up. I highlighted some of the adjectives I was...
  40. Teffnology

    What to study?

    It is quite a shame that no one actually has heard of him. The Zeitgeist movies actually turned me onto him and his concepts. It is shocking how prevalent the concepts he developed are in EVERY facet of our current consumeristic lives. I almost wish I didn't know this kind of stuff because...
  41. Teffnology

    Any other oddball INTPs?

    Yes I do see another correlation but the current version is a 5 page essay, dealing with INTPism and its correlation to my passion for sports, not playing them but tracking them. It is a rough draft right now but something I eventually want to share with the forum. I had a similar grip...
  42. Teffnology

    What to study?

    Look no further than Edward Bernays. He took sales and advertising and made it into a science using concepts that his Uncle, Sigmund Freud, developed. The Godfather of "Public Relations"
  43. Teffnology

    Last movie you watched

    Someone is gonna have to break down for me how to use the multi-quote tool. I am throughly confused. Ya I love everything Miles Teller touches. That Awkward Moment had some sneaky good moments but as a whole was not that good. I haven't seen Two Night Stand but it is in my queue for when I can...
  44. Teffnology

    Any other oddball INTPs?

    Having people in your corner that are aware of your circumstances and are non-judgmental has been my saving grace. I currently have just my mom IRL and a distant friend I haven't seen in 9 months. As well as this forum and various authors who have had internal struggles themselves. All of that...
  45. Teffnology

    Last movie you watched

    I really like Shailene Woodley, The Spectacular Now is an instant classic for me, and she is honestly the only reason I was considering watching this but I think based upon our more or less aligned preferences I will not go out of my way to watch The Fault In Our Stars. Kind of feel the same...
  46. Teffnology

    Favorite Books

    Power Broker by Robert Caro The Prince by Machiavelli The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas Getting The Best of it by David Sklansky Moneyball by Michael Lewis
  47. Teffnology

    hey babes

    I read Blue Like Jazz which is about a Christian and his life at Reed College. I also watched the movie they made about it. Curious if this got brought up at all during orientation. I am sure the campus has a lot of similar type stories and media connections but that is the one I am familiar...
  48. Teffnology

    Hello fellow INTPs

    I am reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It is very powerful for me so far. i have been bale to adopt and utilize a lot of the techniques he presents.
  49. Teffnology

    What to study?

    Biopsychology was a game changer for me. Just enough science to help explain Psychological patterns and processes. Abnormal psychology was another one of my favorite subjects, mental disorders and sanity. Sociology and Cultural Anthropology are also very intriguing subjects along similar lines...
  50. Teffnology

    Any other oddball INTPs?

    Totally. Having someone that needs guidance in your life is a big ego boost and I would actually try to foster those kind of relationships, my inferior Fe knocking at the door. Try to guide someone who may not have as much life experience as me when I am really not in a position to give...
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