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Search results

  1. Aerl

    Understanding Thought

    Firstly, thank you for sharing. I am quite interested in the workings of the mind. Personally I've been thinking in recent months about similar ideas and I would like to add that the vocabulary we use in construction of our spoken language highly influences our own perception of the world...
  2. Aerl

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    "Creation is an artistic form of presenting philosophy." -Me
  3. Aerl

    What's in a name?

    Symbols and images allowed to transfer primitive and simple knowledge. With the development of language as we know it now, we can delve into the realm of phylosophical understanding. Yet what I noticed is that "words" which we use while easy to manipulate, they are also in one way or another...
  4. Aerl

    Missing Dollar Riddle

  5. Aerl

    What I've learned the past 2.5 months

    Next step is Buddhism I recon, but yeah, "I" can become too much of a parasite sometimes, sucking everything good in you. Personally, I find that acting modest is a better approach, and when it comes to learning or work, combined teamwork is the best answer to solving problems. Everyone can...
  6. Aerl


    Can't say I'm in better shoes, just want to tell you that I feel you. Keep a lookout for hope, never know when it might hit you. Hope dies last.
  7. Aerl

    Missing Dollar Riddle

    It should be $27-$2= $25 I'm too lazy to explain it in detail. You get $27 total payed + $3 returned. $2 are payed to bellhop. I just hope you follow my train of thought and this makes enough sense to you. No riddle, just bad math.
  8. Aerl

    What is the cause or creator of the universe?

    Hello everybody My point of belief leaves only a few options of explenation to the very beginning of our physical reality. Eather we're here by only some accident, or some sentien being from higher dimention started everything we have knowledge of. First option is somewhat egsistencial, we...
  9. Aerl

    Causality transformation as key to Artificial Intelligence

    Just my 2cents, but I define artificial intelligence(AI) as an encyclopedia which tells you an answer to posed questions or situations, it is static, on the other hand artificial consciousness (AC) is something that is constantly in motion. I was once wondering can I come up with a design for...
  10. Aerl

    I, a construct of the mind?

    Very interesting. And sorry for being a necromancer.
  11. Aerl

    I'm a sentence.

  12. Aerl

    List of Intellectually Stimulating Videos (scenefinale recommendations)

    I'd like to recommend "Waking life"(2001), if you can stand the style of the movie, than you should find some topics interesting, "stimulative". A man shuffles through a dream meeting various people and discussing the meanings and purposes of the universe. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0243017/
  13. Aerl

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Inside all the people, by Planet funk
  14. Aerl

    I, a construct of the mind?

    I doubt as well that we will find the man who is in that position, making everyone do what he desires. The issue I'm consirned with is: Is consciousness, "the I", is just a more sophisticated tool of responses of modern times, unlike feelings in prehistory. We're not searching answers for...
  15. Aerl

    I, a construct of the mind?

    Appreciate your input. Perhaps it's just a more abstract sense of I. Not trying to connect body to mind when we skip I. For example: This body needs water. Instead of: I want water. I completely agree, each language has something to offer I must add, when your thoughts are made of words...
  16. Aerl

    "Creating content"

    I welcome your input, most appreciated.
  17. Aerl

    I, a construct of the mind?

    Just to clarify: I'm not boiling it down to intellectual work, I'm just implying it may requires some cognitive effort. Also, what I mean by "I" is "errecting a thought loop to aid in getting from point A to point B, in a more profound way".
  18. Aerl

    I, a construct of the mind?

    If I am correct, am I to assume then: the only way the brain can evolve further, is to indulge in as much as possible intellectual work untill breaking point, in hope to reach out further. Perhaps it is just me, but I feel like we are all at the front of evolution and it is the...
  19. Aerl


    Welcome, to your new home. I'm sure we will come to appreciate your input on a number of subjects. I, myself 'aint a native english speaker, I'm Lithuanian, so I do share the fear of miniscule mistakes that add up when I write in English, also I'm terrible when it comes to writing in Russian...
  20. Aerl

    I, a construct of the mind?

    Am I correct to assume that we're in so said control as long as we're aware that we're making choices of our own accord. And the moment we stop making choices based on thought, we leave our instincts to play the boring part - leave it on autopilot? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  21. Aerl

    "Creating content"

    Before there is output, there needs to be input. As in, there is no reaction if there is no action first. Where I'm going is: It's logical to assume that from the moment we wake up, we have basic needs and while we satiate them we come in contact with a variety of object which spring a...
  22. Aerl

    I, a construct of the mind?

    Is "I" a construct of the mind? Surely we are not born already with it but generate and cultivate it over a few years. So basically, a body can survive without it ever forming, but it will lack capacity to indulge in intellectual debate, thought and use logic, philosophy to further it's ends...
  23. Aerl


    As long as it's a title and not a name I'm fine with it.:elephant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl
  24. Aerl


    @idokaiho It is hard to work with a large amount of information at one given point. What you're doing is tidying your head from all the rucus, bringing up everything important what disturbs your peace and laying it down so you can identify exact causes of your current state. Keep looking...
  25. Aerl

    What is genius?

    Most probably entertainment in redefining things, this opens up new possibilities and or applications, different perspective, originality.
  26. Aerl

    Happiness, a goal or adjacent feeling

    I agree with this, and must add, the whole "Right and Wrong" is being wired in childs mind, thats why we learn easier in our youth, as we get older it's harder to redefine, rewire our brain cells. It's usually a long process when it comes to neural medication. The brain is already shaped and...
  27. Aerl


    Not so well as one might think, I've been sent to a ward one more time. Currently at home and on watch for one month, I wonder how it will turn out. Can't say I'm better, just because I can finaly identify what bothers me with a less distorted world view. I'd sugest trying to view your...
  28. Aerl

    Happiness, a goal or adjacent feeling

    Sorry if I came out that way, I'm more interested in how "happiness" functions in day to day life. I'd say we agree on a degree. Happiness is something humans chase to achieve a state of contentment, only sometimes contentment may not be needing such emotions as happiness or a cheerful state...
  29. Aerl

    Happiness, a goal or adjacent feeling

    @Teffnology Appears reasonable, but it leaves depression and happiness in a undefined field. Or do you imply that happyness is just a point from which we should start counting untill we meet another such point. @Vrecknidj Relativity is everywhere, most of the time it doesnt get in our way...
  30. Aerl

    What is genius?

    If I am to provide a definition, I'd go with: Genius is someone who shows remarkable skill in some field and works hard in mastering it. Or "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% hard work", to me, genius is all about mastering a skill, because anyone can be talented, but genius is one who will...
  31. Aerl

    Happiness, a goal or adjacent feeling

    Hi everyone Today I pose a question, is happiness a goal in our lives, or is happiness just an adjacent feeling which we experience along with things. (things, as in variety of actions) How do you understand happiness, what role does it play in your life? From my perspective, happiness or...
  32. Aerl


    Hi Everybody Sorry I left in a kind of dramatic way last time, I guess I went full "shizo" and didn't feel like coming back. Felt that I dont need some space on the internet where I can talk to people who could share some interests and I'm a happy citizen. Dunno if you remember me, here is...
  33. Aerl

    Plain Aerl

    I came to realyze something very important that I have been too ignorant to notice, to understand, that was right under my very nose all this time. Hurting me and I wasn't able to notice. One can never be more ignorant than that. I see no reason for me to stay here, even though it was a short...
  34. Aerl

    To be true to yourself

    Tell me how do you define it and why it can't fit into the definition of: To understand how you feel about something and why and let others know in a way they deem fair if it involves them. To understand that you don't understand how you feel and ask others in a fair way to help you understand...
  35. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    I am not sure what to think, definitions are rigid and forceful, 4th stage even suggests blind judgment and execusions of requests without any thinking. Treating everyone diferently suggests the lack of fairness also, a fundamental rule which was completely ignored. I'm not sure to laugh or to...
  36. Aerl

    What is love to you?

    My new and final definition of Love, Love is the ability to Accept and it will never change from now on.
  37. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    My point is, just like I pointed in that other thread, after you suffer so greatly as to realise the absurdity of life that we can't tell others how we feel because they are very likely to get hurt so bad as to not understand. Would you go so bold as to say we may never be friends if we knew...
  38. Aerl

    Avoiding infatuation

    ಠ_ಠ What's the point of having a girlfriend if not to have fun together and care for each other? What's the point of having friends at all than? Or are you saying that I should find a girlfriend that I can't have fun with? What kind of a friend is that? ಠ_ಠ I guess friends are those who don't...
  39. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    What I'm saying is that Buddhists take the peaceful road, which provides reward on each step, but ultimately there is nothing to learn from the road than what you have been doing all along. Buddha said, all living beings suffer, and only through the path of enlightenment can they free themselves...
  40. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    Buddhists prove it possible, it's personal preference which one of two roads you prefer, the bad or good, both lead to the same place. Both are Right. " War doesn't deside who is Right, only those who are Left " edit: Would you chose feeling good untill you reach the end of your journey and...
  41. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    Also wanted to point out, I believe prisoners who went through hell itself and realised how wrong they were and what is valuable in life to be far more successful than an average man, They were wrong, but they didin't stop half way, they commited terrible crimes, but what they found ... that's...
  42. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    @Minuend, even if it is, it's still someone putting themselves into their shoes, and it's no diferent from my question. I am a lazy person and I prefer other humans to do the job for me. Don't get offended, I really aprishiate your part in all this, without you, I'm nothing.
  43. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    If you want it a miriad times simplified: How do you tell to children that 2+2=3 is wrong? You need to know what it feels like to do something wrong and afterwards realise it. My question asks you to relive the most horrible thing you realised you did wrong and tell me what would you tell to...
  44. Aerl

    Avoiding infatuation

    My default reponse to such feelings as of recently would be. Come up with the most appropriate line to tell another person that if they catch you looking at them they should not get offended, that just means that I/you find them interesting. If they would want to know more what makes me...
  45. Aerl

    A not so simple question.

    I would love to tell you my true and honest thoughts, but that would threaten my life. Intead I will tell you this. You know you may never be truely honest with others and must hide your most private thoughts because those might hurt them in more than one way, and you know it is wrong. Truth...
  46. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    @TMills27, I'm not asking what people would think or do with the message, I instead want to know what can you imagine he would write in it. @Methodician, it's as if you can't imagine alternative yourself who has indulged in pedophilia and in his last 5 minutes before death having...
  47. Aerl

    Interesting conclusion.

    Imagine a criminal that has committed a terrible crime. Now imagine that before he dies he has 5 minutes of clear thought, realising what he did was wrong, how it was wrong, how much suffering he has caused. What would he write as a message to those living? Knowing that everyone before death has...
  48. Aerl

    A not so simple question.

    As much as I'd love to say Salmoneus's message appears to be best, it's a cheap rip-off, so I can't really give him credit... but it's a great example never the less.
  49. Aerl

    What is Fair?

    a. ok. b. how do you know they don't protest? You teach them our language and they tell you it's okay? Or you knock them out and see that they don't respond, that meaning they are okay with an experiment like that? c. So you consider it fair to be asked before experimented on, because if you...
  50. Aerl

    Laughing fit

    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about th’universe!"
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