Ok, now I am clear. You are prone to infatuations. And you have pursued them with no positive results. I get it. That's a tough position to be in. You want to go against your natural propensities. That's tough to do especially in your situation with school and all where you are surrounded with chicks. I think working against ones nature tends to blow up in ones face. I do believe you when you say if you had a relationship it would not help. I understand that it will just distract you from your studies. Have you considered that a healthy relationship can have positive effect on your situation? For instance, if you get involved with a hot party girl, she will probably screw you up. But if you get involved with someone who is more of a nurturing type it could be good for you. I don't think you are going to win a battle against yourself over the infatuation part. But rather than be drawn in just by looks, think about the qualities you would like to find in another person. Did the girls you were infatuated with have the qualities you were looking for? Had you given that any thought? Or were the just physically attractive and seemed nice enough. Are you a kind of "womanizer" type? I had several friends that seemed to target women that seemed attractive. Those relationships never went very far for one reason or another and they were usually unhappy. The majority of the girls I dated were physically plain by comparison. But I did not target them, they were people I interacted with in social circles, and their style was to my taste. They were basically socially introverted types that I would end up having the best conversations with. And I would just ask them to a movie or something during casual conversation. I would only do this if I had a sense that they genuinely had some interest in me. As a matter of fact, that is where the enfactuation begins with me. Once I know there is a mutual interest. I don't get hung up on someone I just "have to have". But that is just me, and I don't yet know if this is the case for you because you haven't spelled it out like that to me. If you are picky about who you date, expect them to be picky back. I'm not in a relationship with a body, but a personality. I'm not saying I don't have a threshold for what I find attractive. But I can say that I have noticed that the better I get to know someone, the more attractive the personality, then the more attractive to person becomes overall to me.
I hope something I have said here helps you. Otherwise I only know traditional fixes like trying to bury yourself in studies, work and other distractions. But those are mainly for getting over relationships, not fighting the urge to have one.
Dammit! I did not see your reply to Greyman. Must have posted it while I was writing this. I get you Dude. I would have gone about it differently. But I still hope some it holds some relevance for you.
I guess your message would apply to the random people I see around me whom I find attractive but as I mentioned, when I get attracted to someone based solely on looks, it doesn't last too long.
The reason why I wrote all of that to Grayman was because I felt that my last infatuation wasn't really so much of an infatuation. It was more than that. I feel like writing more about her. Here it goes...
The first time I saw her was during our orientation for junior college. Let's call her Y. At the time, I was infatuated with this girl from my orientation group solely because of her voice and her looks. I saw Y from a distance and thought she seemed really interesting because she was different from everyone else. She was a little awkward in the crowd and using a term she used later to describe her, she was like a little mouse running around, clueless as to where she was going. I still recall that look because it was one I'd see more often as the days went by.
I saw her around in school a few times after that but didn't do anything or say anything because I was still infatuated with that girl from my orientation group. And then my friend and I went for this writer's block thing and to my surprise, there she was, sitting in the midst of all her other classmates. So I went for a few of those sessions and I'd always see her there. And then...one day...I got to sit beside her. We exchanged what each of us had written and we spoke for a bit. She was really friendly. I think that was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.
So I told my friend about her (the one who would eventually go on to date her) and eventually, somehow, I managed to get her name and so I found her on facebook. My friend added her first and started talking to her. I was pretty depressed because she didn't add me. Later my friend said that he had played a prank on me and apparently told her not to add me or something. (I still don't know if this is actually true) To make up for that, he introduced me (officially) to her and so she added me and apologized saying that she didn't know my name. And so we began to exchange messages back and forth each other. Of course, my friend had the upper hand so he managed to talk to her more than I did.
I didn't have the guts to ask her for her number or approach her directly in school. My friend, who's an ENTP, did all of those things. It wasn't any problem for him. I still remember the three of us chatting on facebook and Y proposed a toast to everlasting friendship. *clinks glasses of milo* Sadly, it didn't quite work out with two of us.
I never managed to spend much time with her face to face. The longest was about ten minutes when we were at the bus stop, waiting for our buses to arrive. But online, we'd sometimes have conversations that were 2 hours long. I'd always feel really happy when that happened.
After she found out that I liked her, we didn't talk for two whole months. And then school began and I saw her around a lot and couldn't help myself but send her a messgae again. All I said was "Hi. How have you been doing these days? You know, with school and all." And she replied a much longer post telling me that the first week went by pretty well for her, asking me if I was going for this math competition, telling me about this tumblr about neuroscience she thought I'd be interested in. The last part made me sort of swell up inside because it meant that even during those two months when we didn't speak, she still thought of me. Then I realized she still treats me as a friend and that felt really good.
Oh, and I have this other friend who lives in the same estate as her and so one day they managed to have a lengthy conversation between themselves and apparently I popped up in that conversation. When that conversation took place, she hadn't replied my message for about a week or so and when my other friend mentioned me, she (according to my other friend) smacked her head with her palm saying something along the lines of "Damn it. I haven't replied his message yet" followed by "Do you know that he...(likes me)?" and some other stuff my other friend wouldn't tell me about but basically assured me that she sees me as a friend and that's unlikely to change. HAHA.
Well, it did change. I don't really know why. I gave her my blog address when we started speaking to her again back in January last year and in June, after she hadn't replied my message (which was really short) for a while yet I knew that she had visited her account (because she posted photos of herself on a biking trip with her classmates) I basically wrote on my blog this:
I think it's about time I let go. This has gone on for far too long.
But damn it, I can't.
I've tried many times till now and failed, every single time.
Probably didn't try hard enough.
What good will it do to hang on to it anyway?
It's a nuisance to the parties affected.
I should stop being so goddamn selfish all of the time.
I should stop trying to grab everything I like for myself.
We're talking about sentient beings here!
Damn it...
I don't know...
I don't want to let it go...
But I must!
Can't rely on anyone but myself.
People have got their own lives to lead.
Can't expect them to care for me or give me attention.
I'm a pretty shit person right now.
I'd like to be better.
I still think about it before I sleep.
What do I think about now?
What can provide me with comfort and solace now?
I can't keep running to my fantasies all of the time.
The sheer inertia of existence.
That's pretty much all there's left."
Maybe she read that or maybe her boyfriend (my friend) told her not to speak to me again or maybe she just didn't feel like speaking to me anymore (which is weird because that was a really short message and it included a question in it) but whatever it was, we didn't speak again after that. In the middle of July, I found out that she was dating my friend and so...I deleted my facebook account, my tumblr, and suspended my blog. Her class and mine sat very near each other during chemistry lectures and it was really hard for me. I somehow could sense her presence although I never looked back (probably from her voice) and would always leave a bunch of seats empty so that I didn't have to sit directly in front of her. And then worse yet, I had literature lessons at the same floor her class was situated in. It was a really tough ordeal.
Damn it, I can't tell you how much I miss her. How I reminisce those days we were still friends. I created a new facebook account in september and I sometimes see her photos that our mutual friends post. And it always leaves me feeling unsettled. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Well, at least she's happy.
All of this taught me an important lesson that I should never fall for someone again. Because if I do, it'll probably hurt like how this one did. I'm not a masochist. Not really. No point trying to inflict pain on myself again.