But it is near-about 5 minutes.
We can change that.
I would just be silent and have people think for a minute
"There is competition in nature. There is fight for survival. But above all these, there is co-operation which maintains equilibrium. Without co-operation everything will fall apart. Man is a social animal. It desire to connect, to love and be loved. Man gains happiness by helping others and happiness increases as you share it.
One only spreads misery to resonate one's own inner misery with other's. It is a pathetic way which brings only pseudo-happiness but only makes you even more miserable.
We are wired in ways to find a divine happiness by helping others, loving and being loved. Hatred against hatred only breeds more hatred, it only through love the illness can be cured.
Yet you killed those who tried to spread love. You killed Christ, you killed Socrates as he tried to make you learn to question and less gulliable. You are brainwashed, manipulated and you are made to kill those really want your good. Christ's philosophy was simple, to love thy enemy; kingdom of God is within you, yet you keep on adopting fantasies as truth and keep on hoping and depend on others. You let others paint your life.
Are you a patriot? A lover of motherland? Isn't the whole world your motherland? Why fight over abstract barriers?
You are diseased. Your state of mind is diseased full of absurd fears. Today even little kids bully others, laugh at others misery instead of helping, throw stones at dogs and laugh.
You are a cattle. You are created as a livestock, you are treated as a cattle, as a machine, you have to take input and give high output and all that. The miserable ones control this society, they are powerful but actually powerless, it is you who give them the power.
You are an overevolved abomination, a failure as a species, even ants are more successful than you, success is presence of peace in mind, and your mind is messed,
your mental happiness is unstable as it depends on transient things. You suffer for absurd reasons. You adopt absurd stories to escape from your fears and suffer and limit yourselves even more. You do the same mistake over and over again, blindly you follow them, war after war, violence, repression, furstration, stress. You have brought down love to sexual attraction, you have destroyed the meaning of love. This speech is meaningless. You will do the same mistake again. Know thyself. Do not breed. And kill yourselves. Save the world.
This is an asylum. It is no place for sane people. hahahahhahah, why so serious? I was just joking? Chill.I go now."
Borrow your neighbors computer if you don't have one and read the INTP Forum. Sign up and we'll tell you how to proceed after that.What would you say, if you had the attention of the whole world for 1 minute that would have the most impact on it?
"There is competition in nature. There is fight for survival. But above all these, there is co-operation which maintains equilibrium. Without co-operation everything will fall apart. Man is a social animal. It desire to connect, to love and be loved. Man gains happiness by helping others and happiness increases as you share it.
One only spreads misery to resonate one's own inner misery with other's. It is a pathetic way which brings only pseudo-happiness but only makes you even more miserable.
We are wired in ways to find a divine happiness by helping others, loving and being loved. Hatred against hatred only breeds more hatred, it only through love the illness can be cured.
Yet you killed those who tried to spread love. You killed Christ, you killed Socrates as he tried to make you learn to question and less gulliable. You are brainwashed, manipulated and you are made to kill those really want your good. Christ's philosophy was simple, to love thy enemy; kingdom of God is within you, yet you keep on adopting fantasies as truth and keep on hoping and depend on others. You let others paint your life.
Are you a patriot? A lover of motherland? Isn't the whole world your motherland? Why fight over abstract barriers?
You are diseased. Your state of mind is diseased full of absurd fears. Today even little kids bully others, laugh at others misery instead of helping, throw stones at dogs and laugh.
You are a cattle. You are created as a livestock, you are treated as a cattle, as a machine, you have to take input and give high output and all that. The miserable ones control this society, they are powerful but actually powerless, it is you who give them the power.
You are an overevolved abomination, a failure as a species, even ants are more successful than you, success is presence of peace in mind, and your mind is messed,
your mental happiness is unstable as it depends on transient things. You suffer for absurd reasons. You adopt absurd stories to escape from your fears and suffer and limit yourselves even more. You do the same mistake over and over again, blindly you follow them, war after war, violence, repression, furstration, stress. You have brought down love to sexual attraction, you have destroyed the meaning of love. This speech is meaningless. You will do the same mistake again. Know thyself. Do not breed. And kill yourselves. Save the world.
This is an asylum. It is no place for sane people. hahahahhahah, why so serious? I was just joking? Chill.I go now."