No, that is just the word love being misused. You don't love money. You like money. Or violence. Love, by default, by its definition, cannot be abused.
If violence is loved, it cannot, it is hate. In a way, when you appreciate violence, you must say 'I hate violence'. Because hate and violence go together, violence is the fish in a sea of hate. Here 'hate' is used to express appreciation or 'love' for violence.
This is a linguistic problem. Love and hate oppose each other. But in language there is no opposition, because when you say 'I love violence' you are using a paradoxical statement by the use of the word love.
Love cannot be used to describe an inherent hateful act, such as violence is. And vice versa.
I was playing the game of semantics. Languages can be manipulated in several ways. You can't say I am misusing the word, I am just using a different system, it is only misuse relative to your personal system of semantis, but what makes one system greater than other, when it is just a word.
Love is beyond notions of reductionist bullcrap. :-)
Basically you are attacking the physical heart where the heart is a symbol. I am not sure where it is from, but if I intuit it, I would say that the pump that is the heart represents the flow of life, so love equals life. In biology that surely is the case. It is also the flow of awareness in that to live is to love, because without love for life there is death, as there is no motivation to remain alive and so there would be no survival instinct, not any instinct to preserve anything, like protecting the offspring.
I Said in my next post that I was joking. Anyway, it was the philosophers who used to believe that heart is the center of life and emotions or it is used as a symbol. It may also have associations with the heart chakra. Here you are playing with words too, as you say love for life you distinguish life and love, the thing that your statement implies is that life or passion to live and love runs parallely not love = life, because fear, hatred , bla bla can be a part of life. See you too, play with language and twist stuff. Love is an experience. An word don't describe experience. Words run circular. In the present world love is dependant more on expectations, conditions and all that, and that is why all jealously arise. If one loves a person and the person cheats, and the one takes revenge did the person really loved her? The one's love was bounded by the expectation that the person should always act as the one wanted and not have sex with others and stuff. SO what if the person cheated? So much social conditionings