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Search results

  1. rattymat

    vegetarianism / veganism versus meat eating

    Yeah it is true that the argument against vegan/vegetarians with regards to it going against our biology is really false. It is not at all unhealthy, and yeah, I am not really sure what it even means for something to go against our biology because it is unnatural? By that assumption modern...
  2. rattymat

    vegetarianism / veganism versus meat eating

    This is not exactly how evolution works. Past conditions in human evolution made it such that eating meat and vegetables was the optimal diet for survival. Current conditions are such that this is no longer necessary, and it is possible to be perfectly healthy and not consume any meat. Evolution...
  3. rattymat

    vegetarianism / veganism versus meat eating

    Cherrycola, are you a vegetarian or vegan? Also, I think incremental steps towards not eating meat is a naturally occurring process built-in to the way in which individuals from a collective choose to make dietary changes of not consuming meat. More individuals making this change then slowly...
  4. rattymat

    vegetarianism / veganism versus meat eating

    Oh, would your mother really do that? I find it hard to imagine that someone would actually do that. I can understand though feeling afraid of being assertive with something like this and seeming like you do not appreciate what they give to you, but it seems possible to at least talk with them...
  5. rattymat

    vegetarianism / veganism versus meat eating

    I have couple simple questions to ask as I would like to discuss this topic. 1. Are you a vegetarian / vegan, or do you eat meat? 2. What are your reasons to support whichever one you are? That's it. I'd appreciate all responses. (I was not sure which sub-forum to post in, as neither of...
  6. rattymat

    Quantum Biology?

    What exactly is your basis for these accusations? I do not really see the relevance to this article, either. I mean, if you felt that the development of quantum biology was faulty, then it would make more sense to explain why you felt that way as opposed to simply denouncing scientists and...
  7. rattymat

    why is there no propper dating site?

    Despite what a couple people have said here, don't even bother with evoloveproject.com. I made that mistake and it is seriously underwhelming to an upsetting degree. It has terribly basic and arbitrary distinctions between "social" "sexual" and "secure," combined with MBTI and NO bisexual...
  8. rattymat

    Table of Philosophy and Human Mind

    I wish I could help you but I really do not know where to start. I do not understand how you've compiled the MBTI data on types in the way you have in the first chart. Especially things like brain regions, inspirational figures, crimes, political views.. intelligence. So basically all of it. I...
  9. rattymat

    Physics and Tautology.

    Thank you sammael, you've pretty much explained anything I would have tried to. :D
  10. rattymat


    Yeah. I have often talked to myself out loud when outside. Sometimes I pretend I am having a phone conversation with someone, and I have at times imitated certain types of people and accents. Also I have sung improv folk songs in relation to things I observe around me. Oh.. and I have sometimes...
  11. rattymat

    Human Communication and Data Transmission

    I would also add compiling/decompiling. Which would basically correlate as higher level languages (abstracted) translated into assembly language and machine code being similar to humans translating stimulus such as other human's communicating into somewhat subjectively defined layers of...
  12. rattymat

    Brain power stamina

    It was probably a combination of your thoughts and stimulus. I feel sometimes I try too think to much in environments that are too overwhelming in terms of stimulus and, while it doesn't make me feel naueseous, it can make me feel badly physically, it is hard to explain- it is similar to nausea...
  13. rattymat

    The Meaning of Life is "To Love."

    I think that this is mostly correct, but I have trouble with understanding how nothing really matters=there is no goal that everyone should be going out to try and achieve, nor do I agree with those. Things DO matter, regardless of whether or not there is objective meaning. Perhaps there is no...
  14. rattymat


    A philosophy makes it even less effective. There is nothing being 'cancelled' out. By partaking in the movement, you are one less person contributing to the increase in population. Doesn't matter if more people are reproducing than not, if any one of those people in the movement decided it was...
  15. rattymat


    Out of curiosity, is your ESFP your adopted child? I ask because having read everyone’s comments on here (and another forum), people’s children seem to turn out as the same or similar type as their parents. I was wondering how much this had to do with genetics and conditioning. Also, I think...
  16. rattymat


    Would you ever want to have children? Whether yes or no, explain your reason/s. For those who already have children, what was your explanation of your decision to have them (this can include *unplanned*). Additionally, how happy are you currently? Explain your reason why you are as happy or...
  17. rattymat

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    Because Bowie is cool and weird and stuff. LOL edit: no seriously though, because i liked the pose and expression. it's says to me 'I EMBRACE YOU WORLD' but 'STAND BACK' simultaneously. and that's just like me.
  18. rattymat

    The Meaning of Life is "To Love."

    Okay- I agree there is no objective meaning to life. But how does that imply that 'nothing really matters.' Just because there isn't objective meaning, does not mean that there is not SUBJECTIVE meaning; which could be anything, not just love or loving. Also, all of your examples suggest loving...
  19. rattymat

    How does one cope with depersonalization?

    I have definitely been in this position before, where any opinion you have seems like it is operating on some sort of false bias and thus one is left opinionless. (One can replace opinion with 'idea' or 'theory', since these words are better). Perhaps you are realizing that life cannot be...
  20. rattymat

    How Autism Is Changing The World

    I find it really misleading to use the term autism to refer to very mildly autistic people. People are seriously ignoring how severe cases of autism which are actually debilitating to those individuals and are completely dependent upon someone to take care of them. Which is the opposite of...
  21. rattymat

    Non-Human Consciousness Exists Say Experts. Now What?

    Yeah, I feel in agreement with many of the responses: along the lines of this Animals have consciousness. Uh, duh? Didn't need a 21st century neuroscientist to observe that. I was hoping they were going to at least define consciousness explicitly to support their study somehow, but nope. Maybe...
  22. rattymat

    Crisis Theory

    I do not believe that comfort is necessarily always inappropriate as an ailment for depression. I could outline scenarios and reasoning behind this. 1. Evolutionarily speaking, humans are social beings. We have advanced to support each other, and particularly to support each other in times...
  23. rattymat

    Pineal Gland- Third Eye Awakening

    Well, "as an INTP" I do not believe in voodoo psychic magic.
  24. rattymat

    New theory (of mine)

    I would at least update your theory to "people act the way they want to within the confines of known unwanted consequences." Since, they actually do WANT to kill someone, but they DON'T WANT to go to jail, there is a conflict of want/don't want. In any case, I don't think it is entirely...
  25. rattymat


    In some ways, killing yourself is actually pretty brave. If you have all truly considering suicide, you would probably agree that you would be too afraid to go through with killing yourself. Thus the act of killing one's self requires overcoming this fear.
  26. rattymat

    i-functions and attachment

    lolwat? I was following you up until your ENTP dialogue. O____O
  27. rattymat

    Future Timeline

    Optimistic my ass: The universe continues to expand forever... but is essentially dead.
  28. rattymat

    What is EVIL?

    Evil is one which purposely restricts the freedom of another (some freedom restrictions are inevitable // compromise your own freedom). It is a difficult balancing act of weighing your own freedom against others'. If you inhibit others freedom more than you exercise your own, then it is immoral...
  29. rattymat

    Why is slavery wrong?

    Dumb. You don't kill a plant when you use it for nutrition.
  30. rattymat

    Is objectivity subjective?

    I would define Extroversion and Introversion in this manner: Extroversion: Greater involvement in the reality outside the mind. Introversion: Greater involvement in the reality within the mind. Let it be understood that in both introversion and extroversion, one cannot escape the reality of the...
  31. rattymat

    Is there free will?

    Argument: Because our choices are based on a strengthening of neural synaptic connections we do not have free will. Counter-argument: Your neurons and synaptic connections are a part of YOU. Therefore, YOU make a choice. Describing the mechanisms behind human decision-making doesn't somehow...
  32. rattymat

    Attachment theory

    Experience in reality is transient; including people, places, and objects. But so long as you live, you will have your mind, and it is the mind which generates concepts. I have a high value for the humans in my life who I am most connected with. I recognize, however, their independence from me...
  33. rattymat

    Publicizing your Personality Type?

    I dislike sharing too much of myself as well. Who I am is most important to me, and no one else. Everyone else I create axiomatic connections dependent upon their person. It isn't lying, it simply makes the connection relevant to us both. I am not going to put myself on a dish and serve it to...
  34. rattymat

    An INTP Run Society.

    Just a small response here: I don't think the rare extroverts would be so unlucky. INTPs would most likely be respectful and observant of their differences. What is meant by that is that we would take note of these features and attempt to create a system that allows them to function to their...
  35. rattymat


    It seems like your mind is bored of its own thoughts, quite possibly due to them having run their course. Digested thoughts are no longer as fun to toy with, I would suggest finding new external stimulus for your mind to process. The possibilities may yet again thrive.
  36. rattymat

    Escape your body what do you see.

    Well, if I had to give myself a physical body; I would probably imagine myself to be a middle aged male, and I am a 19 year old female. But then again, ideally I wouldn't have a physical body period.
  37. rattymat

    INTP and dreams

    I almost always remember 1-3 of my dreams. They are in color. Often, throughout the day things will remind me of images from my dream that flash in my mind.
  38. rattymat

    Which type is most likely to be clingy/ a stalker?

    I'd say Extroversion, Feeling, and Sensing types are more prone to be clingy (so it would make sense that the ESFP has been said to be the clingiest. Extroversion because they are naturally more social and therefore have a higher desire to to interact. Feeling because well, they're emotional...
  39. rattymat


    It is interesting, the image you created for me. I do think time exists though. I believe time exists not because of my experiencing time in the fashion that I do, but considering the physical phenomena of change- the formation of our universe, galaxies, stars, solar systems and even the...
  40. rattymat

    Obsession/Tertiary function?

    Well, that is true- but that is a flaw of the brain more so than the personality. As far as the personality goes (what can be adjusted), I would say that Judging types have a potentially greater handicap with data processing, as this trait applies more certainty to conclusions than Perceiving...
  41. rattymat


    Yeah, I do both, the macro (what is much larger than us) scale and the micro (what is much smaller than us) scale, and try to incorporate the size scale of both into a whole, then add time. I'm sure whatever scaling my brain can compute on this large scaling picture is only fractional to how it...
  42. rattymat

    Obsession/Tertiary function?

    Nice observations about the E*TP and I*TJ, I have noticed this myself. I think, as far as INTJ's go in particualr, their J has the tendency to hinder their ability to accurately intuitively think. I would argue this because they form Ti judgments that become stronger than need be, whereas...
  43. rattymat

    Man's Nature

    I don't really understand what distinction you are trying to make. It has awareness only to the degree of its awareness, is basically all that you have said, self awareness inclusive in this. If it doesn't understand what it is aware of, then it lacks whatever awareness is required to understand it.
  44. rattymat

    INTP clumsiness

    Well, at times when I am more connected with my environment I am less clumsy. However this is often not the case, and in times of spaciness I will half-mindedly attempt to navigate and manipulate objects which often fail my grasp. I'm not sure if its visual spatial skills or fine motor functions...
  45. rattymat

    INTP clumsiness

    I am pretty sure this is an INTP trait. I know that I myself am especially clumsy. I often spill things, drop things, knock things over, run into things, etc. I think this is due to two pairing factors INTPS share- disorganization of objects and aloofness to surroundings. Because our...
  46. rattymat

    ADD and P'ness(is)

    Yeah, and I have an INFJ friend is has ADD, so I don't know if its a P characteristic.
  47. rattymat

    Trouble accepting INTP categorisation - any valuable insights?

    Awaken, that is probably the best description of the INTP that I have yet to read. There are some aspects I feel I do not personally fit but overall related much more so than any other description.
  48. rattymat

    Visual Representation of your Mind

    Interesting, I don't normally visualize my mind in any metaphorical sense. I do like to think about the neural networks and pathways that fire off at synapses when I think though. One time when I was very sleep deprived and had a huge headache, whenever I thought hard about a specific topic like...
  49. rattymat


    Well, I would actually consider myself an INTP/INFP hybrid. I identify with both types in different ways, and find great and almost equal value in both thought and feeling (with a leniency toward thinking). So I think I can speak somewhat personally on the matter. I am rather sensitive to other...
  50. rattymat

    Psychology of Death Metal

    While I do believe that certain musical tastes can be reflective of one's personality, I would argue that one's relationship to a genre or artist is quite diverse. Therefore, you cannot create a standard reasoning for why one likes a certain genre such as death metal. However, there are general...
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