nice kitty
In your experience, which personality type(s) is/ are most likely to be clingy or a stalker?
Insecure people
This thread is hilarious. Clearly the answer is ESFJ.
E because I'm an I.
S because I'm an N.
F because I'm an T.
J because I'm a P.
But then extraverted people spread their attention more and are less dependent on just one or few people?Extroversion because they are naturally more social and therefore have a higher desire to to interact.
Yeah, I can feel a bit stalkerish when I like someone I'm attempting to get to notice me. It's because I'm insecure a bit in knowing what to do, how much I should say and hold off on declaring my unwavering love too soon.
I'm going to say INTP in my introspective personal experience.![]()
From my experience, my vote goes for ESFJ.
I get.... almost physically sick from it. I actually feel nauseous from these peoples interactions with me. I'm not sure why.![]()
stalking is a manifestation of a need to control, and clingy behavior is a narcissistic infantile regression that seeks a particular indulgent nourishment.
Cavallier described stalking driven by a need to control, in her INFJ's case that was social control.I'm not sure either of those is necessarily true ESC.
As Cava already mentioned, stalking can be harmless, out of curiousity, and indeed performed by a terrified individual with no lust for control.
Insecurity, self-pity, and fear of deprivation are symptoms of infantile regression, a certain narcissism that is analogous to babies when they form indulgent attachments to their mother's milk-producing nipple.Likewise I have seen (and experienced) clingy behaviour were rather than 'narcissim' and 'regression' the key themes were closer to 'insecurity', 'self pity', and 'fear of deprivation'.
I agree.Hum. Indeed, the various forms that 'stalkerish' and 'clingy' behaviour manifest themselves would suggest they aren't type based at all, but certainly types have different ways of going about them.
I have pretty bad experiences with ESFJs myself. I try to look on the bright side of their personality but it's really hard for me to. (This could also be because they shun me for being too quiet, being too cerebral, being too serious, not being loving or affectionate, etc. They basically shun me for not being them.) That personality type literally wears me out.
Yeah I do the same. I try. Yeah they also seem to "shun" me. For just not being like them. My cousin tested as that, and he was the kind to.... Like he paid us a visit. He kept asking if I was going to miss him. I would say " You didn't leave yet.... So I wouldn't know yet." And he would playfully say stuff like, "Wow you don't love me!!?? And I just want him to stop.
Yeah I don't either, but I said it that way to spare him.Seriously, it's annoying. I just bluntly say no, but I really don't miss people like that because I don't live in the present.