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Search results

  1. Oedipus

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    5/10. No soul. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIZmsviQl3s
  2. Oedipus

    That annoying sense of superiority

    Bad grammar doesn't bother be on internet forums or in chats because it doesn't matter. I generally only point out mistakes if I'm trying to be an ass or if English isn't the person's first language and they make the same mistake regularly.
  3. Oedipus


    Oh, how things change... :D
  4. Oedipus

    Empathizing quotient

  5. Oedipus

    Exam or Coarsework

    I never get coursework in on time. I can bullshit my way through an exam pretty easily, though.
  6. Oedipus

    OK, Ok, or Okay?

    Okay, right or yeah.
  7. Oedipus

    A genie appears, you have 3 wishes.

    1. Time Travel 2. Shapeshifting 3. Extra intelligence
  8. Oedipus


    I cried publicly when visiting Auschwitz, and spent the rest of the day in ultimate humiliation because of it. Other than that I keep it behind closed doors, though I don't cry often.
  9. Oedipus

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    In no particular order: Regina Spektor The White Stripes Bob Dylan Billy Joel Mott The Hoople
  10. Oedipus

    Personality Disorder Test

    The first one is a slightly different test but I had the results at hand and I didn't want to take it again, so. Paranoid 83% Schizoid 74% Schizotypal 86% Antisocial 62% Borderline 90% Histrionic 14% Narcissistic 46% Avoidant 62% Dependent 26% Obsessive-Compulsive 30%...
  11. Oedipus

    Romantic Music

    Bob Dylan - I Want You lyrics - YouTube
  12. Oedipus

    How do you butter your bread?

    I generally focus on getting as much butter on as possible and totally destroy the bread in teh process. Toast is far more robust.
  13. Oedipus

    The Personality Defect Test

    Spiteful Loner You are 100% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 71% Brutal, and 43% Arrogant. You are the Spiteful Loner, the personality type that is most likely to go on a shooting rampage. In high school, you were probably that kid who wore all black and who sat alone in a corner of the lunch...
  14. Oedipus

    What are you all reading?

    A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess.
  15. Oedipus

    INTP worst fear: Dancing.

    I have to do ballroom/ceilidh dancing in P.E. I don't enjoy it, but I prefer it to "club" dancing.
  16. Oedipus

    The RPG Class Test

    Arcane Trickster 19% Combativeness, 60% Sneakiness, 71% Intellect, 3% Spirituality Brilliant and sneaky: You are an Arcane Trickster! Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you've fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an...
  17. Oedipus

    What books have influenced your world view?

    Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut would be one.
  18. Oedipus

    The worst Fox News moments of 2011

    Dear god, and I've been complaining about The Telegraph all this time...
  19. Oedipus

    Which country are you from?

    Scotland :storks:
  20. Oedipus

    Help me Type the Peanuts Characters.

    Peanuts is great. I thought that Lucy seemed like an ESTJ.
  21. Oedipus

    A Christmas Carol (INTPian version)

    I won't have the house to myself again for weeks. I need to buy a lock. On the upside, the best Christmas song ever. The Pogues & Kirsty McColl Fairytale Of New York - YouTube
  22. Oedipus


    The Scott Pilgrim took me about 4 hours with breaks. I worked from a photo of some hama beads and planned it on paper when it got complicated to save time. Doodle did the mushrooms, I wasn't there when they got finished though.
  23. Oedipus


    I really hope Scott is out of range :D
  24. Oedipus


    We have made such beautiful things.
  25. Oedipus

    Learning a new language

    Norwegian. I've been doing a little here and there, but this school year is the most difficult and I have a lot of that work to sit around and not do. It's a useful language as it aids the understanding of Danish and Swedish, Norway is a beautiful country, and I have some family there. I've been...
  26. Oedipus


    Someone give me their computer.
  27. Oedipus

    What should you be doing right now?

    A textual analysis paper for English class.
  28. Oedipus

    MBTI's you dont get along with

    Though there are aspects of many types I don't like, I think it largely depends on whether or not the individual is a jerk or not, to me. Having said that I've only met one ESFJ I've liked, and our friendship is mostly built on fondly annoying the hell out of each other.
  29. Oedipus

    What type do you think smiles the most?

    I've been told that my default facial impression is "infuriating". One of my friends regularly yells at me for giving her "that look", she thinks it looks mockingly superior (I smirk a little). I keep telling her that it's just my face.
  30. Oedipus

    a word game

  31. Oedipus

    Maximum comfort

    Crawl into bed, don't come out for at least 12 hours.
  32. Oedipus

    Is your brain male or female?

    I was at the 50% male bit. Angles Your score: 18 out of 20 Spot the difference Your score: 29% (oops) Hands You said your left thumb was on top when you clasped your hands together. Empathising Your empathising score is 3 out of 20 Systemising Your systemising score is 15...
  33. Oedipus

    Dream moods

    Hm, I wonder what this could be about? :kilroy:
  34. Oedipus

    Pictures of your stuff

    You and me both. :elephant:
  35. Oedipus

    Pictures of your stuff

    I spy Daria :D
  36. Oedipus

    camera discussion topic

    That actually souds pretty awesome. I will trade cameras with you.
  37. Oedipus


    It's more of a party when I'm home.
  38. Oedipus

    Alignment Test

    I think this test has unrealistically high expectations for me.
  39. Oedipus

    Alignment Test

    Chaotic evil. Alignment: Lawful Good ----- XX (2) Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12) Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13) Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXX (9) True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19) Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (20) Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)...
  40. Oedipus


    You won't be disappointed. Maybe.
  41. Oedipus

    Deprived of alone time.

    I had family staying at my house all summer this year, it was awful. I don't usually go out so I was trapped with them. :kilroy: I had to barricade myself in my room more than I normally do.
  42. Oedipus

    Worst Music Ever

    Nickelback - Photograph - YouTube LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH!
  43. Oedipus

    How do INTPs express emotion?

    I tend to show flamboyant, insincere/half-sarcastic affection to people on occasion. I've never really been sincere with anybody in "real life". My friends get annoyed with me for not returning their affection. I'm fine with physical contact as long as I'm initiating it. I hate when people put...
  44. Oedipus

    What's your worst fear?

    I've been mulling this over for a couple of days and I' struggling to find something that I fear as such. Mostly it's a "Wow that would suck" sort of situation. Having said that though, up until about a year and a half ago I was terrified of people throwing up on me and car sickness (in...
  45. Oedipus


    The main subchat is mostly for Dor's benefit, I suppose. When Munkey comes back we can all be a big happy family again. :D
  46. Oedipus


    Lots of people should come talk to us.
  47. Oedipus

    How do other people see you?

    Lazy but intelligent, strange, sharp tongued. People think I'm smarter than I actually am, I think because of my exam results. I'm really just good at bullshitting through exams and suchlike.
  48. Oedipus

    The forum seems to be really slow lately...

    Yeah, I had noticed this too. I thought it was just my elderly computer fading out.
  49. Oedipus


  50. Oedipus

    What kind of knowledge do you collect?

    Other people's personal information, or just random useless things about them. :elephant:
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