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extroverts change to introverts?


is escaping
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Apr 12, 2014
only halfway there
when i was a kid(still am) i was very extroverted. Im now a complete asocial loner. Ive done some research on introversion and introverts have different brains( receive info different), they also have longer dopamine pathways. So how does someone turn into and introvert?( I dont know much about how much your brain can physically change) could someone tell me how this happens/works.


Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Apr 2, 2014
when i was a kid(still am) i was very extroverted. Im now a complete asocial loner. Ive done some research on introversion and introverts have different brains( receive info different), they also have longer dopamine pathways. So how does someone turn into and introvert?( I dont know much about how much your brain can physically change)

The main thing is " Are you happy being an extrovert or introvert?" I dont think Introverts and Extroverts are very different. I think the difference is the kind of activities you like to do. I like to read so I am generally introverted. But at work and in social situations, I am extremely social, charming and interesting. I easily outcharm my friends and family members that are crazy extroverts. But because I like to really read and analyse stuff, I tend to be at home or in a park reading.

Maybe you lost a circle of friends or you started playing too much video games or something else happened, but it seems you made the choice to be a loner. If you are happy with it fine, If not, find some activities maybe sports, you can use to connect to your extroverted self
Local time
Today 5:07 PM
Jan 7, 2012
There's a difference between social introversion/extroversion and cognitive (Jungian) introversion/extroversion. In super reductionist terms, the former is all about people and the latter is about your focus and how you take in information. e.g.: INTP vs ENTP = cognitive introvert vs cognitive extrovert, yet both are likely social introverts, or at least ENTP =/= pure social extrovert.


is escaping
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Apr 12, 2014
only halfway there
Ok, but how do people change? extrovert to introvert socially.

Base groove

Local time
Today 10:07 AM
Dec 20, 2013
Ok, but how do people change? extrovert to introvert socially.

I believe a number of students in the field are of the opinion that the dominant function and inferior function are developed first and are weakly differentiated at first.

Remember the dominant and inferior always oppose each other in every way (including I/E).

So developmentally, people begin life (more or less) as ambiverts and it can take years/decades to strongly differentiate the dominant from inferior (until this point there is hypothetically little/no differentiation of the auxiliary...). While the first and fourth functions battle for position like this, an introverted person may appear to be more extraverted and vice versa.

To claim that "introverts' brains are different" is basically the same thing as saying "extraverts' brains are different"; this concept therefore has very little (if anything) to do with what you're trying to describe, other than to assist in theoretically understanding that introversion and extraversion are fundamentally different, even at a neurological level.

What is supposed to happen, is around the age of 20 we should finally notice clear differentiation of the dominant and inferior functions, with a clear hierarchical organization (i.e. the dominant (n.) is seen as truly dominant (adj.)) This is when the rest of the inferior functions* (the rational functions** in irrational types*** and vice versa) grapple for position and we notice a clear emergence of the auxiliary function over the next few years.

Incidentally, this is also the same time-frame for the brain to fully mature into adulthood and Erikson's personality identity crisis to be fully resolved.

* "inferior functions" refers to the three out of four cognitive functions that are not dominant (i.e. one of T, S, N, F will be dominant and the other three are seen as inferior). This contrasts with the specific terminology "inferior function" which is almost always referring to the fourth/last function which opposes the dominant most strongly. I have used both terms in context and want to ensure clarity is maintained.

** rational functions are T and F

*** irrational types are N-dominants and S-dominants (INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ISFJ, ENTP, ENFP, ESTP, ESFP) // not to be confused with Kiersey's "rational temperament (NT)" as they mean very different things.

Red myst

Abstract Utilitiarian
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Mar 23, 2014
Southern United States
Ok, but how do people change? extrovert to introvert socially.

What were your interest when you were more social? What are they now? What ages are we talking about here? I would guess that as people mature and discover their interest, that some gravitate to more individual pursuits than group pursuits. I would guess that people who are cognitively wired for introversion will be quite comfortable with these things. I think some children show a very strong preference for one or the other at a very early age, and some seem either way till they develop a little more.
My 2 cents.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 6:07 PM
Aug 16, 2011
i think there is an important difference between extroversion and being an introverted kid without a sense of boundaries and taboos. the introvert is stimulated by the subjective factor of activities. but in kid play subjectivity is largely tolerated, until you begin to eat the head of your pre-school mate, pretending that it's a giant muffin. you can probably get away with commanding him to pretend that he is a muffin. some introverted kids can be really gross and loud and outspoken, at that stage in their development. perhaps they are thinking dominant or Te or Fe aux types. I was more like a ninja, extroverted through deviant action, but not verbal and not commanding.

the extrovert is stimulated by the objective factor. his interactions should become more functional and perhaps coherent, sooner.

every individual goes through all stages of our evolution, for instance in the womb we are sort of like reptiles. and as children we are monkeys.
Local time
Today 5:07 PM
Jan 7, 2012
Ok, but how do people change? extrovert to introvert socially.
I believe a number of students in the field are of the opinion that the dominant function and inferior function are developed first and are weakly differentiated.

Remember the dominant and inferior always oppose each other in every way (including I/E).

So developmentally, people begin life (more or less) as ambiverts and it can take years/decades to strongly differentiate the dominant from inferior (until this point there is hypothetically little/no differentiation of the auxiliary...). While the first and fourth functions battle for position like this, an introverted person may appear to be more extraverted and vice versa.

To claim that "introverts' brains are different" is basically the same thing as saying "extraverts' brains are different"; this concept therefore has very little (if anything) to do with what you're trying to describe, other than to assist in theoretically understanding that introversion and extraversion are fundamentally different, even at a neurological level.

What is supposed to happen, is around the age of 20 we should finally notice clear differentiation of the dominant and inferior functions, with a clear hierarchical organization (i.e. the dominant (n.) is seen as truly dominant (adj.)) This is when the rest of the inferior functions* (the rational functions** in irrational types*** and vice versa) grapple for position and we notice a clear emergence of the auxiliary function over the next few years.

* "inferior functions" refers to the three out of four cognitive functions that are not dominant (i.e. one of T, S, N, F will be dominant and the other three are seen as inferior). This contrasts with the specific terminology "inferior function" which is almost always referring to the fourth/last function which opposes the dominant most strongly. I have used both terms in context and want to ensure clarity is maintained.

** rational functions are T and F

*** irrational types are N-dominants and S-dominants (INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ISFJ, ENTP, ENFP, ESTP, ESFP) // not to be confused with Kiersey's "rational temperament (NT)" as they mean very different things.
^This guy. ^This guy just saved me a lot of typing.

To add: There aren't any documented differences in brain physiology between types that I'm aware of, which is likely reflective of a lack of research in the area as opposed to there being no changes. There are general models of normal brain physiological development, and models of brain development in major classes of mental disorders (bipolar, schizophrenia, etc), but not typology. The closest work in this area that I know of are Dario Nardi's brain scans.

The whole mess is driven by experience and interaction.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 12:07 PM
Sep 25, 2008
I see some natural shifts as well that can nuance a personality as people age. Just like introverts can develop some affinity for people and deepen their social skills, I've seen some extroverts (including my son) learn to appreciate some of their time alone and start to cultivate those experiences even if they still position themselves more similarly to extraverts in social situations.

I'm not sure if it's all just "personality expansion" or whether biochemical shifts that occur with pubery and aging can contribute to it, etc.

i think there is an important difference between extroversion and being an introverted kid without a sense of boundaries and taboos. the introvert is stimulated by the subjective factor of activities. but in kid play subjectivity is largely tolerated, until you begin to eat the head of your pre-school mate, pretending that it's a giant muffin. you can probably get away with commanding him to pretend that he is a muffin. some introverted kids can be really gross and loud and outspoken, at that stage in their development. perhaps they are thinking dominant or Te or Fe aux types. I was more like a ninja, extroverted through deviant action, but not verbal and not commanding.

Right. That can be one of the issues with identification of traits -- some behaviors LOOK similar on the surface but differ in terms of underlying motivation. Sometimes there can be nuances to the behavior that can subtly help pinpoint which might be which, but it's not necessarily clear-cut.

The Void

Local time
Today 5:07 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
I was born as how am I now i.e as the void, transcendant, beyond personalities, and then the fall happened after I was forced to eat the apple of Eden. Well, sorry for establishing metaphors that probably only I will understand. The point is before 5, I was very extraverted, more than normal. I used to perform shits in stages when others were with their mommies. But how can I be like that? It was not me. I was possessed or may be I am now. There no fixed identity after all lol. Back to the point: Then I turned to an extreme introvert. I don't have clear memories, these are stories of long past. I also changed from F to T to 0. I am not your normal guy.
I was anti-social once. My ambition was to wipe out humanity along with myself from the face of the planet. Now I am beyond labels.


is escaping
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Apr 12, 2014
only halfway there
Well my question was answered thank you everyone. love these fkn forums, smart people go hard!;)

ENTP lurker

Usually useless
Local time
Today 5:07 PM
Nov 20, 2013
Pluto, solar system
Provide me Ne stimulation and I become hypersocial weirdo. I'm pretty reclusive when there is no novel information around.

Societes needs more weirdness!

Be strange, please. Or maybe it takes away my thunder. I take it back. Just be boring mindless bunch of biological organisms.
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