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Is the INTP born to be a hypocrite?


angry insecure male
Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Jul 18, 2015
One who plays a part; especially, one who, for the purpose of
winning approbation of favor, puts on a fair outside seeming;
one who feigns to be other and better than he is; a false
pretender to virtue or piety; one who simulates virtue or
Now consider the INTP -- the one who judges everything and everyone, yet comes off as laid-back and friendly. Are we then born to be hypocrites? Or is there a cure..

And perhaps, the answer to this question could be start of a solution to the INTP's social difficulties?


Junior Hegelian
Local time
Tomorrow 3:21 AM
Dec 7, 2014


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 1:21 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Most of the MBTI sets up types to be hypocrites, by that loose a definition. Either people are more accepting inside and come off more judgmental, or the opposite. There are those who are polite while disliking others. There are those who feel they are open towards others but end up over-structuring and seeming more critical. And so forth.

It does raise the question of whether you can simultaneously be a critic while still honestly being a friendly person with fairly genial motivations.

I think the second paragraph is more interesting, to discuss the cause of seeming INTP social difficulties. The easiest target there of course is the nefarious INTP-ish "I was just being honest!" -- a bid for authenticity/consistency between inner and outer -- that feels like a slap in the face to others, i.e., disrespect, indifference, or animosity. The INTP is thinking she is delivering one type of information, while the recipient (due to their own nature) is interpreting the information as having different motivations and purpose.


Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Dec 4, 2010
I don't know what would make me consider INTP more hypocritical than any other folks, except for some hope to absolve myself of my hypocrisy by confessing it by proxy of some arbitrary attribute such as my type.

Yeah sure, INTP's are somehow very laid back yet judge everything. Also ENFJ's preach good while being manipulative bastards, ISTJ's think they're open-minded by never venturing to deem anything issued by an authority to be blatant bullshit, ENFP's are gonna be the next thing by walking in the footsteps of some artistic role model, ISTP's perfect the popular image of a don't-give-a-fuck loner, ENTP's are supremely open-minded but express perhaps more vehement intolerance for differing viewpoints than anyone else, etc.


Hide thy life
Local time
Today 10:21 AM
Aug 23, 2012
And perhaps, the answer to this question could be start of a solution to the INTP's social difficulties?

Everyone can/is a hypocrite and follows based on type.

I think this question is important though. One solution could be to limit the Ti-Fe judgements to your "sphere of influence" and not let it go beyond what you can control. Sort of what the stoics, epicureans, and buddhists have talked about.

So basically don't try to make people to think and act a certain way, instead be an example or perhaps make people think for themselves which is a very subtle way of influencing. Don't expect the masses to uphold your judgements and interpretations of truth, instead find like-minded folks and cater to those willing to understand. Reconsider who you choose to argue, explain and complain to as you might become frustrated with their reactions and in turn yourself. With this you can basically start to detach yourself comfortably from certain worldly affairs. Reform movements, politics, coercive schemes, and other top-down mechanisms become useless in themselves.


Together forever
Local time
Today 7:21 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Now consider the INTP -- the one who judges everything and everyone, yet comes off as laid-back and friendly. Are we then born to be hypocrites? Or is there a cure..

Why would we want to cure it? Assuming it is hypocritical I don't see this particular duality as a bad thing. What do you even see as 'cured', not commiting perfectly natural and logical judging or not being an asshole about it all the time.


Local time
Today 12:21 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
– Old bearded dude

How is moderation turned from virtue into hypocrisy?

There's a huge difference between open-minded, non-confrontational exploration and hypocrisy. INTP "judgement" intent is not malicious, it seeks truth. This truth seeking is for personal fulfilment, other people are of secondary importance; evangelism is extraverted. You don't have to bash people with the truth if they seem unwilling/incapable to listen/understand. You don't have to be a dick to people just because they're wrong. Best to sit back and observe, perhaps learn something new. There's no incoherence in actions or values.

You dredge a whole lot of dirt, but filter out to only keep the gold nuggets.

The confrontation with people doesn't happen on the basis of misrepresented appearance (at least not on the INTP side), but on a collision of values. Hypocrites are those that say "tell me what you think" and lambast you for your honest opinion instead of getting the back-patting they were really looking for.

If there is any hypocrisy in INTP's behaviour it is in their excessive claims to objectivity. They are emotionally invested in being right, leading to irrational biases masquerading as dispassionate truth.


Local time
Today 1:21 PM
Mar 7, 2015
Of course there's a cure.

The Cure


I relate a lot, most of my friends, ex-friends refer to my "hypocrisy" as a reason todistrust me, and how it bothers them.
But I don´t see it as hypocrisy, I think I have the ability to see as many posibilities, ways, sides there are to an issue, person, etc. And I´m present in every one of them, I´m aware of all my possiblities, and I know how to play the game.

"It's not a case of share and share alike
I take what I require
I don't understand ...
You say it's not fair"



Don't forget to bring a towel
Local time
Today 10:21 AM
Aug 9, 2011
Phoenix, Arizona
There is nothing wrong with judging someone and still being friendly and nice. Why does it make someone a hypocrite to do that? You don't have to agree with people, or think they are pretty, or whatever, just to be nice and friendly to them. I'm not pretending to be anything, I'm just me.

I can't help it that I'm likable (to people irl atleast). I also can't help that I think that someone that constantly screws other people over is a prick. But I'm still nice to them. I might entertain breaking every bone in their hands and cutting out their tongue, every so often, when they screw me over, but why escalate a situation with someone you think is unstable? I have a bit of a problem with feeling bad about being angry, so I forgive people.(or realize my shit stinks, too) (or I realize that I really don't care and it's not worth getting angry over) (one of those things)

As for being laid back. I'm pretty forgiving of other people, and even hold them to different standards than myself. It's easy for me to accept that someone else isn't perfect. So I'm laid back with the outside world, to a point. When it comes to myself, I'm very uptight, and pretty much looking for an excuse to see myself as a subhuman. I think, on some level, I feel like everyone else is as keen to come up with judgements about other people, like me. Insecurity fueled by some twisted, white knight, narcissistic, sense of humility.

I think that some of my judging of other people is done in whats meant to be loving. It's dumb, but when you care about your friends, or coworkers, you can't help but see things that could possibly improve their lives.... or make them less annoying to me. Lets be honest, it's really annoying watching someone make the same poor choices over and over. Especially someone you care for the well being of.

I think you've over simplified reality.


think again losers
Local time
Tomorrow 3:51 AM
Mar 17, 2011
One who plays a part; especially, one who, for the purpose of
winning approbation of favor, puts on a fair outside seeming;
one who feigns to be other and better than he is; a false
pretender to virtue or piety; one who simulates virtue or

Fundamental to the search for truth is recognising yourself as the flawed interpreter of a perception that is both limited and skewed, and controlling the influence of these sources of error on yours beliefs. Detachment from the value of your conclusions is one way to partially control for these biases, another is not letting people influence you with their social standing or perceived personal merit.

But you need not broadcast this detachment, and in fact, in most circumstances it is maladaptive to do so. Explicitly stating that you make an active effort to ignore a person while concentrating on the things they say for their own merit is a blatant social faux pas, and people who do not share this same ideal of detachment are unpredictable in their reaction to this information. I judge the impact of transparency in this case to actually achieve the opposite of its intended purpose: you will leave people even more confused by making this information available, even if it is true.

By the same token, the conclusion that someone is posing further by making claims of this attempt at objectivity would be very prominent in even my mind - though I implicitly vie towards the same ideal. While this comes off as very hypocritical indeed, I just don't see a reason to market (AKA manipulate perceive bias toward) the extent to which you denounce bias if that is actually what you are doing. It's an internal standard and thus does not need to be sold to the external world.

In reference to the quoted definition, I don't do this to seek the approbation or favour of others, I just don't want to cause them confusion or upset. I don't actively put on fair outside seeming, I just don't actively align my behaviour with my internal state. I don't feign to be other or better than what I actually am in this sense, I just behave as I think appropriate like everyone else does. I don't pretend to or simulate virtue or piety, actively announcing my attempted mind-state at people would better fulfill this criteria.

While there is a marked discrepancy between information being made available, and internal hidden state, the definition of hypocrisy requires an active deception, rather than the understandably negligent service to a goal neither held nor prescribed, and certainly not incentivised.


Professional INTP
Local time
Today 11:21 AM
Dec 25, 2010
Answer to your question; no.

Obviously being a hypocrite or disingenuous is something everybody is capable of and you see it pan-type. If you want to bring Type into it we could examine what it means to be a hypocrite. One example of that is acting outside your Type, such as an ISTP or INTP trying to be sociable, warm and friendly. Both types are a little bit, but when it's more than that it is an inferior crutch.

And in fact I'm seeing my brother and cousin now reaching 50 and doing exactly that. They're both ISTP's, and true to form have gotten to their neglected inferior here in midlife. So they're going around blathering about how important family is, etc, and it's all quite fake. Even without knowing them you could tell they're being disingenuous to themselves, to their Type. We all have a sixth sense about it when somebody is being fake.

Finally on INTP's judging everybody, so? Being laid back is just an expression of Ne so is being true to our type, while analysing and judging is expressing Ti - in an introverted manner.


Local time
Today 10:21 AM
Sep 1, 2015
The Bay Area
hypocrite is slightly right. I would prefer 'blending in'. Blending in has helped me excel in the dominant society. People have talked behind my back and in my face about how 'weird' or 'unpleasant' I was just because I was smart or made an effort to avoid gossip.

I made a decision a long time ago to just blend in and slightly adapt to peoples bullshit. and it has helped. I only put on a mask at work or in forced social settings when necessary and I have learned not to do it in a way that I'm exhausted afterwards.

I have learned how to be THE LION & THE FOX in life.. and it has helped in so many ways.


The little professor
Local time
Today 6:21 PM
May 3, 2011
Now consider the INTP -- the one who judges everything and everyone, yet comes off as laid-back and friendly. Are we then born to be hypocrites?
Ti judges internally. INTPs judge themselves, not others. We leave that to the Js.

And perhaps, the answer to this question could be start of a solution to the INTP's social difficulties?
The INTP's social difficulties stem from judging himself too harshly, valuing his efforts and skills too little, and holding others' efforts and skills too highly by comparison. As a result, when he perceives himself in competition with others, even in a friendly way, he tends to think that they are more capable and more motivated than he is, and would automatically win. Having assumed the race is lost before it started, he chooses to give up before he has had a chance to find out if he could win, thus causing someone with great potential to not even try to benefit from 90% of his potential.

This is not my assessment alone. Jung already pointed out that the weakness with Ti-doms and Fi-doms, is their lack of confidence in themselves and their ability. I merely considered it, observed that it was an accurate observation, and agreed with it.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 6:21 PM
Jan 30, 2013
LOL; is OP serious?
So basically:" Is hypocrite the one who consciously understands, acts upon, and integrates the idea that life in society is mostly about appearances". The only person you need to be honnest with is yourself( level of introspection) and maybe family....( although I'd speculate that most people prefer to hide everything in the unconscious world rather than consciously living with it...)

I find OP funny, mostly in regards to most descriptions of the intp.... INTP: honnest; can't lie; naive; immature emotions; socially impaired....etc basically a description of someone who's incapable of acting as an effective hypocrite since it requires emotional and social intelligence and also a dose of introspection(which intp have more than average joe it seems). I personnaly would elect feelers and extroverts as more of hypocrites rather than INTPs. Also dunno why but I could see ENTP as a highly effective hypocrite lol...

INTPs are more of chameleons rather than hypocrites.( in my opinion). Although we can do and say the contrary of what we feel/think... in order to maintain a social cohesion. But everybody can do it... more or less succesfully so.( not everybody can do it succesfully because hypocrisy is an evolutionary advantageous trait after all lol !)

My 2-3 cents.
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