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Search results

  1. Auburn

    Video Project

    I think this is one of our better projects, so far. We should do another one sometime!
  2. Auburn

    The Archetypes & Humanity

    It would take unheard of strength, yes... and I don't think such a thing is doable at our present technological limitations -- but the impulse is there in us and as soon as we get the chance we will fulfill it. Practically speaking I could see the beginnings of this unification of consciousness...
  3. Auburn

    The Archetypes & Humanity

    I did the same thing with your blog thread. o.o I resonated but was left without words. Then I ended up finally replying just to delete it minutes later... I wonder what it means when we lose the motivation to express resonance, and usually just express when we disagree or need to clarify. I...
  4. Auburn

    The Archetypes & Humanity

    I SOMETIMES FEEL LIKE SPILLING MY BLOOD OUT, TO TELL YOU... ---STAGE I?--- It won't make sense. It won't make sense. It won't f'kn make sense to them, or to me. Why does it pain me so... The stronger I feel, the stronger the lamentation is in my mind; the separation between bodies is an...
  5. Auburn

    heya ^^ errr, the thread was accidentally deleted! but i've reposted it - you wouldn't happen to...

    heya ^^ errr, the thread was accidentally deleted! but i've reposted it - you wouldn't happen to still have your replies somewhere? or could maybe remember/repost them? o:
  6. Auburn

    INTPf History Book Project, Define a Member!

    *giggles* but you're homeless and pennyless. what can i haz in return? :phear: (i don't accept that kind of payment either ;p) Err, umms, so I can start with the basics. :3 Appearance: - Blue - Bald - Hairy - (i also always picture you chubby) Residence: - beneath a city bridge, stealing wifi...
  7. Auburn

    INTPf History Book Project, Define a Member!

    Hi ^^; So the idea of this thread is as follows. A member will be called out, and everyone is free to add their description of the member, in as much or little detail as you'd like. After sufficient data has been accumulated, a new member will be called out. Do not include offensive...
  8. Auburn

    what kind of leader would you be?

    More realistically, if I had power a bit higher than the president (i.e. w/o having to go through congress) of the USA, I would alter things in stages, perhaps in this order: Year #1 I'd cut the military budget by at least one half, if not more. I'd use a great chunk of that budget to pay off...
  9. Auburn

    what kind of leader would you be?

    (great thread Reluctantly!) Ideally I would create a leadership council, not made up of politicians and lawyers, but of the leading innovators/teachers/doctors/psychologists of the times. This council would come up with the etho-logical direction the country should aim toward, and then the...
  10. Auburn

    Oh hi. That isn't function-specific. o.o But generally speaking, Ne is the most likely to...

    Oh hi. That isn't function-specific. o.o But generally speaking, Ne is the most likely to simulate multi-layering of thoughts which (if the person thinks in words) can translate to mental dialogues between different opinions/tangents of thought that are being pursued. Because Ne branches off...
  11. Auburn

    The Advent of Virtual Immersion

    It's quite alright. ^^; Resistance to this technological progression is itself anticipated, no? As you noted, there are aspects that strive for balance in the human equation, and one side of the human population may always be more tentative & conservative while it is the job of the opposite...
  12. Auburn

    The Advent of Virtual Immersion

    Oh, not at all. I love this sort of dialogue. What would be wrong with this? ...think of it in terms of a world where needing to get groceries, needing to pay the bills/etc, might have already become irrelevant by the existence of a mechanical body, or a body within a life-support system as Kuu...
  13. Auburn

    The Advent of Virtual Immersion

    Yes. I could imagine a situation in which an exact replica of one's personal life is run, complete with family and friends, and then something happens. A very realistic conversation with the simulated friend allows one to share things (feeling more safe to share them within a simulation) and via...
  14. Auburn

    The Advent of Virtual Immersion

    @redbaron - I see. A mind that reaps little real satisfaction from creating alternatives/proxies to the present reality, because the present reality itself satisfies that interest/curiosity. o.o I wonder what this means psychologically. It is curious, isn't it, that in this age just about...
  15. Auburn

    The Advent of Virtual Immersion

    That's quite curious. o.o So something like...? http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/227/4/2/p_29_by_gabrielwigren-d5b8a9o.jpg or http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/156/3/0/light_filled_cavern_by_zacharymclean-d52fas2.jpg I wonder, would you feel at peace in this setting...
  16. Auburn

    The Advent of Virtual Immersion

    I suspect it's only a matter of time before virtual full-body immersion occurs at mass levels, which brings me to the questions of this thread.... o) What world would you live in? o) What would you be like? In an era where one's identity/self can cease to have physical restrictions, I'm...
  17. Auburn

    Thread Closings

    I don't think the original intent of the thread was a profound discussion about numbers. It was a "Count to 1,000,000" thread, and nothing more was said in the OP... granted, it's possible for a spammy thread to be filled with pearls, and a thread discussing the nature of numbers would be...
  18. Auburn

    Internet Persona and Real Self

    Does your online persona portray the "real you" or does it portray who you [want to be/ think you are]?I'm torn between a mix of Reluctantly's reply and Jennywocky's. The self-concept I have is more aligned with my written-persona, but I'd have to admit I am all parts of myself. I would rather...
  19. Auburn

    xP heya! oh, well lets see... there's.. http://cognitivetype.com/database/ (has several pdfs)...

    xP heya! oh, well lets see... there's.. http://cognitivetype.com/database/ (has several pdfs) http://cognitivetype.com/visualreading/ (has vid examples) http://cognitivetype.com/thesis/ (has a general, unfinished thesis) http://cognitivetype.com/profiles/ (mostly incomplete, but has some...
  20. Auburn

    Big forehead=more inteligence?

    ^ = (for those who couldn't see it) o,o
  21. Auburn

    why do you speak?

    i wonder why, but i really like this question... what made you ask the question?
  22. Auburn

    Type Reading | Series

    Close, His mythbuster friend is SiTe. He also has Ne and that's probably a big part of how they relate. Heh. Ne Mini-Skits: Ne (especially when dominant) produces alternate side-explanations to things in realtime, and these tangents emerge in the Ne's mind in the form of "scenarios". A sort...
  23. Auburn

    Type Reading | Series

    NeTi / (ENTP) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7KJmgFipW4 FiNe seems to be a common request! But I had done like 3 Fi users in a row and was lacking examples of Ti/Fe, so I decided to do NeTi next. This is what NeTi look like in their articulate form. They can also be much shyer than this, but...
  24. Auburn

    What am I Auburn?

    scorpiomover - Oh. I totally misunderstood your question. Well then yes, I definitely can! That's pretty much the whole point of the Larin series and the material being released thus far. It is to make it possible for others (who can use an 'intuitive' approach) to see these things in real...
  25. Auburn

    What am I Auburn?

    Tieing all this back to psychology - if this sort of study produced a valid correlation between facial gestures and brain activity, and a limited set of typical 'types' as naturally occurring due to the clustering of the data into peaks, these people could be psychologically studied. C - People...
  26. Auburn

    What am I Auburn?

    Hmm.. there's also this: - http://emr.sagepub.com/content/2/4/340.full.pdf+html Right now it seems that formal research is going along very steadily/slowly, as it typically does. Every little inference is rigorously tested. Even if it was true, something like cognitive types would take dozens...
  27. Auburn

    What am I Auburn?

    Nope. :D It's all for personal inquiry! (We do it when we're not working/etc.)
  28. Auburn

    What am I Auburn?

    hasen - To be fair, you 've no way to know what "right results" would mean. What is the comparison point? If you're basing it off things like your impression of what Feynman/etc may be, or the public mbti consensus, that's very weak. The theory I'm proposing is falsifiable in this way...
  29. Auburn

    This reminds me of the movie Sherlock Holmes, and that one scene where Holmes meets Watson's...

    This reminds me of the movie Sherlock Holmes, and that one scene where Holmes meets Watson's fiance and she gets upset at holmes for deducing from her more info than she would have liked. I think though, that if CT is saying something real, then it's about as ethical as it'd be to tell...
  30. Auburn

    =D she does, doesn't she. or maybe they're tattoos, and the little fringes on the leg to the...

    =D she does, doesn't she. or maybe they're tattoos, and the little fringes on the leg to the right may just be the artist signature. but anyways.. >>
  31. Auburn

    Visual reading

    Okay. (: I'll start with some material. The data hasn't yet been consolidated into one place, but here is a synopsis of available data from cognitivetype for those new to this.Overview: - What is CognitiveType? - Visual Reading: On Judgment - Visual Reading: On Perception - Visual Reading: On...
  32. Auburn

    What am I Auburn?

    can't read via just one eye pic.... Myawh, I regret falling for this again. ^^; @Ink - Sorry but I'll no longer be replying to your posts, since they always drag me into fruitless discords! If you can please not ping me, when ur bored and need someone to debate with, that'd be greatly...
  33. Auburn

    What am I Auburn?

    If it doesn't make sense why I type as such, I do respect that. :cat: I've outlined my rationality for those desiring to see it. But I won't pressure anyone to do so. From the very top (it being a perception function) to the very bottom/specifics, I've outlined the reasons why it appears as it...
  34. Auburn

    What am I Auburn?

    ^ Yeah. There's only so much I can tell from your writing style. It's an impression that's hard to put in words - you hit me as a Te user, from Te users I've known in the past. # Little things like, post *drops*. You plop your posts. You have an immediate (quick) opinion on a topic and you...
  35. Auburn

    Allowing .GIFs as avatars again?

    FUKKIE!! D: You leave me no choice. there is but one solution to this...
  36. Auburn

    Allowing .GIFs as avatars again?

    YAY! no moar duckface! :balance:
  37. Auburn

    Validity of cognitive function theory

    So Cog, what if one day I build an A.I. based on the principles of information processing and decision-making (that is jungian theory) and have it talk to you, and understand you. Would you then believe me? :p Cuz I'm working on that.
  38. Auburn

    Hierarchy is not a Sliding Scale

    (visually or psychologically?) There's no way I could answer that question in the amount of time I have. o_o I also don't know all there is to know about this, but briefly..
  39. Auburn

    Hierarchy is not a Sliding Scale

    P-Leads are most predisposed to see associations between things. But it has to be kept in mind that the "perception" processes are irrational processes, in that they're not deductive/discriminating. So P-Leads may have more of a sense of how things relate, and less of a sense of the limits, and...
  40. Auburn

    Type Reading | Series

    Ink - would you consider making a vid of yourself? :) Because Stephen Colbert is sooooooo not TiNe. Like, no. If that's what you think they're like, I dunno wutta tellya. He's TeSi (or *maybe* SiTe). =P
  41. Auburn

    Type Reading | Series

    :) Hi ink. Mila Kunis I'm quite solid on being TeNi, though she does use plenty of Se. Depending on the interview it's clearer in others. Compare her against the eye-centric Kat Dennings: [NiTe] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6THiCDFgeFM&feature=player_embedded Look for the difference in...
  42. Auburn

    Type Reading | Series

    *ponders* ...out of the ones in this vid, Palin is the most ambiguous. I may've made an error and she could be SiFe, though I'm positive she's either SiTe or SiFe. Perhaps I should have omitted her from this video considering it wasn't as clear as the others... even if I'm correct, she's not a...
  43. Auburn

    Type Reading | Series

    SiTe / (ISTJ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIgmalSSOq8 This film featues 5 SiTe: - Harry Smith - George W. Bush - Bill Maher - Sarah Palin - Katie Couric They all happened to be in the political realm, but not all are there. Further examples of SiTe not in politics would be: - Jeff...
  44. Auburn

    What are you and Why?

    What WH40K race are you and why? I've no idea, never played it. .o. What Star Trek race are you and why? vulcan! ...or that one spirit creature that went into Troi and became her child. The idea of being a disembodied light-being floating across the universe exploring and taking different...
  45. Auburn

    is happiness absolute?

    It's a bit different from tall or short, since happiness can be defined in other ways than by relation to others. If you define 'happy' as a human having serotonin & dopamine reactions occurring in their brain, then that human would be happy regardless of what other creatures in the universe...
  46. Auburn

    J.R.R. Tolkien, INTP or INFP (or something else)?

    Yes, precisely. These are Si-rambles, and of a sort that becomes even more pronounced due to Te's insensitivity (whereas Fe might realize this'd bore the reader). In Te types this can be further emphasized if Fi has a position of "well, that part was important to me". It won't omit it based on...
  47. Auburn

    J.R.R. Tolkien, INTP or INFP (or something else)?

    Via CognitiveType's methods of VR, Tolkien could only have been either SiTe or TeSi. Most probably TeSi. And this reflects perfectly in both his writing style, profession, and thought process. The way in which his novels are constructed are in that compartmentalized Ne-Si manner. He describes...
  48. Auburn

    Type Reading | Series

    The CT website is incomplete, but since the initial launch this page hasn't changed: http://cognitivetype.com/credits.html (Jonathan Rock=Adymus, for those who don't know) I have no issue or shame sharing the long process that has led to my conclusions, from which no single source or event...
  49. Auburn

    A theory for the basis of type

    Hey, don't beat up on yourself like that! ^^ I find it fascinating that you're (and Architect) thinking about all these things too. I love these sort of conversations. No need to halt now! Intriguing, that would be a very curious. I think it's definitely something close to involuntary...
  50. Auburn

    A theory for the basis of type

    The reward-system (which would make sense to rest in the thalamus) is definitely required for consciousness, I believe. And this is because the wheel can't roll forward without a primal incentive. True, consciousness would not exist without some form of drive. But this drive itself isn't the...
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