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what kind of leader would you be?


Resident disMember
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Mar 14, 2010
Alright, so I want to pick your brain and see what you say. Let's say you could be a leader of a country and you could organize your government in any way that you wanted. How would you feel compelled to lead and why? How would you justify the type of government you set in place? And you can have any hypothetical circumstances that would make your situation ideal for what you want or think is best.
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Aug 1, 2013
Classical Constitutional Republic which as supreme law #1 explicitly, strictly, totally, and without mercy forbids fractional reserve banking cartels (e.g. so-called 'Federal' Reserve). Punishable by immediate, instantaneous death by public execution of the most heinous manner(s) possible (e.g. flaying alive, quartering, iron maiden etc)

Leadership benevolent when dealing with those earthlings who aspire to being/ becomming fully human.

Ignore Completely Mode >ON< when dealing with the remainder (the majority) of zombie humanoid earthlings....usually. When needed go beast mode and wipe the zombie hordes out en masse occasionally so as to give the biomass of the intelligent humanoid beings the chance at pursuing life, liberty, and happiness sans the tumor-esque influence of the zombie hordes (who relentlessly suck all the nutritional energy right out of planet earth and use it up for dysgenic means and ends)


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 5:25 AM
Dec 12, 2009
Ideally I'd be a benevolent and progressive leader, spending most of my time contemplating policy and orchestrating the construction of infrastructure for the betterment of my country and its people.

Realistically I'd put Stalin to shame.


Luftschloss Schöpfer
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Sep 26, 2008
(great thread Reluctantly!)

Ideally I would create a leadership council, not made up of politicians and lawyers, but of the leading innovators/teachers/doctors/psychologists of the times. This council would come up with the etho-logical direction the country should aim toward, and then the lawyers/etc would have the task of implementing the logistics of that council's views. This way the nation is lead first by right ideals, and the management of resources is subordinate to that aim.

This council - suppose we call it the "AIUA" - would be made up of about 21 people, 11 of which are chosen from a school devoted to human ethics & leadership (the RSA is one such example) and the other 10 are special guests (something akin to nobel prize winners) who don't necessarily have to have any schooling in said university or politics, but are experts whose insight has been deemed exceptional within their field and share an interest in humanity's collaborative advancement.

Naturally it would not be a democracy, which is a setup that is easily prone to manipulation of people's ignorance.


Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Alright, so I want to pick your brain and see what you say. Let's say you could be a leader of a country and you could organize your government in any way that you wanted. How would you feel compelled to lead and why? How would you justify the type of government you set in place? And you can have any hypothetical circumstances that would make your situation ideal for what you want or think is best.
I would:

1. Sing the praises of fractional reserve banking.:D
2. Ensure a council along the lines of Auburn but include temperaments of all types to ensure things get done according to plan.
3. Update the United States Constitution to modern standards.
4. Think about how to use a computer database and feedback* to minimize inefficiency defined as "corruption."
5. Think about how stay in office without violating 4. long enough to implement plans.
6. Ensure the political process continues the system for successors.
7. Follow the principle of supporting the poor enough to make them class mobile while taxing the rich to support this.
8. Having a foreign policy of being nice to efficient governments and critical of governments that are corrupt.

*That means install complex checks and balances that are independent of the political process according to the new Constitution.
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Jan 7, 2012
Leader of a country? That's too big is we're talking anything close to the U.S....

Justifying the type of government is a different issue for me. It's justified by what it does (supports and develops the people, meeting needs and allowing freedom for wants) and the fact that I assume I am elected.

As for how to run it... Like an emotional machine. A government should invest in its people, its human capital, achieved authority, information, education, communication, rhetoric (Socratic). The people lead themselves.


Luftschloss Schöpfer
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Sep 26, 2008
More realistically, if I had power a bit higher than the president (i.e. w/o having to go through congress) of the USA, I would alter things in stages, perhaps in this order:

Year #1

  • I'd cut the military budget by at least one half, if not more.
  • I'd use a great chunk of that budget to pay off all depts to foreign countries and ourselves.
  • I'd then direct a great deal of that toward NASA and space exploration. Increasing it from the current 1% budget to approx 10-15%.
  • Make a national announcement that due to the monetary and environmental cost of oil, the government will be discontinuing oil trade with foreign countries within 2 years -- and that automotive companies will no longer be allowed to manufacture oil-based vehicles. (Whether they decide to join the electric-car market is up to them, but ideally that's what would happen).
  • I'd eliminate the two-party system, crooked banks/corporations, and the whole neoliberalist philosophy of economy.
  • I'd invite the last decade's nobel prize winners & also noteworthy names in science/psychology/physics/education - and people like those in the Singularity University - to a meeting (this group would be called the "AIA") in which I proposed the idea of the council and together we would organize it's ideals/morals. We'd make a declaration or Constitution, per se, of the school's mission and the philosophy it would have. The eventual aim would be to have those arising from that school take over the leadership of the nation.
  • I'd direct big chunks of the national budget toward projects with promising humanitarian aims; like the production of organ printing, strategies for longevity research, ending global hunger, etc.
Year #2

  • I'd check back with NASA about their projects to build a space-elevator, as well as starships and mars colonization.
  • I'd start a program that allows people to trade in their old oil-based vehicles for credit toward electric-vehicles (some gov. funding would make this transition cheaper)
  • I'd check back with the AIA about their ideas for education reform and implement them, changing the curriculum of schools to include the ethical comprehension of human nature -- effectively teaching an alternative to "morality" but via the science of what we are, not religion. As well as teaching psychology and personality theory in schools.
  • To be continued!


Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Aug 4, 2011
An admixture of something one could call a National Socialist Republic which has a kind of "philosopher-king" to guide the people into advancing themselves and technology. There would be no structure economically which promotes a division of classes such as into rich and poor, yet non-marxist in nature, as "money" should serve the people not the other way around.
There would be nothing to the effect of the modern form of american legislation which turns innocent acts into criminal acts such as gun control, or drugs. The simplest way to deal with drug addiction is to treat it or ban the "druggie" from society if their addiction interferes with their capability to advance the society, either through mental or physical labor. There would be no "monetary" gain from religious research or preaching because that is the greatest cop out for not working, and does nothing to advance the people. If one desires to be a preacher then it must be secondary to their primary role in society. There would be no real citizens as it is considered in america today (14th amendment) but more or less protectedsovereigns working together for the betterment of themselves and the people.
The "state" would be forbidden from stating that all property is owned by the state, but would intervene when another nation/ government (most likely to happen in one rife with corruption) attempted to unlawfully, not just illegally, seize the property of one of the "protected sovereigns."
When doing business with other nations we would take into consideration the overall actions of the regime(s) in recent history, and only deal with those that have goals and ideologies we can cope with on a conscience level. Such nations which support torture or extreme rendition would be considered contemptuous and business deals would be scarce, unless there was a militaristic asset to be found, but with extreme caution.
Very few Acts would be in effect, and those would come under scrutiny every few years to determine if they are still relevant, so that you couldn't beat your wife on sundays in front of the court house with a stick no wider than ones thumb.
When it comes to judges and lawyers, there would be no need for a lawyer as the people would be expected to know the law as they would be very simple...do not cause loss, harm, injury, or use fraud in your contracts, as well as not giving proprietary technology to those nations deemed undeserving of such advancements. When it comes to judges in court cases there would be oversight for those selected to judge cases, and judges would be chosen from areas far from the geographical area in which the plaintiff and defendant hail. The common law must be strictly observed so no rights are violated by any party to the action be it the judiciary, sheriff/deputy, the plaintiff or defendant. Absolute personal responsibilty shall be observed, so that the corruption as seen in america does not occur therein. The concept of "the sword of damacles" shall be ever in effect for all "public servants."
In order to eliminate taxes the state would be required to produce something rather than consume everything.
When it came down to product creation the ideology of quality over quantity would be the prerequisite, thereby reducing waste of crap that breaks 9 months into its used. As for computers there would be a prerequisite of interchangable parts so that with the advancement of new technologies, the antiquated could be updated withlittle waste to the original system.
There would be no standing army, rather a militia of volunteer minute men. Military service could not be compulsory as that would violate the sovereigns rights, instead it would be a bred feeling of duty to protect the lives and property of the individual and the people as one. No war could be fought for profit as those seen since the start of WWI to present. Any war profits would be divided up amongst the people and the needs of the nation, and the losers would be dispossesed of their land for the colonial expansion of the republic.
Any one acting in an executive or legislative capacity would perform such duties when necessary and have unrelated primary jobs.


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Sep 25, 2012
The absentee kind.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Sep 25, 2008
I'm of mixed mind. I'd prefer to be a facilitator for a group of reps who could lead, just smoothing out issues as need be. But since that level of involvement probably won't accomplish anything, a benevolent dictatorship sounds good. The buck needs to stop with someone, and while I'm not a perfect person, I know my intention is to be fair to everyone and also balance systems so that they are maintainable, for the good of everyone.

I figure I'll get a few years in before some idiot who wants to be in charge and dominate others has some underling pop me from a grassy knoll somewhere, but I will be forever remembered fondly by my people.

I note that some people have listed specific policies they would pursue. I prefer to tailor policies and focii directly to the needs of the society as it organically develops, but I will say I would emphasize education, the arts, and science/tech as much as I could. I would like to empower people to engage the world and make something of it as much as possible.


Secretly Holden Caulfield
Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Oct 14, 2013
I've always wanted to be the leader of an anarchist society ;)


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Mar 21, 2010
Well magic would be possible in the hypothetical circumstances that would make my situation ideal. Therefore I wouldn't have to lead.
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