Assuming a larger forehead corresponds to a larger intracranial volume which is occupied by an equally disproportionately large prefrontal cortex (and not just a result of a thicker frontal bone of the forehead):
my personal theory is that it could be indicative of a higher capability in the pre-frontal cortex (the part that makes one a full fledged human ("I think therefore I am") as opposed to just another bipedal mouthbreathing zombie out for food, sleep, sex, and taking shits). Correspondingly, I would also posit that should any research into high functioning sports athletes be done, their cerebellums would be correspondingly higher in size and/or more innervated relative to others.
There is empirical research demonstrating that higher brain size (measured in terms of intra-cranial volume) in general DOES in fact correlate with higher IQ*. Of course, who would have thunk it that all the social activist morons out there have found everyway possible to try and prove the research wrong (vested interest of course: they are all stupid, have small brains and don't want their feelings hurt).
*AND NO THIS IS NOT PHRENOLOGY. All the top morons out there have framed the first level of the 'debate' on the idea that this is 'phrenology' as a red herring. If that doesn't work of course they have secondary, tertiary etc strategies to try and obfuscate the truth.
Also, generally, I forget the numbers off the top of my head but the female brain is inherently of a lesser intracranial volume than the male brain so of course, there is inherent bias to prove all the research wrong from the overpowering 'modern' feminist perspective. Something like 10-15% less intracranial volume or something like that.
But, we are living in a day and age when "feelings" trump hard science (indeed to the point that 'science' itself has been contaminated by political correctness...don't believe me pick up the latest issue of "Scientific America" and/or "Nature": all compromised by the so-called social 'sciences') so what else is to be expected. In fact, I would argue that it has ever been so, at least as long as there has been the 95% of the population as Es and Ss and Fs (in terms of MBTI) corrupting the pursuit of truth. The same people arguing against empirically proven truths are the same morons 500 years ago who were emphatically attempting to disprove the arguments against the earth being flat and that it does not revolve around the sun. Yes, 'modernism' is the defacto religion/ religious belief of our times. Their science is as deep as their social networks on their cell phones and Hollywood gossip websites/ Hollywood. Their god is a deaf, dumb, blind and dead god getting increasingly deafer/ dumber and more blind.
*whew* rant over.
bottom line: All the hard core empirical research into brain science has been systematically defunded over the years at a rate directly proportional to the rise of the cult of Freud. Which is frustrating because with the tools available today, the possibilities are limitless: and the findings would inevitably benefit the same morons who oppose such truths from being discovered.
Oh well...NASA isn't developing any new frontiers in their realm either**. All part of the same general pattern imposed by the Idiocracy.
**it seems NASA's new assigned 'mission' is to preach the social 'science' of diversity and tolerance??? WTF WTF WTF