One atom of me
First of all in MBTI it is kind of agreed that INTPs or some say INFPs are the most gifted intellectually.
By gifted we mean particular type of smarts.
Smarts that mean INTPs outperform most types in visible academic tasks and problem solving, as well as handling intellectual problems.
This kind of means in a world today where 99 percent of problems are intellectual problems, that require a lot of thinking INTPs are wired to be the bestest.
Introversion and as some say Ti means INTPs go logic first into everything. Its fairly convenient thing to do in a world where lots of problems worth solving are kind of logical.
Its a terrible tragedy if you have a brain like this and want to have functional social life.
But Ti pretty much can and does solve stuff.
Ne is great in using associative strategies. As Ti digs into stuff Ne branches out and so a lot of other types including other NT types can have a terrible time with dealing with blind spots. Ne kind of branches out and covers greater territory so if Ti works as a sharp blade dissecting things Ne works like a net that captures everything.
Makes for one hell of an headache, but INTPs have Si a perfect black box to capture everything and record it, so even when the mind cannot deal with stuff the Si box keeps and hoards all data, for no other reason, then, "JUST IN CASE" or "SOUNDS INTERESTING".
Fe is really the weakest spot for INTPs, but conversely its the odd advantage too.
Its like you have this person with giga brain that has the emotional bandwidth of neglected child.
You pretty much give them problem and they can solve it much easier than dealing with social stuff, so you kind of set them up by nature to solve problems. The emotional needs of INTPs are kind of simple.
Its not though important to dwell on simple mischaracterization though. I don't want to make fun of INTPs, but as a set up for solving intellectual problems their mind kind of is built for it.
So what is the catch of all this?
Well INTPs are in a world of 8 billion people who don't really think like them.
A world where each cog of giant civilization machinery is moved by human motives, human greed, human needs, human will, human expectations, and dreadful human connection.
So naturally the common unifying factor of all human world is the human soul.
And if there is one thing INTPs are not great at puzzling out is the human factor.
You know, everything human.
So what do INTPs really do in a world where all problems and puzzles come down to the very fact of "human."
It also kind of circles back to the age old fact that indeed INTPs need to puzzle out humans and themselves.
Now this problem gets to other types as well. INTJs, even ENTJs, and so on.
But I still think the most alien is the INTP brain.
We kind of struggle with human stuff on many levels.
And unfortunately today lots of problems are human problems.
Its not easy, and even MBTI types that are super adept at human stuff, can fail and burn themselves.
I think what I am trying to say is that we kind of often neglect the level of importance human problems have.
The more I understand psychology, I also see, how very little even experts know about human affairs and how we often don't realize how the world is predefined and glued together by human psyche.
It is also something, a subject completely ignored in schooling.
We kind of accept we understand ourselves and others through socializing.
But the reality is that human beings are kind of weird beings.
We are made by nature to adapt.
If you force a human being to adapt they can be anything, even a circus freak.
In modern world we tend to have a bias, that the more we adapt, the more capable we are, and the smarter we are.
Which is true.
But if we adapt all the time we kind of lose a lot of potential.
Most of our lives we are taught to follow, taught to be good, taught to be a certain way, and of course adapt.
SO I will leave with this vid. That reminds me that the more we adapt as humans we actually become more dumber.
There is a time where human smarts to adapt aren't as important as human capacity to adapt things to our will.
So there are two ways to adapt. Bend over or adapt things to your own. But we kind of are programmed to adapt to, not adapt things to. Which means the guys at the top of human hierarchy and often the high achievers are the ones that don't bend over, but adapt things to their own will. Not Earth shattering revelation, but think how many times you have to adapt to, instead of the reverse. In day to day life or overall.
By gifted we mean particular type of smarts.
Smarts that mean INTPs outperform most types in visible academic tasks and problem solving, as well as handling intellectual problems.
This kind of means in a world today where 99 percent of problems are intellectual problems, that require a lot of thinking INTPs are wired to be the bestest.
Introversion and as some say Ti means INTPs go logic first into everything. Its fairly convenient thing to do in a world where lots of problems worth solving are kind of logical.
Its a terrible tragedy if you have a brain like this and want to have functional social life.
But Ti pretty much can and does solve stuff.
Ne is great in using associative strategies. As Ti digs into stuff Ne branches out and so a lot of other types including other NT types can have a terrible time with dealing with blind spots. Ne kind of branches out and covers greater territory so if Ti works as a sharp blade dissecting things Ne works like a net that captures everything.
Makes for one hell of an headache, but INTPs have Si a perfect black box to capture everything and record it, so even when the mind cannot deal with stuff the Si box keeps and hoards all data, for no other reason, then, "JUST IN CASE" or "SOUNDS INTERESTING".
Fe is really the weakest spot for INTPs, but conversely its the odd advantage too.
Its like you have this person with giga brain that has the emotional bandwidth of neglected child.
You pretty much give them problem and they can solve it much easier than dealing with social stuff, so you kind of set them up by nature to solve problems. The emotional needs of INTPs are kind of simple.
Its not though important to dwell on simple mischaracterization though. I don't want to make fun of INTPs, but as a set up for solving intellectual problems their mind kind of is built for it.
So what is the catch of all this?
Well INTPs are in a world of 8 billion people who don't really think like them.
A world where each cog of giant civilization machinery is moved by human motives, human greed, human needs, human will, human expectations, and dreadful human connection.
So naturally the common unifying factor of all human world is the human soul.
And if there is one thing INTPs are not great at puzzling out is the human factor.
You know, everything human.
So what do INTPs really do in a world where all problems and puzzles come down to the very fact of "human."
It also kind of circles back to the age old fact that indeed INTPs need to puzzle out humans and themselves.
Now this problem gets to other types as well. INTJs, even ENTJs, and so on.
But I still think the most alien is the INTP brain.
We kind of struggle with human stuff on many levels.
And unfortunately today lots of problems are human problems.
Its not easy, and even MBTI types that are super adept at human stuff, can fail and burn themselves.
I think what I am trying to say is that we kind of often neglect the level of importance human problems have.
The more I understand psychology, I also see, how very little even experts know about human affairs and how we often don't realize how the world is predefined and glued together by human psyche.
It is also something, a subject completely ignored in schooling.
We kind of accept we understand ourselves and others through socializing.
But the reality is that human beings are kind of weird beings.
We are made by nature to adapt.
If you force a human being to adapt they can be anything, even a circus freak.
In modern world we tend to have a bias, that the more we adapt, the more capable we are, and the smarter we are.
Which is true.
But if we adapt all the time we kind of lose a lot of potential.
Most of our lives we are taught to follow, taught to be good, taught to be a certain way, and of course adapt.
SO I will leave with this vid. That reminds me that the more we adapt as humans we actually become more dumber.
There is a time where human smarts to adapt aren't as important as human capacity to adapt things to our will.
So there are two ways to adapt. Bend over or adapt things to your own. But we kind of are programmed to adapt to, not adapt things to. Which means the guys at the top of human hierarchy and often the high achievers are the ones that don't bend over, but adapt things to their own will. Not Earth shattering revelation, but think how many times you have to adapt to, instead of the reverse. In day to day life or overall.