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Search results

  1. Melkor

    Hahaha, yeah. Often when people claim to like Rinoa, it says too much about their personality...

    Hahaha, yeah. Often when people claim to like Rinoa, it says too much about their personality. I dunno, always seemed like she was kinda brainless and had a pretty shallow attraction to Squall. XD Yeah, you can buy or download FF 1,2, and 4. And you can download 5,6,7,8, and 9 as psone...
  2. Melkor


  3. Melkor

    ^_^ You need a psp sir. My psp currently has FF 1,2,7,8, and 9 on it. And they were only like...

    ^_^ You need a psp sir. My psp currently has FF 1,2,7,8, and 9 on it. And they were only like seven quid! Perfect emulation too. I liked Edea and Quistis as characters. I liked playing as Irvine too but I wanted to beat him up. And Zell. And Seifer. And Selphie. I wanted to beat most of...
  4. Melkor

    ^__^ I love magpies.

    ^__^ I love magpies.
  5. Melkor

    I am not a dead bird! [IMG]

    I am not a dead bird! [IMG]
  6. Melkor

    I can now kill you with a bow. I am doing my last exam and thus my last peice of work ever for...

    I can now kill you with a bow. I am doing my last exam and thus my last peice of work ever for second year of uni in an hour. Done very little revision. :D And I recently turned 21. That's it really, nothing else new to add.
  7. Melkor

    Eh.... Edea was better. :3 But I enjoyed Squall's ability to paraphrase things I say on a...

    Eh.... Edea was better. :3 But I enjoyed Squall's ability to paraphrase things I say on a daily basis.
  8. Melkor

    Counterattack with darkness! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jiu7MY_Q_Og&feature=endscreen&NR=1...

    Counterattack with darkness! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jiu7MY_Q_Og&feature=endscreen&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MySeaKAyWSs
  9. Melkor

    I am here

    Sounds hellish.
  10. Melkor

    *Leaves a dead bird on your profile in offering*

    *Leaves a dead bird on your profile in offering*
  11. Melkor

    Eww coffee. Anyway. I just wanted to tell you. You're a dirty yankee and you should be...

    Eww coffee. Anyway. I just wanted to tell you. You're a dirty yankee and you should be washed and taught to spell right.<3
  12. Melkor


  13. Melkor

    Get inside women's minds

    I am now not only afraid of going outside, I am also afraid of being inside. Thanks a lot you bastards.
  14. Melkor

    Ewwwwwww. Definitely not my type. XD I hope you got a gift receipt! I have no idea what...

    Ewwwwwww. Definitely not my type. XD I hope you got a gift receipt! I have no idea what he's holding either. O-o I'm guessing some sort of magic mushroom or carrot. Either way, DISLIKE!
  15. Melkor

    Your avatar has been the same for so long it's probably turning into cheese.

    Your avatar has been the same for so long it's probably turning into cheese.
  16. Melkor

    Philosophy students excel on standardized tests

    It's a pity that philosophy is such a useless degree in the real world then, isn't it? XD
  17. Melkor

    I love this site

    Hrm? *Lifts his head up from his crowded desk exhaustedly* Ugh... I'm sorry love, the complaints and technical issues inbox is full, we're all full at the minute, suffered a few technical errors due to a response flood... Suppose they'll complain about that too... *Sigh*...
  18. Melkor

    Uh. Hi. New Here. Long Time Reader, First Time Poster.

    I'm not even going to bother replying!
  19. Melkor

    What's wrong, you want to be my slave too?<3

    What's wrong, you want to be my slave too?<3
  20. Melkor

    Just noticed your title. Hahahahaahaaa. Brilliant.^w^

    Just noticed your title. Hahahahaahaaa. Brilliant.^w^
  21. Melkor

    I see the yaoi has finally addled your brains! Something I've been trying to do for years!

    I see the yaoi has finally addled your brains! Something I've been trying to do for years!
  22. Melkor

    P-pet!? :o Yes please! Now just put these obligatory kitty ears and tail on. :D There...

    P-pet!? :o Yes please! Now just put these obligatory kitty ears and tail on. :D There! Perfeccct! Ahem. Now we just go walkies to the dark tower of malevolence and draw all the curtains! (I know my birthday is technically over, but hell. gotta get my gifts worth!:D)
  23. Melkor

    Wow! That's a nice late birthday present. :D (Where do you get these pictures? O-o Also...

    Wow! That's a nice late birthday present. :D (Where do you get these pictures? O-o Also, bondage<3)
  24. Melkor

    isolated holiday, yes or no?

    Yes. With a capital Yeaaaaa. I think I mentioned this before, but one year I vanished to my grans for half a week for my birthday. I just slept, ate, and walked around her tiny city with it's aged population. Bliss.
  25. Melkor

    If you click on this thread, leave a post!

  26. Melkor

    Oh I'mmmmm guna love yooooou, til the heavens stop the raaaain! I'mmmmm guna love yoooouu til...

    Oh I'mmmmm guna love yooooou, til the heavens stop the raaaain! I'mmmmm guna love yoooouu til the stars fall from the skyyy, for you and I!
  27. Melkor

    It's an Introduction

    You shall be banished to the most lonesome depths of the void where not even the carrion birds shall miss your rotting carcass! Also: Hi.^____^
  28. Melkor

    Desperate to find my type (and myself) - Warning: long

    I don't think MBTI has ever really improved anyones life outside of giving them a vague(often unrealistic) hint of what job they might enjoy and in the interpersonal sense that there's a tiny chance you might understand other people better if you correctly identify their type. In terms of...
  29. Melkor


  30. Melkor

    Want the box. Must have the box... GIVE ME THE BOX.

    Want the box. Must have the box... GIVE ME THE BOX.
  31. Melkor

    If you click on this thread, leave a post!

    Fuck you.
  32. Melkor


  33. Melkor


  34. Melkor


    Here's a better one that I can read while retaining my stomach contents: :D I personally think yours could be attributed to the vast majority of intelligent people and only a certain portion of INTPs.
  35. Melkor


    A unicorn gimp?
  36. Melkor


  37. Melkor

    You know how attractive you are?

    I don't think I'm attractive. I think physically I'm maybe average at best, but in sync with my mannerisms and personality I'm probably quite below average. That's the clincher really. I don't think it requires any deep level of understanding or higher thinking, you merely look at people...
  38. Melkor

    A restraining order.

    A restraining order.
  39. Melkor


    I thrive in oxygen.
  40. Melkor

    Au contraire missy, I can weasel my way out of a titanium coated potato sack thrice padlocked...

    Au contraire missy, I can weasel my way out of a titanium coated potato sack thrice padlocked and full of cobras! And I could easily kill Minnie, she's a midget. :3
  41. Melkor

    Only because I can't bear to do it myself. <3

    Only because I can't bear to do it myself. <3
  42. Melkor

    Then parts of her at least. Like her heart. :D

    Then parts of her at least. Like her heart. :D
  43. Melkor

    As soon as you kill Speiss and carry her corpse to my doorstep in your mouth. :3

    As soon as you kill Speiss and carry her corpse to my doorstep in your mouth. :3
  44. Melkor

    Warning, stereotypical and uninformed nerdy comment incoming. Omagosh! You live in Middle...

    Warning, stereotypical and uninformed nerdy comment incoming. Omagosh! You live in Middle earth!!!one!!?
  45. Melkor

    Is that a good thing though? I feel a lot of media is becoming increasingly ageist, especially...

    Is that a good thing though? I feel a lot of media is becoming increasingly ageist, especially with women. It seems that in every gaming series that women either magically don't age, or are simply replaced by a similar, younger model once a certain time has passed. Personally the trend Who is...
  46. Melkor

    Well pretty much all the big developers are in agreement that cheap mobile games are harming...

    Well pretty much all the big developers are in agreement that cheap mobile games are harming their industry at least. Nintendo and Sony especially as they're trying to bang out magnificent portable devices. Unless you prefer such games then it's not really accurate to say it isn't hurting...
  47. Melkor

    I can see the logic though. Casual gamers are massively harming the gaming industry by choosing...

    I can see the logic though. Casual gamers are massively harming the gaming industry by choosing to invest in games worth two or three pound with a spark of instant gratification, and neglecting the more qualitative, elaborate (yet more expensive) games. Which in turn encourages more and more...
  48. Melkor

    Oh. How kind of you. (Me too. Just did a horrible presentation a few days ago. Got a bit...

    Oh. How kind of you. (Me too. Just did a horrible presentation a few days ago. Got a bit nervous and stressed over it, but it's over!) Yeah... I suppose it's necessary to sex everything up for a modern audience, but perhaps it's just that what was once sexy is no longer sexy, and we're...
  49. Melkor

    having a time machine, how to use it to be immortal??

    I was pretty sure that a time machine would in fact decrease your life expectancy, at least to the outside viewer. You'd go about travelling all over the world in time, and yet for comfort and understandings sake, you'd always return to the same place (or thereabouts) in time. Yet despite...
  50. Melkor

    Am I Too Old for this??

    Nah, there's plenty of oldies. We keep them in the cage over there and feed them prunes and pomegrante juice. :3 Sweet old bunch, but really quite mad.
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