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Search results

  1. reckful

    INTJ or INTP: How did you know?

    If you're interested, you can find a lot of J/P input from me in a two-post roundup at Typology Central that starts here.
  2. reckful

    INTJ vs. INTP

    Jung broke with Freud in large part because he thought Freud wanted him (and others) to treat Freud's theories as a kind of religion, rather than having an appropriately sceptical and open-minded scientific attitude toward them. Mystical streak notwithstanding, Carl Jung was a believer in the...
  3. reckful

    INTJ vs. INTP

    In Chapter X of Psychological Types, Jung said that a Ti-dom's "judgment appears cold, inflexible, arbitrary, and ruthless, because it relates far less to the object than to the subject. ... In the pursuit of his ideas he is generally stubborn, headstrong, and quite unamenable to influence."
  4. reckful

    Carl Jung and the concept of Libido

    You titled the thread, Carl Jung and the concept of Libido, but matching the observed world to "stored factual experience" has little to nothing to do with Jung's conception of Si. Comparing current observations with a stored memory bank of experiences is the utterly revamped description of Si...
  5. reckful

    Am I INTP or INTJ?

    For a lot of input from me on J/P, plus roundups of some INTJ and INTP profiles, see this post.
  6. reckful

    Example of how MBTI is seen in academia

    Don't lose sight of the difference between opinions and facts. She's not incompetent for having a different opinion on matters with respect to which reasonable people can disagree. But if she's lecturing on a subject and badly misstates the facts, she opens herself up to criticisms in the...
  7. reckful

    Example of how MBTI is seen in academia

    The lecturer is "extremely competent"? Please. On the issue of the MBTI's reliability and validity, the lecturer has utterly failed to do her homework. You can tell her reckful says that the reliability and validity of the MBTI put it "on a par" with the leading Big Five tests, and you can...
  8. reckful

    Unsure of my MBTI Type?

    What "narrow question" are you referring to? If those posts I linked the OP to are limited to a single "narrow question," I'm the Count of Monte Cristo. Intellectual integrity much? Forgive the confrontational language. The OP said she was confused about her type and looking for input...
  9. reckful

    Unsure of my MBTI Type?

    Would it be more appropriate if I repeated all that stuff that I link to in the thread of every new INTPforumite looking for typing assistance, OmoInisa? Of course not. Why do you think it's objectionable for me to let girlnextgrave know I've got a perspective on the MBTI she may not have...
  10. reckful

    Unsure of my MBTI Type?

    For what may be a fresh perspective to you (although I think it deserves to be called the Real MBTI Model), and/or a boatload of T/F input from me, see this post and the posts it links to.
  11. reckful

    What type was Carl Jung?

    The first thing you have to clarify if you want to type Jung is: under whose system? Do you mean the result Jung would have gotten if he'd taken the MBTI, or a (possibly different) type based on the cognitive functions? And if you mean the latter, are you talking about Jung's conception of the...
  12. reckful

    Auxiliary Function, Conscious/Unconscious?

    First, Silvermoon specifically noted that she was "very confused since my functions dont appear to be in any sort of normal stack" — so my function-stack stuff (including the linked Real MBTI Model post) was certainly relevant to that. And second, my post also included a link to a 10-post...
  13. reckful

    Auxiliary Function, Conscious/Unconscious?

    Re: Still cant figure out my own Type, even though Ive got great at typing others My posts "border on spamming/advertising," Auburn? Really? The first thing to note is that I have no direct or indirect economic interest in any of the forums or other websites I've linked to in my INTPforum...
  14. reckful

    Auxiliary Function, Conscious/Unconscious?

    Re: Still cant figure out my own Type, even though Ive got great at typing others As the old saying goes, you're entitled to your own opinions, but you're not entitled to your own facts. Reasonable people can disagree about whether Jung was right or wrong about X, Y or Z aspects of...
  15. reckful

    Still cant figure out my own Type, even though Ive got great at typing others

    @Silvermoon — You've referred to a "normal stack" of functions... Well, just so you know, the forum-famous model that says that INTJ=Ni-Te-Fi-Se and INTP=Ti-Ne-Si-Fe (and ZOMG, INTJs and INTPs have no functions in common) is the Harold Grant function stack — and it's inconsistent with Jung...
  16. reckful

    No J/P dicotomi

    What I think is that you're badly misinformed. For a long, two-part roundup on — yes — the J/P dichotomy, see these Typology Central posts: • Part 1 • Part 2 And if you've been bamboozled into believing that INTJs and INTPs (for example) are waaay different (because functions!) or that...
  17. reckful

    Self typing help, please!

    Assuming that T and F represent the opposite sides of a personality dimension where, to the extent that one side is significantly favored, that means the other side is disfavored, and if you're dealing with an "INFJ having a strong F," then by definition you're dealing with an INFJ for whom the...
  18. reckful

    Self typing help, please!

    The official MBTI is really the only test that has a lot of psychometric support behind it. If you've never taken it, here's an online copy. It doesn't score you automatically, but it shows which preference corresponds to each response, so you can calculate your result for each dimension. I'd be...
  19. reckful

    ISTJ/Trans Correlation?

    I don't think it's even you.
  20. reckful

    Could I be an INTJ?

    My first post in this thread linked you to my J/P roundup, and one section of that (INTJs as doers) involves me taking substantial issue with the notion that, as I put it, "INTPs are happy to be slackers who just think about stuff and INTJs are 'doers' with a core drive to be racking up actual...
  21. reckful

    Could I be an INTJ?

    @Emerald — I'm planning to be back with some more follow-up on your type (including your latest reply to me), but in the meantime, and especially since PmjPmj has offered you a significant dose of the Berens/Nardi function-centric MBTI framing (which is unquestionably — and annoyingly —...
  22. reckful

    Could I be an INTJ?

    That chart is just the official MBTI bullet-point summaries of the five "Step II" T/F facets. My take is in the separate two-post "T/F intro" that that post links to. And in any case, I don't think there's any question that INFJs are less F in some very significant ways than a typical SF or EF...
  23. reckful

    Could I be an INTJ?

    It's pretty common, in my experience, for INFJs to mistype as INTJs (including on the official MBTI) and later conclude that they're actually INFJ. And by contrast, the opposite — INTJs mistyping as INFJs and later concluding they're actually INTJ — almost never happens. And mistyped INFJs...
  24. reckful

    Could I be an INTJ?

    For a lot of input from me on J/P, see this post.
  25. reckful

    It might be a challenge, Type me?

    You sound to me like a neurotic (in Big Five terms) INTP, but INTJ would be my second choice. As the author, I may be a tad biased, but I suspect you'll find quite a lot of potentially useful type input in the 10-post series at Typology Central that starts here, which includes separate...
  26. reckful

    Need help on terminology

    In case you're interested in reading a fair amount of input from me on the relationship between the dichotomies and the functions, the place of the functions (or lack thereof) in the MBTI's history, and the tremendous gap between the dichotomies and the functions in terms of scientific...
  27. reckful

    What makes MBTI not complete bullshit?

    You and I haz previously discussed why your oversimple application of falsifiability to the MBTI is a misapplication, and in case you've forgotten, you can revisit that discussion here.
  28. reckful

    What makes MBTI not complete bullshit?

    Here's what Jung said in the Foreword to the First Swiss Edition of Psychological Types: In Jung's autobiography (Memories, Dreams, Reflections), he explained that his typology "sprang originally from my need to define the ways in which my outlook differed from Freud's and Adler's. In...
  29. reckful

    What makes MBTI not complete bullshit?

    If by "Jung-derived," you meant something along the lines of "with (much of) its original roots in Jung," then you and I are in agreement on that.
  30. reckful

    What makes MBTI not complete bullshit?

    It's a mistake to refer to "INTP = ITN = Ti Ne" as a "Jung-derived type." When Myers declared that the auxiliary function's attitude would be the opposite of the dominant's, she acknowledged that that interpretation put her in a very small minority among Jung scholars. I agree with the...
  31. reckful

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Well, you're welcome, but sheesh, you could have come back at me with an annoyingly strained case for "perimeters" working OK in that particular context. Some INTP you are. Pssh.
  32. reckful

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  33. reckful

    What makes MBTI not complete bullshit?

    The video linked in the OP is a joke, and is based on a 2014 article at Vox by Joseph Stromberg, who very much failed to do his homework. Contrary to what you sometimes hear, and notwithstanding that there are important distinctions to be made between "hard sciences" and "soft sciences," the...
  34. reckful

    I'm an ENTP

    Are you saying that the posts you were banned for weren't deleted by the mods and are still there? If that's true, that would be unusual, in my experience.
  35. reckful

    Ambiversion/Ambiverts Do Not Exist

    You can dodge and weave all you like, but the fact remains that, regardless of what "primitive" and "archaic" characteristics Jung may have associated with an undifferentiated psyche — and if you've read much Jung on that subject, you know that he thought there were advantages as well as...
  36. reckful

    Ambiversion/Ambiverts Do Not Exist

    As I've said, you're entitled to your opinions, fella, but you continue to insist on messing with the facts. Jung specifically noted that his "normal man" — you know, the guy who was neither extraverted nor introverted — was like that because he was "less differentiated" than extraverts and...
  37. reckful

    Ambiversion/Ambiverts Do Not Exist

    It's not a dichotomies vs. functions issue, Inquisitor. You continue to assert that Jung didn't believe in E/I ambiverts, and as explained in my first post, that's simply nonsense. Again, you can agree or disagree with Jung, but as a factual matter, what Jung said was that over a third of the...
  38. reckful

    I'm an ENTP

    Actually, mystical streak notwithstanding, Jung believed in applying the scientific method to the extent that that was reasonably feasible. In one of the articles included in the Collected Works edition of Psychological Types, Jung brought up astrology — along with several other "age-old"...
  39. reckful

    Ambiversion/Ambiverts Do Not Exist

    For the second time in two days, I'm moved to ask, "Integrity much, Inquisitor?" In our multiple previous back-and-forths on whether Jung thought it was possible to be ambiverted, I've never claimed Jung pointed to that as any kind of ideal. He did not. Nor have I ever pointed to...
  40. reckful

    I'm an ENTP

    Integrity much? You're entitled to your own opinions, but you're not entitled to your own facts. You can agree with Jung or disagree with Jung, but on some issues, what Jung said is more in the nature of a fact. You say there's "no such thing as introversion and extraversion," but in...
  41. reckful

    I'm an ENTP

    Puh-leeeze. As you and I have discussed at length (starting here), Jung viewed his eight types as four varieties of extravert and four varieties of introvert, while also declaring that more people were essentially in the middle on E/I than were significantly extraverted or introverted — and...
  42. reckful

    The Other 360 Subtypes

    Imagine you've got four INTPs on your hands. (This story's already off to a bad start, eh?) INTP A's preference strengths are 60-64-68-90. INTP B's preference strengths are 60-68-64-90. INTP C's preference strengths are 60-82-86-90. INTP D's preference strengths are 60-86-82-90. (As the...
  43. reckful

    Comming off as insulting Te vs Ti

    If it was planned, it's not an epiphany. That's what my Aunt Trudy always used to say.
  44. reckful

    Can we understand types using evolution?

    Imma try to make this easy for you. Suppose that, in reality, all men have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, and all women have two X chromosomes. And suppose somebody's doing a study where they correlate men and women (in terms of external physical features) with XY and XX. And...
  45. reckful

    Can we understand types using evolution?

    Decades of twin studies strongly suggest that genes account for around half (or more) of the kinds of relatively stable temperament dimensions measured by the MBTI and Big Five. Note, however, that the genetic side of things is complicated: an introvert's identical twin brother would probably be...
  46. reckful

    Can we understand types using evolution?

    The reason there are men and women isn't that successful men pass on their maleness and successful women pass on their femaleness. S parents often have N children and N parents often have S children. If there are reasons that it's advantageous for a human group to be, say, 30% N and 70% S, then...
  47. reckful

    Why is Introversion abstracting?

    Mystical streak notwithstanding, Carl Jung was a believer in the scientific approach, and Isabel Myers took Psychological Types and devoted a substantial chunk of her life to putting its typological concepts to the test in a way that Jung never had, and in accordance with the psychometric...
  48. reckful

    Jung: Types can be divided into subtypes...what are the implications?

    I don't see any indication that he's talking about a "further splitting." He's noted that you get eight types if you create two subtypes for each function, and now he's saying you could get a greater number if "each of the functions were split into three subgroups." That's just as consistent...
  49. reckful

    Jung: Types can be divided into subtypes...what are the implications?

    I don't understand why you'd think he was talking about Ti rather than T. He says, "One could, for example, easily divide thinking into its three well-known forms: intuitive and speculative, logical and mathematical, empirical and positivist, the last being mainly dependent on sense perception."...
  50. reckful

    Jung: Types can be divided into subtypes...what are the implications?

    I'd say Jung said too little in that toss-off paragraph — which comes from a 1923 lecture that was later included in the Collected Works edition of Psychological Types — for it to be worthwhile spending much time trying to figure out exactly what he meant, much less whether what kinds of...
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