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Search results

  1. Jennywocky

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    My cat has Avoidance issues. He will follow me around the apartment but sit down nearby, just out of reach. At night he sleeps at the one corner of my bed, again conveniently nearby but just barely out of reach. He tolerates my hugging him anyway (although occasionally hopping down and...
  2. Jennywocky

    Pmj's TWG/Mafia

    Asteroid endings are so 1998. ... oh yeah, and then there's the dinosaurs.
  3. Jennywocky

    Pmj's TWG/Mafia

    Meh. Confirmed Town is a plus -- it means they aren't deliberately misleading you, and it means they're not on the menu for tonight. But it doesn't mean they can't just be blazingly, fuckingly, stupidly wrong on something.
  4. Jennywocky

    Pmj's TWG/Mafia

    I think you got the MVP for this game. How's it feel?? Treestump claim. Dear lord.
  5. Jennywocky

    Mafia Related Banter

    Well as a general rule of thumb for any game, if you fucking stopped actually going to bed and sleeping for six hours a night like a normal person, maybe people wouldn't be doubting your commitment to SparkleTownsville. That's what your mom said.
  6. Jennywocky

    Mafia Related Banter

    I know. I think I am the first official INTPf Mafia Groupie. :kodama1: ^^ Wait, apparently that is PMJ I just posted an icon of, there. Dark Chocolate? That sounds like heaven.
  7. Jennywocky

    Mafia Related Banter

    :evil: Gladiate THIS....
  8. Jennywocky

    Mafia Related Banter

    Yeah, there was a comment about the Dr. Who player having way too much stuff to juggle in the upcoming game. It's kind of the thing with participation and why I haven't played... because regardless of what some people said, I'm actually pretty busy / can't afford to block off Mafia time and the...
  9. Jennywocky

    INTP or INFP and Ti and Fi

    You could just accept that you are an idealistic person who also has a strong need for logical coherence. You're trying to jam yourself into a type description. You do not exist for type; type exists for you. It's not a perfect system; sometimes the categorizes are easy to see and can be...
  10. Jennywocky

    Iron Cross in the INTP Forum website browser tab

    Dear god... I thought we killed the Search button here years ago. Do you mean it came back to life AGAIN???? silver + sunlight + garlic + beheading + Eagles music + purity rings + old Silver Spoons reruns + WE MUST KILL IT FOR REALS
  11. Jennywocky

    INTPs - what are the types of your 5 best friends?

    No one ever believes it will happen to them, until it does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT1MIxj-BdQ
  12. Jennywocky

    INTPs - what are the types of your 5 best friends?

    I bet she is actually a humpback whale. Or perhaps even a bear in a fish suit. Those bears are always trying to sucker us. Just like a bear to pretend to be a salmon, just to get up and close and all.
  13. Jennywocky

    Is that a movie? Should I even have to ask? I heard the leech woman sucks.

    Is that a movie? Should I even have to ask? I heard the leech woman sucks.
  14. Jennywocky

    Mafia Signups Thread

    yeah where is the spectator QT... I need to watch my wolves run to victory!
  15. Jennywocky

    Mafia Signups Thread

    I have to say....thank you for my brief shining cameo, I'm flattered. And now I'm in the game without having to play. Go eat them, my pretties!! Eat them all!! <cackle>
  16. Jennywocky

    Mafia Signups Thread

    ...Say hi to Sammy Jenkis for me. :phear: Lord QuickTwist expresses that his flesh is willing and that he would like to proceed with the festivities. You may offer your gifts and alms at any time.
  17. Jennywocky

    Mafia Signups Thread

    Vote Minuend
  18. Jennywocky

    "If you like this beet, wait until you taste my cauliflower!" Now we're cooking with power...

    "If you like this beet, wait until you taste my cauliflower!" Now we're cooking with power! ... I was going to make a joke about my youth subsisting on the lifeforce of children, but it's only 7:30am, I've been up an hour and half, and I'm still not quite awake. :p
  19. Jennywocky


    There's some of that in the USA (i.e., just to be obnoxious), but no, most of it is more driven by moral superiority.
  20. Jennywocky

    best RPG?

    Your decisions in the game (and especially in the last 25% of the game) actually impact how all that plays out, if I remember correctly. Especially in regard to which characters you choose to align yourself with. There's one crazy scenario that can play out involving Alistair, and I won't...
  21. Jennywocky

    best RPG?

    Oh. I don't remember the werewolf anymore, but yeah, I enjoyed that game immensely considering my old-school Computer RPG roots. Plus I had installed some mods later (like, allowing me to play all the gender romance paths with the same character, etc.) I won't say I didn't like it. It was...
  22. Jennywocky

    best RPG?

    Is this Inquisition or a different one? I started Inquisition when it came out, but got caught up on other stuff and have to get back to it.
  23. Jennywocky

    best RPG?

    I really liked the storyline, it felt different in some ways than the generic storyline. All the subterfuge and behind-the-scenes manipulation... it gave a really nice distinctive feel compared to the "Good Jedi / Bad Sith" narratives that usually dominate. I've had to start balancing my level...
  24. Jennywocky

    best RPG?

    I think I ran Sniper: Marksman as my build since I was solo-DPS'ing the game. (And I have to say, with the revisions to the companion pool, if people can't solo this game through fairly easily, they're probably struggling with MMOs in general. Especially if you're playing a ranged squishy who...
  25. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Insomnia (1997), original release. This version stars Stellan Skarsgaard, who is remarkable but really quite different than Al Pacino in the remake (Christopher Nolan, 2002). In fact, it's really an interesting study between the two movies because they are both viable in their own rights led by...
  26. Jennywocky

    best RPG?

    Greetings, meatbag. The userbase (cracking the code) fixed and released parts of SWKOTOR2 that had been locked before release (since the studio hadn't had time to finish and debug them), and there's a cool sequence where you have to play as HK-47 and bust into a robot factory making upgraded...
  27. Jennywocky

    Asexuality tests

    Her: "Oh darling -- please rub your pile of steamed red beets through my hair again." He: "I will beet you like a steel drum, my sweat. Or perhaps one made of pig iron -- it's cheaper." I was into MST3K when MST3K wasn't even cool yet. :D But then kids took over. Okay, you sound like the...
  28. Jennywocky

    Absence from the forum

    okay the coast is clear for Mafia now
  29. Jennywocky

    best RPG?

    I've never heard of it, oddly enough. Now I want to look it up. ... just finished the Jedi Consular storyline in SWTOR. the best part of it was that, unlike some of the other storylines, you actually build a coalition throughout the narrative and succeed in part by the end because of the...
  30. Jennywocky


    Yeah, Interstate 95 goes up (from Wash DC and Baltimore) through Philadelphia PA, through NJ, and then NYC. That whole swath from Philly through NJ to NYC (kinda following what Tberg said) is kinda like the comic book version of "Metropolis" ... it's so built up now, it's all running together...
  31. Jennywocky


    I rarely swim at all nowadays, mainly because I don't enjoy the beach much and I'm not really ever around a pool. However, my mom took me for swimming lessons and to the pool/lake regularly as a kid. I learned how to swim (and various types of strokes -- butterfly, crawl, side stroke...
  32. Jennywocky

    Asexuality tests

    Flirt. yeah, sometimes I just laugh and laugh... and then laugh harder because I realize they were trying to be steamy and failing miserably. It would be fun to do MST3000 overdub voice tracks on some of these things. Yeah, I tend to screen pretty heavily and am careful, so by the...
  33. Jennywocky

    Asexuality tests

    50% Asexual 64% Pansexual (but I don't identify as pansexual, I'm a pretty open Kinsey 1) 67% Demisexual Workplace blocks sapiosexual test... don't ask me why that one as opposed to the others. *shrug*
  34. Jennywocky

    Do INTPs become more normal with age/maturity?

    I probably regularly give myself two black eyes... it's a personality feature. Run. Run far away! welcome back. :) Any guy with a fondness for swift llamas is okay in my book.
  35. Jennywocky

    Do INTPs become more normal with age/maturity?

    I identify with a lot of that. I will be 48 in a few months, and my life has really run a gamut at times, but I'm still the same sort of "me" I see now after all of the being socialized. Getting married and raising kids did force me into new pathways, although it was more about learning "how to...
  36. Jennywocky


    Arby's curly fries for the win!
  37. Jennywocky


    McDonalds seems to have been revamping all of its stories nowadays, which tend to look bigger and classier... along with their espresso menus. I've heard that the espresso drinks aren't too bad, but I'll still go to a coffee shop for my specialty drinks, thanks so much. Big Mac extra value...
  38. Jennywocky


    I think the Boston accent is really strong too (along with the Southern twang). Minnesota accent (filtered in from Canada) is also pretty distinctive. But yes, I don't think the accents are too extreme much of the time, depending on where you go. the United States is huge in comparison to many...
  39. Jennywocky

    Mafia Signups Thread

    Aren't you in jail yet? You only won the last game you played because you .... didn't play. :phear:
  40. Jennywocky

    For you that think isn't worth it.

    - Finding INTPs to become Monty Python Flying Circus historians? - a triple-dog-dare that has ruined the lives of everyone participating? - the precursor to Rowlings being able to make millions of dollars off the Sorting Hat? - Isabel Myers' attempt to find a new husband? - The Shadow Cart's...
  41. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Ghostbusters (2016) -- Fun movie, both this and the original can be kinda goofy and have their flaws, but this movie doesn't have as many memorable one-liners as the first one. However, it has a different kind of humor approach (typical for Wiig / McCarthy movies) that can be enjoyable, even if...
  42. Jennywocky

    "Sorry x is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her."

    Hmmm. Yeah, I suppose if someone is just a subforum mod (which applies to what? one guy?) then yeah, a small source of consternation. On the other hand, it's just kind of the way it is. You might consider a particular cop an asshat, but you still have to be aware of the sirens and flashing...
  43. Jennywocky

    Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy

    Someone asked what I was playing. - Pathfinder system - Mythic Adventures expansion - Psionics book (Dreamscarred Press) + Mythic Psionics supplement We don't have arcane magic in our party (mainly because we started in a dimension with only psionics and divine casting, although we now have...
  44. Jennywocky

    Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy

    Yeah, scheduling can be a pain. This group, we've wavered between Thursday and Wednesdays weekly, depending on the teaching schedule of one of the players. Weekends actually seem to be harder; my group there has more trouble meeting. Arf. Dear god. Or dear dog. Or something...
  45. Jennywocky

    Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy

    Well, this thread didn't go anywhere, really, but I thought I'd mention our campaign is FINALLY finishing up after about two years. We'll probably be done by the end of August. In the end, we're still approaching endgame of deciding what to do with the Dead God's power (and my lich is gonna try...
  46. Jennywocky

    Mafia Signups Thread

    This is QuickTwist. Don't Believe His Lies.
  47. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    I wouldn't put them in anywhere near the same category except perhaps the cosmetics of setting.
  48. Jennywocky


    Starry-eyed idealist, aintcha? ;) Not hard to do that, if one is not being socially undermined from all directions. There's a lot of relational and social judgment that accrues in this fucked-up world, that actually has an impact beyond just hurt feelings. Yeah, I do think the Internet has...
  49. Jennywocky


    Welcome to the forum. ;) ... yeah, at first glance, I feel a bit dismissive of the list as well (I'm not sure of the underlying foundation of many of the categories aside from imaginative brainstorming), but the OP certainly came across as more of a snipe at the topic versus a serious request...
  50. Jennywocky

    Trying not to have the same "Introduction" title

    I've struggled with some nihilist tendencies for years since much of the cultural/social patterns seem arbitrary to me, yet there is expectation for conformance and many seem to be happy moving in those patterns and uncomfortable around those who do not. It's an odd thing when people feel they...
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