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Search results

  1. computerhxr

    Ages of Users Here

    Yep, they are typical age ranges. If you work hard you can get there early with lots of hard work. Some people actively deny these changes and remain perpetually stuck in their past self. People with tough circumstance many times will remain in survival mode. It's not to say that...
  2. computerhxr

    Transitioning into a new profession... I'm ready!

    Yes, I would agree. I just keep track on a daily basis. I don't know who that is but that is my style of playing. Except when there is a reason to do otherwise. I will play small-ball as well if the hand holds up on the flop. Flushes are surprisingly common especially if you hang...
  3. computerhxr

    Ages of Users Here

    Just so that you know; there are a few stages in MBTI development. Since many of you are under 30 years old --- you have a significant stage of growth typically in your mid 30's. Think of it as a polarity switch. You begin to depend more on your auxiliary function more since your primary...
  4. computerhxr

    The Death of the Artist

    In weight lifting, your maximum gains come from compound movements and 30/90 day cycles. You would hit a plateau every 90 days and muscles would start to atrophy to become more efficient. Even in short bursts pyramid sets are the most effective. Assuming that your brain is like a muscle...
  5. computerhxr

    The Death of the Artist

    By working on multiple skills you are becoming better at other skills that you are not even practicing. For example... learning to paint may improve your photography skills.
  6. computerhxr

    If you want to become a web developer

    There are many different aspects to design and programming. Most design jobs use HTML and CSS. jQuery is a designers Javascript. HTML5 and CSS3 replaces many of the capabilities that scripting was required for in the past. However, a mix of the two is required in many designs. Stuff...
  7. computerhxr

    Self Programming AI Structure

    Have you seen this? http://www.wsj.com/video/scientists-upload-worm-mind-into-a-lego-robot/EF23D2FF-8292-4F47-A8E8-089DAE76410A.html
  8. computerhxr

    If you want to become a web developer

    Ruby, DJango, etc... won't last because they are nerdy designer languages to make people feel special and sell books. I would recommend .NET, PHP, or Java. .NET is more used in corporate dev (because there are license fees). PHP is used by small business. Lots of PHP jobs in big and small...
  9. computerhxr

    I, a construct of the mind?

    It's all an illusion.
  10. computerhxr


    Unless you are creating a yes-set. ;) He's saying that you can lose a sale by talking too much. Once you've sold a customer, you're done, don't screw it up. This is what I think of cold calling ... :aufsmaul:
  11. computerhxr

    Define "Reaching your potential"

    Hahaha! Gives new meaning to "it's peanut butter jelly time!"
  12. computerhxr

    Problems socializing #439

    Freud's definition of libido is not the same as the cultural definition of libido. Freudian libido is more of a motivational force. IMO, you have some form of debilitating neuroses. Estrogen and testosterone both affect hair growth. Avocados cause a spike in Freudian libido, along with...
  13. computerhxr

    INTP TED talk

    Similar but not the same.
  14. computerhxr

    So I exist

    Welcome! ... is waiting for the "prove you actually exist" comment ... :rolleyes:
  15. computerhxr

    INTP TED talk

    If TED doesn't work, then what is the point of talking about it in a TED talk? Good talk though. :smoker:
  16. computerhxr


    Cold calling is the worst. You can convince people to do anything when they are under pressure and have little time to react. It's totally unethical in most situations and the epitome of marketing. Copywriting is something that can vary widely. In its simplest terms, it just means that you...
  17. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    It's interesting and I want to find out more about what it was like when he lost all access to the external senses. In the article he calls it "darkness" and eventually he starts to have senses like sound, then light, then vision. It doesn't really answer the question but after I'm finished...
  18. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    Read this: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2015/01/09/376084137/trapped-in-his-body-for-12-years-a-man-breaks-free or this: http://www.youngcons.com/man-awakens-12-years-vegetative-state-says-will-blow-mind/
  19. computerhxr

    Confronting Death

    Death is an inevitability. Health is a part of life, so you should take care of yourself. Live life like you know you're going to die. Try to take the most honorable and least painful exit possible. Make as few enemies and give people good things to remember you for. Have a positive effect...
  20. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    Computerhxr is deadz. :segen:
  21. computerhxr

    Asexuality tests

    Apparently I'm normal. Now I feel boring.
  22. computerhxr

    Face memory test

    You got 72 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 97.48% of other people who take this test. Took like 10 seconds to take the test. :smoker:
  23. computerhxr

    Kava for fun and profit

    So is alcohol, acetaminophen, and getting ice cubes in mexico. I wouldn't drink it on a regular basis... I would also pair it with lots of water and proper nutrition to flush it through my system.
  24. computerhxr

    Ask QuickTwist (^_^)V (including about his mental illness)

    How quickly and how twisted do you get?
  25. computerhxr

    Would you be satisfied with a purely menial job?

    Yes, it gives me plenty of time to think. I would prefer to be a box box than a cashier because of the distractions. Factory work is amazing for thinkers. You beat me to it! I have worked in several factories, in grocery stores, custodial, offices, fast food, etc... Probably over 50...
  26. computerhxr

    Artistic Preferences

    Yeah, but my perspective is that they were done in spite. Look past the obvious meaning and you see how much pain the artists were in when they created the works. That's what I like about it. :icon_pferdehaufen: :segen:
  27. computerhxr

    Artistic Preferences

    I took it twice because it didn't sound right. I'm more of an expressionist than impressionist for sure. I like the bright colors of impressionism. You showed a preference for work in the Impressionist style (20.6% of people who have taken this test have shared your preference). You...
  28. computerhxr

    Define "Reaching your potential"

    Potential is subjective. How do you know that your potential doesn't take from others potential? Like rich people have a lot of money potential and they burden society with negative money potential. How do you know the potential is positive or negative? I think balance is optimal which was...
  29. computerhxr

    What is it like being a genious?

    That's fantastic! I feel basically the same way. I just don't like people who are closed minded. So I guess it doesn't matter if they are "intellectually curious" or not. I like your avatar! I've been wanting to read "The Power of Movement in Plants" by Darwin. Your avatar reminds me...
  30. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    Everything is reality. It expands in all directions, so there is no beginning or end. Energy just transfers through induction. There is no loss in the system, only transference. Death is another frequency of life. Your atomic composition is redistributed so that you are part of the...
  31. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    Nope. I chose the title as an alternative to the other "I will answer anything!" threads that were going around. I figured it would be a fun challenge and would lead to some interesting questions. It solves an information bias that you have when I choose which threads that I reply to...
  32. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    The cheap alternatives are many times made with unhealthy ingredients. I am very selective when I make purchases. However, many times the inexpensive alternatives are just as good or even better than the name brand products. If you can do the following with the cheaper imitations, then I'm...
  33. computerhxr

    Define "Reaching your potential"

    Everyone lives up to their potential. It's a system and it has friction or drag which is negative potential. There are inside and outside forces at play. You can change your potential by changing your position, situation, or outlook on life. With a positive outlook you have more...
  34. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    Absolutely! This is me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g04eT33rTzk This is you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDbVJvlW-BM
  35. computerhxr

    I feel a change; something different.

    You can color mandalas to help center yourself. It's good because it gives you time to reflect and you get to be creative by choosing the colors. http://www.coloring.com.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Mandalas-Coloring-Pictures-for-Free.jpg
  36. computerhxr

    I feel a change; something different.

    I don't hold onto beliefs. I will replace old junk with new junk if it's a better explanation. Reality is stranger than fiction. :kodama2:
  37. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    Yes, without drugs. The wall in my room turned to flames, and there was a shadowy figure coming through the flames. I started to hear a voice and my cat jumped on my face and scratched the shit out of me! It snapped me out of it. It was pretty cool. Way more vivid than real life. It was...
  38. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    Okay, I get it, you're a genius. You are so smart! You must be a god or something?!
  39. computerhxr

    Define "Reaching your potential"

    Living up to other peoples expectations of your potential.
  40. computerhxr

    Why no image of Satan???

    I'm not sure what you're asking from me? There are harmonic frequencies, that are in tune with the G-string. They can be represented as a line, wave, circle, a polygon, or a star.
  41. computerhxr

    Why no image of Satan???

    It's apocalyptic.
  42. computerhxr

    I feel a change; something different.

    You need to center yourself. You are holding false beliefs that don't line up with reality.
  43. computerhxr

    Why no image of Satan???

    Does this help? http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag448/computerhxr/revelations-opening_zpsb4a4f36e.jpg Most women think the G-spot is mythical so don't feel bad. Step 1. With your right hand facing up, insert the middle two fingers. Step 2. With your left hand, press down firmly on the...
  44. computerhxr

    Why no image of Satan???

    It is Baphomet. Serpent is the waveform. φ = phi Serpent of Wisdom, Serpent Knowledge. Kundalini Yoga; Kundalini means Inner Serpent.
  45. computerhxr

    What is it like being a genious?

    Your actions are inconsistent with your words. It would be like me saying I'm not an ass. I don't go around claiming that I'm not. I try not to be, but sometimes I can't help it. The thread is about genius, not intelligence. Yes, lets ask the cat. Sorry, he's busy... :icon_tinykitball...
  46. computerhxr

    What is it like being a genious?

    You gave me priority in the exchange? :rolleyes: Can we at least agree that cats are smarter than humans? :icon_tinykitball:
  47. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    1. If someone lost all their senses except thought. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
  48. computerhxr

    academic performance

    What was the question?
  49. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    I like pizza too! We have so much in common, we should hang out! Yes, phi is my favorite. :D
  50. computerhxr

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    There was no "born without sensing" criteria. In fact, there was a sensing criteria, which was completely ignored in all of your arguments. You are selectively choosing the criteria to make it fit your argument. I've pointed this out multiple times. You don't need to have knowledge of...
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