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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    The Heroic Woman

    I have no issue with a superheroine who gets pregnant. Wouldn't want her fighting, though. Bound to get punched in the stomach a few times by a superman with incredible strength. Not good for the baby. Let her do the technical stuff for a few months/years. Only in the latest films, as...
  2. scorpiomover

    All my IQ scores

    Studies show that people who are still being made to study for 30 hours a week in school, have a much higher IQ than those who are not. Go back to school. Study courses online. Start going to college for 1 hour a week. Scientific studies show that repeated exposure to the things that seem...
  3. scorpiomover

    If you believe that the world is over-populated...

    I had a thought the other day: If the world is truly over-populated, then surely anyone who kills lots of people, is doing the world a favour, right? So then surely those who believe the world is over-populated, must be in favour of legalising murder, right? If you disagree and believe that...
  4. scorpiomover

    does the universe have a blank state

    No-one seems to know what things were like before existence. Kind of a contradiction in terms, though. Before existence, there would be nothing to say what the universe was like in the first place.
  5. scorpiomover

    does the universe have a blank state

    Yes. But the 90s was also when the anti-capitalist, socialist, left-wing removed socialism from their manifesto. So quite clearly, it was when the world became uber-capitalist. So why did both things happen at the same time? Because those movies encouraged lots of moral people like yourself to...
  6. scorpiomover

    existence vs numbers

    You could not be taught about numbers, just as you could not be taught about existence. But if numbers were destroyed, then there could be no "1" and thus no possibility of binary existence.
  7. scorpiomover

    Birth Order

    I am the third child of a third child. Yes, I think there's something to it. I and my older sister, who is 2nd-born, definitely show traits of middle children. So did my late father. However, what's interesting, is that although the first-borns are more confident, the middle-children seem to...
  8. scorpiomover

    What are your five love languages?

    Physical Touch 33% Words of Affirmation 27% Quality Time 23% Acts of Service:10% Receiving Gifts 7%
  9. scorpiomover

    The Pump & Dump Problem

    Isn't that somewhat contradictory to your earlier statement that chastity has no value? It sounds like your issue is that men and women today, have no self-respect. Self-respect is about treating your self with respect. You also seem to suggest that if a modern woman has no self-respect, then...
  10. scorpiomover

    The Pump & Dump Problem

    Exactly my point. So there are a reasonable amount of legitimate cases. So if an employee has a 98% rate of failure, and a reasonable amount of cases that he deals with are legitimate, how competent is he? Would you not expect that he is either extremely incompetent, or extremely corrupt, or...
  11. scorpiomover

    The Pump & Dump Problem

    The way you've written, is that you seem quite p*ssed off at these sorts of allegations. At first, I thought it was just moral outrage. But you did these sorts of posts several times in the past. So it's not just a 1-off feeling with you. I also considered if you were p*ssed off at the moral...
  12. scorpiomover

    The Pump & Dump Problem

    Yes. But there are plenty of things that can screw up a public image. E.G. accidentally saying that one owns a Gollywog doll, or saying that Trump was right about even one thing, any of which can and probably will trip the person up BEFORE they get anywhere near the level of "wealthy/political"...
  13. scorpiomover

    The Pump & Dump Problem

    1) The problem is very simple: The #MeToo movement has revealed that many powerful men raped a lot of women, and have used the popularity of 1-night-stands, to claim that women they raped were simply 1-night-stands. That's very, very different to if you had a 1-night stand with a woman, because...
  14. scorpiomover

    The dangers of saving face

    China has been a "face culture" for centuries, if not millennia. That is how things used to be done in the West, between the 1850s and the 1970s. Western media have been saying "fake it until you make it" in every film, TV series, and documentary that Westerners have watched, since the 1980s...
  15. scorpiomover

    Almost had a bad trip

    Marijuana relaxes the body and the mind, and thus stops you from being completely inhibited, which is why so many people take it. If you're afraid of being out of control, then you should not be taking drugs like marijuana.
  16. scorpiomover

    Share your Enneagram and Wings

    I'm a 6w5.
  17. scorpiomover

    Almost had a bad trip

    You don't get very trippy from marijuana. You can, if you've taken LSD before and you get flashbacks on weed. You can, if it's super-concentrated. Either you already have been tripping in your life, or you imagined it, or your neighbour roofied you. Either way, be more careful, dude.
  18. scorpiomover

    the self is a prison

    The imagination of the mind can travel anywhere.
  19. scorpiomover

    female favorite mbti type

    BTW, is this thread about the MBTI type that women like the most in men? Or is it about the MBTI type that I like most in women? Or something else? Not really sure what the thread means.
  20. scorpiomover

    Power and will

    It's a pretty common theme: Superman, Batman, Moses, JC, Hercules, The Buddha. They're all heroes to many people: they achieved amazing feats that helped humanity despite great difficulties in their personal lives. Superman was an orphan who could have used his powers to attempt to take over...
  21. scorpiomover

    stop hating your parents

    Kids usually love their parents. Teens who are trying to assert their independence but haven't yet learned to stand on their own 2 feet, usually say they hate their parents. But still choose to live with them. Adults who have lived their own lives and experienced the same issues and problems...
  22. scorpiomover


    By the sounds of it, a much faster computer. Depends on how it is used. Potentially, it might be used to break many forms of currently-used encryption within seconds, to spy on humans. Or, it might be used to solve complex problems that humanity currently suffers from, to further humanity. If...
  23. scorpiomover


    All these things are described in modern physics in terms of atoms. If you want to spend time trying to come up with a whole new physics that is unlike anything that came before it, then that's your choice. That sounds like something someone watched on Star Trek. Sq. metres, not square feet...
  24. scorpiomover


    Change happens all the time. Food becomes body parts and excrement, which in turn becomes food for something else. Even atoms change, in suns. But atoms are an easy way to classify which changes are easier, and which require temperatures like 5,000 C to make them happen.
  25. scorpiomover

    How are you living with your mental illnesses?

  26. scorpiomover

    Ok so where are the math threads?

    Yes, and no. I have a maths degree. But been around here a while, and noticed the patterns. 1) INTPs like to learn, not show off how clever they are. If you want to see some deep maths, ask a question about some deep maths, and watch them try to explain. 2) INTPs are known for their interest...
  27. scorpiomover

    female favorite mbti type

    I had a thought, and was going to change my post to this. But it doesn't give me the Edit option anymore. So I'll add it instead: I know that's what I see on my TV. But my TV shows fiction. So what's the truth? Well, we need to answer a few questions: 1) What qualities do Chads have and what...
  28. scorpiomover

    female favorite mbti type

    According to the programmes on the TV, films, and the internet, you'd be right. However, it strikes me that most women tend to not like men who are overly emotional and more like women than men, and that's ENFJs to a T. Most women also like to talk and do things like take long walks on a...
  29. scorpiomover


    Humans don't do well without water. Magma is like liquid fire. Rocks are solid Earth. Unless you can extract the hydrogen and oxygen, and turn them into water, usually, the answer is "no". 80% of our bodies are water. Not having enough water will literally kill all the cells in our bodies...
  30. scorpiomover

    What happens when AI escapes?

    How do you know that its actually learning and not just mimicking learning?
  31. scorpiomover

    Empirical evidence for theories without sufficient empirical metrics

    That's the world that had to happen if the current flavour of modern liberalism was not kept in check, and became successful. A white male worked hard to get his job? Evil. Deny him the results of his efforts. A minority wants a 6-figure salary without working for it? His...
  32. scorpiomover

    What values are most conducive to a prosperous society and why?

    Good point. I allow for the possibility that there might be others. But these 3 seem to deal with most societal issues.
  33. scorpiomover

    Empirical evidence for theories without sufficient empirical metrics

    1) I can have a rational conversation about if MBTI might be wrong with an MBTI fan, even though it lacks empirical metrics. But it would be extremely difficult to have a rational conversation about the possibility of the Earth not being flat, with someone who isn't a Flat Earther, even though...
  34. scorpiomover

    What values are most conducive to a prosperous society and why?

    Mediterraneans tend to be hot-blooded. They take life more leisurely, but when aroused, are prone to violence. Middle-class Western Pinkskins tend to argue a lot, but not that likely to get violent. Asians are big on face culture and preserving their public image. Some of that is probably due...
  35. scorpiomover


    Not impossible. Birds have flight technology. Millions of birds fly thousands of miles every year, crossing entire continents. Humans evolved to walk & run on land, climb trees, and swim on water. It's like complaining that a can that does over 70mph and is optimised for over 7-MPG, can't fly...
  36. scorpiomover

    What values are most conducive to a prosperous society and why?

    1. Different humans are different. So to be prosperous, different humans need to live by different values. So you want a society's values to be those that are most conducive to prosperity for the humans in your society. This will of course depend on the types of humans in your society. 2. Any...
  37. scorpiomover

    language vs math comparison

    Maths and music are subjects. Languages are mediums of communication. The signals and symbols maths uses to communicate mathematical ideas, is a medium of communication, and so a language, or family of languages, and the same goes for music.
  38. scorpiomover

    trusting and dealing with strangers

    Give and take. If you trust everyone completely, you'll keep getting screwed over, and be worse for it. But if you don't trust anyone at all, then you'll miss out on all the good things that happen when people help you. So you have to have some give and take here.
  39. scorpiomover

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    If other people are not like you, that will not make you always correct. If other people are like you, that will not always make you correct. But if you stick to the things that you and other people can both agree with, then in your eyes and in their eyes, you will always be correct. This can be...
  40. scorpiomover

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    Your feelings are based on your perceptions, your interpretation of reality. Human interpretations of reality are not always right. Different people have different ways of perceiving reality. So what makes sense to you, won't make sense to someone else, if their understanding of reality would...
  41. scorpiomover

    A.I. python code:

    Then write it in a programming language you DO know. Or, learn Python. It's not that difficult to learn. You can find courses and tutorials for Python online. That's like asking chatGPT to write the Chinese symbol for courage, so you can get it tattooed on your arm, when you don't read...
  42. scorpiomover

    Wave energy.

    We could just build fusion reactors in space. If the bombs go off, there's no-one to hear you scream.
  43. scorpiomover

    Why the minimum wage should be abolished

    Disagree. But not going to argue this at the moment. It's not about equality through uniformity. If it was, then women wouldn't sleep with men who pay who don't go dutch. So you think it's unfair that men are treated unfairly? According to your own argument, strike, burn the building down...
  44. scorpiomover

    Why the minimum wage should be abolished

    If you regard the the minimum wage as "unfair", then you must already know what fairness is. So you've proved you know what fairness is. Being scientific is an ideal and thus is not what is natural. So you must be anti-science. Then by your same argument, reality is unscientific. You never...
  45. scorpiomover

    Feminism: Oppression or Victim Mentality?

    Empirical support means having evidence that do not require trusting what you or anyone else says. Do you have any evidence that doesn't require me trusting you, Ginette Azcona, Antra Bhatt, or anyone else you can find online that happens to agree with you?
  46. scorpiomover

    Feminism: Oppression or Victim Mentality?

    The people voted for Trump. Recent years has shown what happens when the people don't vote the way the political elite want them to. In most Western countries, most people don't have guns anymore. America is one of the few Western countries where the people have guns. There is a massive drive...
  47. scorpiomover

    Feminism: Oppression or Victim Mentality?

    Right now, the people at the top need to rely on the people at the bottom for many tasks. So right now, the people at the top have a strong incentive to not treat the people at the bottom like dirt. Robots will allow the people at the top to have what they want, without needing the people at...
  48. scorpiomover

    Mainstream psychology ignores valid Marxist deductions about human nature

    If interest rates are high, that benefits the lender, but costs the borrower. So banks want to lend money, but small businesses don't want to borrow, because of the high cost of the interest. If interest rates are low, that benefits the borrower, but costs the lender, as the lender makes a lot...
  49. scorpiomover

    Feminism: Oppression or Victim Mentality?

    Is that like the universal empirical consensus of the 1300s that the Sun went around the Earth? Or is that like the universal empirical consensus that most people who believe in Heliocentrism, also believe in science and the scientific method, when they never turned to their teacher and said...
  50. scorpiomover

    Feminism: Oppression or Victim Mentality?

    Feminists fight for female rights, on the assumption that women are oppressed by men, but men are not oppressed by women. So your question only makes sense to ask to women feminists. FWIO (from what I observed), nearly all the regular or even sometime posters are not women. So you're very...
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