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  • hello. i have a hard time understanding. also i feel slightly guilty that you should seek my consultation. i'm just a dude who likes to opine and speculate, not an authority. but if you can specify your questions i will do my best to answer.

    there are many themes recognizible in what you write, but i can't make sense of the overall intention enough to be able to reply meaningfully.


    I think that you are going in too many directions. Stick with a single idea, create concrete ideas, and then expand the model. Adjust the model as you build upon it. I feel like you're making giant leaps before having a solid understanding of the foundation.

    With that said, it's difficult to respond to so many different ideas that are unrelated and have many problems. So you need to either abstract a large idea, or break the idea down into smaller parts so that you have a clear picture and can make appropriate connections.
    My feedback (had to cut a lot):

    The shape of the AI brain is irrelevant. In computer processing you can emulate any brain shape without necessarily creating a physical brain to process the information.

    Pruning is not really necessary. When you build more connections, the concepts become stronger. So by adding more connections, you are essentially reducing the number of connections to all other nodes by a small fraction. However, if you were to delay pruning based on frequency of use that would be valid. Basically, when an idea is replaced by another stronger idea, the old idea is phased out slowly. At the same time, the old idea should still be used to test new ideas against.

    We both agree that energy needs to be put into the system. I haven't seen energy included in any AI model that I know of which is one of the primary problems.

    What you've described is similar to a neural network. If you haven't looked into them, the I suggest that you do.
    Most descriptions of introverted feeling are garbage. This is pretty good. Big distinguisher would probably be ISFP's aesthetic bent (art, clothes, food) vs INFP's ascetic tendencies. Intelligent ISPFs would probably be designers and visual artists, INFPs would be novelists and poets. Or something.
    You definitely know yourself better than other people, that's part of what makes it difficult if I were to try to type you. Again I don't really notice anything that stands out. The only thing I could possibly say is that the people I've considered ENFJ were socially forceful and commanding(something I'd attribute to Fe/Se). I don't mean anything negative by it but your vibe seems more un-involved/passive(an introvert trait).

    I'd advise against actively trying to "see" a type though, it's easy to self-delude.
    The more subtle functional indicators of Fe/Ni are hard to describe, the behavior stuff breaks down easily because they're stereotypes, people will vary irl.

    I don't have any resources atm to offer. And I guess nothing really sticks out at me in regards to your fuctions.
    Hi Animekitty,

    According to PersonalityJunkie, Extraverts don't hide their second functions.

    Personally I understand that Ni enhances social abilities in ENFJs, it makes their understanding of social dynamics and people even more insightful and intuitive than other people. It may also give them philosophical/mentor/wordly inclinations, but not so much they are disconnected from day to day things.

    Do you think you might be ENFJ, or is that you're trying to understand someone else's type?
    You are a curious guy :P Honestly I always thought you were an INFJ but I don't know that. ENFP doesn't seem like too bad a fit either, they have the scatterbrained nature of yours after all.
    I haven't had time to look at this in depth, as I've got some deadlines coming up. But I understand what you are saying; the functions are dynamic although we still have certain preferences depending on how these were nurtured, etc.

    I'll get back to this later. MBTI is highly complex, that's all I understand....
    Unfortunately I don't think I know enough about mbti as a system to help you. As a person however I would suggest you stop using "Te" to try and understand yourself or sort yourself into a system.
    "so not reduce to the same usage" I think you miss worded something here. Also at the end but I just substituted a comma and the wording made sense. Just thought I would point it out as while what you are trying to say may not be difficult to understand the way you write it makes it that way.

    Can you try again focusing on Si and Ne.
    Ahh. I think you misunderstand the inferior grip, of course the part we deal with is the opposite but the grip is because it's something you would enjoy but not in large amounts. It's like struggling with eating too much cake compared to the "not having food" of the opposite.

    Every system has a flaw that doesn't mean it's a "flawed" system. Personally I think it's simply a misused system that fairly good in the professional sense of categorizing types of people. That said, knowing what I know of you I highly doubt your top two functions are extroverted or in particular Ne and Te.

    Why is Fi opposite to Te and why is Si opposite to Ne.
    It would have also helped if I had gotten over my fears of reading and writing earlier in life.
    What would make me happy are grad school classes without having to have a full-time job. But I don't see how that's going to happen.
    Basically, this touches on the PM I just sent you, where I see you as more an Ni dom... you kind of seem to catch "full broad glimpses" of yourself, but it's so ethereal and you seem to flutter about. One day you see one day; then you see something different a little later; and your vision keeps changing, seemingly by how something impacts you internally.
    I have never watched "My Little Pony." I can't really help you type the characters, if that is what you are asking. How much actual Jung have you read? How much Freud? Jung can only be understood as an amendment to Freud. I have read a few books by each, and then some Karen Horney (fucking amazing!) and Eric Erikson as supplementation to my psychological understanding. Religious and philosophical texts make great subjects of psychological study as well. The Dao De Jing will strip you down.
    Alex Jones would fit into my model as operating from leftist assumptions about the elite. Describing successful people as psychopaths is a clear example of inverting the oppressive discourse. It's not like certain welfare recipients don't also cheat and connive.
    I have not read the book but I will check it out. Yeah, the software is based on distributed systems.
    Yeah it is for a PhD in engineering management. It involves forecasting electricity demand, a piece of software which interprets the forecast and provides generators/energy storage devices a schedule of what they should be doing and final piece of software which optimizes their operations in real time according to the load of the network. Their is a strong emphasis on AI in this project.
    Well, I think while there might be a general way to understand something (i.e., a whole group of diverse studenty personalities can attend a history class over a semester and take the test and learn all the same basic information and understand it generally in the same way), it's true that we all bring different things to the table and have our own unique (in some nuance or other) experience with the information.

    And your type will impact what your prioritize and focus on in a typing situation. I know I read and scan people as a big-picture generalist, but someone who is more particular about details will try to type people by picking out specific instances of behavior and say that item is indicative of something or other.
    Is that a quote from somewhere? I don't remember the topic of the conversation, so I am not sure how to respond.
    understanding of cognition changes, when you consider cognition (all 4 or 8 possibilities) being the factory of your known reality and your apparent separate-self experience being only a fraction of what is produced inside of this factory. you can begin to understand yourself more consciously by mirroring yourself in your opposite/dualities and you could get confused about which is your current subject and which is what your subject is looking at. you may interpret social relationships as external expression of the inner journey of self-discovery. but the type doesn't seem to change, as far as i can see. i don't see it being transcended and left behind or anything. not sure, if that addresses your question...
    No, actually I'm friends with Cherry and on normal terms with bronto. :) I'm just teasing them.

    Which two fingers?
    I hope you find the clip humorous in the context of the slight discord amongst forum members over some of your thread topics. I don't have anything at all meaningful to contribute as the topic seems way over my head or has not garnered my curiosity enough to invest a the significant amount of time it would take to take in and digest all of the info you have posted. But I do find the back and fourth entertaining.
    I watched an interview with the author a few years ago. I think he's probably right about marriage and loss of traditional culture. We are superficial and narcissistic to our detriment. We should aspire to be philosopher kings and the heroes of old.
    That poll does not impugn the intelligence of our generation because our generation knows that you can have more stuff after taking it away from corrupt projects that favor elite special interest groups. We also know that the top-down control of capitalism does not equal free enterprise, and that socialism is not merely about taking control of the government, but involves the devolution of power from the capitalists in the whole social structure. Markets could exist within the context of co-ops and anarchist collectives.
    Yes I saw your thread actually this morning, but didn't get to read it properly as I was on my way to work. So I shall read it tonight.

    As for what I believe in, I would consider myself a nihilist. Simply put, from peoples subjective they derive meaning, but objectively everything is meaningless.
    You're ok. I can't see users' ignore lists, but I doubt that THD would be ignoring you. More likely he's busy - we all get distracted with stuff.
    II) By absorption I mean non-verbal, or perhaps non-intellectual. Purely sensory. So I think spiritual practices, art, music and so forth is extremely important for the defragmenting process.
    II) The issue is that the current archaic system attempts to fit pegs into holes rather than shaping holes to fit the pegs. It will change.

    Also, if you are of the highly sensitive type you are more prone to picking up information. The way I feel sometimes is that I absorb too much. I then become overwhelmed and it affects my processing speed. So i think it is important for people who tend to take in too much information to defragment now and then. This should be possible through meditation and absorption from other creative individuals.
    I) Memorising for the sake of it is strange. We tend to memorise things we have a real interest in, or the bad stuff (in order to learn to avoid future bad stuff). So all the other stuff becomes junk and our brains fragmented. It's what you do with the knowledge that is a better indicator of intelligence.

    You learn from smart people because you are smart. We all learn from external sources; we can never be completely authentic in the true sense of the word. It depends on who we choose as mentors, and there is strong confirmation bias here, of course. People who observe more are prone to picking up and learning from others. Then we use internal focus to sift out what is theirs and what is yours (meta). This meta-perception is the crux of our internal struggles; as you said, we start to question the standards that are required in order to function in the machine that is society.
    I didn't, TA did. He's a closet ISTJ, he can't help it. But in all fairness it was far from my best. My notes were in my luggage that got separated, etc. Filling in the gaps would take weeks though. idk if I have the stamina for that anymore, I just know we're right (which is why I no longer have the stamina, because there's no longer a light at the end of the tunnel when the tunnel's gone).
    When I was 15, missionaries used to come to the door to persuade me. Their arguments all sounded plausible. I tried to use an Ne approach. I'd want to read the whole chapter, and a bit before and a bit after, because usually they were taking a single verse completely out of context. Also works great on seeing if Bible critics are right.

    I also found that when someone would be citing a Bible verse and criticising it, they would often be using the words of the verse in a very specific way, when those words would normally mean something completely different when people used them in other contexts. When I applied the other meaning to that verse, it meant a completely different thing, and made a lot of sense to me.

    Hope that helps.
    I'm not totally au fait with Xianity, as I'm a Jew.

    Some morals are taken from the Bible. A lot of Xianity's values evolved over time and were set down in precedents decided by church leaders. A lot is based on the New Testament. Some is also based on the Old Testament, but not much.

    I can say, though, that if you can memorise something, then it's like you have it turning over in your pocket. When you see situations that are similar to a Bible verse, the verse just pops right into your head. Like you go past a nightclub and your brain pulls out a verse about fornicators. Can be advantageous. But once it's there, it keeps doing that all time, until you forget it. So it can also be annoying if your friend does something against the Bible and you don't want to keep being reminded of it.
    I'm writing out my post right now. I need to rewatch the ending.
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