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  • i'm actually gonna be going to college for computer programing, i thought i sorta knew what i was doing tell i started looking into it a bit more, and i realized i no literally nothing about practical programing outside of Opensim.. but i believe that oop is programing that is segmented into virtual objects or files, just the same as you would separate functions into states in java, but can run simultaneously and can communicate variables between them. So in an AI program each virtual 'neuron' would be a separate virtual object and contain a simple program to process and direct data into region of the virtual 'brain' that is designed to handle such input, eventually the many bits if input data should converge to form a conclusion, then passed on to the next segment. Effectively, the common idea of neural communication spreading from a single point in only half the picture, data that comes into the AI will need to be filtered,
    I'm not sure why you feel the need to tell me what type you think I am (since I didn't solicit a type read from you), nor what basis you would be making a type read such as that as. There's nothing to even entertain there.
    never used google plus but sure what time and how are we going to do this? there's a 90 sec delay between every post i can make on your page. given that i make long posts, an in-depth discussion here is not convenient unless we start a new thread. i watched his videos and although he has some good points i have criticisms based on much of his rational and analysis. no one explains feeling correctly so a misrepresentation was expected and some of his points about Pe aren't strictly correct. however, noticed he said that Fe was a translator. actually this is what feeling is in general (reference the efficient cause https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_causes). a translator transforms one language into another much like a sculptor transforms a block of marble into a statue.
    This guy makes some of the best videos. he could be an INTP but doesn't he identify as an INFJ? honestly INFJ is quite fitting but since he doesn't really reveal much about himself it's hard to say. he has strong Ti and Fe. he doesn't seem quite as rigid as a typical INP and the way he explains Ni to work for himself seems far more accurate than how a typical Ji dom would define and understand it. given his red balloon example he gave a while ago it'd be easy to be convinced that he actually had it. i agree that he does have an INTP disposition though so based on appearances, either one of those two would make a good judgment. i'd type him as an IFJ type personally. we can vid chat or something if you want. i feel like i'm shooting down some of your perspectives which i don't really understand and it's worrying so it's be easier to discuss things on video so i can understand where you're coming from better (body language more natural convo etc).
    just because you don't think that you experience energy don't indicate anything about type. socionics pinpoints feeling as energy intuition as time sensing as space and thinking as matter but this is too fixed since the functions don't work in isolation like this nor can they be defined so simply in order to be represented in this way. Thinking also has a lot to do with energy that exists on different frequencies. same with the other functions. you experience energy you're just not aware of it because you've not defined what it is within your experience. if you have any inner trauma deal with that first. if you're good at self exploration try and highlight all the things that are holding you back. fog is not always bad but it can be if you accept it as meaningless and random. organise and deal with your thoughts to the point that they are no longer a problem. clear you mind and channel your focus first (i'd recommend breath exercises).
    everyone can do all this stuff, don't be fooled by people who try and convince you that they're special. some people are just at different stages of development than others in certain things as a result of their life paths. (this is most commonly the answer anyway)
    the reason you ask questions could be because of Ne and Fe together. take an INTJ for example, if logic and reason (Te) is inherent within the external world then order and direction is implied between events (Ni) and this is what they comprehend (i left out Fi and Se for simplicity). all the functions work complexly together. in fact i don't think any truly rational definition can be make which completely distinguishes the functions as most academics would agree anyway.
    nah, there's no way he's an INFJ, he's definitely an STP i'll explain later with more time. i'm very familiar with a lot of ESTPs. i've been watching his videos too. Pe dom is link to being adept at channeling i think. my INTP friend was also a channeler. many of the strongest channeler i'm aware of on youtube tend to be either SPs ESFP most typically and Ne doms
    it's more complex that that but yes i suppose. emptiness isn't really linked to only the N and F functions though so sensors and thinkers would be just as capable of doing the same thing is this case though they'd have a different format.
    well maybe you're an INTP all along. i've never seen these explicit explanations on youtube, can you please link some? thx! for INTPs tend to understand people mostly through their responses based on an extremely general view of how different qualities manifest. especially since Fe is the inferior function, they tend to universally qualify certain responses (hence the NTP tendency towards universal ethics). they are in tune with a response having a certain specific quality however, there are still many possible contexts and ways that the expression can be interpreted so it's difficult for them to get in depth specific reads on the central cause.
    i have a friend who was sort of a mentor a while back who's an INTP empath. he said he can see negative energy and move it around (a bit like an INFP except they typically don't see it, they just have an awareness) however energy isn't so defined for INFPs. positive and negative or any delineation of emotions are internally arbitrary though they have an idea of how others interpret state to be different state. you could be an INTP that's a little more sensitive like he is, in which case your subconscious would play a bigger role. INTPs have that "Inner ESFJ" so they can use a version of Fe1Ti4 though there are limitations that an Fe dom wouldn't face. they can understand specific elements relating to people in great qualitative detail and even predict possible qualities that may arise as interpretations from a specific object (detail that can surpass many Fe doms) however, that detail would only be for specific elements rather than people and things as a whole.
    don't take this too seriously it's simplified and shallow. i'm not sure how to condense my understanding of the true nature of the ins and outs into something that won't take forever to write. this way of thinking about the differences between the two isn't strict but clear enough to make a quick distinction. in extreme cases the INFP and INFJ process can be completely indistinguishable. there's far more depth to how things can work than i'm specifying here. as for the 4 causes, sensing isn't strictly material, nor is intuition strictly teleology. feeling and thinking seem better correlated with their respective causes though.
    Empathy: ‘the ability to understand and share the feelings of another’
    INFJs rely on emotional archetypes i.e. happy, sad, nervous, and mad (auxiliary and inferior functions are the modelling function). The archetypes come into view and are triggered based on their subconscious perception of their environment. These archetypes are subconsciously created but consciously validated in reference to how they align with the INFJ’s other functions. Hence based on their perception they may be able to “feel what others are feeling” (or at least a version of it, but they’re far less likely to understand it since the archetypes are only consciously validated, not understood. Since their introverted functions is Ni they choose how they will be interpreting the context of that emotion within someone’s experience (have degrees of freedom).
    Side note:
    an Si dom would choose how they will be interpreting an experience of that emotion within the context. This is because due to (inferior Ne), for Si dom types i.e. the ISFJ, the context is already set and universalised based on a few bits of information. If you’re smiling then that expression is set within the general context of positive emotions, hence why Si types tend to be more reactive to general meanings of facial expressions themselves rather than their implication. Thus if an ISFJ sees someone frowning, they will feel unhappy corresponding with the emotional archetype they perceive it to be a representation of based on the universal context or symbolism of that expression.
    For introverts Info relating to introverted functions are internally comprehensible. Info relating to extroverted functions are not, thus on its own it’s perceived as random and unpredictable: Extroverted information is valued as a product of the external world (encompassing all aspects outside themselves). Data relating to extroverted functions is observed and modeled through archetypes based on validated information (validated through other people or institutions) or associatively through relationships between the introverted functions. Thus the reactionary nature of the information is understood (the outer shell) but not the essence of the information itself. In simple terms when it comes to information related to extroverted functions an individual know how things work together but not why.
    INFPs on the other hand make perceptual/situation based archetypes. They posit that the particular reaction can only be based on a certain array of possible scenarios and they use Te to account for differences in interpretation of events. These accounts are made via mostly subconsciously modelling variations in their own interpretations between different events; they have less reign on how they consciously interpret a particular event.
    These archetypes for interpretation and particular environments allows them to dive into what they believe to be other people’s experiences or at least a representation of it and experience things as if they were them.
    However, Fi gives the INFP reign and choice about how they process a particular interpretation of an event. As a result, usually they can control how much they feel about something (hence why they call it an empathy switch). An INFP can choose to feel nothing or feel even worse than what the other person is experiencing. The interpretation is subconscious but the processing isn’t (or at least more conscious) hence why they will feel like they have a clear ability to understand what others are going through even if they don’t feel exactly the same way (or rather, it’s not expressed in the same way).

    Summary: INFPs subconsciously understand and more consciously feel whereas INFJs subconsciously feel but consciously understand. INFPs understand the cause better whereas INFJs understand the expression/reaction better. To an INFP emotional archetypes are nebulous. To an INFJ, situation based archetypes are nebulous.
    I think INFJ's are quite often loner types actually, I'm not very social either. Something about the way Ni works seems to need privacy in order to fully function in my opinion, so I'm unsure if I agree that functions don't work in isolation.

    edit: I didn't unfriend you on Facebook btw if you noticed I wasn't there anymore. I deleted my facebook account a few months back (see loner type). :)
    Hi, Animekitty! Thanks for the links. I especially enjoyed watching "What really is dark matter?" It's interesting that Architect doesn't believe dark matter is likely to exist either, given his education (although I'm sure the field is very different now. It sounds as though computational physics wasn't a thing when he was working on his PhD).

    I don't at all know how to form a reasonable opinion about what dark matter is. It's going to take me 2 years of background learning before I can even qualify for quantum mechanics I. I'm looking forward to it! :)

    It's bewildering to think of 11 dimensions though. I don't understand how we can even determine that we have enough sensory perception to comprehend reality in its fullness of detail.
    That is an interesting post. What you said about the introverted functions resonates with my understanding of them.
    III) The functions I have most trouble understanding is Ni/Ne, and Si. What I am starting to realise is that Ni seems associated with subjectivity and Ne with objectivity due to their introverted and extraverted orientation. This is why I have a difficult time understanding Ni in Ni-doms because they seem to have their own definitions of truth separated from the external and tangible. My open - mindedness only extends as far as what my Ne will take in, I have trouble being open to the more subjective interpretations.
    II) I understand introversion really isn't a thing in itself. Introverts appear as such because they spend a lot more energy on processing. So introversion and exteoversion is a manifestation of how the functions (sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling) emerge in each individual. This may be due to a heightened sensitivity to surrounding stimuli, or due to taking in too much stimuli. As a child I was branded as shy, but I was far away from shy. I just felt constantly overwhelmed by everything around me, and my lack of interaction was due to the fact that I needed more time to think about my responses as I was never sure which responses were appropriate when. I never really had that kind of mid-twenties realisation because I have always been hyper-aware. It can be a problem and a beneficial thing, but mostly troublesome in my case.
    I) I posted something yesterday but lost it cause my phone sucks.

    Anyway, the functions remain quite elusive to me. As you said, there are always new ways to look at them and to define them. I think they are difficult to define because of their emergent nature - and as they operate on sliding scales the boundaries are blurred and it becomes difficult to differentiate between Ti/Te, Ni/Ne, etc in each individual. It is very difficult to isolate one single function as we use elements of all to greater or lesser extent.
    I wouldn't have noticed, thanks! Now I wish I had caught yours one post earlier...
    II) I think there are a few people who 'transcend' type, and I think you are one of them. If I find you difficult to type, it's a good thing. That is not to say that type is not a thing - I think we will be able to map more accurately origins of the complex processes we refer to as 'functions' neuroanatomically one day - for now psychological manifestations add to the incredible complexity of personalities, obscuring the underlying structure, which is why there appears to be a seemingly endless array of variations of type. In short, typology is utterly confusing and really does not help a lot with understanding of individuals. If anything, typology seems to be useful only in self-assessment, although confirmation bias probably accounts for a large percentage of decision making. In shorter short, I find typology to be largely bs....:ahh:
    I) I don't have experience to report as I don't recall interacting with any IRL. I find typing difficult at any time, so if I report experience with an "INFP" chances are I would probably have mistyped the person, so the effort is void. I know there are some self- professed INFPs on this forum, and I generally tend to find their posts uninteresting (they probably find mine equally uninteresting), but they may just have nothing interesting to say regardless of their type - unless it's nanook, who is a different calibre - but then nanook is a different calibre to anyone. Then again, I probably skip 80-90% of posts here unless it is a thread I intend to respond to. Hell, I may even be INFP, what do I know.

    Why do you ask?
    Hmm I wouldn't refer to myself as a programmer as that is not what I could consider a strength although it is something I can do to some capacity.

    I don't understand the meaning behind your second question. Can you re-phrase it?
    I wanted to congratulate on your 2,600 posts, but I noticed it was me :phear:. Anyways it's nothing to celebrate :). Have fun writing your posts.
    I have a few different friends who have Aspergers. They did actually possess empathy but had trouble knowing how to process it and when/when not it was appropriate in a given situation. it seemed almost like they overidentified with others and so if something happened, then they couldn't figure out how to respond.

    For example, when 9/11 happened, I lived in the middle of PA which was a few hours from Washington DC and a few hours from NYC, but my Asperger's friend in Texas (halfway across the country) called me for the first time ever to make sure I had not been hurt. Really, i was as okay as anyone in the country who did not live or work in NYC or Wash DC.

    Baltimore is okay. Some parts are really nice, some parts are volatile and have lots of crime. There are also many surrounding areas to go to (Wash DC is only 25 miles away), and hiking trails within a few minutes. I don't like the summers (like now) -- they are very hot and humid.
    I feel like my neuro functions have been disrupted...
    I'd say I'm merged with my shadow.
    I like icke for the research he has brought to public attention, and his conviction.
    I think he has been handled, manipulated and also made some mistakes...
    But haven't we all? ;)
    I can see why you are a 4.
    Perhaps Hufflepuff picks up on your desire to integrate, whilst the other houses are more for paths of individuation..
    Ah. Perhaps they were too esoteric for the tastes of the forum. I'm sure you would've found a more engaged audience elsewhere. I'm glad you're doing better now. I'm interested to see what you come up with next. :)
    Oh... that's Madonna! Haha. Most definitely not me.

    They were smaller, and more trolly. The trolls had just started popping in over late 2008/early 2009 iirc. Before that, the atmosphere was very peaceful and village-like. That was the 'golden age'. Pretty much everyone was respectful, made quality posts, and people were genuinely interested in connecting and hearing what others thought.

    Now we have much more of a bustling city atmosphere. Only a few people are known, people split off into cliques, many faceless people pass by undistinguished from the crowd, there's a lot more unhappiness and malcontent. People are isolated, and it leads to more 'crimes' and cruelty because of the disconnect.
    I kind of fell into it. I have a MS in Psychology, and I applied for a random job. My org. hired me instead to create, and then lead a new department that coincidentally matched my bizarre work background perfectly. Almost immediately, I identified a need for individual and family counseling for much of our client population, and because my dept's services are completely free (state funded), it would defeat the purpose to send them to another dept. However, I won't be an LMHC until early next year, so the clinical director has to cosign a few forms for me (intake, psychosocial, treatment plan, and discharge).
    I'm sorry you don't feel close to your mom. I can see why you might not feel understood by an ISTJ female parent, especially considering the differences in perception as well as how things are done. You're both enigmas to each other. TBH, I never felt very understood by either of my parents and it leaves me lonely in that sense (never felt like I had parents to rely on); I'm lucky that my kids and I at least can relate.

    Just because people can be detached or work on a solitary basis doesn't mean it's not good to have someone to talk to. I do work a tech job but need more people connection compared to some.
    I'm not sure, AK. I'm actually from Baltimore, which is on the east coast and about 2800 miles (and three time zones) away from California on the west coast. So I will probably never meet Absurdity and haven't talked to him for some months.
    My Fe seems more fucked up in real life. I have only one good friend, for crying out loud.
    Don't feel embarrassed, feel happy that you were able to spot the mistake and improve on it. The tragedy is when we don't see our mistakes and we continue living in error.

    Also about replying to your main message, I'm not as busy as I'm distracted and unable to gather my thoughts enough to produce a decent reply, so when I feel collected enough and able to reply properly; I will do it.
    No, not that much, but your linking a death camp in that context seemed pretty emotional and reactive. Also being emotional isn't necessarily bad.

    I'm kind of busy, I'm thinking of replying and hope to get to it soon.
    Okay. I overwrought my commentary somewhat, but I still contend that these notions filtered through Western culture come ultimately from the Left.

    Whisper away!
    I like them too. Anyway, I figured I'd throw in the reference just in case.

    By the way, I see that your profile image is the same character as your avatar. Are they from a show, or did you create them?
    Probably Kuu jinking around with something. I'm not very tech savvy, so probably the worst mod to ask.
    Oh, sorry I didn't get back to you on that. I thought about it for a minute, and then said "I'll be able to compose a better response to that later". But then I apparently couldn't even compose my memory, lol.
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