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Black Rose
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  • I left after Part One, which, if I remember correctly, ended in 2009. I asked you because while I was trying to find out what had happened since I'd quit watching and reading the series (curiosity+nostalgia), I'd stumbled upon an English subtitle episode where Naruto fights Pain and finds out that Hinata likes him. Of course, that only made me more curious and left me asking you what had come of that event.

    *shrug* :)


    P.S. Happy New Year!
    I wouldn't say I know you that well to tell, but have you considered NiFe INFp? I tend to assume anyone who's made it to intpf is most likely an Intuitive type.

    To be concise I would say it's a difference of being:
    Stoic, anger-prone, practical(FiSe ISFj ESI) vs sensitive, peaceful, dreamy(SiFe ISFp SEI)

    Any specific reason you're interested? I haven't met many SiFe ISFp, so I don't have much personal experience. Emotionally sensitive(easy to cry) and relaxed are other words I'd use to describe the few I knew.

    FiSe ISFj however, they seem to me insecure or standoffish even from a distance, and stoic otherwise. Very focused on success/discipline.
    what? okay, you're pointing out a difference of mbti and socionics.
    jung's idea is simple: there must be a shadow to a function, so there must be a shadow to the aux function, while the aux is used. in mbti they call this shadow of the aux: "tertiary". but numbers don't matter, it's just how they like to write it down. the pink shadow stuff ought to help in figuring out the type. then they add the shadow of the dom and call it inferior.

    socionics doesn't disagree on what's the shadow of dom and aux. but they seem to maintain, that the shadow isn't so interesting. instead they have these "blocks", assinged to different jobs in cognition. so the orange NiTe block is a block they consider to be important enough, to name it first. something like that ...
    Hey, How does one highlight a member's name in a post, so that they know they have been acknowledged?
    So E is directed to object, I is directed away from object. Directive has judgement directed to Object, and perception directed from Object, so that the mind can dive inwards
    You can choose real women, flowers etc. there are many other things that symbolize femininity. Why Anime?
    I've always wondered. Why the username, "Animekitty"? Why a cat with anime eyes? Why this anime lady here?
    I certainly agree with your sentiments on flexibility. Thank you for your words.

    Flexibility is also important as a resistance mechanism against deadly agents, such as totalitarian regimes arising out of beauracry after the romantic elements have fallen.

    If you pull the left end of a stick, the right end comes too - but if you try to pull water, you will be left quite disappointed.
    hi, are you well?

    What do you think of an idea for a group called the Anarchist Typologists? They believe in the freedom to theorise about Typology, free from any need to conform to a system.
    I mentioned it as interesting because you didn't come across at all as how I would imagine an ENFJ. Did Adymus do another read of you afterwards?

    You're right, pure types probably don't exist. I say I'm INFJ because it makes sense to me and the other INFJs who are similar resonate much stronger with me than anyone of any other type. Have any types really resonated with you as being similar to you?

    I think the socionics model may explain how we deal with relationships better, but I don't think it deals with cases where we don't have the same behaviours that it identifies with functions. I know that socionics Ne relates really well to me, but I'm too removed for Fi base to resonate too accurately with me. I always pay attention to the people around me when I'm out, but then I forget about them on my own.
    Did you only put your type as ENFJ because I mentioned it?

    also I found out that dominant intuition and auxiliary intuition (this applies to any function) are actually very different. I'm not totally sure exactly how. it's something like dominant function looks at things, auxiliary looks at relations between things from the dominant. N dominants seem to like looking at lots of different theories even if they contradict so they can find what has potential, whereas N auxiliary doesn't seem to, they want a single set of relations but these will be of an abstract nature.
    Sorry, but I have never analyzed anybody as ENFJ, so no theories about them :( but my theories are pointed to whole theory of types, so basicaly to ENFJ too :)
    Heh, sorry to ask and not respond. It was the one in your "I made a video last night" thread. I have not seen (nor do I know anything about) Bleach either. I assume you mean your profile picture?

    I tried to watch Claymore not long ago. It wasn't bad but I lost interest after a few episodes. FMA: Brotherhood was the last one I got really into, went through the whole thing in about three days. :D
    After watching your video I was overwhelmed by random curiosity: seeing as you're probably really into anime, what are some of your favorites? Feel free to share as much or as little as you wish.
    The cause of pain and pleasure: suppose there are two minds who are unaware of each other, and an object. Each mind can move the object just by Willing that it moves - they feel a compulsion for some reason to move the object, and so do. The pleasure of the object moving how they want is equally balanced by the pain of the effort of moving it. But sometimes when they try to move the object, it won't move, because the other mind is pushing it in the opposite direction. This is the cause of pain - the results are less than the effort. And sometimes when the mind moves the object, it will move even easier than they expected, because the other mind was also moving it in that direction. In this case, the mind will feel pleasure because the expected goal comes about with less effort than they expected.
    The functions might look like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahedral_prism

    N/F/T/S are all the same distance from each other, there is the External tetrahedron, and the internal tetrahedron with an internal point connected to just one external point. MBTI projects the shape as a cube like you see on the page.

    Elements can stand in for Functions so we can look at all the relations without needing to consider what each function is precisely used for.
    Are you very introverted, or are you possibly extraverted? (you seem very intuition based to me! If you think it's possible then imma say you're ENFP.)
    what is an alchemy diagram?

    you mean mapping mbti to the 4 elements? (earth, water, fire, air)

    and which kind of 4 element model? there were many, its been perverted/re-used many times

    or you want to include the 5th element? (void/space/spirit)

    or you want to do it with the 3 primes? (mercury, sulfur, salt)
    i know brain lateralization (e.g. left/right) is not symmetrical, this is hard science.
    certain functions are probably more probable on 1 side of the brain,

    but... its not a black-white thing. it is not left OR right.. it is sometimes 70% right and 30% left. (and maybe with another selection of people it is the other way around with the same function.)

    the pure left or pure right theory is not true. there is no super proven evidence that one function is from one side

    but the theory that it is assymetrically divided over both (e.g. like 70%-30%) is true.

    i think we know too little of it, to make use of it in personality psychology, other than just a label to box someone.
    but then i might as well say the red-brained people versus the blue-brained people
    (continued: )

    you decide first, and only after that you look around.

    if your Fi has decided somebody is a friend (because of a deep reason why), your Ne will see it like this.
    if your Fi has decided somebody is enemy (because of a deep reason why), your Ne will see it like that.
    So you are judgemental in that and do not keep options open in your perception (A reverse person, Ne-Fi, wil keep all its options open in its perception before deciding).

    Anyway, your Ne sees the possibilities (what you might be able to gain). And then you also see what could be lost (your Si), but in a weaker way. And then you try to logically act out HOW you need to do it yourself (Te). Which you do, but is very hard for you, because it is the 4th one. But this 4th function is the only way for you to act in this world, so everything you act out, must come out of the 4th
    Fe decides HOW to help/oppose others (it is active, it can act it out, but is superfiscial and does not know why / it does not understand it actually)
    Fi decides WHY to help/oppose others (it is passive, it cannot act it out, it can only understand it)

    so your first function, Fi, judges why you should help or oppose. introverted functions are passive (nothing active comes out) and they avoid: you avoid to help the wrong one (you will not support evil people, you would block everything inside of you if you are forced to help evil), you avoid to oppose the right one (you will let good people do their job, you will never be in their way).
    then based on that decision, you look through your eyes with Ne and see all the possibilities based on that decision.
    you have already locked out the possibilities of the opposite of your decision (somebody who has Ne first and then Fi, would not filter it first like you do).
    so your Ne is limited to what your Fi has decided before that.
    you confuse the Jungian feeling function with emotions, this is not the same as the feeling function.

    The feeling function is only about deciding/choosing/judging. feeling is rational!

    a lot the emotions you talk about are irrational perceptions/experiences, they have nothing to do with rationally deciding.
    What do the two mean to me?
    One I created as an artist, using the previous work of other artists. The second I observed as an audience, willingly suspending disbelief...
    Two different subjective experiences - despite similarities in objective content...
    Complexity = Order
    Order > magnitude
    magnitude < dimensions/exponentials

    Classic = forever contemporary

    sensory, emotional, cognitive overloads caused by bad attitudes (software) or organic failure (hardware).

    perceived change = stress (pressure to respond to change)
    Change = threat or opportunity
    threat = fear
    opportunity = hope
    Hope and fear = attitudes towards anticipated future
    re: theme difference?

    Metaphor as opposed to Analogy,depending on what the word, 'Like' refers too...(?)
    I hadn't really given a thought as to why you just posted pictures and videos. I just got curious because it kind of annoyed me, for some reason.

    EDIT: I see you said "I'll try to stop" You shouldn't. Not for my sake. You should do what you want! I do what I want. As I said, I was just curious.
    I'm curious. Do you ever actually post something? You have 402 posts, as of now. And every damn post I see you've made. Is either a picture or a link to a youtube video. Why not... Say something?
    I suppose I'll take a look-see, however, I'm not sure who is the real danger. When all sides are trying to exterminate each other, it's hard to tell which side is good, or at least not acting with ill intents. Maybe all of them are evil?
    I'm prone to it, but I thoroughly try to avoid it out of fear. I feel as if depression for me would lead me too far astray, but I have some symptoms of depression that aren't quite your stereotypical ailments of depression. I'm apathetic to an extent that precludes the typical INTP lack of emotions, but leans more towards depression. And I have my throes of depression, in which I rage against the world but I put on a facade for the masses. Besides my problems are beyond remedy, at this point its a matter of choice, and I try every day to choose life :).
    The Fallen

    Numbers 13:32 And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched to the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eats up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature

    Numbers 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
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