I've been wanting to write a post on this for a long time, but I didn't feel it had any place in the main forum, so I suppose it goes here.
Delayed gratification is a lie. It's a lie because there's a good chance it can end up becoming non-gratification.
When we were children, we were often told to wait till we grow up. We were told, do not do this, you will get a chance to do it in the future. Eventually, you will get to do what you want.
Those are all lies. After waiting, waiting, waiting, biding your time, placating those in authority and rendering to them what they contend is due to them, they will still attempt to repress you, control you, and stop you from doing what you want.
There is no Singapore dream. There is only a Singapore lie. Its success lies in denying the dreams of the individual, of delaying it until the individual forgets his or her dream and gives up, or else, the dream is shattered cruelly.