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  • Ooh, chickenpox! Sorry to hear that, but at least you should be somewhat protected from it now. (Is this your first time? Seems sort of late.)

    Parents are doing good.

    Why do people delete messages?! :p
    Remind me why I broke up again?

    We matched in so many ways. We even look compatible in photographs.

    Argh something is wrong with me. Why do I have a fetish for older little girls? Yes, they exist.

    But yes, I know why I broke up. My life was hell.

    I'm just lonely I guess.

    Why do girls in their 30s have to be so darned cute...argh...
    Tial, mi denove faris ion stultan. It's like playing the solitaire game in Linux with the solver on, and the status bar changes from "Unable to determine whether this game can be won" to "This game can no longer be won". Well, does it really matter? I had told myself to give up hope and had convinced myself that it was better to have certainty than to be left hanging, anyway.

    There are many complaints I have against my government, but I am glad for the development of the arts. I can attend free concerts at the Esplanade, and I can go to a totally amazing Nathan Sawaya Lego art exhibition. Bread and circuses it may be: but who would prefer harsh Marxist "liberation"?

    But I had better watch my budget before I face financial ruin. A $12 meal, $6 ice cream and $15 for the Lego and the photo exhibitions. That comes to $33 for a single day. Gawd, any amount I saved from staying home for 2 weeks from chickenpox has now run through my hands like water.
    Thailand, I am a national. However, all my ancestry is Indian so I am essentially by blood Indian. How about you?
    Dammit, why aren't my stocks breaking out? Are they no-hopers or just laggards?
    I pretend to be interested in politics in real life, but when I'm at home, I'm more addicted to the Chinese drama than Highlights in Parliament (yawn).

    What can I say. It's fun to talk about politics and watch Chinese dramas. Or would one rather watch politics and talk about Chinese dramas? Perhaps that would make me more likeable *muses*.

    Illness has a beneficial side effect; this is the first time I've watched so much TV in ages!
    Chicken pox continues, but since I am able to actually use the computer that must mean I'm better. The blinding headache isn't quite so blinding anymore. In a day or two I could probably type in Esperanto again, even.

    Fakte nun mi povas jam, nur ke mi vidas ke la nombro de miaj vizitantoj kreskas, kaj eble ne cxiu parolas Esperanto do mi devas skribi ion en Anglan.

    Actually I did, I wrote an email to Phillippe in Esperanto to thank him for the package. A word-by-word translation of Revelations from ancient Greek to Esperanto. Too high level even for a nerd like me, really. But I need to be appreciative, he's poured so much effort into it.
    Dammit, 3 of the goddamned bubbles grew on my dick. Inside
    the foreskin.

    I didn't know they could grow there, or on my scalp for that matter.

    Itches and hurts like a son of a bitch.

    The STI is stuck at a resistance of 3300 it seems.

    At this rate, a breakout will take quite long.

    But the greater issue is, will a rising tide lift all boats?
    Se sxi ne estas tiel bela mi tute ne zorgas.

    Cxu tio signifas ke mi estas malprofunda?

    Jes, jes tute jes.

    La mondo estas maljusta.

    Forgesu! Forgesu! Ne pli zorgu!
    I thought I wouldn't at all care about finally having the degree certificates collected.

    What can I say, man, it's still quite a happy occasion. :D

    Yeah, I'm a bit too old to only be collecting bachelors' degree certificates. But still. It's not too bad. Four and a half years and lots of money spent; one would be hard pressed to discount that entirely.


    A female colleague is overheard saying that she thinks all us guys should get free medical care for life for doing national service.

    Always nice when a woman is progressive :D. Very rare.
    I am generally afraid to piss people off.

    I don't know whether that's a good thing or no.
    Kiam mi rigardas la fotoj kun mia ekskarino, mi pensas, vi estas stulta, Walfin.
    Sxi estis tauxga en tial multe vojoj.
    Sxi aspektis simila kun mi, kristano, gxusta agxo, havas bakalauxro, kaj ecx estis volanta lerni Esperanton kaj kantonan.
    Pli agxa eta knabino. Sxi vokis min "kor kor" kelkfoje.
    Sed bedauxrinde mi perdis cxion por nenio.
    Sed mi sciis, tio estas vera, ke ni ne estos felicxa por la longa tempo.
    Mi esperas ke sxi trovas pli bona homo ol mi. Sxi rajtas.
    Mi esperas ke sxi trovas pensema junulo, kiu traktos sxin bone.
    Ne pli agxa, bonvolu. Ili nur trompos vin, kara.
    Mi gratulis sxin, felicxan naskigxtagon.

    Ankoraux sentas kiel fek.

    Ah, rompata, rompata, estas tre dolora.
    Methinks I should find a fellow computer nerd to have and to hold.

    Trouble is, they're few and far between.

    What are the chances I can find a female computer nerd, 5-12 years older, preferably Christian (at least belief wise), has a degree (well ok at least this one's common enough), lives here, and wants to get hitched in a hurry. To me.

    And, is willing to put up with my shit.

    Epic fail. Life goes on.
    Sentas iomete stulta.

    Paying $8 in a cafe for a burger, which takes longer to arrive when I could've just grabbed something from McDonald's.

    Or the hawker centre, in fact.

    I feel bloody idiotic now, and I'm not doing this again.
    I am becoming excessively tedious, with nothing interesting to talk or even think about.
    Stupidity, stupidity, stupidity. All these years, fighting for democracy and freedom and the right to protest.

    When the right is won, who do my countrymen protest against? The foreigners. The poor, the alien, the fatherless.

    I say this not because I am pro-immigration. I say this because of the shallow attitudes of my countrymen. Their disdain for those lower on the social ladder.

    We saw but a brief period of dissatisfaction with the ex-pats which faded away, why is that?

    Chinese and Indians just find it easier to look down on their mainland cousins than to stick it to the ang-mohs who run the MNCs. We are a nation of cowards.

    We don't dare to tell the ex-pats to fucking not deprive us of a job just because their economies are shit now, and we protest against the Bangladeshi and the China and India mainlander, who isn't even close to being competition.

    This is not about race. I have no ill-will towards whites in general, otherwise I wouldn't remain on this forum.
    Do post la novjaro mi sentas, kion mi sentas?

    Cxu mi sentas felicxa? Eble iomete.
    Cxu mi sentas trista? Eble iomete.
    Cxu mi sentas teda? Eble iomete.
    Cxu mi sentas interesa? Eble iomete.
    Cxu novjaro agrablas? Ankaux eble iomete.
    Cxu novjaro ne placxas al mi? Ankoraux eble iomete.

    Do eble mi perdis la ebleco senti io ajn forte kaj certe.

    Longe vivu la novjaron. :slashnew:
    Sometimes it feels funny to be celebrating two new year's days.

    It's like, half the celebratory mood is spent on the first and half on the second. But not quite. It's more than half.

    Would you rather have 2/3 of a cake twice, or one whole cake? For the former, you get to have more than 1 cake, but you never get to enjoy it in its entirety.

    This country is probably the only one where so many people wish each other "Happy New Year", on a day in February, in English. Sometimes I find my country charming that way. Such an incredible fusion, an uncanny mix of cultures.

    Last night we brought Yola to a coffeeshop and she said, wow, your restaurants are very clean.

    Then again, she went to Vietnam before coming here.
    6 pli tagoj gxis novjaro.

    Cxi tio novjaro estas iomete dolora kaj sensignifa.

    Estas la unua jaro ke mi ne esperas pri la novjaron.

    Mi nur volas malstrecxi...
    Love in the initial stages is like crafting pleadings.

    Everything you say affects everything that happens later on, and you've gotta think what to disclose, what to hide, what to admit and what to deny.

    It's also a game. Or a dance. Or something like that.

    It's also absolutely *killer* level hard.
    I took the human metrics function test as well, and got low Te and higher Ti. I'd still go by what your most developed function is if you're still trying to type yourself. Also, check out NFGeeks on youtube. NF empowerment! woohoo!
    I'd imagine you must be an INFP with a highly developed Te. That should help you think of the reasons why you believe in something. I'd like to think i am the same way, or at least on the journey to developing my Te.
    O Dio helpu min!!!

    Mi kondukis min mem stulte denove.

    Bonvolu havi gracon sur mi...
    Falas falas kaj falas denove.

    Mi bezonas plibona memoro certe.

    Sed, ne esti perfektema estas bona.

    Cxu aliuloj estas pardonema? Cxu mi do neniam havos sxanco poste?

    Devas lerni!

    Kial pensi kion paroli...menso malrapidas...cerbo doloras...sed ne dormema nur cxar kafeo!
    lasta nokto, cxu estis bona konsilo?
    sed bedauxrinde sxajnas ke nenio okazas.
    mi ne povas fari ion ajn alie...sxi tute kaptas mian atenton.
    kiel kiel kiel...Dio helpu min!!!
    Fek, mia vivo ne progresas bone.

    Sxi ne interesas, sed mi devas dauxri, pro kiel?
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