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  • However, I suppose there's always the SAF. Free food (cookhouse lol), free lodging (until you want to start a family), free clothes (Stay in uniform all the time), ok pay.

    They even have a scheme to completely pay for your polytechnic education if you serve as a technician in either the navy or air force. The job prospects are decent, and they have your entire career planned out, which includes possible overseas university sponsorship. To those struggling, I would strongly recommend looking into this.

    I will say that no one owes anyone a living. If you want to get ahead in life, you have to work for it.
    I'm sorry if it sounded that way, but I wasn't calling you or your party specifically anti foreigner. I suppose I was just ranting in response to what I saw as blind anti-foreigner sentiment that is trumpeted by trashy blogs like the Temasek Review.

    And yes, Singaporeans should be able to compete overseas, and all I am saying is that these same Singaporeans who are obviously professional and talented will not find foreign competition to be a problem. In fact they will BE the foreign competition.

    Those disenfranchised young people? I am afraid that without an education, you will not find a good living anywhere in the world, not just Singapore.

    Taking MC again, once more for a ridiculous "bad cough".

    Gah. Ridiculous professors who actually want MCs. What the heck is wrong with them.
    For now, I am split between Tony and Kin Lian. Cheng Bok seems okay, but I like Kin Lian more, and Jee Say is just a cheap politician with no personal merit.

    Tony's message is that he keeps his mind on the job and he is experienced. He comes across as a person who knows his job and will strive to do it well.

    Kin Lian wants more dialogue with the people. I like this a lot because all this time Nathan was just like there and never really did or say anything. I like the idea of a president leading discussion on domestic issues, and hopefully he can improve the quality of political discussion in Singapore.
    We already have a presidential candidate running solely on the premise that he is non-PAP, which I think is just cheap partisan politics. It's also very clear to me that people will not vote for Tony Tan simply because he is PAP. I almost would rather a sterile political environment, but I suppose living in a democracy means having to cater to the lowest common denominator.

    When I vote for a candidate, I vote for him based on his merits alone, not because he is able to engage in the type of politics that brought Washington to a standstill during the debt crisis. I don't want a rubber stamp president, but I also will not vote for a candidate who might use his veto powers to punish the PAP just to score points with the opposition fanboys.
    Don't really know about that to be honest.

    I don't really know much about the candidates. I also don't really see eye to eye with most Singaporeans on immigration, which seems to be the main PAP bashing topic right now.

    It does not matter if there are foreigners in Singapore competing with us. The only resource Singapore really has is manpower, so we Singaporeans have to be up to standard and beyond. If we fail to compete with foreigners in our own country, we're fucked anyway because that means we'll fail to compete in the global arena. The outcry about foreigners really strikes me people who don't want to work hard enough and yet feel they are entitled to better jobs and better pay.

    It's good that Singaporeans are becoming more politically aware, but I really do not like the way common political discussion is going. Not because it's anti-PAP, but because it's gutter politics.
    Only at page 23 of a 62 page Franchise Agreement, after several days of reviewing to tailor it to local law.

    Life sucks.
    I lost the cadre vote. Lol. It's actually quite expected and rather amusing.

    Well. David did pretty well for himself. But what can I say? Life's not always fair. All we can do is pray, and I didn't do that.

    They left without me today. Ah well. So be it. The personality color test thingy is rather true. Haiz, I hope things get done. One step at a time. Bleah.
    Dear God,

    Why am I so blur........ARGH!!!!

    Hate it. Absolutely.

    Today, I overheard 2 girls saying I was "not worth classifying". Well. Whatever.
    I always knew my latecoming habit would get me into trouble one day.

    And now it has.

    Crash, KABOOM.
    A thought for a photonic chip which makes use of the photoelectric effect
    LED------------- exactly enough resistance that only when 2 photons hit it there is enough power (photoelectric effect) to drive micro-LED
    ^ ^
    photon photon

    AND gate

    LED----------- exactly enough resistance such that a single photon can power the LED (photoelectric effect)
    ^ ^
    photon photon

    Not gate

    -------- <photon input
    always on micro LED

    photon input causes electrons in lattice structure to move and block light flow from perpendicular always on input

    I should think a photonic brain would be faster than Asimov's positronic brain. After all, nothing's faster than the speed of light, not even positrons.
    It sucks to have lousy grades in school. I'm just realising that grades are just a teeny weeny bit important even if they aren't the be all and end all.

    But maybe it's my bad reputation.


    Danny boy got 3 interviews today. I got kosong.

    Boohoo self pity sob sob.
    Woah, how interesting. Someone who you thought pretty much didn't exist anymore, but is in fact having an active and interesting experience semi-alone on their own visitor page. I suppose maybe this horrible world really does have a little bit of beauty in it sometimes.
    La plejaltaj Dankoj al Jesuo, por mi revenis domo sen problemo!

    Lordo Dio
    mi kantas Vian bonon
    en la mondo
    Vi estas supremo
    Senhavi Vi
    Ni ne povas vivi
    Por homoj nur
    havas unu Dio

    O Dio
    Vi Unuas
    O Dio
    Unu estas
    O Dio
    Vin Mi amas
    -----Bm-Em (2nd time, G-Gsus4-G)
    Jesuo :||

    Tri en unu
    tra Vi nin purecu
    Venu sur ni
    Kara Sankta Spirit'
    Pasxi kun Vi
    Ni povas esperi
    Bonvolu Vi
    En nia koro veni
    Kara taglibro (kaj Mia kara Lordo Dio Jesuo kiu legantas tio cxi dum mi skribas gxi),

    Mi malmemoras rekonfirmi mia flugo el Cxino reveni al domo.

    Dio mia, bonvolu helpi min. Mi scias ke mi cxiam petas vin por fina minuto helpo kaj cxiam mal vin. Sed tio cxi estas KRIZO.

    Do helpu min, Dio. Multaj Multaj Dankon. Mi ne povas promesi vin io. Sed vi estas Dio, kio mi povas doni al vi? Kio vi bezonas, kiam vi povas fari cxio? Fakte mi scias la respondo. Sed, bonvolu, bonvolu, helpu min cxiuokaze.

    En Jesua Nomo,

    Mi vidas ke mi havas >10076 frapoj al tio cxi pagxo. Kvankam mi ne venas tie cxi por tre longa tempo. o_O.
    Kara taglibro,

    mi tre malesperitas per mi.

    kial mi cxiame malakuratas? Ecx tio ke tre grave, mi ne povas akurate veni. Kaj tio cxi ne estas la unua tempon.

    Helpu min, Dio, por mi ne povas helpu min. Mia vivo malfarigxas, kaj tio estas cxar cxio de mi faras malkorekte.

    Why did I feel more interested in the UK elections than our own, now?

    In fact I'm more interested in the AV referendum.


    That is the predominant emotion of the Enneagram 4.

    Because we are rejected.

    But mayhap not all Enneagram 4s are rejects?

    Ah well.

    I don't want to change, just to be accepted.

    I simply want a more pleasant life.

    That is all.
    Somehow I feel oddly distant from the elections, despite being a teensy bit closer to the action.

    Why do I bother writing a stack-based language when millions of others have done so with little result?

    Hey just saw your message. Thanks for the heads up--It has now been properly added.

    You code?

    Additionally, I couldn't help reading a few comments down that you are into graphology? What do you think about it?

    I'm interested analyzing some peoples handwriting I know to see how accurate it might be.
    Please me tell that the squares in your avatar are, in fact, warped, and that it isn't just an optical illusion that I haven't noticed for months.
    Jaj mi trovis retadresojn de esperantistoj en Singapuro!


    *krucas fingrojn; esperas ke iliaj retadresoj estas vera kaj uzebla!*
    I am very unhappy as I do not understand why people from the old place are coming here.
    Vi havas erarojn kun via uzado de "-n" (plej da anglaparolantoj vere estas tiel, ankaŭ mi estis, kaj mi ankoraŭ ne perfektas!) kaj kun "ado".

    A moment in English for your convenience: "ado" is "ing" when using it as a gerund. A gerund is when you use a verb as a noun--for instance, "I love running". There, 'running' is a noun, a thing that you love. In that case, we would translate it as "Mi ŝatas kuradon".

    Sed plejparte, vi tajpas sufiĉe bone! :)
    Jes, vespermanĝo estas "supper".

    Kaj vi pravas, vere pasporta servo estas pli por vojaĝado, kaj ne ĝenerale por loĝejo; mi misdiris. Mi pardonpetas, haha. Nun mi komprenas vian lineon de antaŭ. La kialo estas ke en la angla "to lodge" kun iu estas "gastiĝi" kun iu, mi pensus. Do, momente, ĉar ĝi similas, mi eraris.

    Kiu registaro? Kaj kial? Ĝenerale, mi aprobas tiujn agojn, sed vi estas tro ĝenerala! Kiel vi faras tion? Kial vi komencis?

    "alie" = otherwise, or "other than that".

    Mi ankaŭ estas proksima al INXP, sed vere mi estis INTP kiam mi prenis la ekzamenon, eĉ se "T" estis mia plej malforta trajto.

    Kial vi lernis Esperanton?
    serĉu "vespermanĝo" ĉe http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/ . Tie vi trovos la vorton.

    Ĉu vi neniam aŭdis pri pasporta servo antaŭ? Mi ne komprenas kial vi diris "haha, mi aŭdis ke ĝi havas senpagan loĝejon." Vere, ĝi *estas* senpagajn loĝejojn ĉirkaŭ la mondo--vi sciis ĉi tion, ĉu ne?

    mi legas vian muron ĉi tie, kaj mi scivolas: pri kio vi diris kun "nil" sube? Pri kio li diris "It is amazing. So raw. I envy you for it." Ĝi tre interesas min!

    Kio vi faras kun via vivo? Kion vi amas? Por kio vi vivas?
    Post iom tempo, malfacilas uzi lernu.net-n. Vi devas iri al IRC kaj legi/skribi kun ilin, uzanta la vortaron kiam vi bezonas. Ankaux, jxus trovu libron ke projectgutenberg, kaj legu. Eĉ se vi ne komprenas frazon ĉi tie kaj tie, daŭru. Tiel mi vere lernis Esperanton post la facilaĵojn.

    Ankaŭ, la sekva paŝo post tio estis renkonti realajn Esperantistojn, sed ĝi estis post unu jaro kiam mi finfine trovis ilin. Sole ĉi tie en israelo mi trovis--mi sendis retpoŝton al UEA, kaj estis post tempeto ke mi trovis ilin, sed... ŭoŭ, kelkaj da mi plej bonaj amikoj. Mi vespermanĝos kun ili post morgaŭ, vere. Kaj ni parolas flue kaj multe Esperanto... Ĝi vivas! Mi tute ne uzas vortaron nun skribi--vi alvenos! ;)

    Ankaŭ: iru al pasportaservo.net kaj membriĝu! Ni bezonas iun en singapuro! :)

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