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  • Dear diary,

    Deutschland über alles! They really did deserve to win, England was horrible. And what is all that moaning about the disallowed goal? Even if it was allowed I'm sure they'd still have lost 4-2. The Germans had class.

    Anyway, the WP is organising a Photo Competition, and I'm in charge of publicity. Would kinda have preferred to be in the technical/admin side, but I guess I'll do what I can to help. Might be a good experience. Pretty scared I'll goof up, though. In an Opposition party, there is simply nobody to cover my arse. We may have lots of members officially, but it's strictly volunteer work and everyone's stretched.
    Dear diary,

    So I have spent a few hours writing something which I don't think many people will be impressed with: a simple selection rectangle for the game. Considering that the game is written with an SDK someone else wrote, it's a little embarassing (well it's a pretty basic game toolkit, but still - I was a bit slow).

    Anyway, the pathfinding is a little screwy (wonder why), and I am having difficulty understanding the code after not touching it for so long. I still understand the concept behind A* but I didn't know what the numbers (masks) that I put in do (lol, the result of no comments).

    There is some basic walking change-direction animation now, and I realise I've still got the k-3d file, so all I haveto do is rotate the thing and do some basic animation rendering before I have my first working entity.

    It feels good to be working on game coding again. Especially after this project's been shelved for so long.

    Watching England-Germany match with them tmr. :)
    Dear diary,

    Just had a row with the mum about some piddly little thing. It actually always boils down to the same thing: respect for choice.

    Respect for choice is always going to be difficult as long as I live here.

    Sigh. My colleague told me it is always worse when you stay in your parents' house again after having lived alone for a while. It's true.
    Dear diary,


    The M1 mobile Internet modem works on Linux!

    Was wondering what was wrong, when all I had to do was configure all the stuff, set it to connect automatically, boot up without it plugged in, then plug it in (and let it connect automatically).

    Yay! Now Windows shall be kept only for games, as it well should be. I've been sick and tired of using Windows just for the net, after a while.

    Anyway I am back from KL, and the fever is down. Will write more in a while.
    I was waffling between Kubuntu and going back to Ubuntu. I had a dual boot for a while, but wound up becoming a Wubi wuss. Still, I have virtual machines of Kubuntu and Fedora, so I can still play around with KDE environments.
    Dear diary,

    OK, well, another quote has come in. These appear to be the only suppliers in the country.

    Gotta rework my budgets again.

    Pfft. Hate admin stuff.
    Dear diary,

    For once, I am able to use the computer for a while. And I think I'll even be able to go to bed early.

    Thank God for little miracles.

    Not going to update the blog, though, don't feel like writing another sonnet. Yet. It's been a while, though. Wish I had some inspiration.

    For now, I shall concentrate on the all important task of Finding Suppliers.
    :( Actually, I think it's a combination of the age of users on the forum (I'd suspect a large percentage to be around 15-20), and perhaps an interest in endeavors that allow for mental exploration, where the "dealing with things" would be left to others. Maybe you could snoop around on the ENTP's forum? ;)

    @__@ That's not me. . . too much latex! Maybe they could cut her out when she's (she? he?) has had hir fill?
    Dear diary,

    I have not done any of the things that I had set out to clear this weekend.

    Ah well. It will be tomorrow soon.

    Dear diary,

    Seems like there is only one bill-validator supplier in Singapore.

    Gah, I just wanna get the quotes so I can get the money.

    So troublesome, and it's not even gonna be enough for building the prototype.
    Dear diary,

    Bah. Haven't got the time to write in you.

    I actually kind of like the 9-6 thing, but then I never have time. It's spending too long at Vivien's place that's the problem. Should talk less and come home earlier.

    Again I am talking to myself, which is not very good. I hope the work gets on fine, the internship gets approved by the school, the vending gets developed according to schedule, and everything goes fine. I have only 24h a day, and too many things are crammed in.

    Saw the SDP selling their magazine in Orchard Underpass, and I think their market positioning ($20 per copy!!!) is quite bad. On a better note for them, I think they write about a bit more economy related stuff now - maybe one day they'll turn into us :eek: (but still have no qualms about using hyperbole - perhaps they think they don't mince their words). Ah well. It's good if more Opposition members are voted in, regardless of party.
    The relationship is in a slightly rocky period at present and I feel very tired about everything.

    I wish Christ could truly set me free. At present, I find that everything is stuck and that I am sinking. I am very very tired of struggling. I told someone about the condemnation we feel when we read the Bible and he told me that it is the spirit of the law that sets free.

    God, please. Grant me your peace. I am already feeling burnt out.
    Dear diary,

    It's the first day of the internship and I'm glad it seems that it is going to be proper work and not the nonsense that I was expecting.

    The time constraint is a problem, though. Considering that I have my own things to settle.

    My mum has re-packed the room twice in the past week. Now I cannot find the ice-cream man's name-card so I can ask him about the ice-cream fridge removal from the shop. We will get in trouble if I leave it there and the next tenant/the landlord is unhappy about it. I wish she would not do things that only serve to create problems for me. It is one thing to say "this is for your good and you must learn", and it is another when there are consequences. Such people create more headaches in life for us. When we already have little time to do maintenance stuff they make things even more difficult. Such are the people who are not interested in anything on a bigger scale and assume that others have the time that they have to do such mundane tasks.
    Dear diary,

    At present, I still fear insanity.

    Keep me sane, God.

    I told her about the family history today, and the history of mental illness. She claims it is "spiritual"/"spiritual warfare".

    Don't know about that. I still believe that there is a God, though.
    Dear diary,

    Another cousin is getting married today. Lol.

    Ordinarily I'd have more thoughts on that, but all I can think of recently is that I need more time. To do my own things.
    Dear diary,

    Darn. Didn't do the end of course feedback, now I won't get the bidding credits :slashnew:

    I wanna sleep. But gotta meet the supplier. :(
    Dear diary,

    Looks like its still market carnage from the Euro.

    The STI is still at ~2650+. Gotta watch for bottom soon.

    Don't wanna catch a falling knife though.

    Next time I will not re-buy stocks after selling to try and flip. Take profit means take profit.
    Dear diary,

    Apparently either not very many INTPs have wound up companies before, or they do not really like to talk about it.

    Or maybe it's me.


    I have high affiliation needs, I guess.
    Dear diary,

    Well, at least I handed up my assignment.

    My new free phone courtesy of Singtel looks exciting!

    Ooh and Kubuntu Lucid is beyootiful. First time they're thinking lucidly perhaps :p Of course, I'm retheming it with Qtcurve+maxed out desktop effects.

    Wonder when KDE4 will get the firepaint plugin though. Really kinda miss it. It appears in every "linux is cool" screenshot.

    Strangely enough KDE still doesn't allow peel-back with wobbly. I always thought that was the most functional part of wobbly windows.
    Dear diary,

    I am doing useless stuff instead of doing what I should be getting done by tmr.


    <back to work>
    To be completely honest, I am not sure. Up until now I have relied upon an intuitive understanding of fallacies. I have not studied the concept in any formal manner except to google a suspected fallacy which I think I have uncovered.

    I understood that the entire purpose of the designation of fallacies was the prevention of logical misconceptions. The whole purpose of argumentation is to produce an unassailable assertion from a pure and whole premise. As long as that assertion was achieved, should the argumentation not be sufficient?
    Your comment is the logical fallacy of assuming my sig makes sense. :elephant:

    Okay, I couldn't resist. My sig is not a fallacy because the assertion made is true under all circumstances. Contrast for example.

    If Bill gates owns Fort Knox, then he is rich.
    Bill Gates is rich.
    Therefore he owns Fort Knox.

    There are conditions under which one can be rich and not own Fort Knox, therefore making the example a fallacy of affirming the consequent.

    That which cannot be stopped cannot be moving, because that which is not moving cannot be stopped!

    There are no conditions under which a non-moving entity can be stopped, because the condition for being stopped requires an entity to be moving.

    It is like expecting to buy combs for bald men. Tomfoolery perhaps, but logically sound.
    Dear diary,

    Going to Bill's house to install a DVD drive for him, and I'm late.

    Ah well, screw it.
    Dear diary,

    The shop is almost stripped bare now.

    The contractor told me I looked sad, and said "don't be sad lah".


    Actually this is the first time I don't really feel horrible after what I perceive to be a failure. Or perhaps this wasn't quite such a failure.
    Dear diary,

    I have been much less active on the forum in recent times.

    The blog, too, is gathering dust.

    Hehe. Does that mean I am meaningfully occupied?

    Often, I feel I am meaninglessly occupied.
    Dear diary,

    I am offered a measly $600 for the internship.

    Then again, it's no worse than what I've been making ever since the business went south.
    Dear diary,

    I've calculated an estimate of the winding-up asset distribution.

    It looks pretty dismal.

    Got a presentation tomorrow. Gah. I'm really tired and I have to wake up early, to boot. Life is sad.
    Dear diary,

    I am afraid of greed. In myself as well as in others.

    I am also afraid of the IRAS, who have sent me a letter claiming that I did not file my income tax. I shall have to write in to ask what that is all about.

    Apparently, their online system is down for maintenance at this time. Bah.
    Dear diary,

    Help. I don't know what to do next.


    When everyone else is getting optimistic, I feel I am about to break out in cold sweat.

    Not least because it was my efforts that made them optimistic.

    *studies floor*
    Dear diary,

    George brought not 1, but 2 bottles of champagne to class today.

    OMG no wonder he's everyone's favourite teacher. Must've cost a bomb for him to explain trademarks using real stuff.
    Dear diary,

    I'm happy for David Cameron even though I felt he was not to be trusted, and I'm glad for the potentially stabilising effect of the deal on global bourses.

    Unfortunately, the SGX has not responded positively yet, being down by a few points in today's trading so far.

    Sit, watch, wait.

    I find it sad that two tiny opposition parties in this country cannot come together to agree on anything and have brought their quibble to the national media, to the glee of the government. For goodness' sakes, their disagreements aren't even as fundamental as Lib Dem v Tory. Thank God I chose the right Opposition party to join.
    Dear diary,

    I wonder why I care so much about UK politics.

    But anyway. The rest of the population care about UK football. It's the same country, just a different ball game :p

    Haven't done Stephen's website, nor started work on any one of the many essays I have to do.

    God help me. As well as Nick Clegg.

    The markets are supposed to be picking up since the Euro bailout, but our markets are only up ~10 pts. Hmph.
    Dear diary,

    Apparently, all 3 major UK parties agree on some things - like reducing immigration.

    Lol. Everybody's getting xenophobic.

    Anyway, now that I've looked at some of the policies on the BBC site, I actually think maybe it's for the best to have a Tory/Libdem government.
    Maybe you've just become more withdrawn? I know I have. It's this damned forum. I'm in my head much more than I used to be.

    Yeah, that's true. Asian culture pushing them down.

    I think I read it in your blog! And you reinforced it in one of the relationship threads, where you disagreed with Adymus about ENFJs wanting everyone to be INFPs.
    Dear diary,

    The stocks are still red.

    The UK has a hung parliament. :D

    Yahoo Mail Classic should not use AJAX. It only slows things down. Yahoo Mail really sucks.

    And I have bungled things up again. Stupid Internet.
    Dear diary,

    Portfolio loss hovers at ~15%

    I stoically watch my unrealised loss on some of the counters creep back to previous levels. After all, it is said that the risky investor is willing to risk short term loss for long term gain.

    As usual, the million dollar question is: when is the market going to bottom?

    Anyway, thank God I got an A- for Constitutional law. I was fearing the worst.
    Dear diary,

    Thanks to Greece, the rest of us watch our markets go into free fall.

    Heh, I am a little more out there I suppose.

    What about you? More self-contained? And is the girl an ENFJ? (I know introverted extroverts as well, yes.)
    Dear diary,

    The STI is horribly, horribly, down and my gains appear to have been wiped.

    Well. I did say it was meant for long term :p.

    Portfolio is red by >10%. Bad, bad, bad.
    Yeah. Funny thing about similarities. The internal geography may be the same, and you may be able to navigate it from a distance, but up-close the dissimilar and errant rock formations/landslides/distributaries etc resulting from individuality and plain difference in experiences can throw you completely off-balance.

    I'm not sure exactly what the cognitiveprocesses test measured, but I do know at the time the descriptions of N really, really confused me. I had no idea what they were going on about. That might've contributed to the unusual score. As I recall though most of the other functions followed close behind the judging ones. I think this simply reflects confusion on my part or unusual development.

    Well, you had a forum blog in which you expressed yourself. I had access to you in ways that you don't with other people, since most of them don't have readily available blogs on the forum.

    Generally I do tend to initiate contact though.
    Dear diary,

    I cannot find the soft copy of my Oxford Brookes thesis.

    Kill me now. I have to do the resubmission. Seriously, I don't want to redo everything.

    But yay, somebody just did $9 worth of photocopying.
    Of course there are practical dangers to taking this to the extreme, and I can see the
    definite benefit in taking this sort of approach to people - lots of savings in time and energy. But it seems so inhumane.

    I got Te, Ti, Fe, Fi all the same, and at the top. I don't think the test is useful in terms of MBTI; however it is a useful reflection of how I see the world and myself in relation to it. It's equivalent to saying that I aspire towards high feeling, I suppose. I think there are genuine similarities between us that I picked up in your blog. Interesting that they were expressed in other areas unrelated to this. I wonder if these are all expressions of the same root.
    Hmm. That must've hurt. I hate people slamming the door in anyone's face. It really, really, really bothers me. Any sort of negative pronouncement on someone that is final and entails total closure just rubs me the wrong way. Although I have been sorely tempted to do it myself, I find it so difficult to carry through with and stick to, especially as there is always something to learn (and this isn't a merely selfish impulse; I think it's at least one aspect of the person's worth. Of course though, reducing people to just that is less than ideal, though perhaps most accurately reflective of that which underpins interaction.) and I might have misjudged the person, and there is always something of value in everyone, and one's own barometer is inherently limited.
    From the INTP-INTP thread:
    It's very sad when being with another human is just an opportunity to grow, or learn, or something.

    It seems like you think there is no inherent value in simply being with another human.

    Lovely, lovely point. Not sure if it has value beyond subjective approbation (because it's definitely on the side I'm on) but I think it probably does.
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