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You know you're an Intp when...


Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jan 6, 2009
...you don't empty the dishwasher because your mother asked you to do it.
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
when you are convinced you aren't human like everyone else


Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jan 6, 2009
...everyone says you're intelligent, even if you don't think so yourself. (not sure about this one)

...you're a walking dictionary.


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Apr 22, 2009
When you fully intend to read everything on that interests you, but it ends up on a things to do list. You will eventually get to it, but not for a month or more.


Local time
Today 1:32 PM
Aug 16, 2009
- you never heard of Myers-Briggs until yesterday, but found this site and read the complete thread within 30 hours of the results of the test - despite going to a baseball game last night and having the parents visit from out of town for 19 of those hours (of which 3 hours were spent on a golf course).

- you're happy to finally find others as weird as yourself, which doesn't make you feel less weird but less alone. (I don't mind feeling alone (I prefer alone), but I do not feel a need to be/feel unique either.)

- can't make a statement without a qualifying remark. Although I probably could, but it would feel incomplete and not totally correct.

- uses the phrase "pretty sure" instead "know" or the implied "know" to come across less arrogant.

- know a total of 9 people's birthdays. (1 of which is my own. 3 share the same birthday as me (1 of which I don't know personally). 3 are my sisters. 2 are not my parents. 1 is my wife's that I remember because it's 122. The last is my daughter's which is 6 months after my anniversary which is part of a password to another site.)

- you can't find your car keys which are in your hands even after transferring the keys between hands to check both pockets.

- you believe that you can own enough pencils so that no matter how many you lose you can still find one within 15 seconds but do not know how many pencils that would be.

- you hate people that spell "loose" when the mean "lose".

- you are "pretty sure" you could do most people's jobs much better than them with little or no training. This doesn't make you feel superior to them as much as it just makes you feel tired, because you don't even want to do the work you have to do let alone do their work the right way also.

- you commonly refer to others sub-par work as "all jacked up", because it would take too long to explain why the way you would do it is so superior.

- you would rather work on what you think is important rather than what your boss thinks is important while knowing that this will hurt you at review time because you feel that how you spend your time is more important than the money.

- you believe that Provigil/Midofinal is a performance enhancing drug.

- you don't listen to the radio in your car on the way to/from work despite enjoying music because you want to maximize time without distractions to think.

- you tell your wife that you can tell she lost 5 pounds. She is so overcome with emotion that you noticed until you further clarify that you don't mean it as a complement. You think it means more because you're making it as a statement of fact instead of just trying to make her feel good. You believe this to be an important distinction which should make her feel even better about herself, but she walks away thinking that you may have insulted her. You walk away with a sigh but still believe it is a valid point. (this happened to me this morning.)

This is the only thread I've read so far, but I noticed many comments which I identify with. The common themes others shared that I see in myself are: absentmindedness, working through complete conversations with other people in my mind, reluctant arrogance, yearning to feel understood as long as there is no time obligation to the person with the understanding. I probably want to be understood so that person can tell me how brilliant I am and then I could be fake humble and think that person is my favorite person ever. I will admit that I tend to make long posts. The most important thing to me is that I find my own posts important and meaningful. If others find them interesting, that might tend to be an unexpected surprise. I rarely expect to be either understood or interesting. Regardless, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the thoughts and amusing anecdotes of others. Thank you for sharing what goes on in your heads.


Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Aug 16, 2009
- when you bookmark the page you're at in the "You know you're an INTP when..." thread because you really want to read through all of it but you've already been at it for hours and you have to move on for a bit...

- when you identify yourself to just about everything said in this thread.

- when you're thinking so fast and your typing speed cannot keep up and as such you end up typing the wrong words. And when you proof-read it, you read it as if you properly wrote your thoughts, when in reality it doesn't make any sense.
( Have to give an example as I just noticed I did that on my very first post: "... college, while the Quebec equivalent ..." when I really meant "well" and not "while". )

- you can't find your car keys which are in your hands even after transferring the keys between hands to check both pockets.
I did that, except with my glasses, which were in my face.


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 14, 2009
Hull (Term time)
- when you're thinking so fast and your typing speed cannot keep up and as such you end up typing the wrong words. And when you proof-read it, you read it as if you properly wrote your thoughts, when in reality it doesn't make any sense.

Or, while handwriting, you combine the words with, and the, to make withe.


Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Aug 16, 2009
- When you found this forum and bookmarked it to be sure you don't forget to check when registrations are open again.
- When your deepest desire is for the day to have more than 24h, so that you can study more, but when you have more time you waste it procrastinating.
- When you can't sleep and think about problems you had over a year ago, because the solution at the time wasn't completely satisfactory. And you wake up at the next morning and actually have a better solution.
- When you can talk with an ENFP about his and your MBTI type for hours and never actually say a word about your feelings.


Dreamer LOLCat
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 17, 2009
-When you had something to say on page 2 but had to hold it in while you furiously finished reading the WHOLE THING.

ditto.. had to read through 40 pages before i could safely say this;

- sometimes you feel you have the double-think skills to be a prophet or a dictator, and this freaks you out
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
-When you had something to say on page 2 but had to hold it in while you furiously finished reading the WHOLE THING.

when you wanted to read page 2 but didn't feel like reading through 40 pages to post a few


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 5:32 AM
Apr 8, 2009
you stockpiled all sorts of textbooks and information when you were a kid, just in case your bedroom was somehow blasted back in time and you had to re-educate the human race.
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
when you stockpile all sorts of seemingly useless info in your brain, convinced it will all be useful at some point

Morel Panic

Local time
Today 1:32 PM
Aug 12, 2009
you stockpiled all sorts of textbooks and information when you were a kid, just in case your bedroom was somehow blasted back in time and you had to re-educate the human race.
I've spend a lot of time thinking about this actually... At one point, I tried to weigh the practical value of all my random abstract understand of everything by imaging what would happen to me if I was sent back in time to the dark ages... The results were not pretty...

Miss Led

Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 15, 2009
West Sussex UK - US expat
You finally bother to get a copy of your credit report and it includes and $80 fine for library books from a state you lived in 10 years ago :P

Artifice Orisit

You finally bother to get a copy of your credit report and it includes and $80 fine for library books from a state you lived in 10 years ago :P
Heh, ditto, except I never had to pay a fine :D

-When the only thing you got in trouble for in preschool was stealing books from the teacher's office... I'd already read all the others.

-When you spent primary-school (high schools and primary schools are separate facilities here) going from school to school (we moved a lot) reading more-or-less everything in each library's fiction section, and more than a few informative books too (encyclopaedia’s being a particular favourite).

-Doing the exact same thing in high school.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 5:32 AM
Apr 8, 2009
I've spend a lot of time thinking about this actually... At one point, I tried to weigh the practical value of all my random abstract understand of everything by imaging what would happen to me if I was sent back in time to the dark ages... The results were not pretty...

but just think.. you could bring to them the wonders of central heating and aerosol cheese!


Dreamer LOLCat
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 17, 2009
- when you are aware that everything happening around you can be defined by probabilities, and this knowledge that can't be refuted by any scientific means legitimises your procrastination, which freaks you out

- you construct a lot of run-on sentences

p.s. english not native


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jan 10, 2009
...a logic flaw in the movie you just saw bothers you more than the hunger in Africa.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 5:32 AM
Apr 8, 2009
- you avoid catching taxis, because if you don't do the expected "have you been busy" back-and-forther with the driver, you have to deal with the awful, tangible silence.

- no matter how tidy you aim to be, you always have miscellaneous piles of stuff on the floor, that only get shifted when they become too awkward to step around.


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 19, 2009
the in-between
- you notice that your lips are chapped while in the shower, and knowing that you have the tendency to forget to do simple things like apply chapstick you commit to doing so when you get out of the shower by repeating "chapstick chapstick chapstick" over and over in your head, and when you finally get out of the shower you reach for your deodorant and touch it to your lips before realizing what you're doing.


i love this thread, i always thought i was just like mildly retarded (in terms of my extreme absent-mindedness) and never even thought it could have anything to do with my intp-ness.

- when your mother constantly complains to you that you need to wash the peanut butter off the knives you use BEFORE you put it in the dishwasher, but you keep leaving it anyway (not out of spite, honest!)

- you remember a website you want to check, and go to type it into the bar, only to type the address of the website you're already on and you spend a few seconds confused as to why the window didn't change (i hope that's not just me)

aperfectgircle...or is it

Annoyed....as usual.
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Aug 20, 2009
On the corner of Stupidity Ln. & Annoying St. I pl
You read # 22 and don't know what it means and therefore find it to be completely useless.

You get annoyed if there is one person in front of you in line.

You know in your soul that you should be the only one writing commercials. This way they would be funny and not so annoying.

You purposely park as close as you can to the car to your left of you if they pulled in over the painted line. Then wait inside to see a reaction when they cant get in their car. Being sure to walk out just in time to see a reaction and then just point to the line and get in your car.

You wonder why paper plates have those little ridges around the rim.

You then feel the need to ask someone that question hoping for insight.

You try to figure out why moths are attracted to lights. All well knowing evolution would have surely kicked in by now letting them know spiders webs are there. After all....the spiders figured it out a long time ago?

You don't understand why people laugh at sit-coms.

You wonder if this forum has a spell check b/c you don't want to seem like an idiot and spell something incorrectly.

You question spell check and swear it's often wrong


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:32 PM
Aug 13, 2009
- you remember a website you want to check, and go to type it into the bar, only to type the address of the website you're already on and you spend a few seconds confused as to why the window didn't change (i hope that's not just me)
I usually type google.com in the FireFox google search box. A lot! Some bad habit now. My mind is on using Google instead of thinking about the search term.

Miss Led

Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 15, 2009
West Sussex UK - US expat
You purposely park as close as you can to the car to your left of you if they pulled in over the painted line. Then wait inside to see a reaction when they cant get in their car. Being sure to walk out just in time to see a reaction and then just point to the line and get in your car.

You wonder why paper plates have those little ridges around the rim.

Parking close on purpose is mean. You have to remind yourself that everyone else isn't purposely doing annoying things just to upset you. Also, sometimes people park in over the line because the person parked next to THEM were parked too far over. I only torment those that I can prove without a shadow of a doubt had no good reason to do something self absorbed. (and honestly, you can never be sure, because they might be distracted because their mom just died or something)...anyway...Meanspiritedness is not an attractive quality that needs to be worked on and tamed.

Paper plates have ridges around them to strengthen the edges. If they were just flat like the rest of the plate it would not be able to maintain it's shape and strength when weight was applied.


Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Aug 16, 2009
you can never remember where you parked so you look stupid in the parking lot


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
You remember a really good example of when you were absent-minded but by the time you hit the first key you've forgotten it. And curse, because it's nearly bedtime and you know you'll remember it 10 minutes after going to bed.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Jul 28, 2008
You remember a really good example of when you were absent-minded but by the time you hit the first key you've forgotten it. And curse, because it's nearly bedtime and you know you'll remember it 10 minutes after going to bed.

Which also makes me think of how every time I make a response to someones post, it seems like 10 minutes later I think of something I should have added, or expanded on, or a better way of saying what I said.

aperfectgircle...or is it

Annoyed....as usual.
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Aug 20, 2009
On the corner of Stupidity Ln. & Annoying St. I pl
Parking close on purpose is mean. You have to remind yourself that everyone else isn't purposely doing annoying things just to upset you. Also, sometimes people park in over the line because the person parked next to THEM were parked too far over. I only torment those that I can prove without a shadow of a doubt had no good reason to do something self absorbed. (and honestly, you can never be sure, because they might be distracted because their mom just died or something)...anyway...Meanspiritedness is not an attractive quality that needs to be worked on and tamed.

Paper plates have ridges around them to strengthen the edges. If they were just flat like the rest of the plate it would not be able to maintain it's shape and strength when weight was applied.
You are kidding me right?!??????????? You cannot be responding to what I wrote! NOTE - You are in the wrong forum if you are!

Im sure you navigated here by mistake. You need to go find the EDIN forum! (Emotionally Distressed Intellectually Deprived)

Note - I do want to congradulate you for being the first out of 5,000 to take offense to anything said here........and your lack of iriony and sarcasm! I'm guessing you lack the ability to park a 5' wide vehicle into an 8' wide parking spot quite frequently....probably due to the fact you on on your beloved cell phone all the time!

This thread is all in fun.....relax and enjoy life,...after you think about it for a while!

BTW.....the plate thing Einstein,....sarcastic!

aperfectgircle...or is it

Annoyed....as usual.
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Aug 20, 2009
On the corner of Stupidity Ln. & Annoying St. I pl
You are kidding me right?!??????????? You cannot be responding to what I wrote! NOTE - You are in the wrong forum if you are!

Im sure you navigated here by mistake. You need to go find the EDIN forum! (Emotionally Distressed Intellectually Deprived)

Note - I do want to congradulate you for being the first out of 5,000 to take offense to anything said here........and your lack of iriony and sarcasm! I'm guessing you lack the ability to park a 5' wide vehicle into an 8' wide parking spot quite frequently....probably due to the fact you on on your beloved cell phone all the time!

This thread is all in fun.....relax and enjoy life,...after you think about it for a while!

BTW.....the plate thing Einstein,....sarcastic!


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 19, 2009
the in-between
- you hate when a song gets stuck in your head because it constantly interrupts your train of thought.

rubber duckyyy, you're the one....


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
You are kidding me right?!??????????? You cannot be responding to what I wrote! NOTE - You are in the wrong forum if you are!

Im sure you navigated here by mistake. You need to go find the EDIN forum! (Emotionally Distressed Intellectually Deprived)

Note - I do want to congradulate you for being the first out of 5,000 to take offense to anything said here........and your lack of iriony and sarcasm! I'm guessing you lack the ability to park a 5' wide vehicle into an 8' wide parking spot quite frequently....probably due to the fact you on on your beloved cell phone all the time!

This thread is all in fun.....relax and enjoy life,...after you think about it for a while!

BTW.....the plate thing Einstein,....sarcastic!

Funny cos I thought the car parking thing was a very un-INTP thing to do too. And the tone of this post of yours is quite jarring on this forum. It's not actually often we see personal jibes like this. Perhaps you could take your advice to relax to heart! But I'm sure if you stick around the more laid back, laisse faire INTP spirit will wear away your need to jump on those who disagree with you.

I agree with Miss Led - I didn't find the parking story particularly amusing - seemed rather a waste of energy just to make a point. But hey, if that sort of thing amuses you then who am I to judge?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
May 22, 2009
-You want to create the same thread on different MBTI forums and cross reference the answers. Just to make sure these are more valid traits of INTPs.


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 14, 2009
Hull (Term time)
You've thought, or even said the phrase "*insert appropriate term* is an illusion".


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
lololol and when you suddenly remember that you're not INFP

When you start to wonder if you maybe are INFP at least a little bit and then read your own signature ... duh!


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 4:32 AM
Nov 26, 2008
Outside your window.
-When your mother has to drag you away from the gigantic volume on Jung.

*sniffles* It was so beautiful! *sigh*


*Silent antagonist*
Local time
Today 6:32 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Béal feirste
When you find it a lot more fun to walk alone and imagine you can destroy anything/form patterns on walls/windows/floors/ control objects/ rearrange your surroundings as you see fit, than walking with ACTUAL people and TALKING.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Mar 10, 2008
When you start liking Linux...
Okay, I don't like it that much....
It's okay. It's kind of buggy...

Deleted member 1424

When your walking down a crowded street while listening to an epic song and it takes all the self restraint you possess not to dance like an idiot.

When you always walk in sync with the rhythm of any ambient or headphone music.

When you find it odd that the numbers of various religious booths at a campus event aren't proportional with their percentage of members in the local area. 4 Jewish booths (few local members), 4 protestant, 0 Catholic (most local members), and 0 Mormon.

You find yourself wishing more exotic (for me at least) belief systems were represented. Like Zoroastrianism, Buddism, Taoism, and Gnosticism.


Local time
Today 12:32 PM
Aug 12, 2009
When you find it a lot more fun to walk alone and imagine you can destroy anything/form patterns on walls/windows/floors/ control objects/ rearrange your surroundings as you see fit, than walking with ACTUAL people and TALKING.

I tend to do that and forget that there is other people with me >.>

...If I do remember they're there, they get pulled into my world destruction/changing fantasy, if I like them, they're joining me, as a minor background character... if I dislike them, they're amongst the ones being destroyed ^_^

Y'know you're INTP when you feel relieved that you can finally say something that you thought made you sound crazy to a group of people who finally totally understand :P (That has to of been done in some form or another already..)


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
Y'know you're INTP when you feel relieved that you can finally say something that you thought made you sound crazy to a group of people who finally totally understand :P (That has to of been done in some form or another already..)

When you simply can't restrain yourself and have to point out:

It's NOT 'have to of been done', it's 'have to have been done'

The 'of' habit seems to have evolved through interpretation of head language - you hear 'have to've been done' and transliterated as 'of'.


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
Y'know you're INTP when you feel relieved that you can finally say something that you thought made you sound crazy to a group of people who finally totally understand :P (That has to of been done in some form or another already..)

When you simply can't restrain yourself and have to point out:

It's NOT 'has to of been done', it's 'has to have been done'

The 'of' habit seems to have evolved through interpretation of heard language - you hear 'has to've been done' and transliterated as 'of'.


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Aug 21, 2009
You post in reply to something someone has said on a forum:
and you aren't being ironic or sarcastic


Local time
Tomorrow 2:32 AM
Aug 29, 2009
you know you're an INTP, when you know.

i swear we're aspies...
and i KNOW this is the first google result.

edit: well the first link on the first link...

oh and we definitely seem to enjoy giving credit where it's due.
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