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When was the last time you cried?

  • Within the month

    Votes: 53 36.3%
  • Within 6 months

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Within a year

    Votes: 12 8.2%
  • Over a year ago

    Votes: 8 5.5%
  • Over 3 years ago

    Votes: 18 12.3%
  • I don't remember.

    Votes: 26 17.8%

  • Total voters


Man-Child becoming a Dude.... Man
Local time
Today 11:18 AM
Sep 20, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
"Someones house burnt down"

"A young woman was held captive as a human sex toy for 5 and a half months"

"The African American race AKA N*ggers, have started a fued against country Music"

"A report today claims that a young INTP male wishes of being touched by his family, sexually"


:( :storks: :(


Man-Child becoming a Dude.... Man
Local time
Today 11:18 AM
Sep 20, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
I was wacked across the face today becasue I wouldn't shut up, I didn't shed a tear.

It's time to put away your emoiton box..... boy.

I got punched in the face and I didn't cry.
And yet whenever I go into the bafroom and the smell touches me in the right way... I'll cry every single time. Strange how the world works.

We'll just have to agree to agree and I'm sure we'll be the best of friends, you can come and cry on my shoulder whenever you feel like.


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:18 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
I was just about to get pissed off when I noticed that Venture has been banned.

thank you.

Tunesimah - welcome and I hope you find far more interesting and engaging conversations on this forum.


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 5:18 PM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Am I to understand you don't have a position about it? For a moment there it looks like you understand the Bush-ian POV quite well, but you don't exactly support it. :confused:

I do my best to understand all things, and accept all individuals points of view. Doesn't mean that that understanding precludes me from thinking them nuts, or to repeatedly rely on one quote from Saki, that I don't think they would be enormously improved by death.

This especially applies to anyone who claims to speak for God.

On the other hand, Bush's reasoning is unimpeachable if one accepts the premises from which he starts; and a large proportion of Americans do agree with him. --- After all, he was elected by them twice...

What are Prepositional Nations?

Meh, it should be Propositional. My apologies.

Whereas most 'nations' are formed by a heterogenous mix of vaguely related tribes and persons sharing a common heritage; the propositional theory, not solely due to liberal/neocon idealism, but partly from the equally unrealistic principles --- the law of wholly unintended consequences starts here --- laid down by the triumphant revolutionaries, together with subsequent American Exceptionalism, views becoming an American as an act of will, attainable by all, and to which all men aspire. And must aspire. Failure to wish to become American, as George Gorer observed in his sociological study after WWII, is ascribed to perversity or weakness of will.

By this notion of nationhood as creed, if the whole of India was transplanted to the USA, edging out the present inhabitants, and they accepted American Ideals they would be instantly as fully American as Lincoln and Lee, and common heirs to those rather than remaining Indians with a hindu heritage.

People who believe that sort of thing are by necessity bound to continue this intrusion of morals into all politics and international actions. As did Bush.

May Gog and Magog watch you, and bless you in all you do.

Claverhouse :phear:


is a ze
Local time
Today 10:18 AM
Jul 9, 2008
Thank you kindly, that was clear. I agree with the analysis.

Claverhouse said:
May Gog and Magog watch you, and bless you in all you do.

*knocks on wood*


... runs deep
Local time
Today 9:18 AM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
My partner got me to talk about my feelings and cry last night. Which is a first for me because if I ever cried in front of people it was usually about them or sad things not particularly related to myself. If I talk about feelings, it's the feelings of others. And she pointed this out brilliantly; I was stunned. It's not like it was new information.. rather that I was being noticed. Being noticed can be very powerful when aspects of yourself have been ignored your entire life.

Anyways.. I think that allowing someone in that close and having the experience be so good and comforting is something that will have amazing effects on all my relationships. Like I'm that much less detached. Yay!


Active Member
Local time
Today 6:18 PM
Apr 1, 2009
Laicité is not a belief it's a passive agressive, childish ideology based on an arrogant national mentality and it's rubbish.


is a ze
Local time
Today 10:18 AM
Jul 9, 2008
Harsh. Where I live it's considered a necessity lest the cath Church kills us all, or nearly. But okay. (And IIRC we had it firmly set before the French). Perhaps we're not refering to the same thing?


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 6:18 PM
Apr 22, 2009
I don't remember the last time that I cried. However...

My partner got me to talk about my feelings and cry last night. Which is a first for me because if I ever cried in front of people it was usually about them or sad things not particularly related to myself. If I talk about feelings, it's the feelings of others. And she pointed this out brilliantly; I was stunned. It's not like it was new information.. rather that I was being noticed. Being noticed can be very powerful when aspects of yourself have been ignored your entire life.

Anyways.. I think that allowing someone in that close and having the experience be so good and comforting is something that will have amazing effects on all my relationships. Like I'm that much less detached. Yay!

I can relate to this. I'm glad that you were able to find someone who both takes notice of you and who seems to care about your feelings. It's a step in a good direction for you.


Local time
Tomorrow 3:18 AM
Aug 13, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
I'm 21, I've cried 3 times in the last 9 months due to people trying to control/manipulate me ceaselessly for a week at a time. Prior to that though, I don't think I'd cried in about 8 years.


Local time
Today 12:18 PM
Sep 24, 2009
I have cried once or twice in the past year. Most are book related, the only time I really feel. I believe the last time i cried for my own life was the last time we moved. I had no friends, had forgotten my book (my normal shield), had got callen a handful of pretty bad names ( I tuned out as usual and missed most of it... but I had the school couselor apologising to me, so it must have been faitly bad), then the Administrator kicked me off my bus accidently. I cried to myself, then got irritated for being so irrational (crying isnt helping me, is it?) and swore to never cry over it again. So far so good.

Wow as usual I kind of went all over the place with that...


Active Member
Local time
Today 6:18 PM
Apr 1, 2009
Harsh. Where I live it's considered a necessity lest the cath Church kills us all, or nearly. But okay. (And IIRC we had it firmly set before the French). Perhaps we're not refering to the same thing?

What's your defenition of Laïcité?


Local time
Tomorrow 12:18 AM
Oct 6, 2009
I suggest I could put the coordinate here but then
I just cried yesterday. I usually don't cry because I tried to conceal my emotion, showing the poker face, and there isn't much privacy at my place for me to cry.
A relative I have not spoken to for a few years suddenly send me an email telling me that she want to talk about something very important. I instantly concluded that my parents died and I broke down to tears. Silly reason to cry but I got that kind of reason quite often whenever I cry.

EDIT: I noticed there is a trend on the poll where the population concentrate nicely on the 2 extreme like a parabol. Wonder if there is any implication to this...
Last edited:

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 9:18 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
I cried yesterday too! I found a really touching book I got as a child. It's a simple children's book with pictures... but it was really good.

[idroitex=250]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WC7o4TJWYcI/SePwJDp1hnI/AAAAAAAAFFU/MmZRLroPIcs/s400/DSC_1892.jpg[/idroitex]The basic premise is that a little girl, when she's very young is told that she needs to do three things to have a well-lived life: "Travel the world, find a house by the sea, and make the world more beautiful." As an old lady she finds a house by the sea, but becomes ill, and is also stricken that she hasn't figured out how to make the world more beautiful. But in the spring some lupines grow by her window, which really helps her focus on the outside world and recover.

And as she's walking around, she finds another bunch of lupines, which had spread from the lupine plants outside her window. And she realizes how to make the world more beautiful! She orders 5 bushels of lupine seeds, and throughout the summer she goes through walks and tosses the seeds.

I had also heard somewhere... not sure where... that crying helps empty out toxins from our brain that are sent to our tear glands? It was a non-scientific source, but that came to mind yesterday so I embraced the idea and encouraged myself to cry.


Local time
Today 9:18 AM
Oct 13, 2009
San Clemente, CA
As many others have mentioned, I think that frustration is my primary reason for crying. Only a small handful of songs, books, and movies get to me, but the ones that do bring with them a ridiculous amount of tears and generally will send me into state of depression for a few hours. I do well-up quite often, over news or hearing about unfortunate things happen to other people-- but rarely does that result in full-blown crying.
Otherwise, I believe I cry fairly easily when it comes to conflict with others. Which is unfortunate, because I despise crying in front of other people. And stupid, because I don't neccesarily have to be involved in an extremely tumultuous argument to find myself tearing up, and the fact that I feel myself tearing up over what is usually an undeserving topic makes me embarrassed and frustrated which in turn causes me to cry harder. sigh. But that only really happens with friends, obviously in the rare cases that I have altercations with people I don't know well I approach them with a much more emotionally detached viewpoint.

And, of course, latent psychological problems with my dad causes me to start bawling if he so much as raises his voice at me. But I don't live with him anymore, so problem solved... for the most part...

I find it quite easy to cry whilst talking to somebody about things that affect me. I remember one particular time when I was opening up to my boyfriend (at the time) about the first time I visited a senior home, which also happened to be one of the last times I saw my grandfather before he passed. How abandoned and mindless the majority of them were, and just feeling like that was what lays in store for all of us eventually... ugh.


That One
Local time
Today 9:18 AM
Oct 14, 2009
Ive always had a problem with being too emotional. It isnt so bad now, but I still tear up and sometimes break down when my mother yells at me for trivial things or whenever someone tries to connect with me or (recently Ive noticed) when adults show their concern for me. It used to be really bad, but I can now control it at least to an extent.


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 5:18 PM
Aug 14, 2009
I came close to crying today because of school photos. Snhiny-eyed close. And worst of all, somebody NOTICED. :mad:
Damn this emotion. Why can it not surface at more appropriate times?


Local time
Today 10:18 AM
Oct 14, 2009
so is me welling up every time i see / hear anything emotional at all a cause of being intp or some other issue? or maybe everyone does this? its pretty hilarious to me, actually.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:18 PM
Apr 18, 2009
Have cried a little the last couple days because my cat, who has been with us since I was about 3, is dying. He has a fairly large tumor in his upper jaw which would be too invasive to remove. He's not acting like he's in pain, but eventually he won't be able to eat, which apparently causes fairly rapid liver failure in cats (far sooner than starvation), a very painful way to die (one that we of course don't intend to have him suffer through). So while it's not imminent, it's not exactly far off either.

Sorta crying right now for this reason. I cry kinda weird, because I'll tear up and sniffle for a while, and try to push it off for a while, but it typically doesn't pass until I have a good hard sob. Problematic to be crying right now though because I have to leave the house in like 5 minutes. I'm fortunately managing to pull myself together as we speak.

An upside of glasses: the eye redness from recent crying isn't nearly as apparent.

Since I didn't vote when I first saw this thread, I guess I'll vote "within the month" now.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:18 PM
Feb 11, 2010
Crying is for pussies!..

Seriously though, I don't cry that often. I get sad, and stare when I get sad.
But last time I actually cried was years ago. Can't say it's too long ago a tear came down or something like that.


Local time
Today 12:18 PM
Feb 26, 2010
I have a good cry about once a month. Think its an emotional balance thing. I keep so much pent up emotionally, that I feel the need to purge every once and awhile. Really helps me clear my head and put things in perspective.


I use metaphors to show how deep I am.
Local time
Today 12:18 PM
Feb 19, 2010
Last time I cried was August of 08', the day I got fired from my job. Doesn't matter if the economy sucks or not, it really makes you feel useless to know other people of the same education level (just hs diploma) can keep their job and you can't.

Before that it hadn't been since the 10th grade, but I cried just about everyday back then. So much that the red from my pillow cases bled through and turned my pillows red.


Newbie S***
Local time
Today 9:18 AM
Feb 25, 2010
Reno, NV
I cried about a month and a half ago. However, it's hardly a good thing. It seems I only cry out of frustration. What I wouldn't give to cry in response to music, literature, an "emotional" happening, even sadness for all I care. Just not frustration or anger.

I understand what you mean completely about only crying out of frustration. Fortunately it almost never happens to me. I broke down and bawled once about 6 months ago. I was fighting with the woman who is now my ex and she was being particularly emotional. The tears started to flow because I was so frustrated with her emotional mumbo jumbo. I just wanted her to be logical. She just "wanted a shoulder to cry on" and I wasn't being emotionally supportive or some such garbage. I have tried to force tears, to no avail, when tears seem like the appropriate response. i.e. a friend's passing. No go on the tear flow.:confused:


wierd drummer kid
Local time
Today 12:18 PM
Jan 4, 2010
Cumming, GA (I swear it's a real place)
Last time I cried was at the day of festival

You see, none of us felt prepared. Those of us who cared and knew what we were doing were not in abundance.

That morning I wanted to go into school early because I had practice. I went to knock on my parents door, looking for my mom but my dad answered me. Like I do every tuesday/thursday morning, I called in "I need to go in for LEPers" (translation: practice) and he screamed "No not today" and I called back that I had to, and to let me wake up Mom because this situation didn't involve him. He kept saying "No" (but by this point had let me in the room) and finally added "Get the hell out of here now before I come over to knock you out." Normally with anything else, at this point in the argument, I leave and sulk, but I couldn't this time. Percussion is important to me, and I would lose points in my grade, so I said "Either take me or let me wake up mom or I refuse to go to school today" and repeated this even as he was getting up, glaring the whole time. I have a bruise on my back and went to my room. Tears welled up, but I didn't cry then. Suddenly he calls back "Come on you big baby, I'm taking you" and screamed at me thoughout the ride. (Though I ignored it because I was getting I ride and in my mind, I had won and the ride was all that mattered)

Then I came to a realization, we had festival that day and in the rush, I forgot my dress. I muttered about it, but knew my director would probably have an extra and didn't want to make my dad any angrier. He screamed "What's that going to do to your grade" sarcastically because he believes grades happen in the classroom so its not possible for concerts, rehearsals, and festivals to be band grades. I screamed back "It's going to kill it Dad, just shut up" and he screamed "This shit is worthless, it WORTHLESS. It doesn't matter"

That was what did it. Calling my playing worthless.:( I was frustrated that he wasn't listening and didn't care about my music and worse didn't care that I care. I got into the hall, calling my mom to see if my sister could bring my dress when she got on the bus. I cried until someone walked up and saw. I wiped them away then, although apparently not well because people could tell I had been crying.

After that festival went terribly. Finishing out with my director having to take me home because my ride ran out of gas. He gave a lecture that he had never been embarrassed like he was that day. :(

Before that I can't remember the last time I've cried so hard. I mostly cry out of frustration as well.


Local time
Today 11:18 AM
Feb 2, 2010
I have cried within the week. The past year has been very emotional for me overall though, due to life circumstance. It had been years before last year, I think.

When I was younger I defeinitely avoided crying, even feared it. I was VERY afraid of someone else knowing I had cried. I definitely saw it as a weakness. To some extent, I had the same attitude towards laughter, or at least humor that wasn't specifically dark or dreary.

Crying has been proven to remove toxins/chemicals that induce stress in the body and the removal of such chemicals creates an almost instantaneous relief, something which people tend to feel guilty about, I think.

Heavy sobbing and laughter are both GREAT forms of exercise as well. I have found it quite beneficial to embrace both for my physical and mental well-being.

About the laughter in the earlier post, someone laughing about crying. Laughing would definitely be a good coping mechanism as well, although arguably not as beneficial as crying.


Local time
Today 12:18 PM
Mar 8, 2010
i absolutely hate crying, although i've gotten very very good at keeping it inside around other people. mostly it's frustration..
the worst type of crying is from loss, because there really is no release after it. it's just the same dull pain.


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:18 AM
Nov 8, 2009
Lubbock, TX
Urgh, I hate to cry. Within the past month or so, though, I have started to realize the benefits of crying. About a week ago one of my best friends left for his Army basic training for 4 months. We had a huge goodbye party for him at a local retaurant. The party itself was all right, I stuck by a group of people I know particularly well and we talked about Star Trek among other things and played some games. I practically forgot that he was leaving. Then, as the night drew to a close, I could fee my eyes start to water but I kept it all inside and told myself to keep it together until no one else was around. After we left, he and his wife walked me to my car and we hugged goodbye, and talked about how we would exchange ridiculous letters, sutff like that. When I got into my car I turned on some music, and all of the sudden I just couldn't bear it anymore and just started bawling my eyes out. At first I kinda resisted it, but there was really no use so I gave in and let myself sit there and cry for a good half an hour. After that, I went home and slept. I woke up the next morning feeling better than I had for the past month because I let everything out that had been building up for a couple of months. It was refreshing.
Besides that, I only really cry out of frustration.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:18 AM
Dec 31, 2009
The only people who make me cry in rl are my parents. I don't particularly know why which only adds to the problem. It is an extreme annoyance. Also my eyes get a bit teary on very emotional scenes in movies :o


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:18 AM
May 31, 2010
My last good cry was last week when I serendipitously rediscovered this really in-depth picture album from my childhood sitting on our coffee table. Everything just seemed richer and more in focus in those days. Our family really savored life more then it seems like.

Now everyone's so cynical, but in the pictures we are all exuberant and living fully, in the moment. Also, there was the added bonus of seeing some relatives who had passed on. It most affected my because it came out of left field; if other people had been around or if someone said "here, look at this" it would have been different, cheaper.
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