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About you?


Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Jan 29, 2009
What is your name?

My name is Andreiy

Where are you from
I am from Slovenia.

How old are you?

I'm 15

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I knew I was an intovert for a while now and joined a group on facebook (peer pressure :p), there I took a personality test and I saw I was an INTP. Since than I've googled quite a bit and took about 6 tests (4 INTP, 2 INTJ).

How did you find out about this forum?
I googled INTP. Very neat if I may say.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not currently

Do you have any kids?

Obviously not. lol.

Do you have any pets?

I have a pet fish named Hannibal Lecter. lol.


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome Carinthian. May you find interesting and enlightening discussions. :p
Ok now that Hannibal Lecter fish-naming will probably make you a lot of new friends here and you will fit just right in ;)
Also the European faction is growing, YAY :D:D
(There is a irc-channel of our, chekc the stickied thread in "The Lounge" if you are interested)



that shadow behind lost
Local time
Today 7:24 PM
Dec 29, 2008


echoes through time
Local time
Today 5:24 AM
Sep 8, 2007
Hmmm... I spied on an ENTP forum long ago. They were funny, It was actually an ENTP that lead me to MBTI. I should be grateful.


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jan 29, 2009
hi :)

What is your name?

Where are you from?
North Carolina

How old are you?
16. don't know if i'm too young to be here, but it's worth a shot ?

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
i love theory of personality and the like, and after taking some tests and doing some research, i believe that i'm an INTP

How did you find out about this forum?
hrm.. i don't remember the specific website but it had something to do with INTP!

Do you have a partner/lover?
i prefer to fly solo, haven't met anyone who has made me feel otherwise

Do you have any kids?
nope, i like children but i doubt i'll have any of my own.

Do you have any pets?
one dog, one cat!

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
i like computer games and technology.


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome to the forum. May you find interesting and enlightening discussions ;)



Bandwidth Angel
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Dec 14, 2008
I think i'm the youngest here, so now worries Violet.

Don't bet the Melkor. He bites.
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
What is your name?

My name is Jonathon

Where are you from?

I am from the north west of england (coppull, Chorley if that means anything to anyone)

How old are you?

I am 14 (i am one of the youngest)

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

took a couple of tests, both came up INTP

How did you find out about this forum?

googled INTP

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not currently.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

a fluffy, tortoise shell cat called Clover The Inactive

Hardest things about being an INTP?

the procrastination, i never get homework done

Best things about being an INTP?

everything. i enjoy it. i find it the superior type in many ways. i am proud to be an INTP

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Music, Guitar, Art (on my tems) a good book (i like Stephen Fry)

What is your education like?
boring. at high school, 1st GCSE year.


pat pat
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jan 1, 2009
I guess I could introduce myself

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I can't really remember where I found the first test. But I've tested INTJ as well. I think I'm INTP, but I might be an INTJ. I think I have a strong S too, depending on my mood. I pretty sure I'm I and T.

How did you find out about this forum?

I just googled INTP forum. I was curious as to how much I acted like an INTP. If I did at all.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

I have two cats. I have always loved animals.

Hardest things about being an INTP?

I don't know. Maybe being tactful. I don't come across many problems as an INTP.

Best things about being an INTP

Easily sees correlations and contradictions. It's not always as easy to see my own contradictions, though. I'm also enjoying my thirst for knowledge. I like the idea that I can be wise/ intellectual some day. I'm always trying to "think better".


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Official welcomed ;)

Oh and: YAY this thread has 42 pages (when viewed with 10 posts per page)!!


Kiss the Culprit

Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Feb 5, 2009
How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I took the Sorter test when I was a teenager and got a result of INFP. Recently I took it again, with the result of INTP, and found that the characteristics described were almost horrifyingly befitting of me.

How did you find out about this forum?

Link from a test page, I believe.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Yes; I am going on three wonderful years of marriage.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

One diabolical kitty, named Halaster.

Hardest things about being an INTP?

Aborted novels; the neverending rolodex of new interests that seldom stick; biting your tongue.

Best things about being an INTP

Quasi-psychedelic epiphanies.


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome to the forum. May you find interesting and enlightening discussions.



Active Member
Local time
Today 9:24 PM
Feb 9, 2009
The United States.
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Portland Oregon

How old are you?

I am 22 years old.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

went to a LCSW and she gave me the test.

How did you find out about this forum?

saw a form about Arnold schwartzanagers ID and did a search to see if my ID had a forum.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

after my cat died i have decided to refuse having any more pets.


Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Feb 11, 2009
It's not very much me sometimes but I can not help
What is your name?

Jennifer but i usually go with Jenny or Jen

Where are you from?

I am from Jackson, Michigan but now reside in Grand Rapids, MI

i'm uncomfortable in both places and hate to leave one for too long so I usually travel back and forth to visit my friends and family.

How old are you?

I am 25

What's your gender?

female all my life.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I've had problems lately with social groups... Lately I have felt there to be something wrong with me because I do not and cannot interact the same as everyone else... I was on the verge of getting professional help and probably still will. I have a book that i took (gasp) from a roommate when we shared a dorm room a long time ago...it was the myer briggs "Please Understand Me" part II ...I became obsessed with the book and tried to figure myself out as well as everyone else around me... haven't met anyone with the INTP personality type such as myself.

How did you find out about this forum?

I googled it after reading up on social phobia...

Do you have a partner/lover?

I'm engaged. I'm freaking out about our wedding in August... i get panic attacks when i see weddings on the tele ... it's hard to imagine myself in front of a bunch of people being the center of attention.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

two cats... one is mine who goes by the name of "Sadie."...she takes after me... was very sad lookin and moody when i found her and thought the name suited her well. I have another cat Muttons who my fiance picked out at the pound... My fiance and Muttons are a lot alike...they are very laid back and loves to snuggle.
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Feb 3, 2009
What is your name?

My name seems to be Error. Everyone refers to me as it.

Where are you from?

I am from a place that cannot be described with the current languages.

How old are you?

I could be 12 or 21, perhaps even 212.

What's your gender?

I'm uncertain.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I am no type. I cannot be a type.

How did you find out about this forum?

I woke up here.

Do you have a partner/lover?

My lover died.

Do you have any kids?

Only the animals.

Do you have any pets?

They run away from me.


Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Feb 10, 2009
What is your name?

Lupe Jones :)

Where are you from?

Is this referring to where I was born or where I am now? Both does say a lot about me but I don't know, I like to keep people guessing if in fact they are guessing at all.

How old are you?

I was seven.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

The cosmos told me.

How did you find out about this forum?

I found out about it just like I find all the other answers of life. Google.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Consensual? No.

Do you have any kids?

Consensual? No.

Do you have any pets?

No. My mom decided it was time to give my dog away to some Mexicans.

hermann morr

Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Feb 16, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Parma, Italy

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Had spare time, made random online tests

How did you find out about this forum?


Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?




Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Feb 17, 2009
this is living?
What is your name?
Really? Sorry, too much. You guys can call me Muddy, if you want. It goes with my ID and it's suitable in more ways than one. For example, I'm more than just a little cloudy these days.

Where are you from?
Keep it Simple - California

How old are you?
36- but please do not hold me to that expectation, either way.

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
My boss asked me to take the MBTI a couple of weeks ago.

How did you find out about this forum?
I googled ya.

Do you have a partner/lover?
No. I have a husband.

Do you have any kids?

Do you have any pets?
A dog and three cats.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Right now, personality type research, listening to a variety of music, Fallout 3, personal growth, relationships (personal and more), spiritual concepts and practice, and life in general. Library visits - they just aren't open as many hours as they could be, and if only I could smoke in there! I told my son the other day that as much as I'd like the luxary of smoking in there, I'd hate to destroy the books! It took me about a minute or so to realize what I'd said. I'm glad he has a good sense of humor.

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Accepting it, or rather embracing it. I've been "wrong" for so long, it's hard to be right. God, that sounds pathetic, but it is what it is. Oh, and the pressure to be funny as described by the "profile". Have low expectations people, I haven't been that light hearted in years. I get the sense that people are usually laughing at me, not with me; and I'm usually getting pissed at them or hating me. Maybe it will all change. What am I saying? Of course it will all change, either that or wash, rinse, and repeat...okay, rambling. Looking forward to meeting you guys.


This ain't no disco.
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Feb 6, 2009
Scottsdale, AZ
What is your name?

Ariana. <narcissism>Lovely name, isn't it?</narcissism>

Where are you from?

Born in Texas, raised in California, currently residing in Arizona.

How old are you?

18. And a HALF!

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Various tests and such.

How did you find out about this forum?


Do you have a partner/lover?

Nehh. I don't want to end up like Dave (my avatar) :D

Do you have any kids?

No, but someday...

Do you have any pets?

No but OMG I used to have a Siberian Husky. She died. I loved her. :(

But I want another one now.
Last edited:


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jan 8, 2009
I like this little thing to fill out...so, regardless of having already introduced myself...

How old are you?


What's your gender


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

One of my friends told me to take the test, so I did...and then I ended up being way more interested in it than him.

How did you find out about this forum?

There was a link to it on typelogic, I think.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Yeah, I have a boyfriend.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

Two dogs and a cat.

Hardest things about being an INTP?

Probably the fact that I have a completely different definition of how and what needs to be done/learned than my teachers. That or all my friends being outgoing extroverts.

Best things about being an INTP

I have a unique perspective, I think, and that lets me see things that some people don't.


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jan 28, 2009
From a dangerously safe distance
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Georgia, US

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

One of the various personality test sites. I first tested INTJ but eventually realized that INTP fit me better.

How did you find out about this forum?

A link somewhere.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not currently.

Do you have any kids?

Thankfully, no.

Do you have any pets?

Not at the moment. I like cats though.


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Feb 19, 2009
Vancouver, BC
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Born just outside Montréal, now in Vancouver.

How old are you?

24... for two more weeks!

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Think my mother turned me onto it when I was around 15 or so...

How did you find out about this forum?

Googled something... can't remember what.

Do you have a partner/lover?

As Facebook would say, "It's Complicated"

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?


That was relatively painless...

Jonathan Brewer

Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Feb 23, 2009
Nashville, TN USA
What is your name?

Jonathan Brewer, though friends often call me, Jay.

Where are you from?

Nashville, TN USA

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I have taken the MBTI test ten times now having scored as an INTJ 80% of the time and as an INTP 20%.

How did you find out about this forum?

It was listed in the INTP type description, but I have also heard members of INTJforum.com mention it.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Yes, my wife and I have been married for five years.

Do you have any kids?

We have two red headed daughters.

Do you have any pets?



Active Member
Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Feb 21, 2009
Boulder, CO
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Middle of the country, moved West and now about a mile high.

How old are you?

I am 32

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

A coworker introduced this typing system to the whole team about 6 years ago (no longer work there.) Took the test as INTP and have come back to the concept a few times since with the same results every time.

How did you find out about this forum?

I stumbled onto intjforum and typed in intpforum et voilá.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not currently.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

2 cats.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Well I have an insatiable curiosity for all sorts of things... economics, politics, science, geography (travel). I've off and on been into auto racing. I love hiking and biking, as well as music and movies.

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Oh definitely the isolation. People find it very difficult to relate to me and vice versa. I very often feel like the alien in the room.

Best things about being an INTP

I like that I am able to think things through logically, and see the big picture. I think we have a special skill that the world needs to move forward. We can identify problems and possibilities faster than most people. Also we love information and can actually figure out how it fits together.


Local time
Today 9:24 AM
Feb 24, 2009
What is your name?

My name is Jason.

Where are you from?

I am from Eugene, Oregon in the U.S.

How old are you?

I am 25.

What's your sex?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Strangely enough, I can't remember precisely. I do remember first learning about MBTI years ago from a councilor I knew. I find it likely that she administered the test for me. Another possibility is that I took the test online somewhere.

How did you find out about this forum?

I learned about this forum via google, whilst looking for interesting bits of information about the INTP personality type.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Hehe, No.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

My current residence does not allow pets, but I still fill affection towards my parents' cat -- Asia.
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Feb 27, 2009
In my mind.
What is your name?

You can call me Pathetically-Lovely.

Where are you from?

I live in Puerto Rico, USA. It's a tiny dot if you look for it on the globe.

How old are you?

I am 14.
What's your sex?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
I really don't know. One possibility is that I've taken numerous tests and I've gotten the same result each time. The description of it fits me, I guess, save for some quirks here and there.
How did you find out about this forum?

I took a quiz and it referred me to a site that described my personality type, and at the bottom there were links to visit.

Do you have a partner/lover?

I'm not looking for one.

Do you have any kids?

Not at my age.

Do you have any pets?

No. But I would like a cat one day.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Documentaries, reading, writing, music, psychology, philosophy and debating.

How do you generate an income?

My parents, for now.


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Feb 27, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?

originally from michigan, went to college in indiana, and i have lived in jackson wyoming since last september.

How old are you?


What's your sex?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

i randomly picked out this book at the library called the art of speedreading people. was very interested. tested as an enfp. believed it was plausible that i was an enfp. ignored mbti for a while and went on believing i was an enfp. eventually got interested in the subject more seriously and realized i definitely was not an enfp

How did you find out about this forum?

was part of an intp mailing list. realized that forums were a lot cooler than mailing lists. searched google.

Do you have a partner/lover?

when i sleep i do.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

a dog which is back at my parents place.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

skiing, reading, thinking, cars and motorcycles if i had the money, poker sometimes when i need the money though i've grown to hate it (poker not money, but sometimes money too), was really big into cycling about a year ago.

How do you generate an income?

whats an income? haha no, seriously though. i bus tables, because that is what ski bums do.


Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Mar 1, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Born @ -8.81657°, 13.2433°
Grown @ -22.9235°, -43.2333°
Actually @ -6.12546°, 12.3377°

How old are you?


What's your sex?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I always knew I was, just didn't knew how to call it before. The definition came to me from a friend who introduced me a variant of the original test. The test result made me start researching more on the subject. For my surprise all tests gave me the same result. Surprise because I don't believe in INTP existence (by definition). But this is for another post :)

How did you find out about this forum?

The mail list. Someone wrote something about forums and... *ding* ..."why I'm not looking for a forum ?"

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not sure about that. I think I have someone... The problem is - besides the fact of me being... me - I'm very 'mobile' so, is hard for someone to keep up... I think...

Do you have any kids?

No that I know of... :D

Do you have any pets?

Krypto is dead :(

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

hmm... comics (just reading), movies (just watching), hacking (just learning), music (just listening) and trying to figure it out who (or what) am I.

How do you generate an income?

Network Administrator from the darkness.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Feb 7, 2009
Cape Coral, Florida
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Southwest Florida, USA

How old are you?


What gender are you?


How did you find out that you were an INTP?

My father (who also is an INTP) introduced MBTI to me when I was in college. After absorbing the shock and dismay of discovering that my dad and I were the same personality type, I forgot about Myers-Briggs for over a decade. Then, a couple of years ago, I read an online article about personality types, and I decided to re-take MBTI. Lo and behold, I tested as an INTP again!

How did you find out about this forum?

A link that was provided by an MBTI website

Do you have a partner/lover?

Yes, she is an ESTJ, believe it or not. We both complement and clash with one another.

Do you have any kids?

No. Babies aren't exactly intellectually stimulating. Plus, having a little one would totally deplete my already-sparse alone time.

Do you have any pets?

Two cats, Plato & Buckley, who are brothers.

Which hobbies do you absorb the most?

Reading, writing, politics, bodybuilding, Miami Dolphins football, tennis, napping, social commentary, and theorizing.

How do you generate an income?

I'm a civil litigation attorney.

Hardest thing about being an INTP:

Finding people who actually connect with my ideas and theories. Unfortunately, I only talk to my father once a week. As Agent Intellect described it, too often my words fall on deaf ears. Having to feign interest in small talk for professional or social reasons is also a drag.

Best thing about being an INTP:

Non-INTP's may not completely understand you, but they do respect your intelligence, and often seek advice from you. I now realize that INTP's see the "big picture" when so many others dwell on insignificant details.


Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Mar 1, 2009
*sigh*, I suppose I have to do the introduction-thing...

Where are you from?

I'm from the northern part of Norway.
How old are you?


What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I took an online test (okay, fine, I took -five- online tests so I could compare...) to find which type I was after reading something about it on livejournal.

How did you find out about this forum?

Through typelogic.com

Which hobbies do you absorb the most?

Reading, definitely. That, and painting and drawing makes me forget time completely;
after several hours I usually still feel like I just started...

How do you generate an income?

Well, right now I'm working part-time at a florist's, which is sometimes nice, when I get to make decorations and stuff, but not so nice when it comes to all the customers and the cleaning (dirt gets absolutely everywhere).


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:24 AM
Feb 13, 2009
What is your name?

eh..just refer to me by my screenname

Where are you from?

Pasadena, California

How old are you?

I'm currently 18

What's your gender?

I'll let you figure it out ;)

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Came across this site http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp by accident one day and scored INTJ.

How did you find out about this forum?

I just assumed it existed so I typed in the address to confim this, sure enough I was right.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

Nah...I'm not one for kids anyways.

Do you have any pets?

2 dogs.
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
i would presume as naberus is a Beast you are Male, and your avatar looks proud and chauvanistic, usually Male traits (sorry if any offence is caused)


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Feb 7, 2009
Cape Coral, Florida
i would presume as naberus is a Beast you are Male, and your avatar looks proud and chauvanistic, usually Male traits (sorry if any offence is caused)

How can an eagle appear "chauavinistic?" Also, are women incapable of pride? Finally, isn't loveofreason, a confirmed female, represented by a dragon?
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
females tend to be more tasteful (something i admire MORE than pride). and it just does
look chauvanistic, i get bad vibes

Dragons to me represent Power, not Pride

...and i said take no offence, just showing my logic


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Feb 21, 2009
Boulder, CO
What is your name?

Do you have any kids?

No. Babies aren't exactly intellectually stimulating. Plus, having a little one would totally deplete my already-sparse alone time.

Interesting point of view. We'll have to do a children/procreating thread sometime.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Feb 7, 2009
Cape Coral, Florida
females tend to be more tasteful (something i admire MORE than pride). and it just does
look chauvanistic, i get bad vibes

Dragons to me represent Power, not pride
...and i said take no offence, just showing my logic

Hmmm . . . pride and tastefulness do not seem to be incompatible traits. Regarding female sensibilities, after seeing countless young women where I live
wearing skin-tight tops that expose their fat bellies, cussing like sailors, and getting expelled from school for fighting, I wonder how much "taste" they actually possess.
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
tasteful in how they represent/show pride.

yes, i know them women too...


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Feb 7, 2009
Cape Coral, Florida
Interesting point of view. We'll have to do a children/procreating thread sometime.

I'm also curious about how INTP's handle marriage and children. Any insights from the parents in this website?

tasteful in how they represent/show pride.

yes, i know them women too...

I'm pretty sure those women don't reside here in the INTP forum.
Last edited by a moderator:
Local time
Today 5:24 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
probably not


Local time
Tomorrow 12:24 AM
Feb 18, 2009
I've been lurking around these forums for a while now. I thought it might be time to actually post something.

What is your name?


Where are you from?
Western Australia.

How old are you?
I'll be 20 in a couple of weeks.

What's your sex?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
I took a couple of internet tests and after combining the results and a bit of research I decided that INTP was the best fit for me.

How did you find out about this forum?
I googled some pages with information on INTP and followed a link here.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Do you have any kids?
No, but I would like some one day.

Do you have any pets?
I have a purebreed ragdoll cat called Lily, she seems to be INTP too.

Hardest things about being an INTP?
The lack of understanding from other types. Often I say things that are insightful or witty to me but just end up confusing people or causing one of those awkward silences until someone changes the subject. Over-thinking is also a problem because it tends to do more harm than good emotionally.

For me it also sucks because I find that I get along best with men and that women tend to dislike me from the get go. You would think that this wouldn't be too much of an issue but every guy I have EVER become close friends with has wanted something more than friendship. The friendship then tends to wilt and die after I tell them that I only ever saw them as a friend :(. This then leaves me with no close friends and a 'why bother' attitude.

Best things about being an INTP?
Regardless of the aforementioned negatives, I Like the way my brain works and that I see the world in a different way. I also like that I am not what people expect because the reactions I get never cease to amuse me. It can be lonely but, from what I have seen of the world, I think I prefer my own company anyway.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Listening to music, singing, people watching, reading, learning about obscure things of no consequence and playing computer games.

How do you generate an income?
I work part time as an admin assistant.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
I'll be your friend! I'm an INTP, and therefor have no soul, so there's no way I could fall in love with you!


Local time
Tomorrow 12:24 AM
Feb 18, 2009
I'll be your friend! I'm an INTP, and therefor have no soul, so there's no way I could fall in love with you!

Hahahaha! I do have to say that this forum gives me a little faith in humanity, because I've finally managed to find people who are on the same wavelength as me :).

As far as I know, I have never met another INTP.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
We're very enlightening, I assure you. We're also somewhere below 1% of the earth's population. Don't get too much faith; we're very rare. If you REALLY want to, you could branch out into robots(INTJ) and idealists(INFP), the latter of which I've found to be extremely similar to me in general, as much as another type could be. I recently realized why, as documented in the Ti vs Fi thread.


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Mar 7, 2009
Central FL
I couldn't lurk for long, I mean, these are my peeps!!!

What is your name?

Where are you from?
Central Florida

How old are you?
27 soon - Weird Al's favorite number! I been waitin for this!!!

What's your sex?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
Took the MBTI through the career center at my college and the results blew me away! Here was a printout describing every little thing about me, and finally solving the life-long mystery of why I was so different from everyone else.

How did you find out about this forum?
I didn't find this forum.
It found me.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Do you have any kids?
And this is why we're so rare, folks... WE DONT BREED

Do you have any pets?
A little gray cat I call Moonfang the Grayface.

Hardest things about being an INTP?
Emotionally crippled, very few opportunities to bounce ideas off people, having to pretend to care, radically overthinking things. Those stupid stretches of silence on the phone. Call, say what you have to say, and hang up!!!

Best things about being an INTP?
Is there anything we can't figure out? And we just have so much FUN!!! I feel bad for those people that say they have no imagination or artistic ability. Our brains are awesome

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
I like to read and write, BS around on the internet. I had to stop playing video games because they were taking over (seriously - I've missed so much work and school, and hardly ever saw my friends! And I didn't even really enjoy the game all that much, in fact it pissed me off more often than not!!! The game is Wacraft 3: Frozen Throne btw). I like developing systems, new ways of doing things. I practice with my performing arts group at college (an INTP on stage - WTF??!?)

How do you generate an income?
Worked for Wal-Mart for 3.5 years, but got let go in December. Just kinda squeakin by on unemployment now


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:24 AM
Aug 24, 2008
Parody, do you think you might be an ENTP? You come across as that more than INTP (just basing it on the little you've posted so far), and a similar member also suspects he has made the same mistake.

Either way you're very welcome here!
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