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Search results

  1. Mute

    Happiness, Wants, Dreams, Goals, Expectations...

    I want to go into astrophysics to discover potential new earths , become an award winning\critically acclaimed actor, produce music, start marathon cycling, become a professional gamer and poet. Have a family i guess, since this is 'dreams, goals, etc etc' World travel is pretty high on...
  2. Mute

    You know you're an Intp when...

    yea i can stand up while i pee during moments of brilliance. its really something.
  3. Mute

    INTP and anorexia

    I read somwhere (looking it up now..) that most guys are Ts and most women are Fs, not sure how accurate that is. Thinking-Feeling Thinking-Feeling differences affect how we make decisions. Thinkers (T) make decisions objectively and impersonally using logic. Feelers (F) make decisions...
  4. Mute


    i could never go vegetarian... props to those with the willpower
  5. Mute


  6. Mute

    Dis.Ident.Disorder + Sorry

    I don't normally pray, but I'm fitting you in. Godspeed.
  7. Mute


    The cons leave the pros depressed. yep. Thanks!
  8. Mute


  9. Mute


    I refuse to let a potentially awesome thread die because of a few close minded people. edit: will probably die anyway..
  10. Mute


    Hello. Going to be very blunt and honest: I've been lurking around this site for awhile now (few weeks) looking through threads that might help with my diagnosis (INTP like a motherfucker..). I suspect that I'm a genius and have been told as such. I in large part keep others at arms length...
  11. Mute


    Pretty sure I get it. And by get it I mean wrap my head around what you're saying-for the past month or so I've suspected my own genius and have in large part meekly dismissed and hid it. Does this make me some sort of slumbering giant who once awakened will lead humanity? (or some shit like...
  12. Mute


    @bolded I disagree.
  13. Mute


    Master race is hardly what hes aiming for...my .2 Also, you've gotta suspend your disbelief for a second instead of deconstructing artificial parts of the whole to discredit/dismiss him-yes he presupposes alot, and not all within the negative context it seems many perceive-of course the...
  14. Mute

    Reasons why you hate humanity

    I hate the distance between me and humanity-though it is much of my own doing.. I resent them for it. Short and simple. and Js can be a real bitch!
  15. Mute


    In reading this response I cant help but feel you missed the point entirely. His 'low opinion of humanity' (essientially non intps) doesn't seem particularly scathing, or degrading -that this all of a sudden "discredits him" is illogical and ignores his actual argument. That argument does in...
  16. Mute

    My True Type

    Deep. Seems like intps are fucked from the starting line though-excuses aside. -Lost in thought-
  17. Mute

    I Don't Know What To Do

    I'm in college too and had the exact same problem. I'm smart-hate math, and find my interests constantly shifting. For a long time I was just getting gen eds out of the way, unsure about where my life was headed. I ended up deciding on acting, sound recording/music and astrophysics simply...
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