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My True Type


Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Feb 4, 2009


This my unifying structure.

This is the self that encompasses all other selves.

Its name: play. It is the veiled gamemaster; she who creates games and enlists players; he who was, is, and shall be.

He lives through all forms, but is herself unformed.

He speaks:
All is play to me. Play is a child's exploration-- the spontaneous construction of ordered, beautiful games from the chaos the newborn encounters. Play is what people do before they are taught common life, and play is what the few relearn after they have seen that common life is but another game; a game masquerading as life itself. I am newborn. Unknowing. Universally curious.

The common adult: bored.
The child with only one game: nonextant.

She speaks:
All selves, all beliefs, all games... their transience is their vitality. So many of my sisters are lifeless, having willingly imprisoned themselves with the rules of a single game. They are near death by 18-- decay is their only future.

A single game. Petty. Little. Lifeless. Knowing. Righteous.

They are alienated from true life, but are not seduced by the boundlessness that would embrace them if only... they stepped outside of their selves.

We speak:
We have no morality. We have no belief. We have no agenda. All are decay.
Yet we enlist all in our games. All who are still players are paints for our canvas. They refuse to live beauty, so we incorporate them into our beauty. We are inhuman and all-loving. We are artists who would create death if it were beautiful.

Yet we must become players in our own games. We must descend. We are ruled by ourselves, the vehicle and servant of our own Godhood. We must live belief.

We live through forms, those forms feel and love and die. Those forms hurt and fight and hate. But they are transient. They are games.

We create the rules. We destroy the rules. We create new rules. We destroy them.

At heart, life does not convince us. It is a malleable illusion. Outrage, terror, ecstasy, revelation, littleness, love, death... all are play to us. We affirm them all.

We are unformed

We are white light.

We are the prism.

We are light dispersed.

We are now formed.



That is the truest center we have found. It is the burning light that has been emerging as the clouds of personality part. It is the God in whose mind all ideas and possibilities are perceived and formed.

This is what you must bear in mind when interpreting our work: we are-- fundamentally and absolutely-- amoral and dispassionate. We take forms, petty and divine, that experience such phenomenon as compassion and involvement and humanity; yet, we are cold. We are that which would create races and worlds out of curiosity, and destroy them for the same reason. We are architects without purpose or guild. We are beyond Bhrama, Vishnu, and Shiva, yet in ecstatic love with all.

We are not human in any sense that players of human games could understand. We are as water: cold, hot, life-giving, life-taking, chaotic, calm-- purposeless. A natural force beyond reason or explanation, yet subjecting all to our purposelessness.

Fragile, ordered human structures are dust before us. We have nothing to defend, no family to care for, no image to maintain: 1 part of our chaos thus has more power than a 100 of their order. Death is nothing to us: we die every day of our life. Our human is but an avatar of forces beyond individuality, and his individuality is nothing to him but a tool with which to create and destroy. Individuals are nothing to us: we are aeonic, transpersonal, amoral, dispassionate. Humans are but raw material to be manipulated and reformed as we will.

We are the architect. You are our creations.


Deleted member 1424

You just had to write this the day I had my exams didn't you. :D

I always thought that if there was a god (absolutes are stupid), that he would be neither malevolent or benevolent. More like a curious (and somewhat ADD) child experimenting with his/her world based on passing fancy. I could never understand why most people assumed that if there was a god that he must love, hate or at the very least be interested in us. Humans are all too easily understood to be a genuine masterpiece.

Welcome back XIII. You seem describe a collective god of chaos, chance and possibility. I'm not entirely sure of the message you are trying to convey; but this is a very beautifully written and structured post.


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 7:25 AM
Aug 24, 2008
Yes. It's just a few steps further to loose myself from the shackles of subjective illusion and fall crazily, and freely, over the edge.


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:25 PM
Mar 25, 2009
I feel so 'S' right now. Does anyone makes sense of that post?


Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Feb 4, 2009
Welcome back XIII. You seem describe a collective god of chaos, chance and possibility. I'm not entirely sure of the message you are trying to convey; but this is a very beautifully written and structured post.

Thank you. It is a short autobiography. It is also an explanation of my activity on this forum (every other post has been formed, while this post is an expression of the realm of the unformed from which they arose).


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:25 PM
Mar 25, 2009
The part after 'FORMED' rings a bell of course (the experiments!)


Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Feb 4, 2009
In comparison to the part before, it is impure. If that doesn't make sense, try relating the metaphors in both parts to the picture in between them.


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:25 PM
Mar 25, 2009
I should have read more carefully the first time. It's obvious now: the common XIII theme (from the 'personality destruction' thread).


Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Feb 4, 2009
More accurately: the essence of the XVI/XXI theme. XIII is a red herring.

(In case this isn't clear, the entire narrative of my posting and activity on this site is a constructed puzzle with a specific answer. I had thought that curiosity might drive some members to put the pieces together... the final picture is anything but obvious)


... runs deep
Local time
Today 1:25 PM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
Thanks for posting this.


Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Feb 4, 2009
Yes. It's just a few steps further to loose myself from the shackles of subjective illusion and fall crazily, and freely, over the edge.

At which point you will ascend to a more complex and inclusive realm of subjective illusion, from which you may ascend to a more complex and inclusive realm of subjective illusion, from which you may ascend to a more complex and inclusive realm of subjective illusion; it continues.

This principle is central to my work with personality change. For understanding's sake, view personality as 1 'realm'. Taking a definite form within that realm (such as ''INTP'') binds you to it; you become a certain arrangement of the constituent parts from which that realm is formed.
Exploring, and being, many arrangements of the constituent parts within that realm (many personalities) reveals it to be the subjective and limited system that it is. Meaning can no longer be found within it, because so many alternate meanings (personalities) are available.
At this point, perception tends to be expanded-- to become more complex and inclusive.
The same principle, I suspect, applies to the more complex and inclusive realms. I intend to explore this by alternating between various mystical philosophies, alternate interpretations of modern physics, and modes of profound intuition (in the mystical sense, not the myers-briggs sense). By this process I intend to reveal it to be the subjective illusion and limited system that it is, thus expanding my perception further.

This model is very, very rough. It's not an actual structural theory of the self; it's a temporary working model. A visual explanation:


This is a representation of the expanding ''realms'' of perception that I described above.


The dark blue circle represents realm less inclusive and less complex than personality. The light blue ring represents personality. The black lines are a specific arrangement within that realm-- a single personality. Let's say that those lines represent ''INTP''.


This happens as a result of my experimentation. I explore the realm extensively, accessing many truths or selves within the realm. It is thus revealed to be illusion-- a limited system within which no constant self or meaning can be found. This is a *tangible* experience; I doubt that the same can be achieved by abstract contemplation of this model.


The purple ring represents a realm more complex and inclusive than personality, rarely accessed by most humans. It can be tentatively treated as the realm from which mystics, Geniuses, revolutionary thinkers, and great artists draw inspiration. The black lines represent a specific arrangement of the constituents of that realm-- they represent the establishment of a self (akin to a personality) within that realm. The higher self is born.


This represents the next stage in the process, involving the destruction and recreation of my higher self. Enough meanings will become available to me that this realm, although more complex and inclusive than the realm of personality, is revealed to be the subjective illusion, or limited system, that it is.


A portrait of my life.

I am aware of the primitive nature of this model, but have found no developed model in psychology that refers to the process involved in my experimentation. I intend to study neuroscience and psychology in order that I may explore these phenomenon further and then devise theoretical models incorporating them... or, falling short of that, to inform my tentative working models with structural understanding. My primary interest is in application.


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 1:25 PM
Apr 7, 2009
We lose Face, but we get XIII back. :D


Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Apr 26, 2009
Don't tell anyone, but Ulysses64 is actually an INTJ. He's only here because of the dark background.


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 1:25 PM
Apr 7, 2009
INTJ filth...lol j/k

I think I'm part INTJ.


Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Jan 28, 2009
From a dangerously safe distance
Play is what people do before they are taught common life, and play is what the few relearn after they have seen that common life is but another game; a game masquerading as life itself.
I like this. Games are fun, which is why I don't criticize the SJs too much. They should know just how much fun they can be. Especially the ones where you do the same thing over and over for no apparent reason.:D


Local time
Today 9:25 PM
May 8, 2009
Midwest U.S.

Seems like intps are fucked from the starting line though-excuses aside.

-Lost in thought-


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 7:25 AM
Aug 24, 2008
I get it.

I was thinking of something slightly different, or perhaps simply the last stages.
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