at one point entp girl was telling me a story. she pointed to her arm and was talking about the ulna, I was like "thats not ur ulna", she was pre med, she corrected me
In my defense I know basic anatomy and I was nervous.
Marry me?
its sad how impressed I am with basic knowledge.
I was telling her a story about something that made me cry, she straight up roasted me with a pun. I have no words. savage.
Edit: in her defense she almost cried, before her savage pun.
Women are so normal, the second date, the girl was, clearly more anxious, she even said she was freaking out. I was dead inside after that first date though, I walked in to that second date like this:
I told a girl about a time I cried and got emotionally overwhelmed, about one month ago I wouldnt have ever considered doing that. Its cool to see myself growing, losing inhibitions, I think, Im going to develop two groups of people, the ones I know and dont know the real me, the ones that hate run on sentences, and the ones im now meeting, which are the ones learning who I really am. At some point these groups are going to mingle, and its going to be a shit show, I hope I have popcorn when it goes down.
I think it freaks people out when I talk about very emotional experiences, in a matter-of-fact way. Its very hard for me to be emotional when I explain things. Its a huge effort. thats the next chapter in my manga. The adventures of virgin man, and his manic fairy.
I wonder, could a thread like this be helpful to people who are in the position I was at the beginning? am I too weird to relate to, would anyone even try?
Im so cringey I make myself cringe, thats pretty bad, a prisoner of cringe.
I think if someone I knew found out about intpf I would lose a very important coping mechanism, It makes me wonder, what would actually happen if someone found this. OOF I think I will have to abandon intpf when I start making friends and have relationships. or maybe just a known secondary account. It looks sketchy to use a forum and not show someone what it is, so if I can show them a fake account...
My eyes are nearly black, I talked to my date about the black eye thing, she photoshopped my eyes black, my iris's are too dark to be visible. Damn, now I dont event want to. I was looking forward to that adventure, locating the man who created it, to have him perform his ungodly procedure on me.
I make very ugly laughs when im not comfortable laughing like a hooligan, I snort like a pig.
is that cute? i doubt it. I also always put my hands over my face.
Truly a smol sensitiv boi
I never thought myself as sensitive, im not sure why. I guess I have two sides, front and back.
I noticed something on my date, I absolutely never had my head straight up and down, I always had my head tilted to the side, is that curiosity a dog.
According to the internet this is explanation of tilting head
"By tilting the head to the side, the person is exposing to you a vulnerable part of their body- the neck. Many canines including dogs lie down and expose their necks while confronting a more dominant canine to signal ‘defeat’, ending the fight without any physical aggression or bloodshed.
When someone tilts their head in your presence, they’re non-verbally telling you, ‘I trust you not to harm me’. Interestingly, if you tilt your head while speaking, the listener will trust your words more. This is why politicians and people at other top leadership positions that require the support of people tilt their heads frequently while addressing the masses.
This gesture is also used by a person when they’re looking at something they don’t understand, like a complex painting or a strange gadget. In this case, they’re just trying to change the angle of their eyes to get a better/different view. Keep the context in mind to figure out the correct meaning."
#$$#$reincarnation makes no sense at all, if there is some divine order, why the fuck would it make sense to us? traps are gay.
Ranting is so therapeutic, it gives you time to see your thoughts, then analyze them, then talk about traps. always time to talk about traps.
I asked my date today why every assumes im gay. She said Im very clean, neat, and hygienic. I didnt really see it that way, I think the euro look is feminine to americans. she also said the way I talk, I dont talk weird though, maybe its because im quiet? she also said I was pretty, thats a nice complement, I actually like that more than handsome, I guess that tells a lot about how I see myself.
There needs to be a word for getting your junk caught in a zipper.
GuYYYS, can we make zip off pockets a thing?? you just have one set of pockets, zip them onto the pants for that day? save so much fabric, use a bit more metal? I dunno.
Entp girl sat leaned way forward, I wasnt sure If i should have joined her and been like 8 inches from her face or not? (The table was very small) I ended up staying back in my chair, at the end I started putting my hands on the table. When we started really enjoying our banter, I learned forward and we were very close. She used a few words I havent seen before. Shes very analytical. Super honest and open, more than me for sure.
her lips are perfect, she has big eyes, very pale skin, and shes very feminine. My type of girl.
Im proud of myself, I somehow held it together without ever being super awkward. When she stared into my eyes without saying anything I felt kinda on the spot, she seemed completely calm, not sure if she expected me to just lock eyes until I had something to talk about? next time im not going to be a BITCH and im going to do that, also i have to at least hug her, she was a bit hurt that I didnt. Its so weird, I have to force myself to initiate affection, but im not averse to it, im just scared of rejection, I suppose. I hate public affection, it makes my skin crawl.
I was actually very intimidated by her, VERY. I havent ever met someone like her, her mannerisms are completely unique, I didnt even know someone could be so expressive.
She was sending attraction signals so fucking hard, If I were wearing lead armor, it still would have seeped in. I was so nervous I didnt take that in, she liked me, she was leaned forward with her head on her hands, she laughed at my jokes, the conversation flowed, albeit, chaotically, but naturally. Im excited for the next date, I feel much more confident now.
Her personality caught me so off guard, I was SHOOK
Thank the sky gods im pretty, because I feel like that is the glue holding this mess together, like, they see me being awkward and non expressive, but the cuteness keeps them talking, long enough for them to realize im interesting. I feel so bad for guys in my position that arent cute, to them, I might as well be a woman, with how comparably little effort im putting in.
things are going better than planned, but again, its only because im cute, that this isnt a total fucking drudge through tar.
@Rebis, this is why I disagreed that pursuing the entp girl being destructive. You cannot win a game if you dont participate. Half of winning is just showing up. #love laugh smile pray
I feel feverish again, how would you explain this? Is this overstimulation, am I just super introverted? I socialized for probably 6 hours today. Is it like a muscle that you can strengthen?